Very simply, why I cannot stand Donald Trump

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His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

Explain to me why I should give a fetid dingo's kidney what you think about The President?
Because I am an American citizen endowed with the freedom to speak. And I am not alone. If you want to silence dissent, perhaps America is not the country for you.

I would never question you're right to speak. I'm asking you to explain why I should listen.
Trump's policies resulted in the DOW being around 25,000 in a year and a half and the 401k's of hypocrite lefties making money for a change. Foreign policy resulted in the release of three Americans held in N.K. without spending a dime. Consumer confidence is at an all time high and Black unemployment is at a historic low. What's not to like about Trump's policies? When agnostic lefties and anti-Trump low information addicts start quoting freaking "Scripture" "I have been taught to treat my neighbor etc" you know they are going freaking crazy
Is the simple morality of the Golden Rule now something to be mocked and dismissed? You seem to have made a Faustian bargain. You overlook the morality you were raised by just to score a political victory. Is it ultimately worth it?
When mostly agnostic lefties quote the "golden rule" in an argument to open America's borders you know they are going freaking bird shit crazy.
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

You can't stand Donald Trump because he is pro-America, and you fucking hate America.
Oh shut up. We like the environment. We like a strong middle class. We like social security and Medicare

STRONG MIDDLE CLASS? :lmao: :lol: :rofl:

You fucking work to place all resources in the hands of a 1% elite. The Silicone Valley oligarchs.

You are at war to destroy the middle class, Look at the peoples Republic of California where you have utterly decimated the middle class. 8th most wealthy economy in the world, with 99% of the wealth in the hands of a dozen oligarchs.
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

You can't stand Donald Trump because he is pro-America, and you fucking hate America.
Oh shut up. We like the environment. We like a strong middle class. We like social security and Medicare

A strong middle class and Social Security are mutally exclusive. Social Security looted the middle class and made it dependent on government handouts.
You would prefer the elderly and infirmed live in desperate poverty?

The elderly are the wealthies quintile of Americans.
You can't stand Donald Trump because he is pro-America, and you fucking hate America.
Oh shut up. We like the environment. We like a strong middle class. We like social security and Medicare

A strong middle class and Social Security are mutally exclusive. Social Security looted the middle class and made it dependent on government handouts.
No it didn’t. It allowed people to retire at 62

the only people I know who retired at 62 did it because of their investments, not Social Security.
My mom and dad factored how much they would get in ss with their savings and retired at 62 rather than working another couple years. Now it would be 5 more years.

They also relied on Medicare which is another program republicans want to cut

If they had invested 15% of their income their entire lives, they would have a multi-million dollar nestegg. They could also pass it on to their children. You aren't going to recieve much of an inheritance because of SS.
You can't stand Donald Trump because he is pro-America, and you fucking hate America.
Oh shut up. We like the environment. We like a strong middle class. We like social security and Medicare

A strong middle class and Social Security are mutally exclusive. Social Security looted the middle class and made it dependent on government handouts.
You would prefer the elderly and infirmed live in desperate poverty?

The elderly are the wealthies quintile of Americans.
What part of "Americans" didn't you understand?
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.
The only thing i can disagree with Trump about is his policies that have killed millions of US citizens. The tax cuts were going to kill off a few million. Proven. Getting rid of obiecare was going to kill millions of people. That happened. Leaving the Paris accord was going to kill off half the planet.

Just look at all these dead bodies.
His policies and his lack of character. Make no mistake, I am not indicting his supporters. I assume they are all adults and can make up their own minds. But Trump himself is a loathesom person.

He could have devised a policy to control the border without breaking families. But he chose to do just that. Thus he has shown me that he has no empathy for the human race. He uses divisive and intentionally hurtful language to describe these unfortunate people. He has shown a lack of basic respect for his neighbor.

Meanwhile, I, for one, have been taught to treat my neighbor as I would be treated.

Trump decided to cut taxes for those who can afford it while providing no benefit to those who could least afford it. That tired old doctrine of trickle down economics has been roundly disproved as truth.

Trump doesn't just disagree with American institutions but demonizes them. This sets folks up to be cynical at best, dismissive at worst for our most valued institutions such as a free press (not the enemy of the people, but certainly the enemy of tyrants and Authoritarians), our justice system and law enforcement.

I cannot be inspired by someone who comports himself as such a brazen bully. I would opt for inspirational politics, not instigational politics.

I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.

Explain to me why I should give a fetid dingo's kidney what you think about The President?
Because I am an American citizen endowed with the freedom to speak. And I am not alone. If you want to silence dissent, perhaps America is not the country for you.

I would never question you're right to speak. I'm asking you to explain why I should listen.
I am not required to listen to any of the crap issued forth from this administration. And I reserve the right to disagree and resist that crap. If you live in an echo chamber, no other points of view can leak through. Sequestering yourself in a landscape that provides nothing other than praise for the dear leader calcifies the outlook and delegitimizes any other opinion. Thus leading to tribalism, division, fear and suspicion.

