What are people thinking as they hear the Senate arguments?

Just watched Representative Jamie Ruskin’s summary.

To me, his indictment is logical, powerful, and irrefutable.

He started slowly. I suppose Ruskin was exhausted. Many of us know his son died just a week or so ago. But the man, a Constitutional lawyer as well as a Congressman, rallied to the challenge. He became more and more eloquent. He spoke fluently and — to me — very movingly about what was at stake.

I haven’t yet seen a less “staged” or more competent attack on Trump’s criminal & treasonous conduct.

Trump was the voice of the people. That you were so offended by his representing us, that you torn this nation apart,

is your being a traitor.
unsupported verbiage

The verbiage was highly supported by everything that was presented. Timelines, trumps words, the mob ransacking the capital. WTF do you think that was? The problem is that all but maybe 10 of the Republican senators would perform fellatio on Trump on camera and be proud about if the TrumpQ cult demands it.

It was one small riot, that pales in comparison to the last 5 years of your people's insurrection.
unsupported verbiage

The verbiage was highly supported by everything that was presented. Timelines, trumps words, the mob ransacking the capital. WTF do you think that was? The problem is that all but maybe 10 of the Republican senators would perform fellatio on Trump on camera and be proud about if the TrumpQ cult demands it.

Trump's usage of the word "fight" is consistent with ordinary, peaceful political rhetoric.

It isn't "proof" of anything". No connections were drawn between Donald J Trump and the Viking guy or anyone else.

There were just "arguments" , the case wasn't rigorously proven at all. More than reasonable doubt and alternative explanations for everything that happened. And calling the event at the Capitol an "insurrection" was just plain inflammatory. The broad that was murdered by the capitol police was un armed.
unsupported verbiage

The verbiage was highly supported by everything that was presented. Timelines, trumps words, the mob ransacking the capital. WTF do you think that was? The problem is that all but maybe 10 of the Republican senators would perform fellatio on Trump on camera and be proud about if the TrumpQ cult demands it.

Trump's usage of the word "fight" is consistent with ordinary, peaceful political rhetoric.

It isn't "proof" of anything". No connections were drawn between Donald J Trump and the Viking guy or anyone else.

There were just "arguments" , the case wasn't rigorously proven at all. More than reasonable doubt and alternative explanations for everything that happened. And calling the event at the Capitol an "insurrection" was just plain inflammatory. The broad that was murdered by the capitol police was un armed.

Libs know that. THey are just terrified that Trump will run again.

Makes you wonder what they know that tehy are not admitting.
5 years of your people's insurrection.

Your racism is out of control. ‘My people’ never storm trooped the United States Capitol to demand that US Congressional POWER be used to toss out the votes of white rural voters in several states that a Democrat presidential candidate lost. All done in order to overturn an election and refuse the inauguration of a Republican presidential candidate who won legitimately.

You have become one of the most ignorant posters on this message board.
Libs know that. THey are just terrified that Trump will run again.

Send Trump all your money. Sign your freaking house over to him. Beg for him to run again. Please please please keep Trump on top of the lunatic fringe and the conservative movement.
5 years of your people's insurrection.

Your racism is out of control. ‘My people’ never storm trooped the United States Capitol to demand that US Congressional POWER be used to toss out the votes of white rural voters in several states that a Democrat presidential candidate lost. All done in order to overturn an election and refuse the inauguration of a Republican presidential candidate who won legitimately.

You have become one of the most ignorant posters on this message board.

Wacism? What are you talking about? I've referring to the riots of BLM and Antifa, supported by the Democratic Party.

All races are represented in that collection of criminals and my condemnation was based on their violent actions, not their skin color.

FUck you. YOu wace baiting asshole.
All races are represented in that collection of criminals and my condemnation was based on their violent actions, not their skin color.

You can surely hate white people that turn their back on your white supremacy agenda to support social justice for all Americans, can’t you?

BLM condemns violence too. BLM is not a criminal organization and you have no right to libel them as such. You are a liar and I’m convinced it can only be explained as the result of your racism.
All races are represented in that collection of criminals and my condemnation was based on their violent actions, not their skin color.

You can surely hate white people that turn their back on your white supremacy agenda to support social justice for all Americans, can’t you?

BLM condemns violence too. BLM is not a criminal organization and you have no right to libel them as such. You are a liar and I’m convinced it can only be explained as the result of your racism.

Fucktard. My agenda is America Nationalism and Exceptionalism.

You can shove your wace baiting up your ass.

Fuck social justice. I support Individual rights, and ACTUAL JUSTICE.

BLM is a criminal organization and marxist. They have engaged in far more violence and rioting and "insurrection" than the little dust up at dc.

That the FBI has not infiltrated teh fuck out of them and arrested them all, is probably due to dem party interference.
BLM is a criminal organization and marxist. They have engaged in far more violence and rioting and "insurrection" than the little dust up at dc.

Ok racist, if you say so.

The assault on the Capitol was a racist attack on black voters in large cities with large minority populations that voted for Joe.

I made several points in my last few posts.

All you can say is BLM bad - TrumpQ white cult good. Whataboutism.

‘My people’ never storm trooped the United States Capitol to demand that US Congressional POWER be used to toss out the votes of white rural voters in several states that Democrat presidential candidate lost in order to overturn an election and refuse the inauguration I have a republican president.

Did ‘my people’ do that? Show me where and when.

Enough of your racism.
BLM is a criminal organization and marxist. They have engaged in far more violence and rioting and "insurrection" than the little dust up at dc.

Ok racist, if you say so.

The assault on the Capitol was a racist attack on black voters in large cities with large minority populations that voted for Joe.

I made several points in my last few posts.

All you can say is BLM bad - TrumpQ white cult good. Whataboutism.

