Were you surprised by the result of the Mueller investigation?

For the next two years the democrats will continue to make even bigger fools of themselves than they already have then they will be swept away like the dirt they are in the 2020 election. The Republicans will pick up super majorities in both houses and the democratic party that used to be will fade from existence. They will be replaced by the libertarian party perhaps.
Why do you hate the fact the President did not conspire with Russia to influence the 2016 election?
Why do you hate the fact the President did not obstruct justice?
Russia, if you’re listening…........
that was truly funny. I laughed and discussed it for weeks. Still nothing wrong with it is there?

The reports were already out the russians hacked her email. Way before trump was a candidate.
Discussed it for weeks?
Nothing like a full productive life.
Too much free sucking time Enjoying your old white fart SS Medicare socialist benefits?
No to all good enough?
Not surprised, a very limited FEDERAL remit where you have to prove intent and any results can be pardoned.
Remember who got Agnew? The state, not the Feds
Not let down either. Too busy counting my corporate money
What's msnbc, I watch the knees news?
Not surprised , many people forecast the white rube Obama ignignity
Who cares?
Not big money guys like me.
Any more questions?
Some of us made big money betting on trump, relying on white zero college USA rubes
I was in Scotland when the blob didn't realize Scotland voted for brexit remain.
Also a grandmother wouldn't sell , the blob built a dune across her front so she couldn't see the north sea.
Told me all I needed to know.
As the ny guy said he was regarded as the lowest of the low in ny real estate which is saying something.
Jealous of him dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?
Knees news didn't tell you that either?
You need to go back into rehab.
After you do, and when you can converse coherently, let me know.
Sorry - I didn't see your answer to my question.
No problem. Did you see it yet?
All I see is your inability to be honest with yourself.

Funny. Are you saying you've seen the results, or is it that you fully except the AG's summation?

Funny that you ignored Mueller's own words, saying:

"The Investigation Did Not Establish That Members of the Trump Campaign Conspired or Coordinated With the Russian Government in it's Election Interference Activities"

Nadler on CNN a few days ago, says there is no evidence Trump obstructed the investigation, I posted that a few days ago, which was almost completely ignored by you TDS membership.

Stop pushing your idiotic immature, partisanship hate!

What makes you think I ignored the few words of Mueller's that were actually quoted?

How is waiting for more information to be released before I make an opinion idiotic, immature or partisanship hate?

But hey if Barr's word is good enough for you, more power to ya.

Barr didn't make those quotes, it was FROM the Mueller report, from Mueller himself.

You are truly dumb because those Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed, that is what you and other well known Trump haters in this forum salivated for nearly two years on, now it was false all along.

You must have serious motor skills deficit when you can't understand what Mueller said, and be stridently dishonest in your idiotic resistance to the obvious. There will be NO MORE INVESTIGATIONS on those two areas.

It is over!
Not on explicit, provable conspiracy between Trump and Russia - that was always a heavy a lift considering there did not need to be that level of co-ordination between them to wink and nod and rub each other's back.

But it is suprising to see a MAYBE on Obstruction from Mueller and I'm really curious to see why after two years of discovery and consideration Mueller could not formulate a definitive recommendation for Congress.
He didn't leave a maybe. He found no crime. In order to obstruct justice, you have to have a crime to obstruct the justice for. The media is continuing to play mind games and people are still falling for it. Stop!
Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.
Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.

See this is why you are a bald faced liar since YOU were shown the actual quotes from Mueller, here it is again, this time with full links to the report:

It is clear you didn't bother to read the 4 page report, since Barr QUOTES Mueller, who specifically states:

"The Investigation Did Not Establish That Members of the Trump Campaign Conspired or Coordinated With the Russian Government in it's Election Interference Activities"


"the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference"


President Trump is on record stating he wants the ENTIRE report published to the public.

Stop lying about it.
Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.
You don't have to look far. Switch over to MSNBC and see all the breathless moving of the goalposts saying Barr is hiding something and by gawd, the House investigations will turn up something. You're going to get another two years of the MSM telling your gullible rubes, "ANY DAY NOW". Blind I an appropriate avie. Wake the fuck up.
For the next two years the democrats will continue to make even bigger fools of themselves than they already have then they will be swept away like the dirt they are in the 2020 election. The Republicans will pick up super majorities in both houses and the democratic party that used to be will fade from existence. They will be replaced by the libertarian party perhaps.

You do know the SDNY is federal? Right?
Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.
You don't have to look far. Switch over to MSNBC and see all the breathless moving of the goalposts saying Barr is hiding something and by gawd, the House investigations will turn up something. You're going to get another two years of the MSM telling your gullible rubes, "ANY DAY NOW". Blind I an appropriate avie. Wake the fuck up.

That's entertainment for you. Pretty amusing considering the 8 year rhetorical war waged by the Fauxrage machine against Obama. Hell they're still keeping that fucking cell warm for old Hillary, Obama, Holder, or anyone, even Lerner.

