What arms do we need to take the government back?

if the military took control with a dictator,those 4 things would be shut down....now what?....how are you going to get it back?...
If the military took control with a dictator, your private arms would be of no help
Our Military is THAT GOOD
View attachment 296795
Wrong again
Both the NVA and Viet Cong were supported by the North Vietnamese government, Russia and China

So fucking what.

It's clear that you are utterly wrong. It's because of the simple fact that it's for sure easier to fight WITH guns than WITHOUT guns. Your position is a joke, and I do not believe even you yourself seriously entertain it. Leftist deception at its finest.

It’s easier to fight with artillery, tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, bombers, a Navy, a command and control structure, skilled fighters, logistics

All things our magnificent military has that gun nuts playing Red Dawn fantasies do not

No one questioned that it is easier to fight with those things and many more.

Do you believe people have a better fighting chance with or without guns? Or do only all those things you mentioned matter, just definitely not guns?
If the military took control with a dictator, your private arms would be of no help
Our Military is THAT GOOD
View attachment 296795
Wrong again
Both the NVA and Viet Cong were supported by the North Vietnamese government, Russia and China

So fucking what.

It's clear that you are utterly wrong. It's because of the simple fact that it's for sure easier to fight WITH guns than WITHOUT guns. Your position is a joke, and I do not believe even you yourself seriously entertain it. Leftist deception at its finest.

It’s easier to fight with artillery, tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, bombers, a Navy, a command and control structure, skilled fighters, logistics

All things our magnificent military has that gun nuts playing Red Dawn fantasies do not
you are so far away from what the premise of this thread was that its a whole different thread...

Which is the same as his relationship with American values.
if the military took control with a dictator,those 4 things would be shut down....now what?....how are you going to get it back?...
If the military took control with a dictator, your private arms would be of no help
Our Military is THAT GOOD
View attachment 296795
Wrong again
Both the NVA and Viet Cong were supported by the North Vietnamese government, Russia and China

So fucking what.

It's clear that you are utterly wrong. It's because of the simple fact that it's for sure easier to fight WITH guns than WITHOUT guns. Your position is a joke, and I do not believe even you yourself seriously entertain it. Leftist deception at its finest.

It’s easier to fight with artillery, tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, bombers, a Navy, a command and control structure, skilled fighters, logistics

All things our magnificent military has that gun nuts playing Red Dawn fantasies do not
We own all of that stuff, and we are the ones who taught the current active duty how to use it all. We can still utilize all of our fighting assets if we need to.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?
The arms private citizens need to overpower a tyrannical government

1. The vote
2. A Free Press
3. The right of assembly
4. Freedom of Speech

It has worked for 230 years
when have we had a tyrannical govt ?...

See 1-4 above

it works

Rightwinger wants a left wing tyrannical government and he honestly tells us what works to get to his goal.

All the tyrant dictators got rid of guns as their first move. With guns there is no tyranny.

We have the best Government in the world today

The idea that anyone would need arms to overthrow it is insulting to loyal Americans

You're not loyal Americans you're "borderless citizens of the world " and progressives

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?
The exact same technological equivalency that the founding generation had. There is little need to describe the type when it is sufficient to say that we should have the same state of the art weapons that the government has.

After all, that is what we had in the founding generation.
Let me explain something to you

Gun nuts could have the exact same weapons as our armed forces and they would still have their asses handed to them

Our command structure, training and tactics are just that good
Let me explain something to you, again.

The military will not actively work to overthrow the people. They are loyal to the Constitution and the Constitution places the power in our hands.

Let me explain something to you. You take up arms against our constitutionally elected government ....YOU are the bad guys
Good thing that General Washington ignored that memo.
What is amusing is that he thinks to overthrow a tyrannical government makes you the bad guy.
Let me explain something to you, again.

The military will not actively work to overthrow the people. They are loyal to the Constitution and the Constitution places the power in our hands.

