Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

Nothing was in danger? No one was in danger? How did you come to that conclusion? Based on what?

There is plenty of evidence that shows that Trump did want to join the crowd going to the Capitol.
He was forced to go back Theo the WH and SIT and watch as it happened.
Democrat was not in danger, the Constitution was not in danger. Does that clear up what I meant?
you should be pissed that some folks didn't do a better job impressing the voters these last two years.
If seeing the Republican Party as a hijacked by mass ignorance American institution, attack the US Capitol on Jan6 in an attempt to stop a fictitious and detrimental to democracy nightmare big fucking LIE that Trump was not loser, but a victim of widespread massive Democratic Party election fraud, did not impress upon the minds of moderate swing voters to reject the Republican Oarty en-masses then nothing would have. NOTHING..
If seeing the Republican Party as a hijacked by mass ignorance American institution, attack the US Capitol on Jan6 in an attempt to stop a fictitious and detrimental to democracy nightmare big fucking LIE that Trump was not loser, but a victim of widespread massive Democratic Party election fraud, did not impress upon the minds of moderate swing voters to reject the Republican Oarty en-masses then nothing would have. NOTHING..


Except for one thing...

To quote James Carville, "It's the economy, stupid."

At the end of the day, when it comes to this election cycle, most voters can't see beyond their pocketbooks. All things considered, this shouldn't be a surprise and it's kind of difficult to blame them...
Democrat was not in danger, the Constitution was not in danger. Does that clear up what I meant?
NFBW: Democracy and the Constitutional rule of law applicable to voting rights are in danger because state legislators or a majority in Congress can decide to overturn an election if the legislators candidate did not win, simply by the mere accusation of fraud that is never tested in a court of law.

Things like a fraudulent election, must be settled in a court of law, not by majority rule. THE DECYSIONMUST BE RELIGIOUSLY ACCEPTED BY BOTH SIDES

ITS NOT REAL DEMOCRACY Trump Republicans seek . . . . . it is democracy that guarsntees a white-ish, Christian-ish, traditional American-ish declining majority always wins because it cannot lose.

Your argument thus far appears to be democracy is safe because it looks safe to you.

The attack on Jan6 didnt succeed so what’s the fuss.

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Democrat was not in danger, the Constitution was not in danger. Does that clear up what I meant?
Pelosi was not in danger? They did not want to hang Pence? Who else was in danger of being injured or killed had the transpassing rioters had found any of the people from Congress or their staff?

Democracy was not in danger !!! That is questionable.

Considering how the Republicans have been stepping over the rule of law and the Constitution during Trump's four years.......I highly doubt that your comments are correct.

Except for one thing...

To quote James Carville, "It's the economy, stupid."

At the end of the day, when it comes to this election cycle, most voters can't see beyond their pocketbooks. All things considered, this shouldn't be a surprise and it's kind of difficult to blame them...
Let us wait until all the votes are counted.
—3-3.; Wand it's kind ar of difficult to blame them...raar
how many inflation weary voters do you think ever heard of the Eastman memo or ever could achieve the slightest bit of curiosity of what severe damage one simple memo could do when it was addressed to a deranged sore loser Republican President who tried to continue living in the people’s house by unconstitutional means up to and including condoning Republican mob violence.
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I think it'll be more of a trickle...

One election denier who wins in a state like Arizona can cancel a victory for Joe Biden which would cancel my vote for Joe Biden in Virginia. That would be the case under the following scenario

The scenario that keeps Adrian Fontes up at night goes something like this: It’s December 2024, a month after President Joe Biden has, by all honest accounts, narrowly won reelection. A tight race came down to Arizona and its 11 Electoral College votes, which pushed Biden across the 270-vote threshold necessary to secure a second term.

But Mark Finchem, after winning Arizona’s secretary of state race in November 2022, has refused to certify the results of Biden’s second consecutive victory in the state, just as he suggested he would. Four years after embracing the conspiracy theory that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, Finchem has followed through on his pledge to keep Democrats from “stealing” the election again.
NFBW: Are you advocating for an individual fertilized egg’s m; zygote’s; embryo’s; fetus’s possession of a constitutional personhood right to life knowing that such a right is nowhere to be found in the US Constitution?

Do you seek fetal personhoid to be imposed on pregnant women by an activist court with no constitutional foundation?

They only need use of their own unlimited activist “imagination” on the current Catholic dominated Supreme Court to grant a right to life to every unborn fetus at any stage during a pregnancy,,

If the Catholic SCOTUS wants fetal personhood such as an embryo’s right to life while attached to a US citizen’s uterus’s, to be in the Constitution m, did they invent a reason to already grant it in the Dobbs Decision already based on Vatican Law or something else which is not the US Constitution?

END 221230617

Funny how you commies pretend that a child, at it's various stages of development, isn't really human. I guess it's necessary to deny science to have the position you do. But that said, the Constitution is mute on abortion, and that's is exactly what the court found in Dobbs. And that's exactly why it's an issue to be left to the States, the feds have no constitutional authority to impose abortion on, or deny it, to the States. So you're free to advocate for the killing of a child any time, right up to the minute before birth, if you think that's the right thing to do.

NFBW: Democracy and the Constitutional rule of law applicable to voting rights are in danger because state legislators or a majority in Congress can decide to overturn an election if the legislators candidate did not win, simply by the mere accusation of fraud that is never tested in a court of law.

Things like a fraudulent election, must be settled in a court of law, not by majority rule. THE DECYSIONMUST BE RELIGIOUSLY ACCEPTED BY BOTH SIDES

ITS NOT REAL DEMOCRACY Trump Republicans seek . . . . . it is democracy that guarsntees a white-ish, Christian-ish, traditional American-ish declining majority always wins because it cannot lose.

Your argument thus far appears to be democracy is safe because it looks safe to you.

The attack on Jan6 didnt succeed so what’s the fuss.

What election was fraudulent?
[Every reason to vote Democrat, for the sake of the Federal Courts and the Supreme Court, and especially all the human rights they can stop or cut if the Republicans continue to be a majority ]


How many times do Republicans have to show you who they are before you believe them? Social Security and Medicare are on THE LINE in this midterm election. Don't vote against your own best interest.
IRS pleas for more funding from Congress — made over the years by one leader after another — finally paid off this summer when Democrats tucked an $80 billion boost for the agency into their flagship climate and health care law.

Fortified with a new funding stream, the IRS is making plans to clear a massive backlog of unprocessed tax returns, upgrade technology that is decades out of date and, yes, hire more auditors.

But, as GOP candidates across the country are making clear, the battle over IRS funding has only just begun. They are making attacks on a larger IRS a central part of their midterm election pitch to voters, warning that the Democratic legislation will bankroll an army of auditors that will harass middle-class taxpayers rather than help them.

“If you pass it, they will come — after you,” says an ad running in an Iowa House race that spoofs a scene in the “Field of Dreams” movie. Instead of baseball players emerging from a field of corn, it’s black-suited IRS agents.

The GOP’s warnings are generally alarmist and misleading. The agency is not hiring an army of 87,000 “new agents” to target low- and middle-class Americans. Many hires will be used to replace some 50,000 IRS employee retirements in coming years. Others will become customer service representatives answering taxpayer phone calls.


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