Watching the Kentucky Trump Rally and I'm wondering some things......

1- How many TV sets on average are smashed after a Trump rally?. How many have shoes sticking halfway out of them? Vases crashed on them, ashtrays?

2- How many ER visits spike for coronary and stroke issues after one?

3- How many family members are physically abused because of TDS after a rally?

There was nothing to wonder. It was Trump and Republicans in full panic mode. Though I would like to thank Trump for setting a new precedent of using tax payer money, and Air Force 1 to travel all over the country to campaign. When the next Democrat gets in. They now don't have to worry about how much money Republicans raise, because they will now have an unlimited supply.
I'll agree with you 100% if you include Biden and Sons Company flying all over the place making illegal financial scams and stopping criminal investigations while Obama thought it was kool. Then I'm in!
How many attendees feel ashamed for going?

Most of them.
Lol, from someone that feels great giving illegals benefits our veterans could only dream of. Maybe you should visit your safe space.

Wait, didn't you right wing fools just call Lt Col Vidman a Spy.
I haven't called him anything yet. But what I understand so far, he is an Obama holdover. Which would explain the new witch hunt.

What do you mean he is a Obama holdover?
Wait, Trump was traveling all weekend on our dollar & now the fat ass is in Kentucky campaigning?

Traveling 4 out of the past 5 days.

What happened to the " OH I will stay & work work work" you assfucks bought?

Faggots like you dont want him working more
He's already made every President prior to him look inept .
Especially the past previous one


Recognizing that you have that problem is the first step
good for you.

This is the problem of Trump Humpers like yourself.
1- How many TV sets on average are smashed after a Trump rally?. How many have shoes sticking halfway out of them? Vases crashed on them, ashtrays?

2- How many ER visits spike for coronary and stroke issues after one?

3- How many family members are physically abused because of TDS after a rally?

I never smashed a TV after hearing the dumbass hate spewed by that worthless piece of shit Obama because I never listened to any of his crap.
Wait, Trump was traveling all weekend on our dollar & now the fat ass is in Kentucky campaigning?

Traveling 4 out of the past 5 days.

What happened to the " OH I will stay & work work work" you assfucks bought?
He's sure done a lot, sitting on his ass. And, he takes no pay for it either. Donates his salary as POTUS to Veterans, etc. So what are YOU doing while sitting on your ass here at usmb?
How many attendees feel ashamed for going?

Most of them.

Obviously you're too much of a coward to watch it. They are giving him standing ovations and chanting "USA."

Filling stadiums with 10s of thousands waiting outside cause they couldn't get tickets.......record breaking fund raising...and now Trump begins his out reach to Black Americans on Nov. 8 with an actual record to show them........ the democrats and never Trump republicans are peeing themselves....
Election for Governor of Kentucky looks close

Could flip
1- How many TV sets on average are smashed after a Trump rally?. How many have shoes sticking halfway out of them? Vases crashed on them, ashtrays?

2- How many ER visits spike for coronary and stroke issues after one?

3- How many family members are physically abused because of TDS after a rally?
How'd that rally work out for the Republican governor...?

1- How many TV sets on average are smashed after a Trump rally?. How many have shoes sticking halfway out of them? Vases crashed on them, ashtrays?

2- How many ER visits spike for coronary and stroke issues after one?

3- How many family members are physically abused because of TDS after a rally?

Why should any of that happen?

Meanwhile, the democratic politician won the governor race in Kentucky.

Seems people don't like it when the governor wants to take their health insurance from them.

Who knew?

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