The dog was easy to fool because she could see shadows, but she would always sniff out where I threw that smelly old pull toy of hers..........unless we washed it!

Kharma looks like a ravenous beast here in America, but we always like to supersize shit!
Seems to me, this caught the left flat-footed -- they really and truly believed this was a slam-dunk case conspiracy and obstruction.

- Did you allow your partisan rage to cloud your objectivity?
- Did you believe your own hype and that fed to you by the likes on MSNBC, CNN, and ABC?
- Were you more surprised by this than the 2016 election?
- Are you more emotionally let down by this than the 2016 election?
- If this - after 2 years of waiting with baited breath for the report, telling us daily that Mueller had the goods and it was a matter of time - does not convince you there was no collusion w/ Russia and/or obstruction of justice, what will?
- Why should we believe you?
Completely expected because the AG is hand picked by Trump.
“A Crime in Public View”: How William Barr Pardoned Donald Trump


We expect Barr to do Trump's bidding.
Name one AG who wasn't handpicked by the President and who didn't do his bidding?

We aren't surprised because we knew it was a hoax from day one.

Now all the conspiracy theorists have egg on their face.
Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.

See this is why you are a bald faced liar since YOU were shown the actual quotes from Mueller, here it is again, this time with full links to the report:

It is clear you didn't bother to read the 4 page report, since Barr QUOTES Mueller, who specifically states:

"The Investigation Did Not Establish That Members of the Trump Campaign Conspired or Coordinated With the Russian Government in it's Election Interference Activities"


"the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference"


President Trump is on record stating he wants the ENTIRE report published to the public.

Stop lying about it.

The fact that they didn't establish that, doesn't say "no crime was committed".

If I'm not mistaken, Trumpybear takes Putin's strong and powerful words for granted that they didn't interfere, so isn't that statement a backhanded stab at the Trumpybear?
Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.

See this is why you are a bald faced liar since YOU were shown the actual quotes from Mueller, here it is again, this time with full links to the report:

It is clear you didn't bother to read the 4 page report, since Barr QUOTES Mueller, who specifically states:

"The Investigation Did Not Establish That Members of the Trump Campaign Conspired or Coordinated With the Russian Government in it's Election Interference Activities"


"the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference"


President Trump is on record stating he wants the ENTIRE report published to the public.

Stop lying about it.

The fact that they didn't establish that, doesn't say "no crime was committed".

If I'm not mistaken, Trumpybear takes Putin's strong and powerful words for granted that they didn't interfere, so isn't that statement a backhanded stab at the Trumpybear?


You are so deluded, that you move the goalpost over NOTHING!

Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.
You don't have to look far. Switch over to MSNBC and see all the breathless moving of the goalposts saying Barr is hiding something and by gawd, the House investigations will turn up something. You're going to get another two years of the MSM telling your gullible rubes, "ANY DAY NOW". Blind I an appropriate avie. Wake the fuck up.

That's entertainment for you. Pretty amusing considering the 8 year rhetorical war waged by the Fauxrage machine against Obama. Hell they're still keeping that fucking cell warm for old Hillary, Obama, Holder, or anyone, even Lerner.

The dog was easy to fool because she could see shadows, but she would always sniff out where I threw that smelly old pull toy of hers..........unless we washed it!

Kharma looks like a ravenous beast here in America, but we always like to supersize shit!
What does FOX News have to do with the fact that all you lefty Trump haters are supremely gullible morons who believe whatever your propaganda organs feed you?
Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.

See this is why you are a bald faced liar since YOU were shown the actual quotes from Mueller, here it is again, this time with full links to the report:

It is clear you didn't bother to read the 4 page report, since Barr QUOTES Mueller, who specifically states:

"The Investigation Did Not Establish That Members of the Trump Campaign Conspired or Coordinated With the Russian Government in it's Election Interference Activities"


"the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference"


President Trump is on record stating he wants the ENTIRE report published to the public.

Stop lying about it.

The fact that they didn't establish that, doesn't say "no crime was committed".

If I'm not mistaken, Trumpybear takes Putin's strong and powerful words for granted that they didn't interfere, so isn't that statement a backhanded stab at the Trumpybear?

Mueller found on Trump what Comey found on Hillary, but Mueller didn't do a November Surprise on Trump.
Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.

See this is why you are a bald faced liar since YOU were shown the actual quotes from Mueller, here it is again, this time with full links to the report:

It is clear you didn't bother to read the 4 page report, since Barr QUOTES Mueller, who specifically states:

"The Investigation Did Not Establish That Members of the Trump Campaign Conspired or Coordinated With the Russian Government in it's Election Interference Activities"


"the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference"


President Trump is on record stating he wants the ENTIRE report published to the public.

Stop lying about it.

The fact that they didn't establish that, doesn't say "no crime was committed".

