Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

Steak, these potato things my mom grew up eating so we grew up eating*, pickled three bean salad, and applesauce.

Take canned potatoes, cook, drain, add lots of butter and parsley flakes. Do NOT mash.
We haven't had McD's in a couple of months, I don't think, aside from the occasional french fry/ice cream/coke run (very occasional)! Pretty good, for someone who has taken her family through 2 times a day some weeks...

Last night we had pork roast sammiches...on homemade bread.

My son snacked on my sourdough and sharp cheddar late last night...the little kids don't like the sourdough, but he is definitely a fan.
Chicken that I cooked on the grill, corn on the cob from the grill, baked potatoes from the grill, baked beans, birthday cake, ice cream, coffee, and iced tea.

I won't need to eat again for a week.
Not dinner, but lunch today was a great salad. Most of my garden is still struggling, but the cherry tomatoes are delicious right now. The ones on my salad were still warm from the Sun.
Last night we had...hmmm...rice a roni, and scrambled eggs...and some homemade pickled cukes (I used pickle juice from pickled onions, super yummy). I know, kinda weird. Originally my daughter and I were having scrambled eggs, but she was still hungry (after 4 eggs!) so I heated up some leftover ricearoni, and gave her the cukes, which she loves.

The night before was roast and ricearoni..and the night before that it was french dip sammiches (I made the roast and the bread) & homemade coleslaw.
i have stayed away from fast food for 9 months. Yesterday it was Del Taco.6 soft tacos and a 1/2 # bean and cheese burrito. $4.36.Was wonderful.
Bought some lamb curry from the local butcher. They didn't have any stir fry so I decided to try the curry. Nice curry sauce but the meat was a bit too chewy. Disappointing, especially as its usually a great little butcher.

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