What has Obama done so far to deserve to be re-elected?

Obama's presidency and re-election prevent a return to the Republican presidency/Republican Congress disaster we experienced under Bush.

That alone is sufficient argument.
No he hasn't created private sector jobs. Obama has expanded the size and scope of the Federal Government--saved the auto union--saved government workers jobs--and hasn't done diddly sqwat for small business in this country--aka the largest employer of it. We have lost another 1.4 million private sector jobs since Obama signed off on the stimulus bill.

This president is an economic moron--and he has borrowed and spent over a trillion dollars proving it.

Is a local GM dealership in, lets say, Flagstaff, AZ--that you agree was saved--a small business? A simple Yes or Yes will suffice.

I understand you hate the guy and he could cure cancer and you'd still hate him; do you give the man any credit at all...for anything...ever? Are you that closed minded?

Yeah, I didn't think an answer would be forthcoming.

The mechanics, sales people, porters, customer service reps etc...at the dealership have never been in a union hall in their lives and have no intent to go there. The diner next door where they eat egg salad sandwiches for lunch and scrambled eggs for breakfast is also a small business. Lets say the 20-30 people at the dealership visit Jane's Diner 30 times a month--someone from the dealership eats there every day in other words. Well, the bailout kept the dealership afloat--oreo agrees--and thereby keeps Jane getting those 30 orders. The waitress at Janes who couldn't find the union hall in Flagstaff with a map and a flashlight, supplements her income with tips from the GM dealership employees.

The radio stations where the GM dealership advertises didn't have to replace their sales revenue with another comapny's.

The local business that washes their uniforms didn't lose their contract with the dealership.

The sales taxes on the cars go toward funding the local libraries, hospitals, schools, and that monstrosity of a government as well.

Its not a far-fetched scenario people. This is eco-fucking-nomics 101.

I don't care if you agree with me or not on that; just be honest and admit the auto bailout worked in a great many cases just like the one above.

At least try to be honest...is it that hard?

If GM had gone bankrupt, they would have continued to operate under the bankruptcy laws just as many Airlines and other businesses have done and are doing at present.

NONE of the crap you posted would have happened.
Obama's presidency and re-election prevent a return to the Republican presidency/Republican Congress disaster we experienced under Bush.

That alone is sufficient argument.

That average 5.2% unemployment rate over 8 years under Bush was hard to take.
Is a local GM dealership in, lets say, Flagstaff, AZ--that you agree was saved--a small business? A simple Yes or Yes will suffice.

I understand you hate the guy and he could cure cancer and you'd still hate him; do you give the man any credit at all...for anything...ever? Are you that closed minded?

Yeah, I didn't think an answer would be forthcoming.

The mechanics, sales people, porters, customer service reps etc...at the dealership have never been in a union hall in their lives and have no intent to go there. The diner next door where they eat egg salad sandwiches for lunch and scrambled eggs for breakfast is also a small business. Lets say the 20-30 people at the dealership visit Jane's Diner 30 times a month--someone from the dealership eats there every day in other words. Well, the bailout kept the dealership afloat--oreo agrees--and thereby keeps Jane getting those 30 orders. The waitress at Janes who couldn't find the union hall in Flagstaff with a map and a flashlight, supplements her income with tips from the GM dealership employees.

The radio stations where the GM dealership advertises didn't have to replace their sales revenue with another comapny's.

The local business that washes their uniforms didn't lose their contract with the dealership.

The sales taxes on the cars go toward funding the local libraries, hospitals, schools, and that monstrosity of a government as well.

Its not a far-fetched scenario people. This is eco-fucking-nomics 101.

I don't care if you agree with me or not on that; just be honest and admit the auto bailout worked in a great many cases just like the one above.

At least try to be honest...is it that hard?

If GM had gone bankrupt, they would have continued to operate under the bankruptcy laws just as many Airlines and other businesses have done and are doing at present.

NONE of the crap you posted would have happened.

Uhhh...they did go bankrupt.

GM Files for Bankruptcy - BusinessWeek

Were you asleep? Obama and the financial aid kept them from going out of business. I guess thats what you are opposed to. Am I right?
What Obama has done: He Made Things Worse.

This is the worst economic recovery ever.
He ended the partisanship in DC. He also enforced a completely transparent process. Oh and let's not forget he gave everyone thousands of dollars for their old turd cars. And he had beers with really important people when they couldn't get along. Also he helped Israel negotiate with those pesky terrorists.
So much more but I'm too busy to keep typing!

I really hope you are joking, but just in case you are not.

