What Happens If Republicans Get Total Control ?

Which means WHAT concerning >> SOCIAL SECURITY & VA BENEFITS ?????????

Nothing will change at least not in the negative either party doing that would be committing political suicide.
It will only be political suicide IF there is a fair vote and they can be voted out of office. With a republican Congress, a republican President, and a Republican Supreme Court they could suspend elections and who would stop them?

I realize that the American sheeple have been noted for their apathy, even on important matters, but suspending elections ? Nah! I don't think they'd go that far. Rigging them ? ....That's another story. We've already seen their talents for that (in 2000 & 2004)
Nothing will change at least not in the negative either party doing that would be committing political suicide.
It will only be political suicide IF there is a fair vote and they can be voted out of office. With a republican Congress, a republican President, and a Republican Supreme Court they could suspend elections and who would stop them?

I realize that the American sheeple have been noted for their apathy, even on important matters, but suspending elections ? Nah! I don't think they'd go that far. Rigging them ? ....That's another story. We've already seen their talents for that (in 2000 & 2004)
If there's gonna be any suspending of elections, it'll happen in 2016 by THIS administration.
Hopefully not the same thing that happened last time republicans took control

Well, actually it would be the same.

I would suspect the following:

-Block grants for Medicare.
-Repeal of Obamacare.
-Bush tax cuts made permanent.
-Iran would be bombed and possibly invaded.
-The lines between Christianity and the United States Government would be further blurred.
-Frank/Dodd would be repealed.
-The Consumer Watchdog Agency would be history.
-The XL pipeline would be built.
-Subsidies for Energy companies would increase.
-Renewable Energy subsidies would cease.
-Women's reproductive rights would weaken.

And there would be another financial collapse requiring a bailout.

Wash rinse repeat.
It will only be political suicide IF there is a fair vote and they can be voted out of office. With a republican Congress, a republican President, and a Republican Supreme Court they could suspend elections and who would stop them?

I realize that the American sheeple have been noted for their apathy, even on important matters, but suspending elections ? Nah! I don't think they'd go that far. Rigging them ? ....That's another story. We've already seen their talents for that (in 2000 & 2004)
If there's gonna be any suspending of elections, it'll happen in 2016 by THIS administration.

You mean like in 2012?

Upon WHAT do you base your notion that Social Security will be gone ? Also, you didn't mention other question of the OP > VA payments.
When FDR established Social Security the gop did everything in their power to repeal it. They treated it pretty much the same as they have treated ACA.

Chief among the New Deal’s features conservatives have spent nearly 80 years attempting to eliminate is the Social Security Trust primarily because it helps the American people and does not enrich corporations and the wealthy.

"Over the past five years, the GOP and their conservative backers have spread lies and misinformation about Social Security and were successful in labeling it an “entitlement” to portray it as a handout that contributes to lazy Americans’ culture of dependency on government."

Surely you have heard republicans calling SS an entitlement and their demanding that entitlements be ended. I really suggest you check out the link below for a clear explanation of why the gop wants to kill SS.

Republicans Won't Admit that Cutting Social Security Is Stealing From the American People

Actually, I haven't heard what the Republicans have said about Social Security, which is one of the reasons why I wrote this OP. The link story is interesting, however it mentions the word "Republicans" repeatedly, but I don't recall seeing a single QUOTE in it, from a single Republican, that says they want to cut Social Security.

Of course not.

That's a "sacred cow" for a large part of their constituency.

Of course that doesn't stop them from wanting to monkey around with it.

George W. Bush wanted to turn it into a 401K plan.

That would probably happen again.
I realize that the American sheeple have been noted for their apathy, even on important matters, but suspending elections ? Nah! I don't think they'd go that far. Rigging them ? ....That's another story. We've already seen their talents for that (in 2000 & 2004)
If there's gonna be any suspending of elections, it'll happen in 2016 by THIS administration.

You mean like in 2012?

