Watching Trump’s Campaign Manager on CBS News Now

The question many of Bernie's supporters stay home because they think they got jobbed by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC?
Hillary's struggling mightily to put away Bernie Sanders...a socialist dinosaur who's plans are laughably unrealistic and who has refused to attack Clinton's lack of integrity. How is she going to fare against Trump?

I don’t think she’s mentioned Bernie in 2 weeks. He’s deciding to waste his time and energy which is his right.

Drumpf and integrity? Yeah, you should push his “integrity”…

Wonder how Clinton's dismissal of Bernie is sitting with Sander's supporters, Candy? If those folks stay home in November or for Trump...Hillary is in deep shit. Hillary needs Sanders to drop out of the race and for him to tell his supporters to get out and vote for her. The question is...will he...and will they?

They will support Hillary. As will a lot of republicans who loathe Drumpf.

Sorry, Candy but what you can see happening is that the Republicans that do loathe Trump have come to the conclusion that they loathe Hillary much MORE than they loathe Trump. They are NOT turning out to vote for a Clinton! Just forget that pipe dream right now!

A Drumpf disaster is much more damaging to the Party than 4 years of Hillary. That is what the leadership thinks about. And a Drumpf administration would be a wholesale disaster; no debate there.
Hey, I got an idea.

Last go-round, I bet a bunch of republicans that Rommey would lose and if he did they would leave the board. Nearly all of them welched on the bet or created new IDs instantly.

So let’s have an Avatar bet Oldstyle and Flash

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

If you two are so sure about Trump…..put up or shut up?

I don't make bets that aren't sure things, Candy. This election is a toss up right now. I've got Trump probably winning the popular vote if the election were held today but probably losing the electoral college. Ask me again in five months.
Hey, I got an idea.

Last go-round, I bet a bunch of republicans that Rommey would lose and if he did they would leave the board. Nearly all of them welched on the bet or created new IDs instantly.

So let’s have an Avatar bet Oldstyle and Flash

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

If you two are so sure about Trump…..put up or shut up?

I don't make bets that aren't sure things, Candy. This election is a toss up right now. I've got Trump probably winning the popular vote if the election were held today but probably losing the electoral college. Ask me again in five months.

Oh, I get it. You’re just a pussy.
Hillary's struggling mightily to put away Bernie Sanders...a socialist dinosaur who's plans are laughably unrealistic and who has refused to attack Clinton's lack of integrity. How is she going to fare against Trump?

I don’t think she’s mentioned Bernie in 2 weeks. He’s deciding to waste his time and energy which is his right.

Drumpf and integrity? Yeah, you should push his “integrity”…

Wonder how Clinton's dismissal of Bernie is sitting with Sander's supporters, Candy? If those folks stay home in November or for Trump...Hillary is in deep shit. Hillary needs Sanders to drop out of the race and for him to tell his supporters to get out and vote for her. The question is...will he...and will they?

They will support Hillary. As will a lot of republicans who loathe Drumpf.

Sorry, Candy but what you can see happening is that the Republicans that do loathe Trump have come to the conclusion that they loathe Hillary much MORE than they loathe Trump. They are NOT turning out to vote for a Clinton! Just forget that pipe dream right now!

A Drumpf disaster is much more damaging to the Party than 4 years of Hillary. That is what the leadership thinks about. And a Drumpf administration would be a wholesale disaster; no debate there.

How could a Trump Administration be worse than the "amateur hour" we've had for the past seven years, Candy? Barack Obama hasn't had a clue what he's doing with foreign policy or economic policy.
Hey, I got an idea.

Last go-round, I bet a bunch of republicans that Rommey would lose and if he did they would leave the board. Nearly all of them welched on the bet or created new IDs instantly.

So let’s have an Avatar bet Oldstyle and Flash

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

If you two are so sure about Trump…..put up or shut up?

You are delusional. Typical for a Moon Bat partisan pig.

You forget that the Democrats got their asses kicked nationally in 2014 and you are underestimating the national appeal of Trump that caused him to beat out 15 other highly qualified Republican candidates.

Trump isn't a wimp like Romney. Romney never really attacked President Shit for Brains on the record. Trump will be relentless with Crooked Hillary.

Crooked Hillary's stance against the right to keep and bear arms will cause her to lose just by itself. Just ask Slick Willy how he lost the 1994 Democrat Congress if you have any doubts.

