Welcome to Trump's Economic team of Billionaires, Bankers, and Candle Stick Makers!

She's vulnerable, indeed, but then the GOP runs Trump instead of sane ticket like Kasich/Rubio.

You can't change the ship around before slowing it down first.

Talk about a wasted opportunity. Perhaps their last.

Kasich and Rubio and the rest of all 16 contenders gave their word that they would support the eventual winner of the primary. They did that because they were afraid that given certain circumstances Trump would run as third party independent. In other words Their pledge was nothing but a thinly veiled at displaying their true character, which is mostly dominated by sanctimonious and pompous vanity.

A man's word is his bond.

Those who break their given words are lying low lives. Including Kasich and Rubio.
Does "a man's word is his bond" apply to Trump?
and Hillary's word?
Answer the question, and I'll be happy to answer yours.
I would hope that by now, you have come to understand that a politician's word is worthless.

One thing we know for sure, Hillary is a prolific liar. She lies about lies. So, pick 'em.
I was told that "a man's word is his bond" by a Trump supporter, which I found pretty amazing.

I didn't bring it up.
Kasich and Rubio and the rest of all 16 contenders gave their word that they would support the eventual winner of the primary. They did that because they were afraid that given certain circumstances Trump would run as third party independent. In other words Their pledge was nothing but a thinly veiled at displaying their true character, which is mostly dominated by sanctimonious and pompous vanity.

A man's word is his bond.

Those who break their given words are lying low lives. Including Kasich and Rubio.
Does "a man's word is his bond" apply to Trump?
and Hillary's word?
Answer the question, and I'll be happy to answer yours.
I would hope that by now, you have come to understand that a politician's word is worthless.

One thing we know for sure, Hillary is a prolific liar. She lies about lies. So, pick 'em.
I like that Trump is not a politician....
Agreed...the problem is he has said so many stupid things that he has harmed his campaign.
Does "a man's word is his bond" apply to Trump?
and Hillary's word?
Answer the question, and I'll be happy to answer yours.
I would hope that by now, you have come to understand that a politician's word is worthless.

One thing we know for sure, Hillary is a prolific liar. She lies about lies. So, pick 'em.
I like that Trump is not a politician....
Agreed...the problem is he has said so many stupid things that he has harmed his campaign.
All the liberals and GOP'ers think so.....
Yes, it does. He gave his word not to run as third party independent.
He is not running as third party independent. He won fair and square.
So a man's word is his bond, only in this case?

Or do you feel that Trump is an honest man?

Based on what we have seen Trump is every bit as honest those who gave their word and broke it.

OK, let me try to clarify: Trump is no less honest than the liars who gave their word and lied.
Then I don't understand how "a man's word is his bond" applies. It clearly does not.

And back to the point - Kasich/Rubio would have beaten Hillary, a VERY vulnerable candidate. This temper tantrum that 40% of the GOP has thrown was a wasted opportunity of historic proportions - made even more bizarre by the fact that they ran a guy who they admit isn't even a conservative. Suddenly it was about nationalism and populism, and Reagan was thrown under the bus.

I can't believe how lucky the Dems are.

Please do not mention the name of Ronald Reagan in the same sentence with Kasich and Rubio, unless you have forgotten the 11th commandment that Republicans should not speak ill of fellow Republican.

Impolite and harsh words during the primaries are common, but should be forgotten as soon as the winner emerges.

You may dispute and insist that Trump is not a Republican, But then you would disagree with the people who helped Trump to win.

If Trump's critics stopped being petulant, immature and sanctimonious phonies and kept in mind that the enemy is not Trump but Hillary, they would not have to worry about three or four new liberal Supreme Court Justices during a Clinton presidency.

If Hillary wins, the oh so pure, holier-than-thou malcontents have only themselves to blame.
Does "a man's word is his bond" apply to Trump?
and Hillary's word?
Answer the question, and I'll be happy to answer yours.
I would hope that by now, you have come to understand that a politician's word is worthless.

One thing we know for sure, Hillary is a prolific liar. She lies about lies. So, pick 'em.
I like that Trump is not a politician....
Agreed...the problem is he has said so many stupid things that he has harmed his campaign.