No, stupid. He wasn't prohibited to run again in 2012.
The question more precisely (but to big for an OP title) is >> If by January 2017, we find ourselves in a country where Republican control the presidency + both houses of Congress (and increasing leverage in the SCOTUS), what will happen then ?

I suspect first the pandering we've seen lately (to Hispanics, immigrants, et al) will disappear in heartbeat) The Republican party will be solidly against the things it has been all along >> immigration (esp. illegal), Islamization, affirmative action, abortion, excessive gun control, etc. It will be for what it's been for > death penalty, strong military,
law enforcement, etc. I would guess most Americans would support them on these positions. (as would I)


What would this Republican govt do regarding our monthly SOCIAL SECURITY & VA PAYMENTS ? Would they be cut ? Stay the same ? This may be what has been preventing Republicans from winning scores of elections, including the White House. The nagging fear that if they get power, our financial lifelines may go down the tubes.

??????????????? :eek::dunno::omg:

1. We deport all of our Progressives, give them a one-way ticket to any Progressive mecca: Cuba, Venezuela, whatever you pick, but you don't comeback until you're found respect for America.

2. Eliminate most of the federal government

3. Privatize Social Security and Medicare. Leave a small public option for the truly indigent, but with a robust and revitalized charitable structure, no one will want the government option.
Which means WHAT concerning >> SOCIAL SECURITY & VA BENEFITS ?????????

Nothing will change at least not in the negative either party doing that would be committing political suicide.
It will only be political suicide IF there is a fair vote and they can be voted out of office. With a republican Congress, a republican President, and a Republican Supreme Court they could suspend elections and who would stop them?

I heard that same type of silliniess when Bush was President.
Which means WHAT concerning >> SOCIAL SECURITY & VA BENEFITS ?????????

Nothing will change at least not in the negative either party doing that would be committing political suicide.
It will only be political suicide IF there is a fair vote and they can be voted out of office. With a republican Congress, a republican President, and a Republican Supreme Court they could suspend elections and who would stop them?
Err..uhm? Hey stupid? The COURT is supposed to be non-partisan...and used to weigh law regarding the Constitution.:eusa_hand:
Nothing will change at least not in the negative either party doing that would be committing political suicide.
It will only be political suicide IF there is a fair vote and they can be voted out of office. With a republican Congress, a republican President, and a Republican Supreme Court they could suspend elections and who would stop them?
Err..uhm? Hey stupid? The COURT is supposed to be non-partisan...and used to weigh law regarding the Constitution.:eusa_hand:

Except now? It isn't.

And it's legislating from the Bench.

Citizen's United was a clear example of Judicial over-reach and partisan court decisions.
The question more precisely (but to big for an OP title) is >> If by January 2017, we find ourselves in a country where Republican control the presidency + both houses of Congress (and increasing leverage in the SCOTUS), what will happen then ?

I suspect first the pandering we've seen lately (to Hispanics, immigrants, et al) will disappear in heartbeat) The Republican party will be solidly against the things it has been all along >> immigration (esp. illegal), Islamization, affirmative action, abortion, excessive gun control, etc. It will be for what it's been for > death penalty, strong military,
law enforcement, etc. I would guess most Americans would support them on these positions. (as would I)


What would this Republican govt do regarding our monthly SOCIAL SECURITY & VA PAYMENTS ? Would they be cut ? Stay the same ? This may be what has been preventing Republicans from winning scores of elections, including the White House. The nagging fear that if they get power, our financial lifelines may go down the tubes.

??????????????? :eek::dunno::omg:

Look a Putin and how he dealt with "Pussy Riot" and gay and lesbian rights; the Mullahs in Iran ands how they dealt with protesters, how Monica Goodling impacted hiring in the Dept. of Justice and then consider how safe our food, water and air will be without oversight of federal inspectors.
The question more precisely (but to big for an OP title) is >> If by January 2017, we find ourselves in a country where Republican control the presidency + both houses of Congress (and increasing leverage in the SCOTUS), what will happen then ?