You are not required to read my posts. But a healthy point of view is one open to other opinions.
I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.
I was raised during the 60's and 70's and liberalism taught us all not to impose our morality on others, prior to that lesson being forced upon us their were fewer gun laws and fewer school shootings, their was no epidemic of "death by sex" prior to the sexual revolution and no one needed to be reminded about "safe sex", public schools were run almost exclusively by parents and teachers working closely together with each other with no outside interference from the left and were allowed to pray and pledge if they wanted to...but we were ostracized out of our morality so I would thank you if you refrained from now pretending a lack of morality in anyone or anything is somehow anyone else's fault but the lefts.
Do you see Trump's lack of morality as a beneficial part of our culture today?
When did leftwingers suddenly start caring about morality?
Oh shut up. We like the environment. We like a strong middle class. We like social security and Medicare

A strong middle class and Social Security are mutally exclusive. Social Security looted the middle class and made it dependent on government handouts.
You would prefer the elderly and infirmed live in desperate poverty?

The elderly are the wealthies quintile of Americans.
What part of "Americans" didn't you understand?
I see plenty of Americans who would fare much more poorly without Social Security. In fact, many more than independently wealth senior citizens.

I am not required to listen to any of the crap issued forth from this administration. And I reserve the right to disagree and resist that crap. If you live in an echo chamber, no other points of view can leak through. Sequestering yourself in a landscape that provides nothing other than praise for the dear leader calcifies the outlook and delegitimizes any other opinion. Thus leading to tribalism, division, fear and suspicion.

You are not required to read my posts. But a healthy point of view is one open to other opinions.

Plus, with your head so firmly lodged up your ass like that, you no doubt can't hear anything, what will all the shit in your ears...
A strong middle class and Social Security are mutally exclusive. Social Security looted the middle class and made it dependent on government handouts.
You would prefer the elderly and infirmed live in desperate poverty?

The elderly are the wealthies quintile of Americans.
What part of "Americans" didn't you understand?
I see plenty of Americans who would fare much more poorly without Social Security. In fact, many more than independently wealth senior citizens.
Sure, if you don't figure the 15% of their income the government looted from them.
I am not required to listen to any of the crap issued forth from this administration.

And yet, you seem to do just that. Unless you've created your opinion of dislike in a vacuum.

But, you still haven't explained why your opinion is any more valid than mine or anyone else's. What special qualifications do you possess that make your opinion worth considering?
I'm sorry, but I was raised as an American and maintain my love for this great country. And I cannot be convinced that selling,out my ordained morality to support such a buffoon.
I was raised during the 60's and 70's and liberalism taught us all not to impose our morality on others, prior to that lesson being forced upon us their were fewer gun laws and fewer school shootings, their was no epidemic of "death by sex" prior to the sexual revolution and no one needed to be reminded about "safe sex", public schools were run almost exclusively by parents and teachers working closely together with each other with no outside interference from the left and were allowed to pray and pledge if they wanted to...but we were ostracized out of our morality so I would thank you if you refrained from now pretending a lack of morality in anyone or anything is somehow anyone else's fault but the lefts.
Do you see Trump's lack of morality as a beneficial part of our culture today?
When did leftwingers suddenly start caring about morality?
Since the inception of morality. When did Righties stop caring about morality?
Do you see Trump's lack of morality as a beneficial part of our culture today?
You are the only one who claims he lacks morality in this conversation, I see trump as part of our left wing culture, to which there is no benefit at all, see: bill clinton, hillary clinton...
now reagan [whom I respect immensely] and the bushies [not so much] were all moral and all were berated and belittled by the left because they did not approve of the is the American left [oxymoron I know] who lectured against morality for decades and anyone who supports them has no morals themselves...
...and finally, hillary is the reason trump is president
I am not required to listen to any of the crap issued forth from this administration.

And yet, you seem to do just that. Unless you've created your opinion of dislike in a vacuum.

But, you still haven't explained why your opinion is any more valid than mine or anyone else's. What special qualifications do you possess that make your opinion worth considering?
I am not aware that some opinions are blessed by some greater authority and therefore become more valid than others.
Nosmo, just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them evil. The other side believes in the Golden Rule as well.
I am not required to listen to any of the crap issued forth from this administration.

And yet, you seem to do just that. Unless you've created your opinion of dislike in a vacuum.

But, you still haven't explained why your opinion is any more valid than mine or anyone else's. What special qualifications do you possess that make your opinion worth considering?
I am not aware that some opinions are blessed by some greater authority and therefore become more valid than others.

So your opinion is no more valid than any stranger on the street. Gotcha.
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