All politicians say stupid things. The main stream media hushes up a stupid thing said by a liberal, and rags on a stupid thing told by a conservative.

I would rather trust somebody who says a stupid thing occasionally, than a person who lies constantly.
Yes, it does. He gave his word not to run as third party independent.
He is not running as third party independent. He won fair and square.
So a man's word is his bond, only in this case?

Or do you feel that Trump is an honest man?

Based on what we have seen Trump is every bit as honest those who gave their word and broke it.

OK, let me try to clarify: Trump is no less honest than the liars who gave their word and lied.
Then I don't understand how "a man's word is his bond" applies. It clearly does not.

And back to the point - Kasich/Rubio would have beaten Hillary, a VERY vulnerable candidate. This temper tantrum that 40% of the GOP has thrown was a wasted opportunity of historic proportions - made even more bizarre by the fact that they ran a guy who they admit isn't even a conservative. Suddenly it was about nationalism and populism, and Reagan was thrown under the bus.

I can't believe how lucky the Dems are.
You're full of shit. Kasich only won one state, his. He's not much more than aDemocrat in the Republican party, it's not what we need right now. If you can't win your own party you can't win, period. Nobody threw Reagan under the bus, you come here and lie and smear the right every day and then try to convince people you are some kind of centrist. You're a phony.
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and Hillary's word?
Answer the question, and I'll be happy to answer yours.
I would hope that by now, you have come to understand that a politician's word is worthless.

One thing we know for sure, Hillary is a prolific liar. She lies about lies. So, pick 'em.
I like that Trump is not a politician....
Agreed...the problem is he has said so many stupid things that he has harmed his campaign.

All politicians say stupid things. The main stream media hushes up a stupid thing said by a liberal, and rags on a stupid thing told by a conservative.

I would rather trust somebody who says a stupid thing occasionally, than a person who lies constantly.
Agree totally.

Any R running for POTUS must know that saying stupid things will get you bad press. Why do it? Plus Trump often accepts interviews from leftist networks (like his interview with Lil' George Steppie), which is only asking for trouble.
"The imbalance between the rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all Republics" - Plutarch -

Trickle-down economics theory: "The principle that the poor, who must subsist on table scraps dropped by the rich, can best be served by giving the rich bigger meals" - William Blum -
"The imbalance between the rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all Republics" - Plutarch -

Trickle-down economics theory: "The principle that the poor, who must subsist on table scraps dropped by the rich, can best be served by giving the rich bigger meals" - William Blum -
There's no such thing as trickle down economics. It's a term of derision invented by leftists. Anyone using it is just a hack and you can dismiss the rest of their comments. Supply side economics works, has been proven to work and would work again. More of the same won't fix anything.

The shittier an economy is the more the middleclass will slump into the lower class while the rich get richer. That too has been proven, over and over but liberals think over taxation is a wonder drug that will cure all.

Get off of business' backs, quit taxing and spending like madmen and we will prosper once again.
"The imbalance between the rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all Republics" - Plutarch -

Trickle-down economics theory: "The principle that the poor, who must subsist on table scraps dropped by the rich, can best be served by giving the rich bigger meals" - William Blum -
There's no such thing as trickle down economics. It's a term of derision invented by leftists. Anyone using it is just a hack and you can dismiss the rest of their comments. Supply side economics works, has been proven to work and would work again. More of the same won't fix anything.

The shittier an economy is the more the middleclass will slump into the lower class while the rich get richer. That too has been proven, over and over but liberals think over taxation is a wonder drug that will cure all.

Get off of business' backs, quit taxing and spending like madmen and we will prosper once again.
The left will never agree to this. A thriving middle class means fewer votes for big government socialism. So, they have promoted lies and propaganda about tax cuts, which amazingly has duped millions of Americans.
"The imbalance between the rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all Republics" - Plutarch -

Trickle-down economics theory: "The principle that the poor, who must subsist on table scraps dropped by the rich, can best be served by giving the rich bigger meals" - William Blum -
There's no such thing as trickle down economics. It's a term of derision invented by leftists. Anyone using it is just a hack and you can dismiss the rest of their comments. Supply side economics works, has been proven to work and would work again. More of the same won't fix anything.