I suspect first the pandering we've seen lately (to Hispanics, immigrants, et al) will disappear in heartbeat) The Republican party will be solidly against the things it has been all along >> immigration (esp. illegal), Islamization, affirmative action, abortion, excessive gun control, etc. It will be for what it's been for > death penalty, strong military,
law enforcement, etc. I would guess most Americans would support them on these positions. (as would I)


What would this Republican govt do regarding our monthly SOCIAL SECURITY & VA PAYMENTS ? Would they be cut ? Stay the same ? This may be what has been preventing Republicans from winning scores of elections, including the White House. The nagging fear that if they get power, our financial lifelines may go down the tubes.

??????????????? :eek::dunno::omg:

1. We deport all of our Progressives, give them a one-way ticket to any Progressive mecca: Cuba, Venezuela, whatever you pick, but you don't comeback until you're found respect for America.

2. Eliminate most of the federal government

3. Privatize Social Security and Medicare. Leave a small public option for the truly indigent, but with a robust and revitalized charitable structure, no one will want the government option.

Sounds like the 2000 stuff. Why didnt this happen then ?
What have the republicans worked for since Obama came to office: POWER. I suspect the first thing they would do is to pass laws making it more difficult for Democrats and liberals to vote. That way they can insure that no one can take that power away from them. Isn't that going on in some of the red states where governors are working to require photo ID's before a person could vote. How about adding this roadblock: All voting Americans must go to a government location and take a loyality oath before being allowed to vote. In the Democratic districts there would be few places to take that oath but in republican districts they would be all over the place. Who is going to stop this from happening? The second thing they would do is overturn the two term limit on being president. With that rule overturned the republicans will have been successful in turning the US from a democracy into a dictatorship. Those on the right who finally realize what they done will try to oppose the presidency but it will be to late and they will be quickly rounded up by the army and imprisoned for crimes against the state. Any judges who would opppose what was going on would be removed from office. After all, with a republican Congress, Presidency, and Supreme Court firmly in charge, who is going to stop them from getting rid of all Democratic or liberal judges? In short, those who want to know what would happen if republicans had total control of the federal government need only look at Russia. The rich would control the government and it would be financed by the poor and middle class. Say goodby to all those social safety nets the republicans have worked to repeal since FDR. Social Security, gone! Medicare, gone! Medicade, gone! ACA, gone! Unemployment insurance, gone! SNAP benefits for the poor, gone! EPA, gone! Democracy, gone!
LOL. They aren't going to cut your prescription meds. Simmer down.
We reach nirvana? Lets face it. The American political system needs a major overhaul. No more partisanship. Stick a fork in it. This political system of ours need to be ended, and something else fair to all us folk needs to need be empowered. So sick of rich folk running the place.
We reach nirvana? Lets face it. The American political system needs a major overhaul. No more partisanship. Stick a fork in it. This political system of ours need to be ended, and something else fair to all us folk needs to need be empowered. So sick of rich folk running the place.
We made it this far with partisanship and rich running things. Our turn for the worse is not the fault of either of those. We have a party engaging in failing practices that gets propagandized by the media and too many people buy it.
If Republicans were to get control, I imagine they will invade Iran or Iraq...I doubt if they know the difference
They will end the filibuster
They will slash taxes on the rich and force the 47% to pay their fair share
They will stop the spread of gay rights
They will end Medicare as we know it but will be unable to repeal Obamacare
America has become a plutocracy. They are on both sides of the political spectrum, they don't care about illegal aliens or gay rights or blacks or the poor. Don't kid yourselves.
It will only be political suicide IF there is a fair vote and they can be voted out of office. With a republican Congress, a republican President, and a Republican Supreme Court they could suspend elections and who would stop them?

I realize that the American sheeple have been noted for their apathy, even on important matters, but suspending elections ? Nah! I don't think they'd go that far. Rigging them ? ....That's another story. We've already seen their talents for that (in 2000 & 2004)
If there's gonna be any suspending of elections, it'll happen in 2016 by THIS administration.


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