USMB POLL: Repeal the 16th Amendment (Income Tax)

Repeal the 16th Amendment

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We need to stop all Federal taxation.

We then need to reduce the size of the Federal government to the bare necessity like Defense, courts, state department, CIA, Veterans and not a whole lot more. Absolutely no welfare, subsidizes entitlements or bailouts. No government transfer payments. We don't need to be funding departments of this and departments of that like HUD, Energy, Education, ATF, Labor, HHS etc.

Then we need to figure out a way to fund that government in a way so that every American has to pay its share. No free rides.

The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured that out.

The ONLY thing the motherfuckers need to do is

Repeal the Sixteenth and Seventeenths "Amendments"

Abolish the Federal Reserve Board

Restore the GOLD Standard.


The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured out that future generations were entitled to live the way THEY desired, so allowed for an amendment process

The ONLY thing you motherfuckers need to do is

STFU about Repealing the Sixteenth and Seventeenths "Amendments"

Abolishing the Federal Reserve Board is as nutty as allowing you outdoors without a leash on

and Restoring the GOLD Standard is about as fruity as Going back to having only 13 states
Not at all. The FED is one of the worst things that ever happened to this country, as was abandoning the gold standard.
Every time I find a new angle in which imperial cultural marxists have wrought destruction upon this nation, I realize that it's the 16th Amendment that gives them the funding to carry out their treason against the Constitution of the United States. From the welfare state (democrats) to the imperialists (republicans), it seems that both of them fund their Big Government Tyranny (internally and externally) by garnishing our wages.

We pay for the destruction of our own liberties at home and the desolation of foreign nations abroad.
You hate the US Constitution!

The 16th amendment is there because god told the framers to put an amendment process in place so future generations could make things better.

Shame on you!

Are you saying anyone who wants to repeal an Amendment hates the Constitution?
Nope, I'm saying that anyone who hates every change to the constitution, while claiming any change violates the spirit of it, is wholly uninformed and woefully ignorant. People can disagree about the amendments, but your cafeteria style adoration of the document is f()ked

Since no one ever claimed that your accusation is groundless.
you have and it is an indictment of your pathetic attempts to portray yourself as MORE American than others

We need to stop all Federal taxation.

We then need to reduce the size of the Federal government to the bare necessity like Defense, courts, state department, CIA, Veterans and not a whole lot more. Absolutely no welfare, subsidizes entitlements or bailouts. No government transfer payments. We don't need to be funding departments of this and departments of that like HUD, Energy, Education, ATF, Labor, HHS etc.

Then we need to figure out a way to fund that government in a way so that every American has to pay its share. No free rides.

The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured that out.

The ONLY thing the motherfuckers need to do is

Repeal the Sixteenth and Seventeenths "Amendments"

Abolish the Federal Reserve Board

Restore the GOLD Standard.


The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured out that future generations were entitled to live the way THEY desired, so allowed for an amendment process

The ONLY thing you motherfuckers need to do is

STFU about Repealing the Sixteenth and Seventeenths "Amendments"

Abolishing the Federal Reserve Board is as nutty as allowing you outdoors without a leash on

and Restoring the GOLD Standard is about as fruity as Going back to having only 13 states
Not at all. The FED is one of the worst things that ever happened to this country, as was abandoning the gold standard.
Crossing that bridge into the 20th century was difficult for your kind. No wonder you have such an extremely difficult time of it with crossing the bridge into the 21st century
We need to stop all Federal taxation.

We then need to reduce the size of the Federal government to the bare necessity like Defense, courts, state department, CIA, Veterans and not a whole lot more. Absolutely no welfare, subsidizes entitlements or bailouts. No government transfer payments. We don't need to be funding departments of this and departments of that like HUD, Energy, Education, ATF, Labor, HHS etc.

Then we need to figure out a way to fund that government in a way so that every American has to pay its share. No free rides.

The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured that out.

The ONLY thing the motherfuckers need to do is

Repeal the Sixteenth and Seventeenths "Amendments"

Abolish the Federal Reserve Board

Restore the GOLD Standard.


The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured out that future generations were entitled to live the way THEY desired, so allowed for an amendment process

Excuse me , fucktard, but adopting socialism/communism is NOT part of the Amendment process.

We need to stop all Federal taxation.

We then need to reduce the size of the Federal government to the bare necessity like Defense, courts, state department, CIA, Veterans and not a whole lot more. Absolutely no welfare, subsidizes entitlements or bailouts. No government transfer payments. We don't need to be funding departments of this and departments of that like HUD, Energy, Education, ATF, Labor, HHS etc.

Then we need to figure out a way to fund that government in a way so that every American has to pay its share. No free rides.

The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured that out.

