What a real leader sounds like


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
It's just not our leader. Even though I don't agree with the guy on other issues, the approach on the ISIS issue is one thing that should bring all the sane people together. ISIS cannot and will not be tolerated. That is a great message to start with. Then you come up with a strategy. Obama didn't even hint that they were working on one. Then he went to play more golf.

No equivocation. No blame shifting. No downplaying. No namby-pamby "blame Bush for the Iraq war" rhetoric.

More importantly, never once does he say "We don't have a strategy."

This is a speech made by a man who understands the threat of radical Islam, and isn't afraid to lay the blame where it belongs. He's not trying to explain or understand the feelings of the enemy. He's not trying to coddle them, deal with them, or work around a direct solution.

He's not trying to appease.

At the same time, he's not advocating - as he says - some "knee-jerk" response. He is measured, intelligent, and strong.
Oblama could really take deep measures like Briton and raise the threat level....

According to the Obama-haters, that's Real Action From A Real Leader.

I prefer Obama's measured and considered reactions.

If RWs had their way, we'd be deep in several more wars.
There comes a time when scoring political points becomes a fool's game played by the ignorant, for the benefit of the ignorant.

ISIS has been in the field for months, and has taken control of much of Northern Iraq, and Southern Syria. They are a brutal band of thugs that is growing every day. They continually state that they are coming to the United States, and they mean to do just that.

It is not unreasonable to expect the President of the United States to have already adopted a strategy to destroy the assholes. Apparently he hasn't been seeing it on the news.
I've forgotten what a real leader sounds like.

But I sure as shinola know what a real one looks like:


Love 'im or hate 'im, you know it's true. :badgrin:
There comes a time when scoring political points becomes a fool's game played by the ignorant, for the benefit of the ignorant.

ISIS has been in the field for months, and has taken control of much of Northern Iraq, and Southern Syria. They are a brutal band of thugs that is growing every day. They continually state that they are coming to the United States, and they mean to do just that.

It is not unreasonable to expect the President of the United States to have already adopted a strategy to destroy the assholes. Apparently he hasn't been seeing it on the news.

You nailed it. This problem isn't new. It started long ago and has been largely ignored by the administration. Did Obama think pretending they were JV terrorists would make people forget or make ISIS go away?

They have big money and a lot of power. They are dangerous and gaining ground.
I'd like to see the evidence that ISIS does, in fact, pose a serious threat to OUR national security.

Herman Cain is a talk show host. And not a very good one. He isn't a leader.....he has nobody looking to him for leadership. Talk is cheap.

Putin isn't a leader. He is a dictator. It's easy to lead when you can put those who oppose you in jail and you don't have to answer to the citizenry.

Foolish USMB nutters.
I'd like to see the evidence that ISIS does, in fact, pose a serious threat to OUR national security.

Herman Cain is a talk show host. And not a very good one. He isn't a leader.....he has nobody looking to him for leadership. Talk is cheap.

Putin isn't a leader. He is a dictator. It's easy to lead when you can put those who oppose you in jail and you don't have to answer to the citizenry.

Foolish USMB nutters.

Hmm, ISIS is threatening to come here. So far, they've backed up their nasty threats with evil actions.

So, you're wondering if they are really a threat. Just last week, it was stated that overweight children are a matter of national security.

I am wondering if the left seriously believes fat kids are a bigger threat to our nation's security than a large group of terrorists with billions of dollars and the will to destroy all infidels.
I was watching PM Cameron with the sound off and I could tell he was demonstrating what the Leader of the Free World sounds like. PM Cameron is the new leader of the free world!

Fuck you Obama, you pissant motherfucker! America wants you out of our White House.
While the left defends Obama, the truth is that we are giving ISIS the advantage. Does anyone on the left understand the threat from ISIS? Does anyone on the left understand that Obama has lost all credibility? He hasn't even given ISIS a stern warning via twitter. He is the president of social media and talking points. We need someone who can take the lead. Action is needed, not more worthless rhetoric. Come on, we need something here. The radicals have become more emboldened than ever before and you have to ask why they no longer fear any consequences for their actions.

The Advantage the U.S. Is Giving ISIS
While some libs roll their eyes and still pretend that only helpless, unaccompanied children are coming through our borders after travelling halfway across the globe on their little lonesome, ISIS is eyeing the porous borders and likely intend to use them to their advantage. You'd have to have your head pretty far up your ass not to realize that terrorists will use any weakness against us. Our open borders are a big problem.

They are a threat and our lack of security and lack of action will make it easier for them to fulfill their goal of eventually hanging their flag at the White House and bringing Sharia law to America. At what point will the administration realize that this is a growing problem that needs to be addressed?

Social media chatter shows Islamic State militants are keenly aware of the porous U.S.-Mexico border, and are “expressing an increased interest” in crossing over to carry out a terrorist attack, according to a Texas law enforcement bulletin sent out this week.

“A review of ISIS social media messaging during the week ending August 26 shows that militants are expressing an increased interest in the notion that they could clandestinely infiltrate the southwest border of US, for terror attack,” warns the Texas Department of Public Safety "situational awareness" bulletin, obtained by FoxNews.com.

The three-page bulletin, entitled “ISIS Interest on the US Southwest Border” and dated Aug. 28 was released to law enforcement on Thursday.
I don't want to be Mr. negative here, but I pay little/no attention to what politicians say.
As the saying goes - leaders lead, politicians talk.
There is no difference between the strong words from Cameron, or the disconnected/weak words from Obama - if there is no action from either one. In my book they are both the same if their actions are the same.
ISIS may be the one we have all been dreading. Not that they have even a ghost of a chance taking over one inch of real estate outside of the M.E. or have any influence whatsoever globally.
They will not.
The dread comes from the question - is ISIS going to be the one who successfully detonates an EMP? Or biological weapons supplied to them by North Korea or China.
Particularly an EMP. 1,000 times worse than biological weapons.
Will they be the ones.

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