WaPo Praises The Joy Of Being "Untethered" And "Unleashed" From A Job, The "Freedom"


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
LMAO-- All we need now is for stretch Pelosi to remind us how Unemployment benefits creates jobs.


WaPo Praises The Joy Of Being "Untethered" And "Unleashed" From A Job, The "Freedom" Of Unemployment

Now that the full court press to refute the findings of the CBO report which, as we reported, confirmed what was largely known - that as a result of Obamacare, the strapped US economy will have even fewer workers as millions will fall back on welfare state entitlements which make hard work obsolete - has failed, it is time for the propaganda to take a different track: one where not having a job, and in fact losing it due to Obamacare, is hailed as an act of nobility.

Sure enough, here comes one of the administration's favorites, the Bezos Times, with "They quit their jobs, thanks to health-care law" which does largely as its name suggests: highlights just how "enabling" and "liberating" Obamacare is for one's life, once a person is no longer burdened by something as trivial as a job.

No, we aren't kidding:

Count Polly Lower among those who quit their jobs because of the health-care law.

It happened in September, when her boss abruptly changed her job description. She went from doing payroll, which she liked, to working on her boss’s schedule, which she loathed. At another time, she might have had to grit her teeth and accept the new position because she needed the health benefits.

But with the health-care law soon to take effect, she simply resigned — and hasn’t looked back.

“It was wonderful. It was very freeing,” said Lower, 56, of Bourbon, Ind., who is now babysitting her 5-year-old granddaughter full time. With the help of federal subsidies that kicked in Jan. 1, she is paying less than $500 a month for health coverage for herself and her husband.

One really can't make this up - it appears that in America's creeping transition to a socialist paradise, the new American dream is living on "Federal subsidies" (paid for by taxpayers) and government welfare. It gets better:

Read the rest here: WaPo Praises The Joy Of Being "Untethered" And "Unleashed" From A Job, The "Freedom" Of Unemployment | Zero Hedge
These are crazy times we live in.
Quitting a job so now there is no income.
Happy to be paying $500.00 a month for insurance.
Happy to be dependent on government.

Who are these people?
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Who are these people?

People who have wanted to start a small business for years, but had a pre-existing condition, so could not move to a new health care insurance. They can do that now.

Maybe someone with a full time job that could live adaquetely off a part-time job, except until now, was unable to get or even afford healthcare insurance as an individual.

Or someone with a younger wife that could not afford to retire because of her pre-existing conditions, so has to keep the job in order for her to have health care insurance.

They are your fellow Americans, with differant circumstances than you are experiancing. Apparently you asses with no empathy or imagination cannot see that.

But we understand where you are coming from, and see what you are trying to do, so our next step is to segue this into a full universal single payer health care system.
Someone who prefers to smoke dope and play video games all day. Someone who opts out of getting up and going to work instead of partying all night. Someone who was promoted grade to grade in school by virtue of social promotion and can neither read nor write as a high school graduate. The very lazy whose parents just want them out of the house.

That's who opting out of working yet has government paid health care, housing, food, and even government provided drugs when necessary.

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