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Vatican court head: No communion for Nancy Pelosi

No one has suggested that Nancy Pelosi be burned.

If the Church can stop such violent punishment for religious transgressions perhaps we can stop putting children to death for the crime of being conceived.

Why did the Church stop burning heretics, not to mention the myriad of other hideous forms of persecution the Church practiced?

Wasn't the Church doing what it thought was God's work? Wasn't there a religious certainty about the righteousness of their actions,

a certainty that came from God himself?

How was it possible for the Catholic Church to get that all so wrong? So terribly, profoundly wrong?

Why would any person of reason trust the judgment of the Catholic Church?

Aye, it was, because remember, il Papa is infallible.

Given that abortion is a Constitutional right, any Catholic who takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States should be denied communion.
And you of course are the one to judge that. :rofl:

I believe the Judgement came from the Vatican not the poster.

Fortunately we have message board software that tells me where the quote came from. Matter o' fact it's still sitting there.
Now see, if you'd gone to Catholic school they would have taught you to read.But just to entertain that point -- what would some cardinal in the Vatican know about Nancy Pelosi's soul, from 8000 miles away?
And again --- when did Nancy Pelosi have an abortion?

Authoritarians. Sheesh.

I believe the Judgement came from the Vatican not the poster.

Fortunately we have message board software that tells me where the quote came from. Matter o' fact it's still sitting there.
Now see, if you'd gone to Catholic school they would have taught you to read.But just to entertain that point -- what would some cardinal in the Vatican know about Nancy Pelosi's soul, from 8000 miles away?
And again --- when did Nancy Pelosi have an abortion?

Authoritarians. Sheesh.


Laugh all you want he was referring to the Vatican Court ruling in the OP. But then it would require the intellect of at least a 5 year old to know that and I am not sure the person you are responding to qualifies.

I know this has been an on again, off again subject for debate over the years... Should the Catholic Church allow abortion supporters to have communion or not... It seems that the answer has been given... at least for now.

No communion for Nancy Pelosi: Vatican court head - Washington Times

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has no Catholic right to be granted Communion, said the leading cardinal of the highest court at the Vatican.

Mrs. Pelosi should be denied Communion until she changes her advocacy views on abortion, Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke said, according to the Western Center for Journalism.

That’s canon law, not opinion, he said. Canon 915 states that Catholics who are stubbornly contrary “in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.”

And Cardinal Burke said Mrs. Pelosi fits the definition.

“Certainly this is a case when Canon 915 must be applied,” he said, the Western Center for Journalism reported. “This is a person who obstinately, after repeated admonitions, persists in a grave sin — cooperating with the crime of procured abortion — and still professes to be a devout Catholic.”

The cardinal also said that Mrs. Pelosi is a perfect example of Catholics who separate their faith from day-to-day living.

“This is a prime example of what Blessed John Paul II referred to as the situation of Catholics who have divorced their faith from their public life and therefore are not serving their brothers and sisters in the way that they must — in safeguarding and promoting the life of the innocent and defenseless unborn, in safeguarding and promoting the integrity of marriage and the family,” he said.

It is a badge of honor. Nancy should wear it with pride!

No it's a grand badge of hypocrisy, very fitting for nazi palousey.

I know this has been an on again, off again subject for debate over the years... Should the Catholic Church allow abortion supporters to have communion or not... It seems that the answer has been given... at least for now.

No communion for Nancy Pelosi: Vatican court head - Washington Times

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has no Catholic right to be granted Communion, said the leading cardinal of the highest court at the Vatican.

Mrs. Pelosi should be denied Communion until she changes her advocacy views on abortion, Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke said, according to the Western Center for Journalism.

That’s canon law, not opinion, he said. Canon 915 states that Catholics who are stubbornly contrary “in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.”

And Cardinal Burke said Mrs. Pelosi fits the definition.

“Certainly this is a case when Canon 915 must be applied,” he said, the Western Center for Journalism reported. “This is a person who obstinately, after repeated admonitions, persists in a grave sin — cooperating with the crime of procured abortion — and still professes to be a devout Catholic.”

The cardinal also said that Mrs. Pelosi is a perfect example of Catholics who separate their faith from day-to-day living.

“This is a prime example of what Blessed John Paul II referred to as the situation of Catholics who have divorced their faith from their public life and therefore are not serving their brothers and sisters in the way that they must — in safeguarding and promoting the life of the innocent and defenseless unborn, in safeguarding and promoting the integrity of marriage and the family,” he said.

