What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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What would you do as a parent in that situation TK?

I would obey the friggun law, Coyote. I'd much rather maintain my relationship with my child than to use them as a tool to leverage another government for my illegal presence within their borders. I will have none of it. Children are not tools, they are children. Innocent children who essentially have no control over their situations. Ultimately the onus lies on the parents, they set such a vicious cycle in motion.

Not even in a moment of sheer desperation would I ever dare to subject my child to that. I would have to have gone completely insane to do something so barbarous.
What if your daughter was raped by a gang and your other daughter threatened with the same if you did not pay up? What if the police were bankrolled by that gang? Not fictional, these are the sorts of things recounted. What would you do?

I would get my kids the hell out of Dodge any way I can.
An additional response to this post would be:

Seek asylum, don't break our laws.

Don't use asylum as a means to circumvent our immigration laws. If your situation is that severe, our government has a means for you to get here and be safe from your malefactors. Asylum. A-s-y-l-u-m.
Smugglers give them a cheat sheet on what to say when asked questions at the border..........They study it and make sure they answer the questions specifically to seek Asylum.
Do you think these judges are that stupid? Again...most requests are denied and end in deportation.

You thanked post #523, where the author said and I quote "Trump's policies are dragging us down with the two bit dictators".

Do you think Trump is a "two bit dictator"? Simply for wanting our national sovereignty to be respected?
I think policies like this one are dragging us down to that level. You do not need a policy like this in order to successfully maintain law and order at the border.

Politics? So when we put criminals in jail that's "politics?" Wow, what a stupid post that was
Slow down speedy. Policies.

Exactly, your policies are the politics of importing Democrat voters as fast as you can because you're in trouble and you know it

You thanked post #523, where the author said and I quote "Trump's policies are dragging us down with the two bit dictators".

Do you think Trump is a "two bit dictator"? Simply for wanting our national sovereignty to be respected?
I think policies like this one are dragging us down to that level. You do not need a policy like this in order to successfully maintain law and order at the border.

Yes we do.

But should we have no consequences for violating our immigration laws? Have we not come full circle in this discussion?

You thanked post #523, where the author said and I quote "Trump's policies are dragging us down with the two bit dictators".

Do you think Trump is a "two bit dictator"? Simply for wanting our national sovereignty to be respected?
I think policies like this one are dragging us down to that level. You do not need a policy like this in order to successfully maintain law and order at the border.

Not that the border was so incredibly lawless and wild to start with…

It’s a cure in search of a disease.
Come on liberals...
You claimed that barry deported more illegals than Trump has.
Yet you a attack Trump for pics that were taken during barry's term and blame conservatives for abusing immigrants. So which is it? Barry was tough on immigration and caged kids

What are your thoughts on the vid I posted, Coyote?

Here it is again in case you missed it.....

How does that relate to forceably removing children from their mothers while awaiting a hearing? I notice she has her children with her and she said nothing about that policy, only that she can’t blame Trump for enforcing the immigration laws that deported her husband. She says nothing about kids.

Niiiiice......degrade the immigrant that followed the rules and is willing to accept the consequences of her sig other being here illegally.

I applaud her for standing up for the rule of law.
She is exactly the type immigrant we want in America.
Come on liberals...
You claimed that barry deported more illegals than Trump has.
Yet you a attack Trump for pics that were taken during barry's term and blame conservatives for abusing immigrants. So which is it? Barry was tough on immigration and caged kids

What are your thoughts on the vid I posted, Coyote?

Here it is again in case you missed it.....

How does that relate to forceably removing children from their mothers while awaiting a hearing? I notice she has her children with her and she said nothing about that policy, only that she can’t blame Trump for enforcing the immigration laws that deported her husband. She says nothing about kids.

Niiiiice......degrade the immigrant that followed the rules and is willing to accept the consequences of her sig other being here illegally.

I applaud her for standing up for the rule of law.
She is exactly the type immigrant we want in America.

Catch and Release...........get a court date and never show up immigration under Obama.
They used to put everybody together years ago in Florida but they wound up with kids being sexually assaulted.
They managed to keep families together before...now suddenly they cant? Has there been an sudden increase in crimes against these children that they can not stay with their mothers?

They haven't housed children with adults for a long time. This isn't something Trump implemented. He was complaining about it, in fact, and drawing attention to the fact that, due to the law, that's what happens.

Trump criticizes separating families at the border, despite his administration's support for policy that could lead to separation - CNNPolitics

It was happening under Obama, but it wasn't an issue then. It's a humanitarian crisis under Trump, though.
Because they kept children with their mothers while awaiting their hearing. That is new.

I believe you are wrong. There were no mothers in the 2014 photos I saw. Do you have a link?

