"We are f***ed": Democrats despair over Biden debate performance

Biden’s been mentally incompetent for the past 5 yrs. but I’m not the least bit surprised that Democrats didn’t catch on until now.

It’s a shame that Democrats are sooOo slow to catch on.
/----/ Because they only get their news from MSM who have been covering for Dementia Joe for 4 years. The democRAT base refused to watch Fox or any pundit that exposed the truth. And when confronted with the G-7, they called them cheap fakes.
They did the same for FDR in his wheelchair and for JFK's many affairs.
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What Biden claimed was inaccurate, it was a lie. He was wrong. Members of our armed services have indeed died under his watch... during his administration.
You are avoiding two critical points

1. Biden did not say: “no US service men and women were killed during his administration?” Biden did say; “I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any, this decade, that not any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did,” Biden claimed

2. the difference between “doesn’t“ and “didn’t” Is reference to past or present tense.

No Troops are dying in a war today because there are no combat zones any where in the world where troops are scheduled to be deployed.

Can you refute any of the above Confounded_Hjmick?

Members of our armed services have indeed died under his watch... during his administration. Yes they did. But Biden didn’t say they did not. Biden differs from Trump because at this moment in time Biden fucking does not have troops dying in combat like Trump did in 2020.
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record numbers of people saying they are worse off since xiden was elected
What exactly was the numbers of people saying they are worse off since Trump was elected as they cast their ballots in October and November 2020? Do you have that data for comparison?
Biden’s been mentally incompetent for the past 5 yrs.
Biden is not mentally incompetent right now.

Yesterday Trump says his campaign “wants a land schlade” but he didn’t get a bump out of his shitshow performance in the debate and slurring his speech in front of empty chairs in Virginia is not likely to help.

Biden outraised Trump after the debate by 6 million dollars and he doesn’t have to pay lawyers from campaign funds like Trump does.

We see Biden got the debate bump.

Here’s why;

Better than America Hating Globalist Marxists
Stopping damage by corporations to the environment for profit you say is Marxist and Globalist and having hate for America?

I can see not much more hate for America, than allowing corporations to pollute our lakes rivers and streams and coastal shores and fill the air we breathe with toxins so they can make more money.
"We are f***ed": Democrats despair over Biden debate performance. 240629 {post•92}

NotfooledbyW Jun’24 Vwafdd: You are a fucking liar. Biden did not say:

no US service men and women were killed during his administration?”

Biden did say;

“I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any, this decade, that not any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did,” Biden claimed

Are you fucking senile or demented Saint_Manwithaplan?

Jesus Christ are you so filled with hatred that you don’t know the grammatical difference between past and present tense?

Any normal human being with six grades of education in a public school that has no fucking Ten Commandments and a glorious portrait of Chairman Trump hanging on every classroom wall would no that Lunchbox Joe actual said the truth that he is the first President this decade that does not have any troops dying right now on the day in this debate, in a combat operation like Trump did and every President before him,

Do you believe tariffs on all goods coming in from abroad will not increase by one penny the cost of living to US consumers who buys foreign made or produced products? nfbw 240629 Vwafdd00092
Joe Biden is so far gone that he doesn't remember that American military HAVE died on his watch! That's pathetic. The only thing more pathetic than that is your attempt to cover for him.
Biden is not mentally incompetent right now.

Yesterday Trump says his campaign “wants a land schlade” but he didn’t get a bump out of his shitshow performance in the debate and slurring his speech in front of empty chairs in Virginia is not likely to help.

Biden outraised Trump after the debate by 6 million dollars and he doesn’t have to pay lawyers from campaign funds like Trump does.

We see Biden got the debate bump.

Here’s why;

You’re welcome to swallow but considering your sources I’ve got to pass.

As far as out raising Trump in campaign contributions I suspect the checks are in the mail with no need to be hasty or fooled.
You’re welcome to swallow but considering your sources I’ve got to pass.

As far as out raising Trump in campaign contributions I suspect the checks are in the mail with no need to be hasty or fooled.
Let's see who donates to Biden's campaign after that debate performance. There is blood in the water and the "sharks" are circling!
Joe Biden is so far gone that he doesn't remember that American military HAVE died on his watch!
“I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any, this decade, that not any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did,” Biden claimed

Where are US troops dying in a war since Thursday night when Biden said he doesn’t have any US troops dying like Trump did when Biden was beating his ass on the campaign battlefield?
Confiunded_Hjmick lashes out! hjmick Oct’22 CVwhrtv says RvW “…… was an iffy SCotUS ruling. Thus repeating the white Christian nationalist lie that “Even RBG called it bad” Confiunded_Hjmick is once again confused with meanings of words when politics is involved.

semantic games

i. Who here refused to vote D or R? 221002 {post•9}. hjmick Oct’22 CVwhrtv says RvW was overturned because: ….. for fifty years Democrats refused to codify it with a law. For fifty fucking years those opposed to abortion openly telegraphed their intent, and those who support it did nothing but rely on what could arguably be said was an iffy SCotUS ruling. Even RBG called it bad. That's why it was overturned. •¥• Now I have to tell my three daughters to stay in California regardless of how messed up it gets, and it's pretty messed up compared to the decades I lived there, because I want them to have dominion over there own bodies. No matter what my personal views on the subject •¥¥•. hjmick 221002 CV00009

ii. We are f***ed": Democrats despair over Biden debate performance. 240629 {post•110}