The Liberal Left will defend her to the bitter end...

Most will jump of the cliff for her...
Fortunately we have message board software that tells me where the quote came from. Matter o' fact it's still sitting there.
Now see, if you'd gone to Catholic school they would have taught you to read.But just to entertain that point -- what would some cardinal in the Vatican know about Nancy Pelosi's soul, from 8000 miles away?
And again --- when did Nancy Pelosi have an abortion?

Authoritarians. Sheesh.


Laugh all you want he was referring to the Vatican Court ruling in the OP. But then it would require the intellect of at least a 5 year old to know that and I am not sure the person you are responding to qualifies.

Since that would be either you or Vox, you just might be right about that.

He made a first-person declarative statement. Again if you'd gone to a good Catholic school you'd know what that is by now. :cuckoo:
I find it amazing that many of those who scream about the evils of abortion have no problem with voting to starve people to death. Just because people are not killed immediately but will die over a period of time of malnutrition or malnutrition related problems it is acceptable and it is perfectly okay to underfund food stamps (SNAP). Does it make a single bit of sense to protect a baby in the womb and then starve it to death after birth? These same people would fight to take health care from others even though that will lead to some people going untreated and suffering an early death. These people then pound their breasts and shout their patriotism and humanity while allowing their greed to kill their fellow Americans.

Show me one example of your BS, and a less than 5% reduction in a system that is corrupt and riddled by fraud is nothing.
Laugh all you want he was referring to the Vatican Court ruling in the OP. But then it would require the intellect of at least a 5 year old to know that and I am not sure the person you are responding to qualifies.

you are wasting your time on ignorant and psychically unstable leftard moonbat. his speech becomes incoherent, more smileys and unrelated pictures appear and soon the text will be all red and in the biggest font :lol:
two posts more and he will spam your PM with profanities and neg you in his impotent rage. that's all he is left with.
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I find it amazing that many of those who scream about the evils of abortion have no problem with voting to starve people to death. Just because people are not killed immediately but will die over a period of time of malnutrition or malnutrition related problems it is acceptable and it is perfectly okay to underfund food stamps (SNAP). Does it make a single bit of sense to protect a baby in the womb and then starve it to death after birth? These same people would fight to take health care from others even though that will lead to some people going untreated and suffering an early death. These people then pound their breasts and shout their patriotism and humanity while allowing their greed to kill their fellow Americans.

Show me one example of your BS, and a less than 5% reduction in a system that is corrupt and riddled by fraud is nothing.

that is one of the talking point LIES the statists so eagerly parrot
I remember when the Catholic Church helped the poor. I guess not anymore. They go after Nancy Pelosi but not Paul Ryan? I don't get it.

maybe that is because you are a liberal and liberals are not known for any great amount of intelligence, GOD knew it would be waste of time to grant liberals with too much brain power, he knew you libs. would waste it. :lmao:
One, abortion is a medical procedure, and murder is a legal term.

Two, the cardinal in the diocese which Pelosi holds membership will make that decision, if it is even considered.


The right to privacy concerning abortion is civil law, having nothing to do with criminal law such as murder.

The privilege to receive communion is a church matter. Secular law has no bearing. It's that whole separation of Church & State thing you libs always like to throw around. Guess what, it goes both ways...

I agree with you, and I am sure CCJ does as well.

What you don't get is that Pelosi's ecclesiastical superior in her diocese makes that decision, not Rome.
JFK said it best, when he said that he does not tell the Pope how to run the church, and the Pope doesn't tell him how to run the USA.
JFK said it best, when he said that he does not tell the Pope how to run the church, and the Pope doesn't tell him how to run the USA.
Rep. Pelosi obviously doesn't believe in abortion for herself. She is a public figure and stands for the rights of other women.

Both Vandalshandal and PJ have it right. As a Catholic, Pelosi lives her personal life according to its tenets. As a public figure and a representative of the US government, she must support the laws of the US. As was noted by an earlier poster, supporting the laws of the US means supporting the Constitution and the right to choice; therefore, any American who supports the Constitution and who is also a Catholic would have to be denied the right to participate in Catholic rituals, not just Pelosi.

It's been over looked by the posters on this thread that she is being singled out because she is a public figure. How man Catholics also support the right to choose, though they would never have an abortion themselves? How many use birth control? Millions, I'd wager.

The Catholic church needs to step out of the Dark Ages and enter the 21st Century, where the Earth is over populated, resources and space are limited, and medical science helps us know if a pregnancy will kill or harm the mother or a child will be born severely disabled.