If I'm not mistaken, Trumpybear takes Putin's strong and powerful words for granted that they didn't interfere, so isn't that statement a backhanded stab at the Trumpybear?


You are so deluded, that you move the goalpost over NOTHING!

ummm, Trump said publish the whole thing. So who is moving the goal posts, Sonny?
Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.
You don't have to look far. Switch over to MSNBC and see all the breathless moving of the goalposts saying Barr is hiding something and by gawd, the House investigations will turn up something. You're going to get another two years of the MSM telling your gullible rubes, "ANY DAY NOW". Blind I an appropriate avie. Wake the fuck up.

That's entertainment for you. Pretty amusing considering the 8 year rhetorical war waged by the Fauxrage machine against Obama. Hell they're still keeping that fucking cell warm for old Hillary, Obama, Holder, or anyone, even Lerner.

The dog was easy to fool because she could see shadows, but she would always sniff out where I threw that smelly old pull toy of hers..........unless we washed it!

Kharma looks like a ravenous beast here in America, but we always like to supersize shit!
What does FOX News have to do with the fact that all you lefty Trump haters are supremely gullible morons who believe whatever your propaganda organs feed you?

Kwc was playing on the meme about "Any Day Now...." and I reminded him that Fauxfans still have a cell ready to jail any number Obama administration officials. I mean, you believe old Hillary and all of them should be jailed, don't you?

I have confidence we will eventually get to see all the non-classified data from the investigation.
Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.

See this is why you are a bald faced liar since YOU were shown the actual quotes from Mueller, here it is again, this time with full links to the report:

It is clear you didn't bother to read the 4 page report, since Barr QUOTES Mueller, who specifically states:

"The Investigation Did Not Establish That Members of the Trump Campaign Conspired or Coordinated With the Russian Government in it's Election Interference Activities"


"the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference"


President Trump is on record stating he wants the ENTIRE report published to the public.

Stop lying about it.

The fact that they didn't establish that, doesn't say "no crime was committed".

If I'm not mistaken, Trumpybear takes Putin's strong and powerful words for granted that they didn't interfere, so isn't that statement a backhanded stab at the Trumpybear?


You are so deluded, that you move the goalpost over NOTHING!

ummm, Trump said publish the whole thing. So who is moving the goal posts, Sonny?

Ummm you didn't read my comment at post 149:

"President Trump is on record stating he wants the ENTIRE report published to the public."

I also brought it up YESTERDAY here on this forum the same thing and with a link too, that shows Trumps stated he is for releasing it to the public.

Now did I move the "goalpost"?

Mueller Quotes specifically said no crimes were committed,

Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.

See this is why you are a bald faced liar since YOU were shown the actual quotes from Mueller, here it is again, this time with full links to the report:

It is clear you didn't bother to read the 4 page report, since Barr QUOTES Mueller, who specifically states:

"The Investigation Did Not Establish That Members of the Trump Campaign Conspired or Coordinated With the Russian Government in it's Election Interference Activities"


"the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference"


President Trump is on record stating he wants the ENTIRE report published to the public.

Stop lying about it.

The fact that they didn't establish that, doesn't say "no crime was committed".

If I'm not mistaken, Trumpybear takes Putin's strong and powerful words for granted that they didn't interfere, so isn't that statement a backhanded stab at the Trumpybear?


You are so deluded, that you move the goalpost over NOTHING!

ummm, Trump said publish the whole thing. So who is moving the goal posts, Sonny?

Yeah he did say that but, he says a lot of things...:yapyapyapf:
Poor Pseudo-cons. Desperately trying to find a liberal who is running around with their hair on fire.

Actually no it didn't.

Congress should get the entire report.

See this is why you are a bald faced liar since YOU were shown the actual quotes from Mueller, here it is again, this time with full links to the report:

It is clear you didn't bother to read the 4 page report, since Barr QUOTES Mueller, who specifically states:

"The Investigation Did Not Establish That Members of the Trump Campaign Conspired or Coordinated With the Russian Government in it's Election Interference Activities"


"the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference"


President Trump is on record stating he wants the ENTIRE report published to the public.

Stop lying about it.

The fact that they didn't establish that, doesn't say "no crime was committed".

If I'm not mistaken, Trumpybear takes Putin's strong and powerful words for granted that they didn't interfere, so isn't that statement a backhanded stab at the Trumpybear?


You are so deluded, that you move the goalpost over NOTHING!

ummm, Trump said publish the whole thing. So who is moving the goal posts, Sonny?

Ummm you didn't read my comment at post 149:

"President Trump is on record stating he wants the ENTIRE report published to the public."

I also brought it up YESTERDAY here on this forum the same thing and with a link too, that shows Trumps stated he is for releasing it to the public.

Now did I move the "goalpost"?


He certainly has the power to have the AG release it asap then. Of course he said he'd be willing to, or even he wants to, sit for an interview with Mueller, didn't he? How come that never happened?

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