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Was Hitler right or left wing or neither?

Hitler was far Right, something the U.S.A doesn't have.

The U.S.A mainly has two Liberal, Left Wing parties, the Republicans, and the Democrats.
Oh that’s just bullsh!t.
Republicans are 90% white and Democrats are everyone else.
That pretty much tells the whole story.
I suppose we might need to define what it means to be right or left wing? Would anyone like to take a crack at this?
Left wing. fascism is a part of socialism.
it's government backed capitalism or corporatism.
it was founded by socialists and every tennet within it is socialist
free healthcare
free college
gov owned banks and industries.
Hitler privatized industry once belonging to the Weimer Republic.

Right wing, even by your ignorant standards.

No he didn't
He took businesses away from others and gave to party members...as long as they remained faithful to him they got to keep them....that is hardly privatizing.
He privatized State owned business.

The Great Depression had spurred state ownership in most Western capitalist countries. This also took place in Germany in the years prior to the Nazi political takeover. But when the National Socialist German Workers' Party took power, industries were privatized en masse. Several banks, shipyards, railway lines, shipping lines, welfare organizations, and more were privatized.[34]
Economy of Nazi Germany - Wikipedia
I suppose we might need to define what it means to be right or left wing? Would anyone like to take a crack at this?

Hitler was virulently anti-Christian and anti-Jewish. He campaigned as a socialist. His party included the term Socialist in its name. He believed the government had the right to impose any regulation on any business that it saw fit. He imposed gun control on any population segment that he believed posed a threat. He murdered thousands of priests and pastors. He took over or shut down private Christian schools. He believed the government had the right to impose wage and price controls, if it felt they were needed. He used income redistribution on a massive scale. He encouraged his followers to persecute those who disagreed with him, especially Jews and Christians.

Gee, which party in America does that sound like?

The Nazis were anti-Jewish, that's true for sure.

However, Nazi Germany was approaching nearly 100% Christians, (About 2/3rd Protestant, and about 1/3rd Catholic)
they weren't really an anti-Christian party, they did in fact worked with Christians some, even pushing some Christian sentiments too, even if some of the high ranking Nazis like Himmler was a Islam supporter, or Nazi Alfred Rosenberg was a Pagan Thule Society supporter.

Regulate businesses?
Explain why social- Conservatives shouldn't regulate businesses, exactly?

If Capitalists had their way, they'd sell us Drugs, Abortions, Gangster Rap Music, Gay Marriage parties, and cakes, and promote Liberal values, or silence Right-Wing values in CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Instagram, Facebook,Youtube, and Hollywood.
having a bunch of foreigners do the labor because they work cheaper.
r [Hitler, Mussolini, Attila etc. are right wing by today's standards]

Attila was a liberal, the 5th Century equivalent of MS13. A foreign thuggarino breaching the unprotected border of the Roman Empire.

The Roman Empire was the place to be back then. Indoor plumbing, public works, modern highways for the time. Guys like Attila recognized that.

The Excellence in Broadcasting Network called the seat Rush sits in the "Attila the Hun Chair" just to pull the chain of liberals- not because Attila was a conservative.

The Roman Empire is the start of social programs, they believed in giving males of Roman descent free grains.

The Roman Empire: in the First Century. The Roman Empire. Social Order. Plebians | PBS

The Emperor Augustus was well aware of this risk and was keen to keep the poorest plebeians happy enough and reasonably well fed so that they would not riot. He began the system of state bribery that the writer Juvenal described as ‘bread and circuses’.

Free grain and controlled food prices meant that plebeians could not starve, while free entertainment – such as chariot races and gladiators in amphitheaters and the Circus Maximus – meant that they would not get bored and restless. Bribery it may have been, but it often worked.
I suppose we might need to define what it means to be right or left wing? Would anyone like to take a crack at this?
Left wing. fascism is a part of socialism.
it's government backed capitalism or corporatism.
it was founded by socialists and every tennet within it is socialist
free healthcare
free college
gov owned banks and industries.
Hitler privatized industry once belonging to the Weimer Republic.