"One cannot really be a Catholic and grown up." - George Orwell
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The Church cannot deny any sacrament to a supplicant who maintains a given position in good faith.

Moreover, one can both maintain moral opposition to abortion in accordance with Church dogma while at the same time respect the secular rule of law and the Constitutional right to privacy.

The Vatican’s unwarranted meddling demonstrates the wisdom of the Framers and their requirement that church and state remain separate.

The Church most certainly can since this is a sacramental matter & thus under its pervue. Abortion in the eyes of the Church is an affront to creation & they correctly determined that a person is not worthy of receiving communion if they actively support it. The Church has been making moral judgements like this for over 2000 years. It's what they do.

If abortion is a sin, "support" is not.

Then again there's that inconvenient role of Representative, which renders the cardinal's position moot anyway.

How little do you understand Catholic doctrine (& yes I am Catholic). Support for a sin is a sin & grounds for the Church to make a moral determination. And a persons occupation has little to do with the matter at hand. We are talking about Church rules on a sacramental matter. Pelosi doesn't receive immunity just because of her job.

The right to privacy concerning abortion is civil law, having nothing to do with criminal law such as murder.

The privilege to receive communion is a church matter. Secular law has no bearing. It's that whole separation of Church & State thing you libs always like to throw around. Guess what, it goes both ways...

I agree with you, and I am sure CCJ does as well.

What you don't get is that Pelosi's ecclesiastical superior in her diocese makes that decision, not Rome.

You don't get how the Church works do you? The Vatican runs things from the center & not usually the local level. Especially when it comes to matters of faith.
Why did the Church stop burning heretics, not to mention the myriad of other hideous forms of persecution the Church practiced?

Wasn't the Church doing what it thought was God's work? Wasn't there a religious certainty about the righteousness of their actions,

a certainty that came from God himself?

How was it possible for the Catholic Church to get that all so wrong? So terribly, profoundly wrong?

Why would any person of reason trust the judgment of the Catholic Church?

Aye, it was, because remember, il Papa is infallible.

Given that abortion is a Constitutional right, any Catholic who takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States should be denied communion.

Where in the Constitution does it spell out the right to murder unborn children...it may be legal to do so but that does not mean it's a right.
I sure as hell wouldn't be a member of any religion, any church that told me how to think and told me I wasn't worthy of taking part in any of their rituals because I wasn't towing the thought line. All this proves is that the Catholic Church is run by Nazi type totalitarians. It's totally offensive. It's a perfect example of what is meant in the novel 1984 by 'thought crime.'

Just in case you didn't know it... Every Church/Religion is based upon a set of precepts to which you agree to believe in.

If you don't believe in them, you aren't truly a member of that Church.

And if you think this is limited to just religion, you are not thinking it through...

Political parties... Same thing.

Community Groups. Acorn, Shriners, NAACP, Klan, Optimist Club, Lions. Moose, Elk.

Each one has a set of beliefs that you adhere to or you are removed from the club.

So using the fact that you disagree with one Church's precepts as a reason to bash all religions.. that is just being plain stupid and shows a real ignorance on your part.

I know this has been an on again, off again subject for debate over the years... Should the Catholic Church allow abortion supporters to have communion or not... It seems that the answer has been given... at least for now.

No communion for Nancy Pelosi: Vatican court head - Washington Times

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has no Catholic right to be granted Communion, said the leading cardinal of the highest court at the Vatican.

Mrs. Pelosi should be denied Communion until she changes her advocacy views on abortion, Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke said, according to the Western Center for Journalism.

That’s canon law, not opinion, he said. Canon 915 states that Catholics who are stubbornly contrary “in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.”

And Cardinal Burke said Mrs. Pelosi fits the definition.

“Certainly this is a case when Canon 915 must be applied,” he said, the Western Center for Journalism reported. “This is a person who obstinately, after repeated admonitions, persists in a grave sin — cooperating with the crime of procured abortion — and still professes to be a devout Catholic.”

The cardinal also said that Mrs. Pelosi is a perfect example of Catholics who separate their faith from day-to-day living.

“This is a prime example of what Blessed John Paul II referred to as the situation of Catholics who have divorced their faith from their public life and therefore are not serving their brothers and sisters in the way that they must — in safeguarding and promoting the life of the innocent and defenseless unborn, in safeguarding and promoting the integrity of marriage and the family,” he said.

So, Ms Pelosi should drop the Catholic church and find one that agrees with her views.

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