Let me explain something to you. You take up arms against our constitutionally elected government ....YOU are the bad guys
Again, let me explain something to you. In order for the populace to take up arms against our government, they would have already ceased to have been a constitutionally elected government.

Revolutions don't happen because a bunch of loudmouths on an Internet forum piss and moan about not getting the government they want. It happens when the government becomes so egregious that it is apparent to each and every American and the ONLY thing the military will do is keep the wolves away from our shores while the matter gets settled, one way or the other.

The whole talk of revolution is nonsense. People have full bellies, warm shelter and a good economy with growth for the future.

The need for weapons of equal technology is insurance against the future and a statement to the government.

We the People, are always watching.

So it seems you have abandoned the futile notion of an armed population taking back a tyrannical government and replaced it with a Military Coup.
It was never a notion. If the time ever comes when is becomes necessary, your nonsense won't stop it.

Right now, we have other means to affect change. These means we have been using for centuries. They suffice.

Make no mistake. The second exists because of redcoats (traitors) who put government ahead of people. King George learned that lesson.

We will remain vigilant and demand we have the same level of arms that our government has. Just as they did in 1770+.

The second makes no mention of armed insurrection against the government

Instead, the Constitution has provisions so that such an insurrection will never be necessary
No, the 2nd is the guarantee against it. In the Declaration of Independence, the founders gave us the foundation for when men must rise up against an unjust government.

Here, I thought you were versed in our founding. Now I find you lack even the most basic understanding for why we broke away from England.
If the military took control with a dictator, your private arms would be of no help
Our Military is THAT GOOD
View attachment 296795
Wrong again
Both the NVA and Viet Cong were supported by the North Vietnamese government, Russia and China

So fucking what.

It's clear that you are utterly wrong. It's because of the simple fact that it's for sure easier to fight WITH guns than WITHOUT guns. Your position is a joke, and I do not believe even you yourself seriously entertain it. Leftist deception at its finest.

It’s easier to fight with artillery, tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, bombers, a Navy, a command and control structure, skilled fighters, logistics

All things our magnificent military has that gun nuts playing Red Dawn fantasies do not
you are so far away from what the premise of this thread was that its a whole different thread...
The premise of this ridiculous thread is that armed civilians could somehow overthrow a tyrannical government

Red Dawn fantasy
If the military took control with a dictator, your private arms would be of no help
Our Military is THAT GOOD
View attachment 296795
Wrong again
Both the NVA and Viet Cong were supported by the North Vietnamese government, Russia and China

So fucking what.

It's clear that you are utterly wrong. It's because of the simple fact that it's for sure easier to fight WITH guns than WITHOUT guns. Your position is a joke, and I do not believe even you yourself seriously entertain it. Leftist deception at its finest.

It’s easier to fight with artillery, tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, bombers, a Navy, a command and control structure, skilled fighters, logistics

All things our magnificent military has that gun nuts playing Red Dawn fantasies do not

No one questioned that it is easier to fight with those things and many more.

Do you believe people have a better fighting chance with or without guns? Or do only all those things you mentioned matter, just definitely not guns?

As I have pointed out.....
Free Speech, Free Press, Freedom of assembly and a vote make=guns unnecessary

We have NEVER needed a second amendment against government
Let me explain something to you. You take up arms against our constitutionally elected government ....YOU are the bad guys
Again, let me explain something to you. In order for the populace to take up arms against our government, they would have already ceased to have been a constitutionally elected government.

Revolutions don't happen because a bunch of loudmouths on an Internet forum piss and moan about not getting the government they want. It happens when the government becomes so egregious that it is apparent to each and every American and the ONLY thing the military will do is keep the wolves away from our shores while the matter gets settled, one way or the other.

The whole talk of revolution is nonsense. People have full bellies, warm shelter and a good economy with growth for the future.

The need for weapons of equal technology is insurance against the future and a statement to the government.

We the People, are always watching.

So it seems you have abandoned the futile notion of an armed population taking back a tyrannical government and replaced it with a Military Coup.
It was never a notion. If the time ever comes when is becomes necessary, your nonsense won't stop it.