‘My people’ never storm trooped the United States Capitol to demand that US Congressional POWER be used to toss out the votes of white rural voters in several states that Democrat presidential candidate lost in order to overturn an election and refuse the inauguration I have a republican president.

Did ‘my people’ do that? Show me where and when.

Enough of your racism.

No, your people stormed thousands of small businesses and assaulted hundreds and killed dozens of people over several months in several cities with varying degrees of support from local democrat leaders.

As I said, worse than the small riot in dc.

AND I said for you to shove your wacism up your ass. Why have you not done so, wace baiter?
As I said, worse than the small riot in dc.

Trump is directly responsible for the DC riot.

Just ask Mitch:

"There's no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people that stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president," McConnell said. "And having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole, which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on the Earth," McConnell added.”
McConnell unloads on Trump: 'Morally responsible' for provoking mob

Now name one single Democrat official being responsible for the whatever riots you are blaming on a black social Justice movement.
My agenda is America Nationalism and Exceptionalism.

... under a fascist president where black voters in big cities have their votes thrown out if they vote for the other guy.

You really got race on the brain, don't you?

I've said nothing about race and you keep thinking that I did....

Are you high, right now?

Again, why can’t you respond to the point of the posts.

Throwing out black votes so Trump can win.

Why don’t you condemn what TrumpQ and his mob in DC tried to do.
As I said, worse than the small riot in dc.

Trump is directly responsible for the DC riot.

Just ask Mitch:

"There's no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people that stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president," McConnell said. "And having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole, which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on the Earth," McConnell added.”
McConnell unloads on Trump: 'Morally responsible' for provoking mob

Now name one single Democrat official being responsible for the whatever riots you are blaming on a black social Justice movement.

1. I don't give a damn about Mitch's opinion.

2. I've been consist and clear that I condemn both blm and antifa for the violent riots of the last 5 years. As I have said, you can shove your wace baiting up your ass.

3. Fuck "social justice".

4. ONe example for discussion purposes? SUre. Ted Wheeler of Portland, who has ordered the police to stand down and let the rioters riot.
I've said nothing about race and you keep thinking that I did....

You say BLM is a violent criminal organization. That is a lie. You lie because you are a racist.

BLM is a violent criminal organization. So is Antifa.

You are a wace baiting asshole. And a retard. ANd a faggot.

See? I can call you names just as much as you call me names. More even. Cause I have a bigger vocabulary.
My agenda is America Nationalism and Exceptionalism.

... under a fascist president where black voters in big cities have their votes thrown out if they vote for the other guy.

You really got race on the brain, don't you?

I've said nothing about race and you keep thinking that I did....

Are you high, right now?

Again, why can’t you respond to the point of the posts.

Throwing out black votes so Trump can win.

Why don’t you condemn what TrumpQ and his mob in DC tried to do.

Because your made up strawman has nothing to do with me or Trump.

It is yours. I can see that you are proud of it. But it has nothing to do with me. Or Trump.

I respectfully reject your offer of joining you in playing with it. It is all you.

AND I have repeatedly on this site, condemned all the political violence of the last 5 years.

Do you? No, no you don't. You think saying "social justice" while you riot and loot and kill, somehow makes it ok.
I just listened to the Senate Trial Presentations and have a few thoughts. Others will disagree, even violently. Listen to my thoughts, and then I’ll listen to yours...

The “House Managers” just refuted what I thought were preposterous Republican arguments that the Constitution won’t even allow for a trial of impeached ex-president Trump. I come away more than ever impressed with the Constitutional importance of what is now at stake.

This is not a ridiculous impeachment over lying about sex, or a hearing over the tragedy in Benghazi. This is about taking a stand against an out-of-control lame-duck President who tried to keep himself in office. This trial is about dealing with an attack on our whole democratic electoral system, on the Capitol itself. It is about re-asserting the power of Congress to stand against a mad President.

I personally have sometimes dreamt of seeing the impeachment and conviction of Presidents (of both parties) who lied and led us into murderous and totally unnecessary overseas military adventures. Of course these impeachments never happened. Yet now in D.C., in the heartland of our Republic and “empire,” political marketing and “America First” demagogy has succeeded ... in dividing the minds and hearts of Americans ... rather than Iraqis, Russians or Chinese.

Many of our own obsessions as a nation led to Jan. 6th, and its shadow will lie over our Republic for a long time. I think if this Senate doesn’t make an example of our most dangerous and outrageous recent demagogue we will be guaranteeing further more serious political mob action and even coup adventures in the future.

This is not a “show trial.” Well, just perhaps it will go down in history as a “show trial” ... if our people and politicians treat it as one. If few Republicans rise to the occasion and do their duty, if Donald Trump is not repudiated in the most severe Constitutional manner possible, then we are “showing” that we treat our great Republic and its institutions as crap.

It’s our Republic ... if we can keep it.

Uh, no. The Chief SCOTUS wouldn't preside because the 'impeachment' was unconstitutional. Instead we got Patrick Leahy, witness, juror and now judge? What a preposterous proposition. Leahy Is NOT impartial in any way, shape or form. He fell for the Trump-Russia hoax....

"On June 1, 2017, weeks after the firing of FBI Director James Comey, Leahy and Al Franken released a joint statement disclosing their prior request of Comey to investigate all contacts and communications Attorney General Sessions or his aides had with Russian government officials and raised the question of whether Sessions had committed perjury in his Senate testimony"

"In February 2018, Leahy was one of four senators to sign a letter to United States Secretary of Defense James Mattis requesting that the Pentagon estimate the cost of and time needed to assemble President Trump's requested military parade, calling the parade seemingly "inappropriate and wasteful" at a time of war."

You cry about keeping our Republic yet you agree with tearing it down by throwing Constitutional rules under the bus. Nice going Skippy.


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