The shittier an economy is the more the middleclass will slump into the lower class while the rich get richer. That too has been proven, over and over but liberals think over taxation is a wonder drug that will cure all.

Get off of business' backs, quit taxing and spending like madmen and we will prosper once again.
The left will never agree to this. A thriving middle class means fewer votes for big government socialism. So, they have promoted lies and propaganda about tax cuts, which amazingly has duped millions of Americans.
The party bosses know it but need their votes so they send the directives out and the lemmings vote against their own best interests. It's almost admirable how they can pull it off.
So a man's word is his bond, only in this case?

Or do you feel that Trump is an honest man?

Based on what we have seen Trump is every bit as honest those who gave their word and broke it.

OK, let me try to clarify: Trump is no less honest than the liars who gave their word and lied.
Then I don't understand how "a man's word is his bond" applies. It clearly does not.

And back to the point - Kasich/Rubio would have beaten Hillary, a VERY vulnerable candidate. This temper tantrum that 40% of the GOP has thrown was a wasted opportunity of historic proportions - made even more bizarre by the fact that they ran a guy who they admit isn't even a conservative. Suddenly it was about nationalism and populism, and Reagan was thrown under the bus.

I can't believe how lucky the Dems are.

Please do not mention the name of Ronald Reagan in the same sentence with Kasich and Rubio, unless you have forgotten the 11th commandment that Republicans should not speak ill of fellow Republican.

Impolite and harsh words during the primaries are common, but should be forgotten as soon as the winner emerges.

You may dispute and insist that Trump is not a Republican, But then you would disagree with the people who helped Trump to win.

If Trump's critics stopped being petulant, immature and sanctimonious phonies and kept in mind that the enemy is not Trump but Hillary, they would not have to worry about three or four new liberal Supreme Court Justices during a Clinton presidency.

If Hillary wins, the oh so pure, holier-than-thou malcontents have only themselves to blame.
Ironically, it's Reagan's 80% rule that has been so ignored by the absolutists in the party.

Kasich and Rubio are examples of Republicans who have been shunned because they aren't pure enough.

And somehow Trump ends up the nominee...
So a man's word is his bond, only in this case?

Or do you feel that Trump is an honest man?

Based on what we have seen Trump is every bit as honest those who gave their word and broke it.

OK, let me try to clarify: Trump is no less honest than the liars who gave their word and lied.
Then I don't understand how "a man's word is his bond" applies. It clearly does not.

And back to the point - Kasich/Rubio would have beaten Hillary, a VERY vulnerable candidate. This temper tantrum that 40% of the GOP has thrown was a wasted opportunity of historic proportions - made even more bizarre by the fact that they ran a guy who they admit isn't even a conservative. Suddenly it was about nationalism and populism, and Reagan was thrown under the bus.

I can't believe how lucky the Dems are.
You're full of shit. Kasich only won one state, his. He's not much more than aDemocrat in the Republican party, it's not what we need right now. If you can't win your own party you can't win, period. Nobody threw Reagan under the bus, you come here and lie and smear the right every day and then try to convince people you are some kind of centrist. You're a phony.
I know, Kasich is a pinko commie Marxist transgender socialist radical.

I mean, it's SO OBVIOUS.

And it's funny --- 26,000+ posts, and I've not ONCE referred to myself as a centrist.
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The 13-member team — all men — includes several billionaire bankers and investment managers, and even a part-time professional poker player. Many have been in business with Mr. Trump before.

Trump Names Economy Team of Rich Men Who Look a Lot Like Him

Such prominent Republican academic advisers as Glenn Hubbard of the Columbia Business School and Gregory Mankiw of Harvard University also aren’t included.

Here are the massive tax breaks Trump is proposing for the rich

The presumptive Republican nominee stirred up a firestorm Sunday when he said that taxes on the wealthy would likely go up during negotiations of his plan with Congress. He later clarified that he was open to raising the top rate he proposed for the rich, but they would still pay less than they do now.

Trump has left himself a lot of room to negotiate since his plan calls for big cuts in the top tax rates. The billionaire businessman boasts that he would slash everyone's taxes, but his proposal is far more generous to the upper crust than to the average Joe.