The ONLY thing the motherfuckers need to do is

Repeal the Sixteenth and Seventeenths "Amendments"

Abolish the Federal Reserve Board

Restore the GOLD Standard.


The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured out that future generations were entitled to live the way THEY desired, so allowed for an amendment process

Excuse me , fucktard, but adopting socialism/communism is NOT part of the Amendment process.

Where odes the Constitution mention this?


dope slap
We need to stop all Federal taxation.

We then need to reduce the size of the Federal government to the bare necessity like Defense, courts, state department, CIA, Veterans and not a whole lot more. Absolutely no welfare, subsidizes entitlements or bailouts. No government transfer payments. We don't need to be funding departments of this and departments of that like HUD, Energy, Education, ATF, Labor, HHS etc.

Then we need to figure out a way to fund that government in a way so that every American has to pay its share. No free rides.

The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured that out.

The ONLY thing the motherfuckers need to do is

Repeal the Sixteenth and Seventeenths "Amendments"

Abolish the Federal Reserve Board

Restore the GOLD Standard.


The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured out that future generations were entitled to live the way THEY desired, so allowed for an amendment process

Excuse me , fucktard, but adopting socialism/communism is NOT part of the Amendment process.

Where odes the Constitution mention this?


dope slap
Ninth Amendment - my absolute right to prevent the socialist/communist/parasites from dragging this great nation into social and economic abyss.

We need to stop all Federal taxation.

We then need to reduce the size of the Federal government to the bare necessity like Defense, courts, state department, CIA, Veterans and not a whole lot more. Absolutely no welfare, subsidizes entitlements or bailouts. No government transfer payments. We don't need to be funding departments of this and departments of that like HUD, Energy, Education, ATF, Labor, HHS etc.

Then we need to figure out a way to fund that government in a way so that every American has to pay its share. No free rides.

The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured that out.

The ONLY thing the motherfuckers need to do is

Repeal the Sixteenth and Seventeenths "Amendments"

Abolish the Federal Reserve Board

Restore the GOLD Standard.


The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured out that future generations were entitled to live the way THEY desired, so allowed for an amendment process

Excuse me , fucktard, but adopting socialism/communism is NOT part of the Amendment process.

Where odes the Constitution mention this?


dope slap
Ninth Amendment - my absolute right to prevent the socialist/communist/parasites from dragging this great nation into social and economic abyss.

The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured that out.

The ONLY thing the motherfuckers need to do is

Repeal the Sixteenth and Seventeenths "Amendments"

Abolish the Federal Reserve Board

Restore the GOLD Standard.


The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured out that future generations were entitled to live the way THEY desired, so allowed for an amendment process

Excuse me , fucktard, but adopting socialism/communism is NOT part of the Amendment process.

Where odes the Constitution mention this?


dope slap
Ninth Amendment - my absolute right to prevent the socialist/communist/parasites from dragging this great nation into social and economic abyss.


Go forth and sin no more.

Read about Cuba and Venezuela BEFORE reposting.

The Founding Fathers had ALREADY figured out that future generations were entitled to live the way THEY desired, so allowed for an amendment process

Excuse me , fucktard, but adopting socialism/communism is NOT part of the Amendment process.

Where odes the Constitution mention this?


dope slap
Ninth Amendment - my absolute right to prevent the socialist/communist/parasites from dragging this great nation into social and economic abyss.


Go forth and sin no more.

Read about Cuba and Venezuela BEFORE reposting.

Banana Republics? nah, already had breakfast, but know lots of Americans like to visit both
Excuse me , fucktard, but adopting socialism/communism is NOT part of the Amendment process.

Where odes the Constitution mention this?


dope slap
Ninth Amendment - my absolute right to prevent the socialist/communist/parasites from dragging this great nation into social and economic abyss.


Go forth and sin no more.

Read about Cuba and Venezuela BEFORE reposting.

Banana Republics? nah, already had breakfast, but know lots of Americans like to visit both

From my standpoint you can visit , and better yet, stay there in Paradise.

Hasta La Vista, Parasito.

Excise taxes are far less nefarious. Direct taxation is both immoral and unethical. But, when has government ever been ethical or morally sound?

The sheer idea of the state is the monopoly on the use of force and violence. That is the nicest thing that can be said about government. It is considered a necessary evil for a reason.
Excise taxes are far less nefarious. Direct taxation is both immoral and unethical. But, when has government ever been ethical or morally sound?

The sheer idea of the state is the monopoly on the use of force and violence. That is the nicest thing that can be said about government. It is considered a necessary evil for a reason.

Any government is bad.

If you think you have good government then you are delusional and all you have to do is wait and it will get bad.

If you already have bad government then just wait because it will get worse. We have seen that since Obama got elected, haven't we?

