What country will you move to if Trump is elected?

Like Mussolini, Trump is dismissive of democratic institutions. He selfishly guards his image of a self-made outsider who will “dismantle the establishment” in the words of one of his supporters. That this includes cracking down on a free press by toughening libel laws, engaging in the ethnic cleansing of 11 million people (“illegals”), stripping away citizenship of those seen as illegitimate members of the nation (children of the “illegals”), and committing war crimes in the protection of the nation (killing the families of suspected terrorists) only enhances his stature among his supporters. The discrepancy between their love of America and these brutal and undemocratic methods does not bother them one iota. To borrow from Paxton again: “Fascism was an affair of the gut more than of the brain.” For Trump and his supporters, the struggle against “political correctness” in all its forms is more important than the fine print of the Constitution.
Trump’s not Hitler, he’s Mussolini: How GOP anti-intellectualism created a modern fascist movement in America
Like Mussolini, Trump is dismissive of democratic institutions. He selfishly guards his image of a self-made outsider who will “dismantle the establishment” in the words of one of his supporters. That this includes cracking down on a free press by toughening libel laws, engaging in the ethnic cleansing of 11 million people (“illegals”), stripping away citizenship of those seen as illegitimate members of the nation (children of the “illegals”), and committing war crimes in the protection of the nation (killing the families of suspected terrorists) only enhances his stature among his supporters. The discrepancy between their love of America and these brutal and undemocratic methods does not bother them one iota. To borrow from Paxton again: “Fascism was an affair of the gut more than of the brain.” For Trump and his supporters, the struggle against “political correctness” in all its forms is more important than the fine print of the Constitution.
Trump’s not Hitler, he’s Mussolini: How GOP anti-intellectualism created a modern fascist movement in America
Bullshit. He is going about things through those institutions and procedures you claim he is dismissing.
We'll see.

If he wins, America will no longer be a free nation.
Relax. It may be the best country in the world, or not. It is for you, no need to argue about it.

There is no argument. It IS.
OK, you win.
It depends. If you are born poor it's better to live in Canada or Germany. Better upward mobility less poverty and free healthcare make Germany the greatest country and Canada number 3. USA number 4.

Don't let unkotard bully you. Make him explain why the USA is number 1. In military? Sure but in a lot of ways were just one of the best.

Don't expect brainwashed Americans to be fair and impartial

Who is number 2?
I forgot
Where to live if Trump is elected, I'll stay right where I am. I survived Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson and Kennedy, why would I want to move. This is the best place ever, I have been all over Europe, China, Mexico, Canada and I like it here best.

Leaving because you,don't like a President is pretty silly and it is a childish move.
Yea and jroc loves living in Detroit.

And Germans and Canadians no longer want to move here
Trump may win. A scary thought.
Pray tell why.
Because he plays to the lowest common denominator in humanity.
He certainly does. That's a very apt way of putting it. This question doesn't apply to me. I already live outside the US and am planning to retire in Europe. I won't be living in the US again, but it has nothing to do with who is president. What I would feel if he were elected, which is highly unlikely, is fear and shame for the people of the US. Shame they would vote in such a person and fear for the damage he will do to the country.
I doubt I'd leave the country, or at least not for this reason. The whole thing could be a null op. It could be, his ego placated, Trump settles into a nice boring presidency. I don't get the sense that he has any real convictions or political agenda.

On the other hand, it could get really ugly. Maybe he's as unhinged and stupid as the character he plays on TV. If so, we might have quite a struggle to keep him in check.
Why do you say that, sealy? I don't read Unko's posts much so I don't know why you think that way of him?/?

Because Unkotare keeps winning his arguments against sealy and sealy is sore about it.
"You're wrong" doesn't constitute winning an argument.

No surprise you and unk are pals.

I have no pals on this board, you are all just names on the board, you could be 3 or 4 people on this board, I have no clue. What I have read he has sliced you up and all you do react and react badly.

Get better and you can win one in the future against him.
Where to live if Trump is elected, I'll stay right where I am. I survived Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson and Kennedy, why would I want to move. This is the best place ever, I have been all over Europe, China, Mexico, Canada and I like it here best.

Leaving because you,don't like a President is pretty silly and it is a childish move.
Yea and jroc loves living in Detroit.

And Germans and Canadians no longer want to move here

What does anything you posted have to do with what I said? You stoned?
I doubt I'd leave the country, or at least not for this reason. The whole thing could be a null op. It could be, his ego placated, Trump settles into a nice boring presidency. I don't get the sense that he has any real convictions or political agenda.

On the other hand, it could get really ugly. Maybe he's as unhinged and stupid as the character he plays on TV. If so, we might have quite a struggle to keep him in check.

I watched his show years ago, the actors became unhinged, I never saw him become unhinged. Do you have an example?
I doubt I'd leave the country, or at least not for this reason. The whole thing could be a null op. It could be, his ego placated, Trump settles into a nice boring presidency. I don't get the sense that he has any real convictions or political agenda.

On the other hand, it could get really ugly. Maybe he's as unhinged and stupid as the character he plays on TV. If so, we might have quite a struggle to keep him in check.

I watched his show years ago, the actors became unhinged, I never saw him become unhinged. Do you have an example?

