Vegetarian meat

Your lack of ability to think logically is showing. You are squarely basing your ridiculous argument on logical fallacies.

And your idiotic arguments are squarely based on you being a retard...

How would you know that he didn't get healthier merely because he quit smoking and/or started exercising and it didn't have anything to do with some fad vegetarian diet?

Well, first of dummy, it's not a "fad". He's been a vegetarian for over 30 years. By definition, that's not a "fad". But you're retarded, so you didn't know that.

But you're right. I don't know that. I don't know that any more than you know the change in his diet didn't contribute to the improvement in his health. His doctor is one of the top cardiologists in the country and disagrees with you

You're some bed-wetting retard on the internet.

Who do you think comes across as more believable?
I don't know many vegetarians or vegans who would touch some of this faux meat. It is all very highly processed, usually soy based. I've tried a few different ones - Field roast, tofurkey, bean burgers, tempeh, tvp, etc. None of them have been very satisfying in either taste or texture. Rather have the real thing.
I don't know many vegetarians or vegans who would touch some of this faux meat. It is all very highly processed, usually soy based.
Soy is not food for humans, it is animal fodder. Soy contains endocrine disrupting compounds.
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What do the fake meat people use to make the veggie junk taste like meat (if it does)? A dollop of lard added to a spoon of spinach makes it taste like bacon.
I've seen all those vegetarian and vegan fakemeat patties and frankly, I'm disgusted.

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