Do you mean the photos currently being circulated again of huge numbers of children in crowded conditions? 2014 saw a flood of unaccompanied minors Surge in unaccompanied child immigrants spurs White House reaction

The children traveled unaccompanied by parents.

Do you have a link proving children were detained with their parents under the previous administration? I don't think they were, as it is against our law and has been long before Trump. I think you are referring to "catch and release," where everyone is just let go with a court date. That clearly didn't work, so now we are going to try enforcing our laws. There's this thing we need to fix, though. Trump doesn't like it, you don't like it, much of America doesn't like it. Congress should address this issue, as Trump is suggesting/whining/calling for, as it is their job.
What are your thoughts on the vid I posted, Coyote?

Here it is again in case you missed it.....

How does that relate to forceably removing children from their mothers while awaiting a hearing? I notice she has her children with her and she said nothing about that policy, only that she can’t blame Trump for enforcing the immigration laws that deported her husband. She says nothing about kids.

It highlights the problems democrats create when they make stupid decisions.

I know you’re an honest person who’ll eventually appreciate President Trump for addressing the problems democrats created. You and I both hate the trail of death and pain they’ve paved.
It’s why I’m glad we finally have a president willing to fix this problem.
They managed to keep families together before...now suddenly they cant? Has there been an sudden increase in crimes against these children that they can not stay with their mothers?

They haven't housed children with adults for a long time. This isn't something Trump implemented. He was complaining about it, in fact, and drawing attention to the fact that, due to the law, that's what happens.

Trump criticizes separating families at the border, despite his administration's support for policy that could lead to separation - CNNPolitics

It was happening under Obama, but it wasn't an issue then. It's a humanitarian crisis under Trump, though.
Because they kept children with their mothers while awaiting their hearing. That is new.

I believe you are wrong. There were no mothers in the 2014 photos I saw. Do you have a link?

Do you mean the photos currently being circulated again of huge numbers of children in crowded conditions? 2014 saw a flood of unaccompanied minors Surge in unaccompanied child immigrants spurs White House reaction

The children traveled unaccompanied by parents.

Do you have a link proving children were detained with their parents? I don't think they were, as it is against our law and has been long before Trump. I think you are referring to "catch and release," where everyone is just let go with a court date. That clearly didn't work, so now we are going to try enforcing our laws. There's this thing we need to fix, though. Trump doesn't like it, you don't like it, much of America doesn't like it. Congress should address this issue, as Trump is suggesting/whining/calling for, as it is their job.

I asked for qualification on her claim early on in this thread....nothing was forth coming.
What are your thoughts on the vid I posted, Coyote?

Here it is again in case you missed it.....

How does that relate to forceably removing children from their mothers while awaiting a hearing? I notice she has her children with her and she said nothing about that policy, only that she can’t blame Trump for enforcing the immigration laws that deported her husband. She says nothing about kids.

It highlights the problems democrats create when they make stupid decisions.

I know you’re an honest person who’ll eventually appreciate President Trump for addressing the problems democrats created. You and I both hate the trail of death and pain they’ve paved.
It’s why I’m glad we finally have a president willing to fix this problem.

As much as I screw with Coyote I still think she's a thinking dem.
----------------------------- he is blaming 'dems' / YOU because the moochers in cages photos was taken during 'mrobama' time in office Busybee .

Do you have a clue what you are talking about. We are talking about TRUMP'S decision to separate children from their families. Obama did not start it. Quit blaming Obama for everything.

TRUMP: Look, we are going to start enforcing our laws. We've got to get a handle on this. No more catch and release B.S.. Fair warning, If you cross our border illegally, you will be detained. Since we are going to start enforcing our laws, Congress might look at this f'ed up part separating families that's been going on a long time and doesn't seem to be working. Lawmakers need to fix that part.

MSM: Trump is threatening to rip apart innocent families because he hates brown people and children. Here's a photo of caved children under another administration to add drama.

SHEEP: Trump is kidnapping and caging children!

Fact: Sessions has instituted a new policy of removing children from all illegal border crossers.

RWMedia: But Obama did it.

Strange Observation: the number of children being separated is so huge there aren’t enough places for them and HHS has no budget to House them.

Question: ....but didn’t Obama do it?

Political talking point scorecard 10.

Families zero.

The new policy is to enforce the law. Trump is asking for a fix to this part of the law. Since we won't be ignoring our laws anymore, can we focus on fixing this part of the law, the one before Trump, that even be disagrees with?
So a policy of child abuse is now part of the new enforcement of the law and people are going to pretend that the law has no discretionary powers in order to justify this abuse.

So if you are caught jaywalking they can take your children and toss them into foster care because they are only enforcing the law.

There is no law requiring detention of jaywalkers. There is a law that strangers entering our country illegally are to be detained. Due to the high rate of abuse of children in detention centers, children are placed with families or in juvenile facilities. Do you have a solution?
Do you have a clue what you are talking about. We are talking about TRUMP'S decision to separate children from their families. Obama did not start it. Quit blaming Obama for everything.