When I said 'the character he plays on TV' I wasn't referring to his previous television shows. I was talking about his stump speeches and debate appearances.
Why do you say that, sealy? I don't read Unko's posts much so I don't know why you think that way of him?/?

Because Unkotare keeps winning his arguments against sealy and sealy is sore about it.
"You're wrong" doesn't constitute winning an argument.

No surprise you and unk are pals.

I have no pals on this board, you are all just names on the board, you could be 3 or 4 people on this board, I have no clue. What I have read he has sliced you up and all you do react and react badly.

Get better and you can win one in the future against him.

You are wrong. The end. End of discussion.

If he is beating me, I just crushed you. Because that is the extent of his replies to me. Doesn't surprise me you think that's winning.
I doubt I'd leave the country, or at least not for this reason. The whole thing could be a null op. It could be, his ego placated, Trump settles into a nice boring presidency. I don't get the sense that he has any real convictions or political agenda.

On the other hand, it could get really ugly. Maybe he's as unhinged and stupid as the character he plays on TV. If so, we might have quite a struggle to keep him in check.

I watched his show years ago, the actors became unhinged, I never saw him become unhinged. Do you have an example?

When I said 'the character he plays on TV' I wasn't referring to his previous television shows. I was talking about his stump speeches and debate appearances.

Gotcha, thanks for the clarification.
Why do you say that, sealy? I don't read Unko's posts much so I don't know why you think that way of him?/?

Because Unkotare keeps winning his arguments against sealy and sealy is sore about it.
"You're wrong" doesn't constitute winning an argument.

No surprise you and unk are pals.

I have no pals on this board, you are all just names on the board, you could be 3 or 4 people on this board, I have no clue. What I have read he has sliced you up and all you do react and react badly.

Get better and you can win one in the future against him.

You are wrong. The end. End of discussion.

If he is beating me, I just crushed you. Because that is the extent of his replies to me. Doesn't surprise me you think that's winning.

You are too involved know when your ass has been handed to you. Like I said practice and get better.

Look I told you to get more entertaining so I would still follow you and you have. You've come a long way baby!
Why do you say that, sealy? I don't read Unko's posts much so I don't know why you think that way of him?/?

Because Unkotare keeps winning his arguments against sealy and sealy is sore about it.
"You're wrong" doesn't constitute winning an argument.

No surprise you and unk are pals.

I have no pals on this board, you are all just names on the board, you could be 3 or 4 people on this board, I have no clue. What I have read he has sliced you up and all you do react and react badly.

Get better and you can win one in the future against him.

You are wrong. The end. End of discussion.

If he is beating me, I just crushed you. Because that is the extent of his replies to me. Doesn't surprise me you think that's winning.

You are too involved know when your ass has been handed to you. Like I said practice and get better.

Look I told you to get more entertaining so I would still follow you and you have. You've come a long way baby!
You are wrong.

Because Unkotare keeps winning his arguments against sealy and sealy is sore about it.
"You're wrong" doesn't constitute winning an argument.

No surprise you and unk are pals.

I have no pals on this board, you are all just names on the board, you could be 3 or 4 people on this board, I have no clue. What I have read he has sliced you up and all you do react and react badly.

Get better and you can win one in the future against him.

You are wrong. The end. End of discussion.

If he is beating me, I just crushed you. Because that is the extent of his replies to me. Doesn't surprise me you think that's winning.

You are too involved know when your ass has been handed to you. Like I said practice and get better.

Look I told you to get more entertaining so I would still follow you and you have. You've come a long way baby!
You are wrong.

That's it? Saying someone is wrong is a burn? :lmao:

You are returning to your unentertaining self. Step up the game or step off.
"You're wrong" doesn't constitute winning an argument.

No surprise you and unk are pals.

I have no pals on this board, you are all just names on the board, you could be 3 or 4 people on this board, I have no clue. What I have read he has sliced you up and all you do react and react badly.

Get better and you can win one in the future against him.

You are wrong. The end. End of discussion.

If he is beating me, I just crushed you. Because that is the extent of his replies to me. Doesn't surprise me you think that's winning.

You are too involved know when your ass has been handed to you. Like I said practice and get better.

Look I told you to get more entertaining so I would still follow you and you have. You've come a long way baby!
You are wrong.

That's it? You are returning to your unentertaining self. Step up the game or quit.
I'm just doing what unkotard does to me to you since you like him so much I figured you'd like me communicating with you the same way.

You are wrong. Good day sir.

I have no pals on this board, you are all just names on the board, you could be 3 or 4 people on this board, I have no clue. What I have read he has sliced you up and all you do react and react badly.

Get better and you can win one in the future against him.

You are wrong. The end. End of discussion.

If he is beating me, I just crushed you. Because that is the extent of his replies to me. Doesn't surprise me you think that's winning.

You are too involved know when your ass has been handed to you. Like I said practice and get better.

Look I told you to get more entertaining so I would still follow you and you have. You've come a long way baby!
You are wrong.

That's it? You are returning to your unentertaining self. Step up the game or quit.
I'm just doing what unkotard does to me to you since you like him so much I figured you'd like me communicating with you the same way.

You are wrong. Good day sir.

So your game has dropped, thanks for being a moron.

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