We are entering a new year. Time to put Obama and Clinton to bed. Trump is president now.

8 years of no drama and no scandals. Maybe that's why these white wingers hate Obama?

But he's not president anymore.

From now on, they can tell us how proud they are of Trump, just like they told us how proud they were of Bush.

Mission Accomplished! You can tell by what Bush handed Obama.

Yeah, let's stop talking about Obama and Clinton, but not Bush. Got it.
If you are going to mischaracterize what Obama handed Trump, then you have to face the reality of what Bush handed Obama.

Much of what Bush handed Obama was courtesy of the 110th Congress.
Not true. There is momentum to government. What Bush handed Obama took years.
The Bush Tax cuts
The unpaid for wars
Dismantling Wall Street Regulations

Things take time.

So it took eight years for Barry to fix the economy? Do even you believe that at this point, R-Derp? Nobody in America knows who Barack Obama's Chief Economist was after Larry Summers botched the Obama Stimulus and ran back to the safety of his Harvard tenured post! The reason they don't know who the Chief Economist was is that for the better part of the last six years Obama was in office HE HAD NO PLAN TO GROW THE ECONOMY! He essentially gave up trying. The only thing that WAS propping up the economy was a resurgent stock market propped up by quantitative easing and low interest rates! The Obama Administration will be known for having the worst economic recovery from a recession since FDR gave us the Great Depression!
The year is over. Trump is president. Can the GOP go a month, or even a week without blaming something on Obama or Clinton?

Pulling the US out of trade agreements.

Walking away from when the US had the free world's undisputed position of leadership.

Deciding there is no reason to protect the environment.

Slashing funding or jobs programs and education.

Ending healthcare for millions of Americans.

Going after the elderly and disabled next.

What ever happens to this country next is on Trump and the GOP. Clinton is gone and Obama is retired.
Whatever else the GOP does is on the GOP.

No more Clinton.

No more Obama.


8 years of no drama and no scandals. Maybe that's why these white wingers hate Obama?

But he's not president anymore.

From now on, they can tell us how proud they are of Trump, just like they told us how proud they were of Bush.

Mission Accomplished! You can tell by what Bush handed Obama.

I thought we weren't supposed to talk about Pajama Boy and the Beast, but you're talking about Bush 2?!
As we enter a new year... let us give thanks that THIS didn’t become President.

Amen, brother. I often thank God that maniacal bitch didn't seize power. I agree with Susan Sarandon that we would be in a war by now if she had won.
The year is over. Trump is president. Can the GOP go a month, or even a week without blaming something on Obama or Clinton?

Pulling the US out of trade agreements.

Walking away from when the US had the free world's undisputed position of leadership.

Obama's only position of leadership to the world was grabbing his ankles and saying "Ahhhh-hhhh".

As long as Obama and Clinton continue to open up their simpering yaps, they are fair game.

That's funny given that the world thinks Donald is an insane loon and the world, and the majority of this country think Donald is a joke.

All he does is make president Obama look amazing by comparison.

But whatever lies you tell yourself to make yourself feel better.

The year is over. Trump is president. Can the GOP go a month, or even a week without blaming something on Obama or Clinton?

Pulling the US out of trade agreements.

Walking away from when the US had the free world's undisputed position of leadership.

Deciding there is no reason to protect the environment.

Slashing funding or jobs programs and education.

Ending healthcare for millions of Americans.

Going after the elderly and disabled next.

What ever happens to this country next is on Trump and the GOP. Clinton is gone and Obama is retired.
Whatever else the GOP does is on the GOP.

No more Clinton.

No more Obama.

Trump hasn't done anywhere NEAR enough slashing.
The year is over. Trump is president. Can the GOP go a month, or even a week without blaming something on Obama or Clinton?

Pulling the US out of trade agreements.

Walking away from when the US had the free world's undisputed position of leadership.

Deciding there is no reason to protect the environment.

Slashing funding or jobs programs and education.

Ending healthcare for millions of Americans.

Going after the elderly and disabled next.

What ever happens to this country next is on Trump and the GOP. Clinton is gone and Obama is retired.
Whatever else the GOP does is on the GOP.

No more Clinton.

No more Obama.
Time to put on your big boy panties.
Pulling the US out of trade agreements.
What trade agreements has the Donald "pulled out" of?
Walking away from when the US had the free world's undisputed position of leadership.
When did that happen? Who's the "free world's undisputed leader" right now?
Deciding there is no reason to protect the environment.
How so ?
Slashing funding or jobs programs and education.
What funding was "slashed", which jobs programs, what education?
Ending healthcare for millions of Americans.
When and how did he do that ?
Going after the elderly and disabled next.
What evidence do you have of this?
No more Clinton.

No more Obama.
One can only hope......

The year is over. Trump is president. Can the GOP go a month, or even a week without blaming something on Obama or Clinton?

Pulling the US out of trade agreements.

Walking away from when the US had the free world's undisputed position of leadership.

Deciding there is no reason to protect the environment.

Slashing funding or jobs programs and education.

Ending healthcare for millions of Americans.

Going after the elderly and disabled next.

What ever happens to this country next is on Trump and the GOP. Clinton is gone and Obama is retired.
Whatever else the GOP does is on the GOP.

No more Clinton.

No more Obama.
Time to put on your big boy panties.

More like time to CHANGE his big boy panties!
Pulling the US out of trade agreements.
What trade agreements has the Donald "pulled out" of?
Walking away from when the US had the free world's undisputed position of leadership.
When did that happen? Who's the "free world's undisputed leader" right now?
Deciding there is no reason to protect the environment.
How so ?
Slashing funding or jobs programs and education.
What funding was "slashed", which jobs programs, what education?
Ending healthcare for millions of Americans.
When and how did he do that ?
Going after the elderly and disabled next.
What evidence do you have of this?
No more Clinton.