By the way, the most glorious day in American history will be the day that Crooked Hillary has to do her Perp Walk in front of all America.
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Hey, I got an idea.

Last go-round, I bet a bunch of republicans that Rommey would lose and if he did they would leave the board. Nearly all of them welched on the bet or created new IDs instantly.

So let’s have an Avatar bet Oldstyle and Flash

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

If you two are so sure about Trump…..put up or shut up?

You are delusional. Typical for a Moon Bat partisan pig.

You forget that the Democrats got their asses kicked nationally in 2014 and you are underestimating the national appeal of Trump that caused him to beat out 15 other highly qualified Republican candidates.

Trump isn't a wimp like Romney. Romney never really attacked President Shit for Brains on the record. Trump will be relentless with Crooked Hillary.

Crooked Hillary's stance against the right to keep and bear arms will cause her to lose just by itself. Just ask Slick Willy how he lost the 1994 Democrat Congress if you have any doubts.

NBy the way, the most glorious day in American history will be the day that Crooked Hillary has to do her Perp Walk in front of all America.

So take the bet. What are you afraid of?
The moron op is a Billary supporter. Nothing else needs to be said.
Hey, I got an idea.

Last go-round, I bet a bunch of republicans that Rommey would lose and if he did they would leave the board. Nearly all of them welched on the bet or created new IDs instantly.

So let’s have an Avatar bet Oldstyle and Flash

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

If you two are so sure about Trump…..put up or shut up?

I don't make bets that aren't sure things, Candy. This election is a toss up right now. I've got Trump probably winning the popular vote if the election were held today but probably losing the electoral college. Ask me again in five months.

Oh, I get it. You’re just a pussy.

Wow, an avowed feminist just called me a "pussy"? That's what I'd expect from a cigar chomping Neanderthal, Candy! Those latest polls DO have you upset...don't they!:eusa_eh:

Just make sure you’re here election night little man.

Nobody in America right now knows how this election will turn out, including you.

However, what we do know is that Trump has turned the momentum against Crooked Hillary and that he will be relentless attacking her dishonesty and corruption as she well deserves.

Crooked Hillary is a very flawed candidate. She is a miserable choice for the Moon Bats. You could have done a lot better than that incompetent corrupt dishonest piece of shit.
Hey, I got an idea.

Last go-round, I bet a bunch of republicans that Rommey would lose and if he did they would leave the board. Nearly all of them welched on the bet or created new IDs instantly.

So let’s have an Avatar bet Oldstyle and Flash

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

If you two are so sure about Trump…..put up or shut up?

I don't make bets that aren't sure things, Candy. This election is a toss up right now. I've got Trump probably winning the popular vote if the election were held today but probably losing the electoral college. Ask me again in five months.

Oh, I get it. You’re just a pussy.

Wow, an avowed feminist just called me a "pussy"? That's what I'd expect from a cigar chomping Neanderthal, Candy! Those latest polls DO have you upset...don't they!:eusa_eh:

Not at all. Nationwide polling is useless in the Electoral College.

You made such a great case for why Hillary is going to lose. Now you’re chickening out. Summon some manhood and back it up. I guess you’re just a frightened little boy who tries to sound confident.

You just came up short…again. he he he
Hey, I got an idea.

Last go-round, I bet a bunch of republicans that Rommey would lose and if he did they would leave the board. Nearly all of them welched on the bet or created new IDs instantly.

So let’s have an Avatar bet Oldstyle and Flash

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

If you two are so sure about Trump…..put up or shut up?

I don't make bets that aren't sure things, Candy. This election is a toss up right now. I've got Trump probably winning the popular vote if the election were held today but probably losing the electoral college. Ask me again in five months.

Oh, I get it. You’re just a pussy.

Wow, an avowed feminist just called me a "pussy"? That's what I'd expect from a cigar chomping Neanderthal, Candy! Those latest polls DO have you upset...don't they!:eusa_eh:

Not at all. Nationwide polling is useless in the Electoral College.

You made such a great case for why Hillary is going to lose. Now you’re chickening out. Summon some manhood and back it up. I guess you’re just a frightened little boy who tries to sound confident.

You just came up short…again. he he he

Now we're going with dick size insults? Really Candy? Have you gotten that desperate this early on?

Just make sure you’re here election night little man.

Nobody in America right now knows how this election will turn out, including you.

