What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like

There are for example poor voting against their own interests out of ignorance. But they are advocating rape and slavery on the southern border besides what they are doing to our cities, they are driven by hate, greed and intolerance. And anyone who demands I meet a standard they don't follow themselves is evil, which is most of them most of the time
Agreed. But don't confuse bad consequences and results that are evil with the intent to do evil. When you have a whole political party with its collective head stuck in the sand to avoid seeing the truth of things, it isn't that they intend evil necessarily. It is they just do not want to see, hear, or admit evil exists in what they do. That is the majority of Democrats these days.

Those who know what evil is happening and do it anyway. . .those are a whole different category.
Agreed. But don't confuse bad consequences and results that are evil with the intent to do evil. When you have a whole political party with its collective head stuck in the sand to avoid seeing the truth of things, it isn't that they intend evil necessarily. It is they just do not want to see, hear, or admit evil exists in what they do. That is the majority of Democrats these days.

Those who know what evil is happening and do it anyway. . .those are a whole different category.

That's why I said Democrats are evil, not all Democrats are evil. There are exceptions, but the only ones who aren't driven by hate are driven by ignorance, that's why every standard they have is a double standard and they are all fine with it
We're the ones with the arsenals and the vehicles.

If it does happen, and I pray it does not, I think you will be surprised how many Democrats have guns and shoot them well. I go shooting with a group of friends about once a month. Depending on who shows up, we typically have 10 or 15 people at the range. 3 of us regulars are conservatives.
Yet, you're the one threatening others over their political opinions.
So you're probably right about one of your statements.

Peanut butter jelly and a baseball bat!

Does that make them a sphere?
Traitors are the threat. Taking ppl off the ballot, rigging elections, negative eugenics, human trafficking, taking money from outside interests, corrupting the judicial system..those things get you killed, and rightfully so.
Our constitution and our laws permit us to deal with traitors. Sorry, dealing with criminals and traitors is not the same as using t he agencies to set up, murder, imprison political opponents. Executing criminals and traitors is not the same as executing political opponents.
The traitors of the left won't acknowledge that. Nobody expects you to.
If it does happen, and I pray it does not, I think you will be surprised how many Democrats have guns and shoot them well. I go shooting with a group of friends about once a month. Depending on who shows up, we typically have 10 or 15 people at the range. 3 of us regulars are conservatives.

The leftist men on this site are all short a pair
That's why I said Democrats are evil, not all Democrats are evil. There are exceptions, but the only ones who aren't driven by hate are driven by ignorance, that's why every standard they have is a double standard and they are all fine with it
Apparently so. When we still had good government in this country, programs that had run their course or didn't produce the desired results were ended and defunded. Even programs that the American public appreciated like the moon expeditions.

Trump understood that and ordered his cabinet members to eliminate two or more unnecessary or harmful regulations for every new regulation ordered. American liberties were being greatly expanded during his term of office and none were being taken away.

But Democrat policies and programs take on a shelf life approximating that of a mop handle. None are ever ended but they just keep adding on to them however much unnecessary duplication there is or how unnecessary or non productive or harmful they are. And every day some new regulation they impose erodes our liberties, options, choices, opportunities just a little bit more in addition to erosion of individual wealth and prosperity.
The leftist men on this site are all short a pair

Ok, then the rightwing lunatics who start the war can die at the hands of women. The end result is the same.

And mainly it is because, while plenty of people dislike liberals they will not be willing to go to war over such political ideology.
Now your talking! "Revolution for the Hell of it." -J Rueben
You do like to make stuff up, don't you?
It's not fir the hell of it. Traitors are vermin, and deserve death. That's why they lie so hard. They know what the risk is.
Now your talking! "Revolution for the Hell of it." -J Rueben

You just go on believing you can put your opposition leader in prison rigging the election and there will be no consequences, Stalin. Democrats just aren't smart enough to stop and think what the repercussions of stealing an election the day after if it works. You clearly haven't thought this through
Ok, then the rightwing lunatics who start the war can die at the hands of women. The end result is the same.

And mainly it is because, while plenty of people dislike liberals they will not be willing to go to war over such political ideology.

So if Republicans rigged the election, Democrats would just say darn, you got us, and go home quietly for four years. Suuuurrreeeeeee they would. You were still born weren't you? Winter born does sound better. Were you still born in the winter?
In a civil war a country divided against itself crumble. The globl world is watching some my take an opportunity to picka side and help fight or invade. Other Countries may also rise up and have their own civil wars to deal with. The global fight for world capitalism or world communism. Then they can move onto Space exploring on amore advanced level.
Apparently so. When we still had good government in this country, programs that had run their course or didn't produce the desired results were ended and defunded. Even programs that the American public appreciated like the moon expeditions.

Trump understood that and ordered his cabinet members to eliminate two or more unnecessary or harmful regulations for every new regulation ordered. American liberties were being greatly expanded during his term of office and none were being taken away.

But Democrat policies and programs take on a shelf life approximating that of a mop handle. None are ever ended but they just keep adding on to them however much unnecessary duplication there is or how unnecessary or non productive or harmful they are. And every day some new regulation they impose erodes our liberties, options, choices, opportunities just a little bit more in addition to erosion of individual wealth and prosperity.

We have to have zero based budgeting or we are going to eventually go broke
You do like to make stuff up, don't you?
It's not fir the hell of it. Traitors are vermin, and deserve death. That's why they lie so hard. They know what the risk is.
It doesn't seem very risky to me. It seems hilarious!
So if Republicans rigged the election, Democrats would just say darn, you got us, and go home quietly for four years. Suuuurrreeeeeee they would. You were still born weren't you? Winter born does sound better. Were you still born in the winter?

I would fight in the courts. I would present actual evidence that could not be ignored.

But I would not start a war pitting American against American.
It doesn't seem very risky to me. It seems hilarious!

It's fun being on the Stalin side, huh? Wait until January, 2025 when Trump is sworn in. He's coming for you, and it's going to be fun to watch. You earned every bit of what you're about to get
I would fight in the courts. I would present actual evidence that could not be ignored.

But I would not start a war pitting American against American.

You're already doing that, tyranny thought court decree, not seeing your point in saying what you are already doing as if it's a new idea

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