Vanessa Trump hospitalized

Chill, it was just Jr's cocaine delivery gone wrong.

We can all disagree politically, but fuck, come on dude even the most rabid zealot for the left should agree that this sort of thing goes well beyond what is acceptable.

Why can’t we all just agree this was fucked up? Is there no humanity left in you or the others on the left?

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Of course, and who did this needs to be persecuted to the full extent of the law...but on the other hand it was harmless other than her having to go to the hospital to get checked out.

To put a Trump spin on it...

...there are very bad people in the toxic letter business,

on both sides...
Well, when I did a Google search, yes this incident did happen, but those who came into contact with the white powder were deemed to be okay, and Vanessa Trump was taken to the hospital for observation.

Police said that the substance was deemed to be non hazardous and was being taken to a lab for investigation.

Vanessa Trump, wife of Trump Jr., taken to hospital after opening envelope

Wonder if that was her weekly cocaine delivery?
Chill, it was just Jr's cocaine delivery gone wrong.

We can all disagree politically, but fuck, come on dude even the most rabid zealot for the left should agree that this sort of thing goes well beyond what is acceptable.

Why can’t we all just agree this was fucked up? Is there no humanity left in you or the others on the left?

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Of course, and who did this needs to be persecuted to the full extent of the law...but on the other hand it was harmless other than her having to go to the hospital to get checked out.

To put a Trump spin on it...

...there are very bad people in the toxic letter business,

on both sides...

Here is another spin on it:

OMG JR'S WIFE GOT HOSPITALIZED!...while in reality nothing happened to her.
What kind of idiot does this shit?

Vanessa Trump Hospitalized After Opening Suspicious Letter Sent to Family Home

President Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law, Vanessa Trump, has been taken to a Manhattan hospital after a suspicious letter that contained an unidentified substance was sent to the apartment where she and husband Donald Trump Jr. live.

Vanessa Trump Hospitalized After Opening Suspicious Letter Sent to Family Home
Hope everyone is OK. This is world we live in now. It was just a few months ago when a Bernie staffer tried to assinate multiple GOP members. The left has lost their damn minds.
Chill, it was just Jr's cocaine delivery gone wrong.

We can all disagree politically, but fuck, come on dude even the most rabid zealot for the left should agree that this sort of thing goes well beyond what is acceptable.

Why can’t we all just agree this was fucked up? Is there no humanity left in you or the others on the left?

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Of course, and who did this needs to be persecuted to the full extent of the law...but on the other hand it was harmless other than her having to go to the hospital to get checked out.

To put a Trump spin on it...

...there are very bad people in the toxic letter business,

on both sides...

Here is another spin on it:

OMG JR'S WIFE GOT HOSPITALIZED!...while in reality nothing happened to her.

You clearly can't comprehend the intent.
Well, when I did a Google search, yes this incident did happen, but those who came into contact with the white powder were deemed to be okay, and Vanessa Trump was taken to the hospital for observation.

Police said that the substance was deemed to be non hazardous and was being taken to a lab for investigation.

Vanessa Trump, wife of Trump Jr., taken to hospital after opening envelope

Wonder if that was her weekly cocaine delivery?
Supplied by you, scumbag.
Probably shook her up, and yes, it would actually be a warning to show how easy this would be.
I remember once when I was pretty young I was at Sears with my Dad, and I had been poking around while he looked at grass seed. When he told me the stuff I'd just been handling was poison, I walked around with all the symptoms of impending death for half an hour, until I begged to go wash my hands and my Dad figured out why I looked so green and told me the fertilizer wasn't going to kill me just because I touched it. So I know how she felt.

Hm so that guy who attacked Rand Paul breaking his ribs is a Crazy Bernie supporter. I wonder if he mailed this letter.
Chill, it was just Jr's cocaine delivery gone wrong.

We can all disagree politically, but fuck, come on dude even the most rabid zealot for the left should agree that this sort of thing goes well beyond what is acceptable.

Why can’t we all just agree this was fucked up? Is there no humanity left in you or the others on the left?