Right wing, even by your ignorant standards.
Yeah private industry had no interference from the NAZIs? are you high? it was government backed capitalism.....the capitalist was nothing more than a front man, like owners of casinos in Vegas for the mafia.

Economy of Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

Hitler's views on economics[edit]
Hitler's views on economics, beyond his early belief that the economy was of secondary importance, are a matter of debate. On the one hand, he proclaimed in one of his speeches that "If we are socialists, then we must definitely be anti-semites—and the opposite, in that case, is Materialism and Mammonism, which we seek to oppose… How, as a socialist, can you not be an anti-semite?"[16] but he was clear to point out that his interpretation of socialism "has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism," saying that "Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not."[17] At a later time, Hitler said: "Socialism! That is an unfortunate word altogether... What does socialism really mean? If people have something to eat and their pleasures, then they have their socialism."[15] The term that Hitler later wished he had used for his political party name was “social revolutionary.”[18] In private, Hitler also said that "I absolutely insist on protecting private property... we must encourage private initiative".[19] On yet another occasion he qualified that statement by saying that the government should have the power to regulate the use of private property for the good of the nation.[20] Shortly after coming to power, Hitler told a confidant: "There is no license any more, no private sphere where the individual belongs to himself. That is socialism, not such trivial matters as the possibility of privately owning the means of production. Such things mean nothing if I subject people to a kind of discipline they can't escape...What need have we to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings".[21] He clearly believed that the lack of a precise economic programme was one of the Nazi Party's strengths, saying: "The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all."[22] While not espousing a specific economic philosophy, Hitler employed anti-semitic themes to attack economic systems in other countries, associating ethnic Jews with both communism ("Jewish Bolsheviks") and capitalism, both of which he opposed.[23][24] Hitler also believed that individuals within a nation battled with each other for survival, and that such ruthless competition was good for the health of the nation, because it promoted "superior individuals" to higher positions in society.[25] At Berchtesgaden in July 1944, Hitler gave his final speech in front of an audience. Drafted by Albert Speer, this address emphasised the "self-responsibility of industry". After the war was won "private initiative of German business will experience its greatest moment". Hitler also expressed his belief in "the further development of humanity through the promotion of private initiative, in which alone I see the precondition for all real progress."[26] During the speech, “Hitler received scarcely any applause” from the industrialists which stunned both Speer and Hitler. Speer explained that the industrialist's disappointment was due to Hitler’s confusing and pragmatic way of thinking, which was “undermining all his promises to industry.”[27]

National Socialist Program - Wikipedia

Many of those points sound like democrats, I left out the racist ones although the democrats really really hate white people for some reason.

for example:
  1. We demand the nationalisation of all (previous) associated industries (trusts).
  2. We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries.
  3. Abolition of unearned (work and labour) incomes. Breaking of debt (interest)-slavery.
  4. We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare.
  5. We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land for the purposes of public utility, abolition of taxes on land and prevention of all speculation in land.
  6. The state is to be responsible for a fundamental reconstruction of our whole national education program, to enable every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education and subsequently introduction into leading positions. The plans of instruction of all educational institutions are to conform with the experiences of practical life. The comprehension of the concept of the state must be striven for by the school [Staatsbürgerkunde] as early as the beginning of understanding. We demand the education at the expense of the state of outstanding intellectually gifted children of poor parents without consideration of position or profession.
  7. In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
Hitler was far Right, something the U.S.A doesn't have.

The U.S.A mainly has two Liberal, Left Wing parties, the Republicans, and the Democrats.
Lol. The GOP is far right wing because they handed their testicles over to the dictator in training.
The first step of an autocrat is to bury the press and make them heel to his whims.
Fortunately we have a strong thriving free press in this country that is working 24/7 to keep up with the dictator in training’s lies and poor policies.
Hitler was far Right, something the U.S.A doesn't have.

The U.S.A mainly has two Liberal, Left Wing parties, the Republicans, and the Democrats.
Oh that’s just bullsh!t.
Republicans are 90% white and Democrats are everyone else.
That pretty much tells the whole story.