You can design good government like a republic with a very strong bill of rights protecting the citizens from government getting out of hand but it will eventually be corrupted due to greed and lust for power. At the end of the day men in power are the ones to interpret what the rights really are.

This country is too far gone to be fixed at the ballot box or even changing the Constitution. It is like rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic.
Excise taxes are far less nefarious. Direct taxation is both immoral and unethical. But, when has government ever been ethical or morally sound?

The sheer idea of the state is the monopoly on the use of force and violence. That is the nicest thing that can be said about government. It is considered a necessary evil for a reason.

Any government is bad.

If you think you have good government then you are delusional and all you have to do is wait and it will get bad.

If you already have bad government then just wait because it will get worse. We have seen that since Obama got elected, haven't we?

You can design good government like a republic with a very strong bill of rights protecting the citizens from government getting out of hand but it will eventually be corrupted due to greed and lust for power. At the end of the day men in power are the ones to interpret what the rights really are.

This country is too far gone to be fixed at the ballot box or even changing the Constitution. It is like rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic.

That is 1000% correct.

The system will eventually deteriorate into a Democratic welfare/warfare police state where megalomaniacs will manipulate parasites into giving them power in exchange for a "safety net".

Excise taxes are far less nefarious. Direct taxation is both immoral and unethical. But, when has government ever been ethical or morally sound?

The sheer idea of the state is the monopoly on the use of force and violence. That is the nicest thing that can be said about government. It is considered a necessary evil for a reason.

Any government is bad.

If you think you have good government then you are delusional and all you have to do is wait and it will get bad.

If you already have bad government then just wait because it will get worse. We have seen that since Obama got elected, haven't we?

You can design good government like a republic with a very strong bill of rights protecting the citizens from government getting out of hand but it will eventually be corrupted due to greed and lust for power. At the end of the day men in power are the ones to interpret what the rights really are.

This country is too far gone to be fixed at the ballot box or even changing the Constitution. It is like rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic.

That is 1000% correct.

The system will eventually deteriorate into a Democratic welfare/warfare police state where megalomaniacs will manipulate parasites into giving them power in exchange for a "safety net".


It has been the history of humans that they will turn over liberty for perceived safety. From there, once the power has been stripped of the populous, the State moves away from the knife in the back routine to the knife in the front routine.
Excise taxes are far less nefarious. Direct taxation is both immoral and unethical. But, when has government ever been ethical or morally sound?

The sheer idea of the state is the monopoly on the use of force and violence. That is the nicest thing that can be said about government. It is considered a necessary evil for a reason.
Excise taxes are soooo 19th century
Excise taxes are far less nefarious. Direct taxation is both immoral and unethical. But, when has government ever been ethical or morally sound?

The sheer idea of the state is the monopoly on the use of force and violence. That is the nicest thing that can be said about government. It is considered a necessary evil for a reason.
Excise taxes are soooo 19th century

Then why do we still have them today? Direct taxation of a man's labor is very 17th century, yet you are here advocating it.

Then again, Dainte, you're a troll like most of the posters here with the modern liberal persuasion.
Excise taxes are far less nefarious. Direct taxation is both immoral and unethical. But, when has government ever been ethical or morally sound?

The sheer idea of the state is the monopoly on the use of force and violence. That is the nicest thing that can be said about government. It is considered a necessary evil for a reason.
Excise taxes are soooo 19th century

Then why do we still have them today? Direct taxation of a man's labor is very 17th century, yet you are here advocating it.

Then again, Dainte, you're a troll like most of the posters here with the modern liberal persuasion.
good gawd! thank you for the compliment
Excise taxes are far less nefarious. Direct taxation is both immoral and unethical. But, when has government ever been ethical or morally sound?

The sheer idea of the state is the monopoly on the use of force and violence. That is the nicest thing that can be said about government. It is considered a necessary evil for a reason.
Excise taxes are soooo 19th century

Then why do we still have them today? Direct taxation of a man's labor is very 17th century, yet you are here advocating it.

Then again, Dainte, you're a troll like most of the posters here with the modern liberal persuasion.
good gawd! thank you for the compliment

Thanks for the admission of being a troll. it helps so as not to take you seriously or waste energy on actual debate. Much obliged.
Excise taxes are far less nefarious. Direct taxation is both immoral and unethical. But, when has government ever been ethical or morally sound?

The sheer idea of the state is the monopoly on the use of force and violence. That is the nicest thing that can be said about government. It is considered a necessary evil for a reason.
Excise taxes are soooo 19th century

I believe the Communists love outright confiscation.

It appears that Cuba has seen the light so maybe you should travel to Venezuela to experience up close and in person the Chavez Revolution.


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