We desperately need much more of this.

Your great American traitor had no more chances left .

One of the nastiest pieces of work imaginable is the usual verdict of those who had dealings with him .

Apart from his Virtnam treachery, his filthiest legacy is the Ukraine which Russia is presently cleansing ..
Thanks Comrade...

You can fuck off now...
Ardent, that is a complicated word for Moonglow, hence the wrong usage. Nice try little brain.
Retort fail...

Go back to school you old fool...

Ardent is used to describe someone who has extremely strong feelings about something or someone. He's been one of the most ardent supporters of the administration's policy. ... an ardent opponent of the Vietnam War. Synonyms: enthusiastic, keen, eager, avid More Synonyms of ardent.

ARDENT definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary​

McCain was near the bottom of his class at the Naval academy and was also a poor pilot which was responsible for his plane crash in Vietnam. He was elected to the Senate with a sympathy vote because he was a POW.
Retort fail...

Go back to school you old fool...

Ardent is used to describe someone who has extremely strong feelings about something or someone. He's been one of the most ardent supporters of the administration's policy. ... an ardent opponent of the Vietnam War. Synonyms: enthusiastic, keen, eager, avid More Synonyms of ardent.

ARDENT definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

Yes, but the way you used it, it just did not make sense.

Show somebody how ardent (passionate) you are, by committing suicide.

I guess you were trying to be witty insulting, either way, seems like improper use of the word in the context of the conversation.
Yes, but the way you used it, it just did not make sense.

Show somebody how ardent (passionate) you are, by committing suicide.

I guess you were trying to be witty insulting, either way, seems like improper use of the word in the context of the conversation.
It's called sarcasm..
McCain was near the bottom of his class at the Naval academy and was also a poor pilot which was responsible for his plane crash in Vietnam. He was elected to the Senate with a sympathy vote because he was a POW.
Trump was never even a candidate to be a patriot.
We just saw Hillary Clinton on the View making a Trump Hitler comparison I have seen no condemnation from anyone on the left about that. Yes it is just as stupid when someone on the right does it to a Democrat.
McCain was a bitter open borders advocate who smeared ordinary Americans as bigots or racists if they opposed amnesty for illegal aliens

In Arizona he was particularly famous for his politics of personal destruction.
McCain was a war hero and nothing I say can take that away from him but,

Did the communists knock a screw loose while he was in captivity?

Its worth considering

I've never liked the guy.

Setting aside the so-called "war hero" part of his life......

He was a womanizer.

He married a beautiful woman and then went off to war.

She is in a horrible car wreck that disfigures her and disables her and she does not tell him because she does not want him to worry.

He gets home and decides to move on. He is chasing Cindy all over the country before he is divorced.
His first wife things they'll settle into life and gets blindsided by a divorce.

Total scumwad.
I've never liked the guy.

Setting aside the so-called "war hero" part of his life......

He was a womanizer.

He married a beautiful woman and then went off to war.

She is in a horrible car wreck that disfigures her and disables her and she does not tell him because she does not want him to worry.

He gets home and decides to move on. He is chasing Cindy all over the country before he is divorced.
His first wife things they'll settle into life and gets blindsided by a divorce.

Total scumwad.
My biggest objection to the mccains and bush’s is that if they win the nomination we are expected to support them in the general election

Which most of us did

But if they lose no way will they support us
My biggest objection to the mccains and bush’s is that if they win the nomination we are expected to support them in the general election

Which most of us did

But if they lose no way will they support us

His "arm" of the party is famous for that. They put forth their candidates in the primary. If they lose, they fight whoever won. It's amazing.

He not only didn't support those who opposed them, he took steps to damage them.
His "arm" of the party is famous for that. They put forth their candidates in the primary. If they lose, they fight whoever won. It's amazing.

He not only didn't support those who opposed them, he took steps to damage them.
That moves him from rat to super rat
Not at all

Most of us are not suitable to be a national leader

But we can be regular people

Others from King David to trump combine more of the bad along with the good
The good? Trump is irredeemably bad. A liar, a cheat, unfaithful to his wives, a law breaker, surrounds himself with felons, uses his followers for personal gain, and puts himself before the country he was elected to serve.

I regard what John McCain did that evening as one of the bright and shining moments of the 2008 campaign. Of any campaign in recent history. Doing the decent, honorable, truthful thing seems quaint and totally unrealistic just 15 years later. I would contend his noble gesture was about more than defending the character of his political opponent. It was about having the courage to tell the truth to Crazy, come what may.

When the elderly lady said she heard Obama is an Arab I assume she meant she heard he is a Muslim. After all, he's not an Arab he's from Kenya (kidding). Immediately suggesting she was a consumer of right wing media and the lies it spews. It isn't just McCain's sense of fairness we need more of. Specifically, it's a willingness on the part of POT candidates to speak the truth to their constituents when confronted with misinformation.

I say that while fully acknowledging doing so will put many of them in peril of being primaried or losing a general election. Because conservative voters in their districts do not want to be told by a Repub candidate his or her opponent is not a baby eating communist. That gun control doesn't mean gun confiscation. That protecting a woman's reproductive rights doesn't make someone a baby killer. That Trump lost the election and voter fraud in this country is barely measurable.

Candidates need to go back to having fact based debates on the issues in front of informed audiences equipped to make informed decisions about the country's future. That's not going to happen as long as campaigns clouded by accusations of pedophilia, corruption, and alarmism go unchallenged.

Funny how Trump and MAGA hated McCain and attacked him

MAGA is the trash of America and they attack all people of character, especially if they question Mein Fuhrer.

Republicans are total trash and they don't even realize it, despite all the obvious evidence to prove they are trash
I regard what John McCain did that evening ...
If you listen carefully to Mccain's reply, he acknowledged that there is a real vast problem with Islamism (Radical Islam or political Islam, or Islamofascism. Whatever term you choose, regardless of what Hamas linked CAIR lobby racist-Rashida-Tlaib's guys - tell us or threaten us: often with that R word or "phobia" thing, even if you don't generalize all) and stressed that Obama is not like that.

Hillel Blasts Harvard Awardee Over His Former Organization’s Support for Terrorism, Holocaust Denial
Nihad Awad
’s previous employer had strong ties to Hamas and published anti-Semitic screeds; Awad denies ties with incendiary document



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The good? Trump is irredeemably bad. A liar, a cheat, unfaithful to his wives, a law breaker, surrounds himself with felons, uses his followers for personal gain, and puts himself before the country he was elected to serve.
Trump had good policies that the usual washington swamp rats did not

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