Remember how USMB Right wing Republicans crowed about how wonderful the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts were? Forget that millionaires and Billionaires got most of it. Everyone got a "little" something? How so many jobs were going to be created (over 42,000 factories closed).

And now, they want to elected Bush on steroids. These right wingers are so ignorant, many are saying Trump never stiffed his workers and you can't prove that he did. Even after thousands of lawsuits.

Look at how the Bush Tax Cuts kickstarted the great debt. And now they want to do it again? We simply just can't allow that to happen.
Yeah, we should put the economy in the hands of college professors, hedgefunders, China, Saudi Arabia, George Soros, and Blacklivesmatter instead. Hillary is full of crap as usual.
Based on what we have seen Trump is every bit as honest those who gave their word and broke it.

OK, let me try to clarify: Trump is no less honest than the liars who gave their word and lied.
Then I don't understand how "a man's word is his bond" applies. It clearly does not.

And back to the point - Kasich/Rubio would have beaten Hillary, a VERY vulnerable candidate. This temper tantrum that 40% of the GOP has thrown was a wasted opportunity of historic proportions - made even more bizarre by the fact that they ran a guy who they admit isn't even a conservative. Suddenly it was about nationalism and populism, and Reagan was thrown under the bus.

I can't believe how lucky the Dems are.

Please do not mention the name of Ronald Reagan in the same sentence with Kasich and Rubio, unless you have forgotten the 11th commandment that Republicans should not speak ill of fellow Republican.

Impolite and harsh words during the primaries are common, but should be forgotten as soon as the winner emerges.

You may dispute and insist that Trump is not a Republican, But then you would disagree with the people who helped Trump to win.

If Trump's critics stopped being petulant, immature and sanctimonious phonies and kept in mind that the enemy is not Trump but Hillary, they would not have to worry about three or four new liberal Supreme Court Justices during a Clinton presidency.

If Hillary wins, the oh so pure, holier-than-thou malcontents have only themselves to blame.
Ironically, it's Reagan's 80% rule that has been so ignored by the absolutists in the party.

Kasich and Rubio are examples of Republicans who have been shunned because they aren't pure enough.

And somehow Trump ends up the nominee...
Well, Kasich and Rubio are both assholes.
Based on what we have seen Trump is every bit as honest those who gave their word and broke it.

OK, let me try to clarify: Trump is no less honest than the liars who gave their word and lied.
Then I don't understand how "a man's word is his bond" applies. It clearly does not.

And back to the point - Kasich/Rubio would have beaten Hillary, a VERY vulnerable candidate. This temper tantrum that 40% of the GOP has thrown was a wasted opportunity of historic proportions - made even more bizarre by the fact that they ran a guy who they admit isn't even a conservative. Suddenly it was about nationalism and populism, and Reagan was thrown under the bus.

I can't believe how lucky the Dems are.
You're full of shit. Kasich only won one state, his. He's not much more than aDemocrat in the Republican party, it's not what we need right now. If you can't win your own party you can't win, period. Nobody threw Reagan under the bus, you come here and lie and smear the right every day and then try to convince people you are some kind of centrist. You're a phony.
I know, Kasich is a pinko commie Marxist transgender socialist radical.

I mean, it's SO OBVIOUS.
No.....he's just an asshole.
Based on what we have seen Trump is every bit as honest those who gave their word and broke it.

OK, let me try to clarify: Trump is no less honest than the liars who gave their word and lied.
Then I don't understand how "a man's word is his bond" applies. It clearly does not.

And back to the point - Kasich/Rubio would have beaten Hillary, a VERY vulnerable candidate. This temper tantrum that 40% of the GOP has thrown was a wasted opportunity of historic proportions - made even more bizarre by the fact that they ran a guy who they admit isn't even a conservative. Suddenly it was about nationalism and populism, and Reagan was thrown under the bus.

I can't believe how lucky the Dems are.
You're full of shit. Kasich only won one state, his. He's not much more than aDemocrat in the Republican party, it's not what we need right now. If you can't win your own party you can't win, period. Nobody threw Reagan under the bus, you come here and lie and smear the right every day and then try to convince people you are some kind of centrist. You're a phony.
I know, Kasich is a pinko commie Marxist transgender socialist radical.

I mean, it's SO OBVIOUS.