Everybody's far to the Liberal / Left today in the Western European societies (Including the U.S.A) in comparison to the past.
I suppose we might need to define what it means to be right or left wing? Would anyone like to take a crack at this?
Left wing. fascism is a part of socialism.
it's government backed capitalism or corporatism.
it was founded by socialists and every tennet within it is socialist
free healthcare
free college
gov owned banks and industries.
Hitler privatized industry once belonging to the Weimer Republic.

Right wing, even by your ignorant standards.

No he didn't
He took businesses away from others and gave to party members...as long as they remained faithful to him they got to keep them....that is hardly privatizing.
He privatized State owned business.

The Great Depression had spurred state ownership in most Western capitalist countries. This also took place in Germany in the years prior to the Nazi political takeover. But when the National Socialist German Workers' Party took power, industries were privatized en masse. Several banks, shipyards, railway lines, shipping lines, welfare organizations, and more were privatized.[34]
Economy of Nazi Germany - Wikipedia
yeah in the same way China is capitalist....people are allowed to make a few bucks, but the govt tells you what to make, when to make it and if you don't comply....well......lets just say, being fired is the best case scenario.

I said fascism is capitalism backed by government, but in essence there is little difference between Hitler and Stalin.
I suppose we might need to define what it means to be right or left wing? Would anyone like to take a crack at this?
Left wing. fascism is a part of socialism.
it's government backed capitalism or corporatism.
it was founded by socialists and every tennet within it is socialist
free healthcare
free college
gov owned banks and industries.
Hitler privatized industry once belonging to the Weimer Republic.

Right wing, even by your ignorant standards.
Yeah private industry had no interference from the NAZIs? are you high? it was government backed capitalism.....the capitalist was nothing more than a front man, like owners of casinos in Vegas for the mafia.

Economy of Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

Hitler's views on economics[edit]
Hitler's views on economics, beyond his early belief that the economy was of secondary importance, are a matter of debate. On the one hand, he proclaimed in one of his speeches that "If we are socialists, then we must definitely be anti-semites—and the opposite, in that case, is Materialism and Mammonism, which we seek to oppose… How, as a socialist, can you not be an anti-semite?"[16] but he was clear to point out that his interpretation of socialism "has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism," saying that "Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not."[17] At a later time, Hitler said: "Socialism! That is an unfortunate word altogether... What does socialism really mean? If people have something to eat and their pleasures, then they have their socialism."[15] The term that Hitler later wished he had used for his political party name was “social revolutionary.”[18] In private, Hitler also said that "I absolutely insist on protecting private property... we must encourage private initiative".[19] On yet another occasion he qualified that statement by saying that the government should have the power to regulate the use of private property for the good of the nation.[20] Shortly after coming to power, Hitler told a confidant: "There is no license any more, no private sphere where the individual belongs to himself. That is socialism, not such trivial matters as the possibility of privately owning the means of production. Such things mean nothing if I subject people to a kind of discipline they can't escape...What need have we to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings".[21] He clearly believed that the lack of a precise economic programme was one of the Nazi Party's strengths, saying: "The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all."[22] While not espousing a specific economic philosophy, Hitler employed anti-semitic themes to attack economic systems in other countries, associating ethnic Jews with both communism ("Jewish Bolsheviks") and capitalism, both of which he opposed.[23][24] Hitler also believed that individuals within a nation battled with each other for survival, and that such ruthless competition was good for the health of the nation, because it promoted "superior individuals" to higher positions in society.[25] At Berchtesgaden in July 1944, Hitler gave his final speech in front of an audience. Drafted by Albert Speer, this address emphasised the "self-responsibility of industry". After the war was won "private initiative of German business will experience its greatest moment". Hitler also expressed his belief in "the further development of humanity through the promotion of private initiative, in which alone I see the precondition for all real progress."[26] During the speech, “Hitler received scarcely any applause” from the industrialists which stunned both Speer and Hitler. Speer explained that the industrialist's disappointment was due to Hitler’s confusing and pragmatic way of thinking, which was “undermining all his promises to industry.”[27]