Right now, we have other means to affect change. These means we have been using for centuries. They suffice.

Make no mistake. The second exists because of redcoats (traitors) who put government ahead of people. King George learned that lesson.

We will remain vigilant and demand we have the same level of arms that our government has. Just as they did in 1770+.

The second makes no mention of armed insurrection against the government

Instead, the Constitution has provisions so that such an insurrection will never be necessary
No, the 2nd is the guarantee against it. In the Declaration of Independence, the founders gave us the foundation for when men must rise up against an unjust government.

Here, I thought you were versed in our founding. Now I find you lack even the most basic understanding for why we broke away from England.

We broke away from England because we lacked the freedoms to overthrow a tyrannical government without armed rebellion

The Civil Rights movement proved we do not need guns
Wrong again
Both the NVA and Viet Cong were supported by the North Vietnamese government, Russia and China

So fucking what.

It's clear that you are utterly wrong. It's because of the simple fact that it's for sure easier to fight WITH guns than WITHOUT guns. Your position is a joke, and I do not believe even you yourself seriously entertain it. Leftist deception at its finest.

It’s easier to fight with artillery, tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, bombers, a Navy, a command and control structure, skilled fighters, logistics

All things our magnificent military has that gun nuts playing Red Dawn fantasies do not
you are so far away from what the premise of this thread was that its a whole different thread...
The premise of this ridiculous thread is that armed civilians could somehow overthrow a tyrannical government

Red Dawn fantasy
no it wasnt.....it was to take back a tyrannical federal government....
Wrong again
Both the NVA and Viet Cong were supported by the North Vietnamese government, Russia and China

So fucking what.

It's clear that you are utterly wrong. It's because of the simple fact that it's for sure easier to fight WITH guns than WITHOUT guns. Your position is a joke, and I do not believe even you yourself seriously entertain it. Leftist deception at its finest.

It’s easier to fight with artillery, tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, bombers, a Navy, a command and control structure, skilled fighters, logistics

All things our magnificent military has that gun nuts playing Red Dawn fantasies do not

No one questioned that it is easier to fight with those things and many more.

Do you believe people have a better fighting chance with or without guns? Or do only all those things you mentioned matter, just definitely not guns?

As I have pointed out.....
Free Speech, Free Press, Freedom of assembly and a vote make=guns unnecessary

We have NEVER needed a second amendment against government

Lying that you do not understand simple concepts, now that is unnecessary and will only lengthen the discussion.
Again, let me explain something to you. In order for the populace to take up arms against our government, they would have already ceased to have been a constitutionally elected government.

Revolutions don't happen because a bunch of loudmouths on an Internet forum piss and moan about not getting the government they want. It happens when the government becomes so egregious that it is apparent to each and every American and the ONLY thing the military will do is keep the wolves away from our shores while the matter gets settled, one way or the other.

The whole talk of revolution is nonsense. People have full bellies, warm shelter and a good economy with growth for the future.

The need for weapons of equal technology is insurance against the future and a statement to the government.

We the People, are always watching.

So it seems you have abandoned the futile notion of an armed population taking back a tyrannical government and replaced it with a Military Coup.
It was never a notion. If the time ever comes when is becomes necessary, your nonsense won't stop it.

Right now, we have other means to affect change. These means we have been using for centuries. They suffice.

Make no mistake. The second exists because of redcoats (traitors) who put government ahead of people. King George learned that lesson.

We will remain vigilant and demand we have the same level of arms that our government has. Just as they did in 1770+.

The second makes no mention of armed insurrection against the government

Instead, the Constitution has provisions so that such an insurrection will never be necessary
No, the 2nd is the guarantee against it. In the Declaration of Independence, the founders gave us the foundation for when men must rise up against an unjust government.

Here, I thought you were versed in our founding. Now I find you lack even the most basic understanding for why we broke away from England.

