Welcome to Trump's Economic team of Billionaires, Bankers, and Candle Stick Makers!

Look at how the Bush Tax Cuts kickstarted the great debt. And now they want to do it again? We simply just can't allow that to happen.
Where did you get that idea? And the meme makes no sense. Taxes are based on income and people don't make the same money. A smaller percent on the rich would be more money than a middle class earner. Duh.
It's all about percentages. If a worker is paying 20% of their income in taxes, then why does someone rich like Mitt Romney pay only 14%. And that was on the only tax return he let us see.
Trump won't let us see his tax returns at all.
His money was made on investments so taxed at a lower rate, like Buffet and anyone else. You make money, get taxed on income then invest and pay another 15%. That isn't fair enough to you?

It's why I could never be a liberal.
Buffet says it's a disgrace his tax rate is lower than his secretary's. But not to you. And you aren't even a billionaire, or a millionaire. I bet you aren't even a thousandaire.
OK, let me try to clarify: Trump is no less honest than the liars who gave their word and lied.
Then I don't understand how "a man's word is his bond" applies. It clearly does not.

And back to the point - Kasich/Rubio would have beaten Hillary, a VERY vulnerable candidate. This temper tantrum that 40% of the GOP has thrown was a wasted opportunity of historic proportions - made even more bizarre by the fact that they ran a guy who they admit isn't even a conservative. Suddenly it was about nationalism and populism, and Reagan was thrown under the bus.

I can't believe how lucky the Dems are.

Please do not mention the name of Ronald Reagan in the same sentence with Kasich and Rubio, unless you have forgotten the 11th commandment that Republicans should not speak ill of fellow Republican.

Impolite and harsh words during the primaries are common, but should be forgotten as soon as the winner emerges.

You may dispute and insist that Trump is not a Republican, But then you would disagree with the people who helped Trump to win.

If Trump's critics stopped being petulant, immature and sanctimonious phonies and kept in mind that the enemy is not Trump but Hillary, they would not have to worry about three or four new liberal Supreme Court Justices during a Clinton presidency.

If Hillary wins, the oh so pure, holier-than-thou malcontents have only themselves to blame.
Ironically, it's Reagan's 80% rule that has been so ignored by the absolutists in the party.

Kasich and Rubio are examples of Republicans who have been shunned because they aren't pure enough.

And somehow Trump ends up the nominee...
IMO they are shunned because they are progressives, like HW and W were.

Reagan conservatives are gone...disavowed by the party elite. Because they know small limited government doesn't allow them to criminally confiscate wealth and obtain unlimited power.
So you feel that Rubio and Kasich are progressives?

So they're pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, higher income taxes, pro-BLM, pro-Affirmative Action, pro-single payer, higher business taxes, pro-shutting down free speech on campus, more regulation, progressive spending, all that?

Wow, I wasn't aware of that.
Rubio says women with deformed fetuses should have the baby anyway and just deal with it.
Look at how the Bush Tax Cuts kickstarted the great debt. And now they want to do it again? We simply just can't allow that to happen.
Where did you get that idea? And the meme makes no sense. Taxes are based on income and people don't make the same money. A smaller percent on the rich would be more money than a middle class earner. Duh.

all these science loving democrats suck at math and do not understand percentages at all
We understand percentages, we just don't understand why they are still trying to use the trickle down method to stimulate the economy. Trump just showed who he really cares about and it ain't people who work for a living.
Well clearly Obama has failed in his efforts to stimulate the economy (IMO this is purposeful as a thriving middle class does not vote for big government). Obama has so heavily regulated the economy that it can't get moving. Reducing regulations and taxation will result in economic growth...

you know? Like a GDP greater than 3%, which Big Ears amazingly couldn't achieve in his eight years.
This is where you call it "parsing facts". Picking a single fact out and then misleading, a polite word for bullshit, by not giving the big picture.

