Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

I’m not a Republican they left me a few elections ago.
You are a Republican for this year’s mid-term election from what you told me about your voting strategy. You want Republicans to win the House to burn down BIden’s second half. And you don’t agree that MAGA Crazies in power either exist or that it matters.
Pelosi was not in danger? They did not want to hang Pence? Who else was in danger of being injured or killed had the transpassing rioters had found any of the people from Congress or their staff?

Democracy was not in danger !!! That is questionable.

Considering how the Republicans have been stepping over the rule of law and the Constitution during Trump's four years.......I highly doubt that your comments are correct.

How many times did the SCOTUS rule against Trump as opposed to how many times Obama had his Harvard law degree knocked into the dirt?
I'm all for that. I'm not convinced there will be a "red wave," I think it'll be more of a trickle...
Who in their right mind would vote for continued rampant inflation, higher prices on everything, a dead housing market, the Green New Deal, and requiring EVs to replace cars and trucks with ICEs?
[Every reason to vote Democrat, for the sake of the Federal Courts and the Supreme Court, and especially all the human rights they can stop or cut if the Republicans continue to be a majority ]

How will Democrats change SCOTUS? By packing the court, that's how! A purely political move!

How many times do Republicans have to show you who they are before you believe them? Social Security and Medicare are on THE LINE in this midterm election. Don't vote against your own best interest.

Why do you liberals lie? SS and Medicare are the third rail of politics. You can't touch it, dumbass!
IRS pleas for more funding from Congress — made over the years by one leader after another — finally paid off this summer when Democrats tucked an $80 billion boost for the agency into their flagship climate and health care law.

Fortified with a new funding stream, the IRS is making plans to clear a massive backlog of unprocessed tax returns, upgrade technology that is decades out of date and, yes, hire more auditors.

But, as GOP candidates across the country are making clear, the battle over IRS funding has only just begun. They are making attacks on a larger IRS a central part of their midterm election pitch to voters, warning that the Democratic legislation will bankroll an army of auditors that will harass middle-class taxpayers rather than help them.

“If you pass it, they will come — after you,” says an ad running in an Iowa House race that spoofs a scene in the “Field of Dreams” movie. Instead of baseball players emerging from a field of corn, it’s black-suited IRS agents.

The GOP’s warnings are generally alarmist and misleading. The agency is not hiring an army of 87,000 “new agents” to target low- and middle-class Americans. Many hires will be used to replace some 50,000 IRS employee retirements in coming years. Others will become customer service representatives answering taxpayer phone calls.

Those people are not and never will be IRS agents.
I don’t fixate on Trump, the justice system will take care of him.

NFBW: Trump’s crimes are not exactly the worst of him.

I don’t care what Trump says, he has no bearing in my life decisions.

PapaG211123-#68 “The left needs to get over their obsession with Trump.”​

NFBW: Trump appointed three Catholics to the Supreme Court for a lifetime which gave the whitish Christian religious right the power that Trump promised in 2015 that he would give them. HE SURE DID.

You essentially told me it is up to the woman not any government or the church in Rome to decide whether or not to terminate her own pregnancy,

PapaG220820-#104 “I’m against abortion however after educating a woman on the risks both mentally and physically it is up to them but I am not for abortion.. . , “​

NFBW: So I asked you this:

NFBW221020-#149 Which of the two major parties do you think will protect that right for women as the nation moves forward.​
Or is that right for women just not very important to you?”​

NFBW:, Do you agree Papageorgio that the Democratic Party is the only party that can and will undo the complete destruction of every American woman’s right to control her own body and her economic well being in life, that Trump’s religiously righteous rampage on a bulldozer ran over during his term in office?

Do you think Papageorgio ding that the American woman who lives in Georgia who had to go to Illinois at great expense, risk, and suffering because of Trump’s political Christianity, to have the dead fetus after a miscarriage, removed is any of your concern?

You are a Republican for this year’s mid-term election from what you told me about your voting strategy. You want Republicans to win the House to burn down BIden’s second half. And you don’t agree that MAGA Crazies in power either exist or that it matters.
I am voting for the economy because I and 79% of Americans agree that inflation and the economy are the two biggest issues this fall. Historically, the best combo for the country in this scenario is a Democrat as President and a Republican House and Senate and nothing you have said in any post has changed my opinion, you have brought up other issues but I like 79% of Americans don’t believe they are as important as inflation and the economy. I’d vote for Democrats if the President is a Republican and if you watch trends, most Americans believe as I do that is why you see the swings in the off year elections go to the party not in power. We don’t trust either party to do right,by the American people amd neither party gets it.
NFBW: Trump’s crimes are not exactly the worst of him.

PapaG211123-#68 “The left needs to get over their obsession with Trump.”​

NFBW: Trump appointed three Catholics to the Supreme Court for a lifetime which gave the whitish Christian religious right the power that Trump promised in 2015 that he would give them. HE SURE DID.

You essentially told me it is up to the woman not any government or the church in Rome to decide whether or not to terminate her own pregnancy,

PapaG220820-#104 “I’m against abortion however after educating a woman on the risks both mentally and physically it is up to them but I am not for abortion.. . , “​

NFBW: So I asked you this:

NFBW221020-#149 Which of the two major parties do you think will protect that right for women as the nation moves forward.​
Or is that right for women just not very important to you?”​

NFBW:, Do you agree Papageorgio that the Democratic Party is the only party that can and will undo the complete destruction of every American woman’s right to control her own body and her economic well being in life, that Trump’s religiously righteous rampage on a bulldozer ran over during his term in office?

Do you think Papageorgio ding that the American woman who lives in Georgia who had to go to Illinois at great expense, risk, and suffering because of Trump’s political Christianity, to have the dead fetus after a miscarriage, removed is any of your concern?