And it's funny --- 26,000+ posts, and I've not ONCE referred to myself as a centrist.
You may not have used the word but you played like you were a middle roader. Your shrill response says otherwise.
Based on what we have seen Trump is every bit as honest those who gave their word and broke it.

OK, let me try to clarify: Trump is no less honest than the liars who gave their word and lied.
Then I don't understand how "a man's word is his bond" applies. It clearly does not.

And back to the point - Kasich/Rubio would have beaten Hillary, a VERY vulnerable candidate. This temper tantrum that 40% of the GOP has thrown was a wasted opportunity of historic proportions - made even more bizarre by the fact that they ran a guy who they admit isn't even a conservative. Suddenly it was about nationalism and populism, and Reagan was thrown under the bus.

I can't believe how lucky the Dems are.

Please do not mention the name of Ronald Reagan in the same sentence with Kasich and Rubio, unless you have forgotten the 11th commandment that Republicans should not speak ill of fellow Republican.

Impolite and harsh words during the primaries are common, but should be forgotten as soon as the winner emerges.

You may dispute and insist that Trump is not a Republican, But then you would disagree with the people who helped Trump to win.

If Trump's critics stopped being petulant, immature and sanctimonious phonies and kept in mind that the enemy is not Trump but Hillary, they would not have to worry about three or four new liberal Supreme Court Justices during a Clinton presidency.

If Hillary wins, the oh so pure, holier-than-thou malcontents have only themselves to blame.
Ironically, it's Reagan's 80% rule that has been so ignored by the absolutists in the party.

Kasich and Rubio are examples of Republicans who have been shunned because they aren't pure enough.

And somehow Trump ends up the nominee...
IMO they are shunned because they are progressives, like HW and W were.

Reagan conservatives are gone...disavowed by the party elite. Because they know small limited government doesn't allow them to criminally confiscate wealth and obtain unlimited power.

OK, let me try to clarify: Trump is no less honest than the liars who gave their word and lied.
Then I don't understand how "a man's word is his bond" applies. It clearly does not.

And back to the point - Kasich/Rubio would have beaten Hillary, a VERY vulnerable candidate. This temper tantrum that 40% of the GOP has thrown was a wasted opportunity of historic proportions - made even more bizarre by the fact that they ran a guy who they admit isn't even a conservative. Suddenly it was about nationalism and populism, and Reagan was thrown under the bus.

I can't believe how lucky the Dems are.

Please do not mention the name of Ronald Reagan in the same sentence with Kasich and Rubio, unless you have forgotten the 11th commandment that Republicans should not speak ill of fellow Republican.

Impolite and harsh words during the primaries are common, but should be forgotten as soon as the winner emerges.

You may dispute and insist that Trump is not a Republican, But then you would disagree with the people who helped Trump to win.

If Trump's critics stopped being petulant, immature and sanctimonious phonies and kept in mind that the enemy is not Trump but Hillary, they would not have to worry about three or four new liberal Supreme Court Justices during a Clinton presidency.

If Hillary wins, the oh so pure, holier-than-thou malcontents have only themselves to blame.
Ironically, it's Reagan's 80% rule that has been so ignored by the absolutists in the party.

Kasich and Rubio are examples of Republicans who have been shunned because they aren't pure enough.

And somehow Trump ends up the nominee...
IMO they are shunned because they are progressives, like HW and W were.

Reagan conservatives are gone...disavowed by the party elite. Because they know small limited government doesn't allow them to criminally confiscate wealth and obtain unlimited power.
So you feel that Rubio and Kasich are progressives?

So they're pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, higher income taxes, pro-BLM, pro-Affirmative Action, pro-single payer, higher business taxes, pro-shutting down free speech on campus, more regulation, progressive spending, all that?

Wow, I wasn't aware of that.
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Look at how the Bush Tax Cuts kickstarted the great debt. And now they want to do it again? We simply just can't allow that to happen.
Where did you get that idea? And the meme makes no sense. Taxes are based on income and people don't make the same money. A smaller percent on the rich would be more money than a middle class earner. Duh.

all these science loving democrats suck at math and do not understand percentages at all
I know 20% is a larger percentage than 14% even if it's a smaller amount.

What do you know?

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