However, what we do know is that Trump has turned the momentum against Crooked Hillary and that he will be relentless attacking her dishonesty and corruption as she well deserves.

Crooked Hillary is a very flawed candidate. She is a miserable choice for the Moon Bats. You could have done a lot better than that incompetent corrupt dishonest piece of shit.

I’m supremely confident in Hillary and I have zero confidence in Drumpf being able to fool a plurality of the electorate. I’m willing to take this bet. You’re not. So we must ask ourselves why you were talking so boldly and proudly for the last hour and now, when asked to venture basically nothing, you tuck tail and run like a little bitch. I guess your just not all that confident. Are you?
Hey, I got an idea.

Last go-round, I bet a bunch of republicans that Rommey would lose and if he did they would leave the board. Nearly all of them welched on the bet or created new IDs instantly.

So let’s have an Avatar bet Oldstyle and Flash

To make it clear

If Hillary becomes President, you use this avatar until inauguration day:


If Donald Trump becomes President, I use this avatar until inauguration day:

Counting electoral votes and 12th Amendment actions only. No wiggling out if popular vote and EV are in disagreement or if there is some sort of indictment/convention shenanigans.

If you two are so sure about Trump…..put up or shut up?

I don't make bets that aren't sure things, Candy. This election is a toss up right now. I've got Trump probably winning the popular vote if the election were held today but probably losing the electoral college. Ask me again in five months.

Oh, I get it. You’re just a pussy.

Wow, an avowed feminist just called me a "pussy"? That's what I'd expect from a cigar chomping Neanderthal, Candy! Those latest polls DO have you upset...don't they!:eusa_eh:

Not at all. Nationwide polling is useless in the Electoral College.

You made such a great case for why Hillary is going to lose. Now you’re chickening out. Summon some manhood and back it up. I guess you’re just a frightened little boy who tries to sound confident.

You just came up short…again. he he he

Now we're going with dick size insults? Really Candy? Have you gotten that desperate this early on?


But if the baby mitten fits…
Look little men, I had fun. I’m late for an appointment so ta ta….

Try to summon some manhood and take the bet in the mean time.
I hate to burst yet another of your Hillary Bubbles, Candy but Republicans on the Benghazi Committee have been in no hurry to release their findings because they want to do so in the Fall during the lead up to the election. Anyone with half a brain could see that coming for YEARS now!

Oh, okay.

I’m sure it will be devastating….the committee has done such a job hurting her candidacy so far. LOL

You think it's going to paint her in a favorable light? Really, Candy?

I don’t think it’s going to matter. The American people blame terrorist for terrorism. But go for it if you think it will help.

It's got nothing to do with terrorism,'s all about Clinton's competence. She was in charge of the State Department...she and her people got it horribly wrong with diplomatic security in Libya and then she did her best to cover it up. That's what the American people are going to be reminded of constantly by Trump.

Terrorist attacks have nothing to do with terrorism….oh okay.

Hey, Trey and his group o’ goons hauled her in front of the committee 2 or 3 times. She seemed to have the time of her life there.

Go for it.
He did not say terrorist attacks have nothing to do with terrorism.
You seem to struggle with reading comprehension.

He made it clear that the issue is not about terrorism as much as it is how Hillary, when in a position of authority, performed with obvious incompetence.

You see, when a person in a position of authority blames his/her underlings for mistakes is a sign of incompetence of the one in authority.

After all, she personally chose those that deemed it not necessary to bring the requests for added security to her attention....poor choice in decision making personnel that very well cost several lives.....that's incompetence.

She chose to use her own server despite it being unusual. She admits NOW that it was a poor choice....but making a poor choice like that shows incompetence.

But you will never see her as incompetent because you are naïve to the facts; unwilling to question the facts; and more wrapped up in calling the campaign managers of her opponents names....

You are quite transparent....unlike Hillary.
If Hillary gets elected nothing changes. You'll still have political gridlock. You'll also still have the elite getting what they've paid Hillary for. If that's your vision of "success", Candy then I'm guessing you'll love the Hillary Administration.

It would be fun to watch Bill Clinton trying to recreate the economic outcome of HIS presidency without a Dot Com Boom to pump up the numbers though!
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You must not have been here for the last 25 years. She has been under attack for that entire time.
Huh? How did you come up with that theory? Apart from conservative talk show jocks she has been handled with kidd gloves. The innocent strong woman standing by her problematic man.

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