National Socialist Program - Wikipedia

Many of those points sound like democrats, I left out the racist ones although the democrats really really hate white people for some reason.

for example:
  1. We demand the nationalisation of all (previous) associated industries (trusts).
  2. We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries.
  3. Abolition of unearned (work and labour) incomes. Breaking of debt (interest)-slavery.
  4. We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare.
  5. We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land for the purposes of public utility, abolition of taxes on land and prevention of all speculation in land.
  6. The state is to be responsible for a fundamental reconstruction of our whole national education program, to enable every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education and subsequently introduction into leading positions. The plans of instruction of all educational institutions are to conform with the experiences of practical life. The comprehension of the concept of the state must be striven for by the school [Staatsbürgerkunde] as early as the beginning of understanding. We demand the education at the expense of the state of outstanding intellectually gifted children of poor parents without consideration of position or profession.
  7. In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

What does Capitalism have to do with Right-Wing values?

This is a misunderstanding made by Brits, the most dumb White people I've ever encountered.

Obviously by their own ignorance, and stupidity they severely botched the definitions.
I suppose we might need to define what it means to be right or left wing? Would anyone like to take a crack at this?

ALL collectivist governments are left wing. Socialism, communism, fascism, ALL of them. The only question is how far left they are.
I suppose we might need to define what it means to be right or left wing? Would anyone like to take a crack at this?
Left wing. fascism is a part of socialism.
it's government backed capitalism or corporatism.
it was founded by socialists and every tennet within it is socialist
free healthcare
free college
gov owned banks and industries.
Hitler privatized industry once belonging to the Weimer Republic.

Right wing, even by your ignorant standards.

No he didn't
He took businesses away from others and gave to party members...as long as they remained faithful to him they got to keep them....that is hardly privatizing.
He privatized State owned business.

The Great Depression had spurred state ownership in most Western capitalist countries. This also took place in Germany in the years prior to the Nazi political takeover. But when the National Socialist German Workers' Party took power, industries were privatized en masse. Several banks, shipyards, railway lines, shipping lines, welfare organizations, and more were privatized.[34]
Economy of Nazi Germany - Wikipedia
yeah in the same way China is capitalist....people are allowed to make a few bucks, but the govt tells you what to make, when to make it and if you don't comply....well......lets just say, being fired is the best case scenario.

I said fascism is capitalism backed by government, but in essence there is little difference between Hitler and Stalin.

The only problem is Capitalism isn't part of the true definition of Right-Wing.

Authoritarianism, Hierarchy, Traditional values, Religious values, these are what are considered Right-Wing.

In that sense, Nazis are Far-Right, and Republicans aren't.
I suppose we might need to define what it means to be right or left wing? Would anyone like to take a crack at this?

ALL collectivist governments are left wing. Socialism, communism, fascism, ALL of them. The only question is how far left they are.
OMG. What you know about this topic can fit on the head of a pin.
I suppose we might need to define what it means to be right or left wing? Would anyone like to take a crack at this?

ALL collectivist governments are left wing. Socialism, communism, fascism, ALL of them. The only question is how far left they are.

Most people who've lived, or visited "Collectivist" countries admit they're very, very Traditional, Socially Conservative, even people I've spoken to who've been to, or come from Communist Cuba, and Communist countries in Eastern Europe admit it.

Even Communism is socially to the Right to the Liberal Leftists of the Individualists.
I suppose we might need to define what it means to be right or left wing? Would anyone like to take a crack at this?

Mr. Hitler would have had a real problem with the Right to Work and the Janus decision.

In national Socialist Germany, workers were required to be dues paying members of Big Labor- the German Labour Front headed by Robert Ley.

If you didn't pay dues, you didn't have a job, and the GLF supported and spent money to advance the Hitler Administration.
Hitler was far Right, something the U.S.A doesn't have.

The U.S.A mainly has two Liberal, Left Wing parties, the Republicans, and the Democrats.

Interesting that a European would say that. I disagree. The two main U.S. political parties have always leaned more right in comparison to similar respective parties in Europe.

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