Obama has had the European debt crisis, Hurricane Sandy, 2014's coldest winter since the 70's. The tsunami and nuclear accident in Japan, Libya’s lost oil supply; and the GOP government shutdown in October 2013 and the one by Ted Cruz. So in spite of all that, and including Baby Boomer retirees, the economy has grown every month for over 73 months. After what the GOP did to the economy under Bush, you guys should be thankful. It's the ignorance. Ignorance blocks the GOP the way the GOP blocks doing anything that's good for the United States.
Look at how the Bush Tax Cuts kickstarted the great debt. And now they want to do it again? We simply just can't allow that to happen.
Where did you get that idea? And the meme makes no sense. Taxes are based on income and people don't make the same money. A smaller percent on the rich would be more money than a middle class earner. Duh.
It's all about percentages. If a worker is paying 20% of their income in taxes, then why does someone rich like Mitt Romney pay only 14%. And that was on the only tax return he let us see.
Trump won't let us see his tax returns at all.
His money was made on investments so taxed at a lower rate, like Buffet and anyone else. You make money, get taxed on income then invest and pay another 15%. That isn't fair enough to you?

It's why I could never be a liberal.
Buffet says it's a disgrace his tax rate is lower than his secretary's. But not to you. And you aren't even a billionaire, or a millionaire. I bet you aren't even a thousandaire.
Buffet isn't the sole billionaire voice out there and nothing prevents him from kicking in more money, the IRS will take it. You totally didn't even understand what I just said to you above. It wasn't complicated.
The meeting will center around them getting a bigger piece of the pie for themselves and convincing the fools that the remains will trickle down upon them.
Obama has had the European debt crisis, Hurricane Sandy, 2014's coldest winter since the 70's. The tsunami and nuclear accident in Japan, Libya’s lost oil supply; and the GOP government shutdown in October 2013 and the one by Ted Cruz. So in spite of all that, and including Baby Boomer retirees, the economy has grown every month for over 73 months. After what the GOP did to the economy under Bush, you guys should be thankful. It's the ignorance. Ignorance blocks the GOP the way the GOP blocks doing anything that's good for the United States.
Those are excuses, not problems. obie got his budget passed quickly and didn't have 9/11, Katrina, mortgage meltdowns, banking crisis, etc. You have lots of experience with ignorance!
I'm all for criticizing trump where appropriate but this just isn't it deanie. Who the heck do you expect his economic advisors to be, poor people? Professors who haven't ever worked in the private sector?

Why on earth do lefties flip out when people actually put together teams loaded with experience?
OK, let me try to clarify: Trump is no less honest than the liars who gave their word and lied.
Then I don't understand how "a man's word is his bond" applies. It clearly does not.

And back to the point - Kasich/Rubio would have beaten Hillary, a VERY vulnerable candidate. This temper tantrum that 40% of the GOP has thrown was a wasted opportunity of historic proportions - made even more bizarre by the fact that they ran a guy who they admit isn't even a conservative. Suddenly it was about nationalism and populism, and Reagan was thrown under the bus.

I can't believe how lucky the Dems are.

Please do not mention the name of Ronald Reagan in the same sentence with Kasich and Rubio, unless you have forgotten the 11th commandment that Republicans should not speak ill of fellow Republican.

Impolite and harsh words during the primaries are common, but should be forgotten as soon as the winner emerges.

You may dispute and insist that Trump is not a Republican, But then you would disagree with the people who helped Trump to win.

If Trump's critics stopped being petulant, immature and sanctimonious phonies and kept in mind that the enemy is not Trump but Hillary, they would not have to worry about three or four new liberal Supreme Court Justices during a Clinton presidency.

If Hillary wins, the oh so pure, holier-than-thou malcontents have only themselves to blame.
Ironically, it's Reagan's 80% rule that has been so ignored by the absolutists in the party.

Kasich and Rubio are examples of Republicans who have been shunned because they aren't pure enough.

And somehow Trump ends up the nominee...
IMO they are shunned because they are progressives, like HW and W were.

Reagan conservatives are gone...disavowed by the party elite. Because they know small limited government doesn't allow them to criminally confiscate wealth and obtain unlimited power.
So you feel that Rubio and Kasich are progressives?

So they're pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, higher income taxes, pro-BLM, pro-Affirmative Action, pro-single payer, higher business taxes, pro-shutting down free speech on campus, more regulation, progressive spending, all that?

Wow, I wasn't aware of that.
Oh brother...now you are being dishonest.

Both are owned by the establishment, believe in open borders, big government, crony capitalism, foreign military interventions, etc....progressives come in many stripes. They don't have to fit the Dem template of radical leftist.
Then I don't understand how "a man's word is his bond" applies. It clearly does not.

And back to the point - Kasich/Rubio would have beaten Hillary, a VERY vulnerable candidate. This temper tantrum that 40% of the GOP has thrown was a wasted opportunity of historic proportions - made even more bizarre by the fact that they ran a guy who they admit isn't even a conservative. Suddenly it was about nationalism and populism, and Reagan was thrown under the bus.