We broke away from England because we lacked the freedoms to overthrow a tyrannical government without armed rebellion

The Civil Rights movement proved we do not need guns
the civil rights movement was about securing civil rights for all,not taking back a tyrannical government.....
If the military took control with a dictator, your private arms would be of no help
Our Military is THAT GOOD
View attachment 296795
Wrong again
Both the NVA and Viet Cong were supported by the North Vietnamese government, Russia and China

So fucking what.

It's clear that you are utterly wrong. It's because of the simple fact that it's for sure easier to fight WITH guns than WITHOUT guns. Your position is a joke, and I do not believe even you yourself seriously entertain it. Leftist deception at its finest.

It’s easier to fight with artillery, tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, bombers, a Navy, a command and control structure, skilled fighters, logistics

All things our magnificent military has that gun nuts playing Red Dawn fantasies do not

No one questioned that it is easier to fight with those things and many more.

Do you believe people have a better fighting chance with or without guns? Or do only all those things you mentioned matter, just definitely not guns?

History has shown that peaceful resistance is more effective than armed resistance
So it seems you have abandoned the futile notion of an armed population taking back a tyrannical government and replaced it with a Military Coup.
It was never a notion. If the time ever comes when is becomes necessary, your nonsense won't stop it.

Right now, we have other means to affect change. These means we have been using for centuries. They suffice.

Make no mistake. The second exists because of redcoats (traitors) who put government ahead of people. King George learned that lesson.

We will remain vigilant and demand we have the same level of arms that our government has. Just as they did in 1770+.

The second makes no mention of armed insurrection against the government

Instead, the Constitution has provisions so that such an insurrection will never be necessary
No, the 2nd is the guarantee against it. In the Declaration of Independence, the founders gave us the foundation for when men must rise up against an unjust government.

Here, I thought you were versed in our founding. Now I find you lack even the most basic understanding for why we broke away from England.

We broke away from England because we lacked the freedoms to overthrow a tyrannical government without armed rebellion

The Civil Rights movement proved we do not need guns
the civil rights movement was about securing civil rights for all,not taking back a tyrannical government.....

It fought tyrannical government without firing a shot

a second american revolution
Wrong again
Both the NVA and Viet Cong were supported by the North Vietnamese government, Russia and China

So fucking what.

It's clear that you are utterly wrong. It's because of the simple fact that it's for sure easier to fight WITH guns than WITHOUT guns. Your position is a joke, and I do not believe even you yourself seriously entertain it. Leftist deception at its finest.

It’s easier to fight with artillery, tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, bombers, a Navy, a command and control structure, skilled fighters, logistics

All things our magnificent military has that gun nuts playing Red Dawn fantasies do not

No one questioned that it is easier to fight with those things and many more.

Do you believe people have a better fighting chance with or without guns? Or do only all those things you mentioned matter, just definitely not guns?

History has shown that peaceful resistance is more effective than armed resistance

Yeah it worked great under Stalin. They stood there and took the bullet.

Which is your plan for Americans.

You can't possibly believe people are so dumb that they believe the nonsense.
Wrong again
Both the NVA and Viet Cong were supported by the North Vietnamese government, Russia and China

So fucking what.

It's clear that you are utterly wrong. It's because of the simple fact that it's for sure easier to fight WITH guns than WITHOUT guns. Your position is a joke, and I do not believe even you yourself seriously entertain it. Leftist deception at its finest.

It’s easier to fight with artillery, tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, bombers, a Navy, a command and control structure, skilled fighters, logistics

All things our magnificent military has that gun nuts playing Red Dawn fantasies do not

No one questioned that it is easier to fight with those things and many more.

Do you believe people have a better fighting chance with or without guns? Or do only all those things you mentioned matter, just definitely not guns?

As I have pointed out.....
Free Speech, Free Press, Freedom of assembly and a vote make=guns unnecessary

We have NEVER needed a second amendment against government

Lying that you do not understand simple concepts, now that is unnecessary and will only lengthen the discussion.

it is a simple concept that armed attacks against your government is an invitation to slaughter

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