We Finally Know the Case Against Trump, and It Is Strong

I will discuss this no more.

Thank you.

I used to have a great deal of respect for you, but your apparent TDS and living in a fantasy world is too much for me to handle. Goodbye moron!

You should consider that it isn't my ability to address respectfully and factually an item of discussion, but your own failings in apparently joining the cult.

Goodbye moron!

Have a nice day sir.

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Cohen made the campaign contribution. Trump having any other possible excuse us irrelevant because he wasn’t charged. Trump having an excuse does not matter in regards to Cohen’s crime.

And yes. Cohen committed, was charged with, and was convicted of a federal campaign illegality.


Yeah, you just keep believing in those fairy tales if it helps you get through the day.

Not the way the FEC looks at it. If anyone spends money intended to enhance the candidates chance of election, that money would be a campaign contribution and is subject to FEC laws. It would only be campaign expense if the money was spent by the campaign.

The money was not spent by the campaign and a legitimate campaign expense can't benefit the candidate personally in any way. The FEC, Mueller and the previous NY DA all looked at this and declined to move forward.

Correct, "at Trump's instruction", therefore showing Trump's intent and using his (Cohen's) own money. Money obtained by taking out a loan against his home.

Trump repaid him with business funds. The money plan was:
  • Cohen took out a home loan to get the $130K,
  • Cohen then created a shell company,
  • Cohen then deposited the money from his home equity into the shell company,
  • Cohen then paid the porn start from the shell company account,
  • After the election Cohen invoiced the Trump Organization,
  • Trump Organization CRO (Allen Weisseilberg) approved the invoice,
  • The transaction was invoiced and logged as "legal expenses",
  • A Check was cut by the business entity,
  • Trump signed the check.
(The above derived from court documents, not talking heads.)

So factually, no Trump didn't pay out of personal funds, he paid with business funds. Hence the charge of falsification of business records at the felony level as (allegedly) attempting to aid and or conceal the illegal campaign contribution by Cohen.


So paying a lawyer to execute a contract isn't a legal expense? Who knew.

He went to jail because of his personal tax evasion.


Over three days on the stand in November, the executive detailed some of the accounting sleights of hand that allowed the Trump Org. to avoid taxes by paying its employees lower salaries and instead compensating them with luxury cars, free lodging and tuition for family members.
So paying a lawyer to execute a contract isn't a legal expense? Who knew.


Of course paying the lawyer to execute a contract are valid legal expenses.

So your lawyer executes a contract, just for example purposes, someone is paid $100,000 for an NDA and the lawyer charged $2000 (4 hours @ $500 per hour) to cover negotiation and drafting the contract. That is...
  • $100,000 for the NDA, and
  • $2,000 in Legal Services
For a $102,000 invoice you would have two lines.

How is that possible if the money was returned to him?

You should write a love letter to Cohen, explaining to him he was wrongfully charged with making the excessive campaign contribution he made.

Then write one to Trump and tell him he has nothing to worry about for reimbursing Cohen's crime and subsequent cover up.
If Cohen pleads guilty to tax evasion, does that mean he did something that was against the law if he never actually did it?
Cohen pleaded guilty to five counts of willful tax evasion; one count of making false statements to a bank; one count of causing an unlawful campaign contribution; and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution.

Cohen plead guilty to avoid a long prison sentence because the evidence was substantial. He was sentenced to 3 yrs but only spent 13 months in prison. And of course he was disbarred. Had the DOJ been willing to prosecute Trump there is no doubt that Cohen would have given evidence and walked. From Cohen’s early statements it seemed like he expected Trump to do something since he was taking whole wrap for Trump.
Cohen's felonies are a matter of record, not of debate.

There is no need to give any time or energy to these Trumpling fantasies. The matter is settled.
The fees for drawing up and NDA is about $1500. For a more complex agreements it could run 5 or 10 thousand. Hush Money payment can’t be deducted as a personal expense. If Trump was not running for president he might be able to write it off as a business expense but certainly not a legal expense.
The fees for drawing up and NDA is about $1500. For a more complex agreements it could run 5 or 10 thousand. Hush Money payment can’t be deducted as a personal expense. If Trump was not running for president he might be able to write it off as a business expense but certainly not a legal expense.
Hush money is part of politics now. Deal with it.
Hush money is part of politics now. Deal with it.
For some people it is. However most married men do not need the services of prostitutes and porn stars. In politics the smart ones confess to the wife and beat the press to to expose. Of course that is not the way Trump does things. When Trump gets his hand caught in cookie jar, he denies it and when faced with hushmoney demands he pays but only after taking precautions to hide it.

In 2016, after the Access Hollywood Tapes showed the world what a lecher he was and polls moved against him. He must have gone ape shit with the demands for hush money or face another tell all about his life. He turned to his vice president in the Trump organization and his personal council and lawyer, Michael Cohen. Cohen had always taken care of the personal legal stuff for Trump for over 10 years, NDAs, threats by escorts', hookers, etc . I'm sure all Trump had to do was tell Cohen to pay the hushmoney, hide it so it can not be traced back to me and I'll will reimburse after the election.

Cohen must have done exactly as his boss asked, negotiate an NDA, raise the money so it could not be traced to Trump and he would be reimburse after the election. Cohen had to create a shell corporation along with a bank account in the name of the shell and make himself a director using a phony name with the power to receive and write checks on the shell account. After the election, Trump paid Cohin back disguising payment as monthly legal fees. Trump's mistake was listing the payments to Cohen as legal fees on the books of the business so he could write them out as legal expenses for tax purpose. That really must have put a smile on Trump's face; the tax payers would be paying part of his hush money payments.
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For some people it is. However most married men do not need the services of prostitutes and porn stars. In politics the smart ones confess to the wife and beat the press to to expose. Of course that is not the way Trump does things. When Trump gets his hand caught in cookie jar, he denies it and when faced with hushmoney demands he pays but only after taking precautions to to hide it.

In 2016, after the Access Hollywood Tapes showed the world what a lecher he was and polls moved against him. He must have gone ape shit with the demands for hush money or face another tell all about his life. He turned to his vice president in the Trump organization and his personal council and lawyer, Michael Cohen. Cohen had always taken care of the personal legal stuff for Trump for years. I'm sure all he had to do was tell Cohen to pay the hushmoney, hide it so it can not be traced back to me and I'll will reimburse after the election.

Cohen must have done exactly as his boss asked, negotiate an NDA, raise the money so it could not be traced to Trump and he would be reimburse after the election. Cohen had to create a shell corporation along with a bank account in the name of the shell and make himself a director using a phony name with the power to receive and write checks on the shell account. After the election, Trump paid Cohin back disguising payment as monthly legal fees. Trump's mistake was listing the payments to Cohen as legal fees on the books of the business so he could write them out as legal expenses for tax purpose. That really must have put a smile on Trump's face; the tax payers would be paying part of his hush money payments.

Trump's mistake was listing the payments to Cohen as legal fees on the books of the business so he could write them out as legal expenses for tax purpose.

Most payments for NDAs are already tax deductible.

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