I can't believe how lucky the Dems are.

Please do not mention the name of Ronald Reagan in the same sentence with Kasich and Rubio, unless you have forgotten the 11th commandment that Republicans should not speak ill of fellow Republican.

Impolite and harsh words during the primaries are common, but should be forgotten as soon as the winner emerges.

You may dispute and insist that Trump is not a Republican, But then you would disagree with the people who helped Trump to win.

If Trump's critics stopped being petulant, immature and sanctimonious phonies and kept in mind that the enemy is not Trump but Hillary, they would not have to worry about three or four new liberal Supreme Court Justices during a Clinton presidency.

If Hillary wins, the oh so pure, holier-than-thou malcontents have only themselves to blame.
Ironically, it's Reagan's 80% rule that has been so ignored by the absolutists in the party.

Kasich and Rubio are examples of Republicans who have been shunned because they aren't pure enough.

And somehow Trump ends up the nominee...
IMO they are shunned because they are progressives, like HW and W were.

Reagan conservatives are gone...disavowed by the party elite. Because they know small limited government doesn't allow them to criminally confiscate wealth and obtain unlimited power.
So you feel that Rubio and Kasich are progressives?

So they're pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, higher income taxes, pro-BLM, pro-Affirmative Action, pro-single payer, higher business taxes, pro-shutting down free speech on campus, more regulation, progressive spending, all that?

Wow, I wasn't aware of that.
Oh brother...now you are being dishonest.

Both are owned by the establishment, believe in open borders, big government, crony capitalism, foreign military interventions, etc....progressives come in many stripes. They don't have to fit the Dem template of radical leftist.
Okay, so we can agree they're not ACTUAL progressives, they're just less conservative than you would like.

That's when Reagan's very smart 80% rule used to kick in, but for some reason he and his rule have been tossed out.
Please do not mention the name of Ronald Reagan in the same sentence with Kasich and Rubio, unless you have forgotten the 11th commandment that Republicans should not speak ill of fellow Republican.

Impolite and harsh words during the primaries are common, but should be forgotten as soon as the winner emerges.

You may dispute and insist that Trump is not a Republican, But then you would disagree with the people who helped Trump to win.

If Trump's critics stopped being petulant, immature and sanctimonious phonies and kept in mind that the enemy is not Trump but Hillary, they would not have to worry about three or four new liberal Supreme Court Justices during a Clinton presidency.

If Hillary wins, the oh so pure, holier-than-thou malcontents have only themselves to blame.
Ironically, it's Reagan's 80% rule that has been so ignored by the absolutists in the party.

Kasich and Rubio are examples of Republicans who have been shunned because they aren't pure enough.

And somehow Trump ends up the nominee...
IMO they are shunned because they are progressives, like HW and W were.

Reagan conservatives are gone...disavowed by the party elite. Because they know small limited government doesn't allow them to criminally confiscate wealth and obtain unlimited power.
So you feel that Rubio and Kasich are progressives?

So they're pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, higher income taxes, pro-BLM, pro-Affirmative Action, pro-single payer, higher business taxes, pro-shutting down free speech on campus, more regulation, progressive spending, all that?

Wow, I wasn't aware of that.
Oh brother...now you are being dishonest.

Both are owned by the establishment, believe in open borders, big government, crony capitalism, foreign military interventions, etc....progressives come in many stripes. They don't have to fit the Dem template of radical leftist.
Okay, so we can agree they're not ACTUAL progressives, they're just less conservative than you would like.

That's when Reagan's very smart 80% rule used to kick in, but for some reason he and his rule have been tossed out.
No. They are progressives. Plain and simple.

My definition is broader than yours.

Trump is also a progressive, which is why I find the dislike of him by progressives, illogical.
Ironically, it's Reagan's 80% rule that has been so ignored by the absolutists in the party.

Kasich and Rubio are examples of Republicans who have been shunned because they aren't pure enough.

And somehow Trump ends up the nominee...
IMO they are shunned because they are progressives, like HW and W were.

Reagan conservatives are gone...disavowed by the party elite. Because they know small limited government doesn't allow them to criminally confiscate wealth and obtain unlimited power.
So you feel that Rubio and Kasich are progressives?

