We are entering a new year. Time to put Obama and Clinton to bed. Trump is president now.

you and Jillian would feel more comfortable in North Korea now!


just go

Patriots do not approve of the likes of you.

go go shoo

You may be an idiot.....BUT, you're a funny idiot (but you knew that already....LOL)
Missed that little IRS debacle, eh?

Sassy will now list the DOZENS of people that went to jail after the right wingers' thorough investigation and indictment..........You're on, Sassy........:

All the more reason to drain the swamp fuckwit.

You're going to deny Obama used the IRS? Go ahead make a further jackass out of yourself
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NOW it is time to do a real investigation into Hillary's secret email server and her 30,000 deleted emails.
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Thats pretty dam funny coming from the same people who gave us but Bush for the previous Presidents first term personally the less I hear about Obama and Clinton the better but I sure won't blame anyone if they choose to do as the left did for four years instead of doing as they ask now.
You're going to deny Obama used the IRS? Go ahead make a further jackass out of yourself

I'm NOT denying anything......I just asked you for a LIST of IRS felons who went to jail for Obama's "use of the IRS".........

I mean, you nitwits like to claim that you control EVERYTHING, correct?
8 years of no drama and no scandals. Maybe that's why these white wingers hate Obama?

But he's not president anymore.

From now on, they can tell us how proud they are of Trump, just like they told us how proud they were of Bush.

Mission Accomplished! You can tell by what Bush handed Obama.


No scandals? Are you smoking crack on Christmas, R-Derp?
Did he use it or not? Yes or no.

You're cornered, hack

Well,not really "cornered" (except in your half brain).......But I would say, NO Obama did NOT use the IRS ............and, of course, to prove me wrong, you will list all those within the IRS who were indicted, tried and went to jail........

We are all waiting,Sassy....................LOL
No scandals? Are you smoking crack on Christmas, R-Derp?

By all means.........Please list ALL the Obama scandals......We are sure that you have the investigations of Obama, the findings and the convictions.....

So,enlighten us.....LIST ALL THE SCANDALS:
The year is over. Trump is president. Can the GOP go a month, or even a week without blaming something on Obama or Clinton?

Pulling the US out of trade agreements.

Walking away from when the US had the free world's undisputed position of leadership.

Deciding there is no reason to protect the environment.

Slashing funding or jobs programs and education.

Ending healthcare for millions of Americans.

Going after the elderly and disabled next.

What ever happens to this country next is on Trump and the GOP. Clinton is gone and Obama is retired.
Whatever else the GOP does is on the GOP.

No more Clinton.

No more Obama.


Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama beat on President Bush all eight years Obama was in office.
No scandals? Are you smoking crack on Christmas, R-Derp?

By all means.........Please list ALL the Obama scandals......We are sure that you have the investigations of Obama, the findings and the convictions.....

So,enlighten us.....LIST ALL THE SCANDALS:

Let's see...

The IRS targeting scandal?

The Benghazi cover up?

Fast & Furious?

The Solyndra subsidies?

The phony VA waiting lists?

Spying on the press?

And the greatest scandal of all?

Obamacare...a piece of legislation that was deliberately set up to fail...that Obama and other prominent Democratic leaders lied about to the American people...not to mention the blatant bribes paid to Democrats in Congress to get them to sign onto a bill that they knew was a scam!
8 years of no drama and no scandals. Maybe that's why these white wingers hate Obama?

But he's not president anymore.

From now on, they can tell us how proud they are of Trump, just like they told us how proud they were of Bush.

Mission Accomplished! You can tell by what Bush handed Obama.

Yeah, let's stop talking about Obama and Clinton, but not Bush. Got it.
If you are going to mischaracterize what Obama handed Trump, then you have to face the reality of what Bush handed Obama.

Much of what Bush handed Obama was courtesy of the 110th Congress.
Not true. There is momentum to government. What Bush handed Obama took years.
The Bush Tax cuts
The unpaid for wars
Dismantling Wall Street Regulations

Things take time.

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