I think Congress should have answered this question long ago and neither the Democrats or Republicans cared enough to resolve it and wanted it to be a wedge issue for the last 50 years, so they did nothing. So the answer is Democrats and Republicans don’t give a damn about abortion and the Democrats still won’t do anything with the issue as they have proven over,the summer. Party over country is the belief of Democrats and Republicans alike.

Your post structure is,terrible, you need to learn how to learn to insert quotes, it is tough to follow.
I think Congress should have answered this question long ago

NFBW: Congress didn’t which is exactly why I asked you two questions - perhaps I will get a direct answer instead of the Papageorgio boilerplates on a major critical issue that we agree on - a pregnant woman has a right to choose.

“Party over country is the belief of Democrats and Republicans alike.” PapaG​
Do you agree @Papageorgio that the Democratic Party is the only party that can and will undo the complete destruction of every American woman’s right to control her own body and her economic well being in life, that Trump’s religiously righteous rampage on a bulldozer ran over during his term in office?

Do you think @Papageorgio @ding that the American woman who lives in Georgia who had to go to Illinois at great expense, risk, and suffering because of Trump’s political Christianity, to have the dead fetus after a miscarriage, removed is any of your concern

NFBW: Only one Party is causing the unnecessary mental, physical and financial suffering to that woman from Georgia. You said Trump had no bearing on your life which is maybe so because you are not a woman.

There is no language in the Constitution Regarding “fetal personhood” so there is no reason that 50 years of precedent and settled law should have been overturned. You buy the Republican bogus argument and political propaganda that it is a “states rights” issue so the Democrats are at fault here to cause the woman from Georgia to be harmed for believing it was settled law.

You are a Republican leaner on woman’s reproductive rights based on your flimsy answer to those two questions thus far.

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NFBW: Congress didn’t which is exactly why I asked you two questions - perhaps I will get a direct answer instead of the Papageorgio boilerplates on a major critical issue that we agree on - a pregnant woman has a right to choose.

“Party over country is the belief of Democrats and Republicans alike.” PapaG​

NFBW: Only one Party is causing the unnecessary mental, physical and financial suffering to that woman from Georgia. You said Trump had no bearing on your life which is maybe so because you are not a woman.

There is no language in the Constitution Regarding “fetal personhood” so there is no reason that 50 years of precedent and settled law should have been overturned. You buy the Republican bogus argument and political propaganda that it is a “states rights” issue so the Democrats are at fault here to cause the woman from Georgia to be harmed for believing it was settled law.

You are a Republican leaner on woman’s reproductive rights based on your flimsy answer to those two questions thus far.

It is the failure of Congress for 50 years to pass a law, both Democrats and Republicans used it for the last 50 years as a wedge issue, if it was settled law then why did Democrats keep on saying that Republicans could get Roe v Wade overturned? Yet, the Democratic Party did nothing for FIFTY years? You want it settled law, then you better let the Democratic know it because they just like it as a wedge issue as they have still done nothing after the Dodd decision.

So if you elect Democrats as a majority, they will not touch the abortion issue as it has gained them thousands of votes this cycle and will in continue in the coming years, so stuff the idea that Dems care about women’s rights.

I am a fiscal conservative and a social moderate, I have stated it many times and I am against abortion, it is a wrong decision and women should be told tne mental and physical aspects so they can make an informed decision, but I can’t decide what other people do with their lives, that is between them and their god.
It is the failure of Congress for 50 years to pass a law, both Democrats and Republicans used it for the last 50 years as a wedge issue, if it was settled law then why did Democrats keep on saying that Republicans could get Roe v Wade overturned? Yet, the Democratic Party did nothing for FIFTY years? You want it settled law, then you better let the Democratic know it because they just like it as a wedge issue as they have still done nothing after the Dodd decision.

So if you elect Democrats as a majority, they will not touch the abortion issue as it has gained them thousands of votes this cycle and will in continue in the coming years, so stuff the idea that Dems care about women’s rights.

I am a fiscal conservative and a social moderate, I have stated it many times and I am against abortion, it is a wrong decision and women should be told tne mental and physical aspects so they can make an informed decision, but I can’t decide what other people do with their lives, that is between them and their god.
1) 3 Supreme Court Judges lied, LIED, about not going to do anything to overturn Roe vs Wade.

What conservative justices said about Roe at their ... › politics › 2022/06/24

Jun 24, 2022 — Most justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade on Friday told the Senate at their confirmation hearings that the decision was settled precedent ...

2) You assume that Democrats will do nothing about the abortion ban. Time will tell.

3) Lawful or unlawful, women will want to have an abortion for all kinds of different reasons, which is nobody's business but theirs. Always has been.

4). Republican Religious Extremists have decided that they are hearing god's voice telling them to stop abortion.

In other words, it is not between a woman and their god, whichever religion, but between women and religious extremists.
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I can’t decide what other people do with their lives,
But as of right now this election cycle, the natural god given right for an impregnated woman to make her own decisions can be taken from her if a state produces a majority of white authoritarian meddling Christian voters who rabidly demand their state government criminalize her decision if it does not confirm to the Christian way.

You say you believe in a Woman’s right to make her own reproductive health and financial decisions because it is between her and her god, but you will not mark a ballot ti have her back on that right by stopping the religion driven political party that has been on a crusade to deprive women of that right for the sake of a supernatural Jesus Christ instead of the super natural law document we are supposed to go by, - or believed Constitution .

Why don’t you have an impregnated working woman’s back if her decision is between her and her god? Do you only defend against government intrusion and coercion when it directly molests you and something you care about?


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