So they're pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, higher income taxes, pro-BLM, pro-Affirmative Action, pro-single payer, higher business taxes, pro-shutting down free speech on campus, more regulation, progressive spending, all that?

Wow, I wasn't aware of that.
Oh brother...now you are being dishonest.

Both are owned by the establishment, believe in open borders, big government, crony capitalism, foreign military interventions, etc....progressives come in many stripes. They don't have to fit the Dem template of radical leftist.
Okay, so we can agree they're not ACTUAL progressives, they're just less conservative than you would like.

That's when Reagan's very smart 80% rule used to kick in, but for some reason he and his rule have been tossed out.
No. They are progressives. Plain and simple.

My definition is broader than yours.

Trump is also a progressive, which is why I find the dislike of him by progressives, illogical.
Your definition definitely is broader than mine.
Obama has had the European debt crisis, Hurricane Sandy, 2014's coldest winter since the 70's. The tsunami and nuclear accident in Japan, Libya’s lost oil supply; and the GOP government shutdown in October 2013 and the one by Ted Cruz. So in spite of all that, and including Baby Boomer retirees, the economy has grown every month for over 73 months. After what the GOP did to the economy under Bush, you guys should be thankful. It's the ignorance. Ignorance blocks the GOP the way the GOP blocks doing anything that's good for the United States.
Those are excuses, not problems. obie got his budget passed quickly and didn't have 9/11, Katrina, mortgage meltdowns, banking crisis, etc. You have lots of experience with ignorance!
And Obie didn't have Democratic Control of both houses. In fact, except for a couple of months, Republicans have controlled both houses for Obama's entire 8 years and he's still been successful in spite of them blocking everything could could and shutting down government twice.

Under Bush, Republicans used reconcilliation three times. Do you remember for what? Perhaps you should take a minute an look it up. I've posted it many times but Republicans have a fear of learning.
Obama has had the European debt crisis, Hurricane Sandy, 2014's coldest winter since the 70's. The tsunami and nuclear accident in Japan, Libya’s lost oil supply; and the GOP government shutdown in October 2013 and the one by Ted Cruz. So in spite of all that, and including Baby Boomer retirees, the economy has grown every month for over 73 months. After what the GOP did to the economy under Bush, you guys should be thankful. It's the ignorance. Ignorance blocks the GOP the way the GOP blocks doing anything that's good for the United States.
Those are excuses, not problems. obie got his budget passed quickly and didn't have 9/11, Katrina, mortgage meltdowns, banking crisis, etc. You have lots of experience with ignorance!
And Obie didn't have Democratic Control of both houses. In fact, except for a couple of months, Republicans have controlled both houses for Obama's entire 8 years and he's still been successful in spite of them blocking everything could could and shutting down government twice.

Under Bush, Republicans used reconcilliation three times. Do you remember for what? Perhaps you should take a minute an look it up. I've posted it many times but Republicans have a fear of learning.
obie did have both houses for two years. Could have done anything he wanted. Go look it up yourself, the mid term elections don't happen months after the generals.
Obama has had the European debt crisis, Hurricane Sandy, 2014's coldest winter since the 70's. The tsunami and nuclear accident in Japan, Libya’s lost oil supply; and the GOP government shutdown in October 2013 and the one by Ted Cruz. So in spite of all that, and including Baby Boomer retirees, the economy has grown every month for over 73 months. After what the GOP did to the economy under Bush, you guys should be thankful. It's the ignorance. Ignorance blocks the GOP the way the GOP blocks doing anything that's good for the United States.
Those are excuses, not problems. obie got his budget passed quickly and didn't have 9/11, Katrina, mortgage meltdowns, banking crisis, etc. You have lots of experience with ignorance!
And Obie didn't have Democratic Control of both houses. In fact, except for a couple of months, Republicans have controlled both houses for Obama's entire 8 years and he's still been successful in spite of them blocking everything could could and shutting down government twice.

Under Bush, Republicans used reconcilliation three times. Do you remember for what? Perhaps you should take a minute an look it up. I've posted it many times but Republicans have a fear of learning.
obie did have both houses for two years. Could have done anything he wanted. Go look it up yourself, the mid term elections don't happen months after the generals.
Why are you fuckers always so ignorant?

Someone died and someone was elected a couple of months into Obama's first term. That ended any Democratic control.

Who died and who was elected.

Think now. I know it hurts. I know your kind aren't used to thinking but try.

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