He ended partisanship in DC? Are you fucken kidding me? He and his administration are the most partisan administration this country has ever seen. And dont get started on the transparency shit, he promised before being elected that the Obamacare debate would be all over Cspan, did that happen? Nope, everything was done in backroom deals and bribery to senators for votes.
He didn't give anyone shit for their turd cars, the American tax payer did and did so unwillingly, just more fascism from the most fascist president America has ever had.
If this man gets re-elected it will be due to voter fraud just like in 2008.
Whether Obama is reelected or not will depend more on the campaign of the opposition than his campaign. Obama is beatable but not by fire breathing dragons seeking to turn the clock back to 1776. IMHO, most Americans do not want weak government. They want better government.

More Americans trust the tea party patriots in this country-over either the democrat or republican party.

Poll: Tea Party Patriots Most Popular

This article is from December of 2009. Kind of misleading, isn't it??? It is June of 2011 now. Here is another piece from April of 2011.

Tea Party: Better Known, Less Popular | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
What Obama has done: He Made Things Worse.

This is the worst economic recovery ever.


Things can’t be made ‘worse’ in such a short period of time.

The recent recession that began in December 2007 put us in a deep hole – it will indeed take time to recover.

And Obama is implementing the same economic policies as GWB, the same economic policies McCain would implement if he were president.

You’re only issue with Obama is party affiliation – consider taking your head out of the Dogma Bubble and breathing the fresh air of reality.
What Obama has done: He Made Things Worse.

This is the worst economic recovery ever.


Things can’t be made ‘worse’ in such a short period of time.

The recent recession that began in December 2007 put us in a deep hole – it will indeed take time to recover.

And Obama is implementing the same economic policies as GWB, the same economic policies McCain would implement if he were president.

You’re only issue with Obama is party affiliation – consider taking your head out of the Dogma Bubble and breathing the fresh air of reality.

We have lost another 1.4 million jobs since Obama signed off on the 1 trillion economic stimulus bill 2-1/2 years ago. What went to supposedly create millions of jobs turned into saving government workers jobs--and then to Nancy Pelosi referring to unemployment checks as economic stimulus.


Obama has continually blamed Bush--now that he has run out of Bush excuses--he is blaming ATM machines for stealing jobs: cuckoo:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbA1Uv6StL4]YouTube - ‪Reggie Brown as President Obama Weekly Address 3-17-11‬‏[/ame]
What Obama has done: He Made Things Worse.

This is the worst economic recovery ever.

There was never any recovery.

The only thing that recovered was the stock market. Households across America looking to pay the mortgage have never recovered.

We are currently at 9.1% unemployment--Americans are still losing their homes--25% of the work force is considered underemployed--either working part-time or in temporary positions--and the most telling of all? There are currently 47 million Americans receiving food stamps.
What Obama has done: He Made Things Worse.

This is the worst economic recovery ever.


Things can’t be made ‘worse’ in such a short period of time.

The recent recession that began in December 2007 put us in a deep hole – it will indeed take time to recover.

And Obama is implementing the same economic policies as GWB, the same economic policies McCain would implement if he were president.

You’re only issue with Obama is party affiliation – consider taking your head out of the Dogma Bubble and breathing the fresh air of reality.

Can you then explain to me that, being we are in a recession, we are broke as a nation and having to borrow money from China, how exactly implementing Obamacare will not add to the deficit and national debt?
That was Obamas baby, and it will hurt the country more then help it, so no, it has nothing to do with his party affiliation, it has everything to do with his ideology and how it conflicts with the united states constitution. Here is Obama in his own words about the constitution. To him, it is a charter of negative rights!!! Wow, just wow......and you elected him.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jr9mLB3yKs]YouTube - ‪Obama Constitution Negative Liberties.flv‬‏[/ame]
What Obama has done: He Made Things Worse.

This is the worst economic recovery ever.


Things can’t be made ‘worse’ in such a short period of time.

The recent recession that began in December 2007 put us in a deep hole – it will indeed take time to recover.

And Obama is implementing the same economic policies as GWB, the same economic policies McCain would implement if he were president.

You’re only issue with Obama is party affiliation – consider taking your head out of the Dogma Bubble and breathing the fresh air of reality.

Whether Obama is reelected or not will depend more on the campaign of the opposition than his campaign. Obama is beatable but not by fire breathing dragons seeking to turn the clock back to 1776. IMHO, most Americans do not want weak government. They want better government.

More Americans trust the tea party patriots in this country-over either the democrat or republican party.

Poll: Tea Party Patriots Most Popular
What the Tea Party wants, is what most people, right, left, or center want.
Low Taxes - Hell yes
A balanced budget - Absolutely
A smaller more efficient government - Of Course.
Jobs - Sure

The problem comes when a Tea Party candidate lays down a plan to achieve these goals. The public gives a resounding hell no, as we saw with the Ryan's medicare plan.

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