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Of course, and who did this needs to be persecuted to the full extent of the law...but on the other hand it was harmless other than her having to go to the hospital to get checked out.

To put a Trump spin on it...

...there are very bad people in the toxic letter business,

on both sides...

Here is another spin on it:

OMG JR'S WIFE GOT HOSPITALIZED!...while in reality nothing happened to her.

You clearly can't comprehend the intent.

If someone had intent to harm they could have loaded up the envelope with something serious, CLEARLY that wasn't the intent.
Well, when I did a Google search, yes this incident did happen, but those who came into contact with the white powder were deemed to be okay, and Vanessa Trump was taken to the hospital for observation.

Police said that the substance was deemed to be non hazardous and was being taken to a lab for investigation.

Vanessa Trump, wife of Trump Jr., taken to hospital after opening envelope

Wonder if that was her weekly cocaine delivery?
Supplied by you, scumbag.

Luckily I have that scum blocked LOL... Judging by your reply the idiot proves what leftist are really about as THEIR TRUE COLORS always come out . They are sick in the head.
Well, when I did a Google search, yes this incident did happen, but those who came into contact with the white powder were deemed to be okay, and Vanessa Trump was taken to the hospital for observation.

Police said that the substance was deemed to be non hazardous and was being taken to a lab for investigation.

Vanessa Trump, wife of Trump Jr., taken to hospital after opening envelope

Wonder if that was her weekly cocaine delivery?
Supplied by you, scumbag.

I don't do cocaine or have any around me. I'm hyper enough as it is. Why do you automatically assume things? You're a partisan hack scumbag.
We can all disagree politically, but fuck, come on dude even the most rabid zealot for the left should agree that this sort of thing goes well beyond what is acceptable.

Why can’t we all just agree this was fucked up? Is there no humanity left in you or the others on the left?

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Of course, and who did this needs to be persecuted to the full extent of the law...but on the other hand it was harmless other than her having to go to the hospital to get checked out.

To put a Trump spin on it...

...there are very bad people in the toxic letter business,

on both sides...

Here is another spin on it:

OMG JR'S WIFE GOT HOSPITALIZED!...while in reality nothing happened to her.

You clearly can't comprehend the intent.

If someone had intent to harm they could have loaded up the envelope with something serious.

The DNC apologist continues I see.
Of course, and who did this needs to be persecuted to the full extent of the law...but on the other hand it was harmless other than her having to go to the hospital to get checked out.

To put a Trump spin on it...

...there are very bad people in the toxic letter business,

on both sides...

Here is another spin on it:

OMG JR'S WIFE GOT HOSPITALIZED!...while in reality nothing happened to her.

You clearly can't comprehend the intent.

If someone had intent to harm they could have loaded up the envelope with something serious.

The DNC apologist continues I see.

If you dont have a sane response then just shut the fuck up.

NOTHING about this event has any connection to "DNC" except in your little squirrel brain.
Chill, it was just Jr's cocaine delivery gone wrong.

We can all disagree politically, but fuck, come on dude even the most rabid zealot for the left should agree that this sort of thing goes well beyond what is acceptable.

Why can’t we all just agree this was fucked up? Is there no humanity left in you or the others on the left?

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Of course, and who did this needs to be persecuted to the full extent of the law...but on the other hand it was harmless other than her having to go to the hospital to get checked out.

To put a Trump spin on it...

...there are very bad people in the toxic letter business,

on both sides...

Here is another spin on it:

OMG JR'S WIFE GOT HOSPITALIZED!...while in reality nothing happened to her.

If she died you would be laughing and making rude jokes because like a few other posters have seen you have no class.

No matter if I believe Donald John Trump is a worthless President I would never find it funny that his son wife had to be taken to the Hospital.

If this were to happen to Chelsea Clinton you would be quick to condemn everyone on the right and bash every idiot that made rude comments like you have made so far.

So please understand even some posters will not lower themselves to the partisan nutter you have become and wish you would think twice before posting another stupid response but as seen so far you will not!

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