No more Obama.
One can only hope......


Only R-Derp would refer to the same Administration that used the phrase "leading from behind" as their "motto"...as the undisputed leader of the free world! The truth is...Barry abdicated his position as leader of the free world because he felt the US shouldn't dictate to others.
Fuck that. If the retards in America had not elected that cum stain Obama not once, but twice for the love of God...... That MF has many years left as being my doormat. When it comes to that asshole Obama..... yes.... 'I have a dream'

Be proud, right wingers for having this caliber of "intellect" within your midst.....LOL
A lot better than your leadership.
The year is over. Trump is president. Can the GOP go a month, or even a week without blaming something on Obama or Clinton?

Pulling the US out of trade agreements.

Walking away from when the US had the free world's undisputed position of leadership.

Obama's only position of leadership to the world was grabbing his ankles and saying "Ahhhh-hhhh".

As long as Obama and Clinton continue to open up their simpering yaps, they are fair game.

That's funny given that the world thinks Donald is an insane loon and the world, and the majority of this country think Donald is a joke.

All he does is make president Obama look amazing by comparison.

But whatever lies you tell yourself to make yourself feel better.
Obama made Carter a happy old man. He can now die as the second worse President.
'We are entering a new year. Time to put Obama and Clinton to bed. Trump is president now.'

[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FCobDEdXWIAAVt_5.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Falthouse.blogspot.com%2F2016%2F07%2Fis-there-some-reason-why-hillary-keeps.html&docid=ItdftZaFAOfqAM&tbnid=SJY9vrE0uyN-PM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwi50-vS56fYAhURziYKHRbHCfAQMwhHKAowCg..i&w=1200&h=900&bih=841&biw=1364&q=hillary%20laughing%20hysterically&ved=0ahUKEwi50-vS56fYAhURziYKHRbHCfAQMwhHKAowCg&iact=mrc&uact=8']upload_2017-12-26_8-44-34.jpeg [URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2F564x%2F6a%2F65%2F69%2F6a6569aa3929eaddf518451db7456b9b.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fkeywordsuggest.org%2Fgallery%2F500969.html&docid=mkB-ZAAWaGaNVM&tbnid=YPbmleXCm0D54M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwifz7jk56fYAhUJMSYKHR-TAwkQMwhGKAkwCQ..i&w=222&h=227&bih=841&biw=1364&q=donkey%20laughing%20hysterically&ved=0ahUKEwifz7jk56fYAhUJMSYKHR-TAwkQMwhGKAkwCQ&iact=mrc&uact=8']upload_2017-12-26_8-45-2.jpeg

Liberals / snowflakes demonized, insulted, slandered, attacked, and falsely blamed Bush for anything and everything for nearly a DECADE....

AD NOW, as evidence has been presented proving Barry ran the most criminal Presidential administration in US history, as evidence continues to come out almost DAILY exposing the seditious, criminal, national security-jeopardizing acts perpetrated by Obama's DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, ATF, DEA, etc...as evidence continues to be exposed proving Hillary was guilty of crimes and deserves to be in jail and would be if not for the protection of her by Obama and his administration ...

...the snowflakes want to stand up and demand that everyone simply ignore Barak and Hillary, pay no attention to the record-setting scandal, sedition, law-breaking, aiding of our enemies.....


I'll agree to a compromise:

If all the snowflakes on this board admit that Obama was the worst President in US history, guilty of sedition and worse and prevented Hillary from going to jail...admit that Hillary did break laws and should be in prison...

I won't talk about Obama and Hillary anymore...



  • upload_2017-12-26_8-44-2.jpeg
    4.1 KB · Views: 32
The year is over. Trump is president. Can the GOP go a month, or even a week without blaming something on Obama or Clinton?

Pulling the US out of trade agreements.

Walking away from when the US had the free world's undisputed position of leadership.

Deciding there is no reason to protect the environment.

Slashing funding or jobs programs and education.

Ending healthcare for millions of Americans.

Going after the elderly and disabled next.

What ever happens to this country next is on Trump and the GOP. Clinton is gone and Obama is retired.
Whatever else the GOP does is on the GOP.

No more Clinton.

No more Obama.

Dude you can't ignore the resistance of Obama, Hillary and Eric no matter how much you want to hide it, you blamed bush Jr for 8 years when he left politics and painted picture..

All three are still political..
The year is over. Trump is president. Can the GOP go a month, or even a week without blaming something on Obama or Clinton?

Pulling the US out of trade agreements.

Walking away from when the US had the free world's undisputed position of leadership.

Deciding there is no reason to protect the environment.

Slashing funding or jobs programs and education.

Ending healthcare for millions of Americans.

Going after the elderly and disabled next.

What ever happens to this country next is on Trump and the GOP. Clinton is gone and Obama is retired.
Whatever else the GOP does is on the GOP.

No more Clinton.

No more Obama.

Depends on the issue. Actions can have effects that last for generations. You know that.

Aren't you from the party that claims that slavery is still hurting blacks today?
The year is over. Trump is president. Can the GOP go a month, or even a week without blaming something on Obama or Clinton?

Pulling the US out of trade agreements.

Walking away from when the US had the free world's undisputed position of leadership.

Obama's only position of leadership to the world was grabbing his ankles and saying "Ahhhh-hhhh".

As long as Obama and Clinton continue to open up their simpering yaps, they are fair game.

That's funny given that the world thinks Donald is an insane loon and the world, and the majority of this country think Donald is a joke.

All he does is make president Obama look amazing by comparison.

But whatever lies you tell yourself to make yourself feel better.

And, of course, the majority of kids, all over the world believes in Santa Claus.

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