NotfooledbyW said: RVW was overturned because Democrats refused to codify it with a law. RVW was overturned simply because:

1. RBG died on Obama’s watch but Republicans blocked his right as president to replace her on the court.

2.. Trump defeated Clinton.and a white Christian nationalist 6:3 majority of all Catholics can do whatever the Fuck they want now regardless of law precedent and the Constitution itself.

nfbw 240629 Vwafdd00110
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What exactly was the numbers of people saying they are worse off since Trump was elected as they cast their ballots in October and November 2020? Do you have that data for comparison?
Yes, the link to the gallop poll has been posted over half the people polled, a majority
Where’s the same poll link from when Trump was responsible for the shit economy in 2020?

A majority said they were better off. Gallup is the source.

Trump wasn’t responsible for Covid, I get you all don’t have much to run on, but the majority of Americans recognize trump isn’t responsible for a virus. Moreover looking back they realize they were better off then the record Covid deaths, and xidenflation caused by your cult
A majority said they were better off. Gallup is the source.
I think you Saint_Struth are lying. You of all people should not do that:

JUNE 29, 2020. Print

Trump's Economic Ratings No Longer Best in Class​



  • Americans' economic confidence now among lowest for recent election years
  • Still, few cite the economy as "most important problem"
  • Trump's job rating on the economy down sharply, but remains solid
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' views of the U.S. economy and how President Donald Trump is handling it offer both positive and negative signals regarding Trump's reelection. Even the positive signals, however, have grown weaker since the pandemic began.
In January, Americans were mostly positive about U.S. economic conditions, a record few cited the economy as the nation's top problem and a solid majority approved of Trump's handling of the economy. Today, Americans' views have turned negative, they are more likely to name the economy as the top problem and Trump's job approval rating on the issue has dropped below 50%.
I think you Saint_Struth are lying. You of all people should not do that:

JUNE 29, 2020. Print

Trump's Economic Ratings No Longer Best in Class​



  • Americans' economic confidence now among lowest for recent election years
  • Still, few cite the economy as "most important problem"
  • Trump's job rating on the economy down sharply, but remains solid
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' views of the U.S. economy and how President Donald Trump is handling it offer both positive and negative signals regarding Trump's reelection. Even the positive signals, however, have grown weaker since the pandemic began.
In January, Americans were mostly positive about U.S. economic conditions, a record few cited the economy as the nation's top problem and a solid majority approved of Trump's handling of the economy. Today, Americans' views have turned negative, they are more likely to name the economy as the top problem and Trump's job approval rating on the issue has dropped below 50%.
Lying about what? Yes he had the best economy in class, nobody blames him for Covid…
Confiunded_Hjmick lashes out! hjmick Oct’22 CVwhrtv says RvW “…… was an iffy SCotUS ruling. Thus repeating the white Christian nationalist lie that “Even RBG called it bad” Confiunded_Hjmick is once again confused with meanings of words when politics is involved.

i. Who here refused to vote D or R? 221002 {post•9}. hjmick Oct’22 CVwhrtv says RvW was overturned because: ….. for fifty years Democrats refused to codify it with a law. For fifty fucking years those opposed to abortion openly telegraphed their intent, and those who support it did nothing but rely on what could arguably be said was an iffy SCotUS ruling. Even RBG called it bad. That's why it was overturned. •¥• Now I have to tell my three daughters to stay in California regardless of how messed up it gets, and it's pretty messed up compared to the decades I lived there, because I want them to have dominion over there own bodies. No matter what my personal views on the subject •¥¥•. hjmick 221002 CV00009

ii. We are f***ed": Democrats despair over Biden debate performance. 240629 {post•110}

NotfooledbyW said: RVW was overturned because Democrats refused to codify it with a law. RVW was overturned simply because:

1. RBG died on Obama’s watch but Republicans blocked his right as president to replace her on the court.

2.. Trump defeated Clinton.and a white Christian nationalist 6:3 majority of all Catholics can do whatever the Fuck they want now regardless of law precedent and the Constitution itself.

nfbw 240629 Vwafdd00110
/-----/ "...Republicans blocked his right as president to replace her on the court."
As is their right, along with democRATs who do the same damn thing with Republican nominees without one peep of complaint from you.
I'm voting for the Biden TEAM - not just Biden!

Trying to replace President Biden at this point would be a disaster - and would likely guarantee defeat. It would also scare the hell out of our allies.

President Biden is surrounded by competent and good people! I'm voting for the TEAM! Go Joe! Go TEAM!
I'm voting for the Biden TEAM - not just Biden!

Trying to replace President Biden at this point would be a disaster - and would likely guarantee defeat. It would also scare the hell out of our allies.

President Biden is surrounded by competent and good people! I'm voting for the TEAM! Go Joe! Go TEAM!
/----/ PLEASE keep Dementia Joe and Kackles on the ticket. It's not asking much.

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