TRUMP: Look, we are going to start enforcing our laws. We've got to get a handle on this. No more catch and release B.S.. Fair warning, If you cross our border illegally, you will be detained. Since we are going to start enforcing our laws, Congress might look at this f'ed up part separating families that's been going on a long time and doesn't seem to be working. Lawmakers need to fix that part.

MSM: Trump is threatening to rip apart innocent families because he hates brown people and children. Here's a photo of caved children under another administration to add drama.

SHEEP: Trump is kidnapping and caging children!

Fact: Sessions has instituted a new policy of removing children from all illegal border crossers.

RWMedia: But Obama did it.

Strange Observation: the number of children being separated is so huge there aren’t enough places for them and HHS has no budget to House them.

Question: ....but didn’t Obama do it?

Political talking point scorecard 10.

Families zero.

The new policy is to enforce the law. Trump is asking for a fix to this part of the law. Since we won't be ignoring our laws anymore, can we focus on fixing this part of the law, the one before Trump, that even be disagrees with?
So a policy of child abuse is now part of the new enforcement of the law and people are going to pretend that the law has no discretionary powers in order to justify this abuse.

So if you are caught jaywalking they can take your children and toss them into foster care because they are only enforcing the law.

There is no law requiring detention of jaywalkers. There is a law that strangers entering our country illegally are to be detained. Due to the high rate of abuse of children in detention centers, children are placed with families or in juvenile facilities. Do you have a solution?
Amnesty for all...............LOL
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

From the OP..............tell me when the children of American criminals join their parents in jail......................well...........If the parents GO TO JAIL..........were not going to throw the children in jail too.............

So........are you spinning that quote???????????????????????
Convicted and jailed.

What have these immigrants been convicted of, they haven’t even had their hearing. Who is spinning?
They came here illegally, they are in jail pending a hearing. Just like any US citizen charged with a crime. They can rejoin their child on the bus back to Mexico
What are your thoughts on the vid I posted, Coyote?

Here it is again in case you missed it.....

How does that relate to forceably removing children from their mothers while awaiting a hearing? I notice she has her children with her and she said nothing about that policy, only that she can’t blame Trump for enforcing the immigration laws that deported her husband. She says nothing about kids.

It highlights the problems democrats create when they make stupid decisions.

I know you’re an honest person who’ll eventually appreciate President Trump for addressing the problems democrats created. You and I both hate the trail of death and pain they’ve paved.
It’s why I’m glad we finally have a president willing to fix this problem.

As much as I screw with Coyote I still think she's a thinking dem.

I like coyote. I don’t know why.. I just do. :)
What are your thoughts on the vid I posted, Coyote?

Here it is again in case you missed it.....

How does that relate to forceably removing children from their mothers while awaiting a hearing? I notice she has her children with her and she said nothing about that policy, only that she can’t blame Trump for enforcing the immigration laws that deported her husband. She says nothing about kids.

It highlights the problems democrats create when they make stupid decisions.

I know you’re an honest person who’ll eventually appreciate President Trump for addressing the problems democrats created. You and I both hate the trail of death and pain they’ve paved.
It’s why I’m glad we finally have a president willing to fix this problem.

We dealt with immigrants Obama's way for eight years, and the results were less than satisfying. Trump hasn't been in office for two years, and they are complaining left and right.

Let us do it our way for four years (possibly eight) and see the end results. Let's compare who has the best way to deal with the problems that come to our borders.

It has noting to do with the children, what it has to do with is they know our policies will provide results. That's what scares the hell out of them.
What are your thoughts on the vid I posted, Coyote?

Here it is again in case you missed it.....

How does that relate to forceably removing children from their mothers while awaiting a hearing? I notice she has her children with her and she said nothing about that policy, only that she can’t blame Trump for enforcing the immigration laws that deported her husband. She says nothing about kids.

It highlights the problems democrats create when they make stupid decisions.

I know you’re an honest person who’ll eventually appreciate President Trump for addressing the problems democrats created. You and I both hate the trail of death and pain they’ve paved.
It’s why I’m glad we finally have a president willing to fix this problem.

As much as I screw with Coyote I still think she's a thinking dem.

I like coyote. I don’t know why.. I just do. :)

Because she's one of the few on the left that can have a discussion without getting into personal insults????
They managed to keep families together before...now suddenly they cant? Has there been an sudden increase in crimes against these children that they can not stay with their mothers?

They haven't housed children with adults for a long time. This isn't something Trump implemented. He was complaining about it, in fact, and drawing attention to the fact that, due to the law, that's what happens.

Trump criticizes separating families at the border, despite his administration's support for policy that could lead to separation - CNNPolitics

It was happening under Obama, but it wasn't an issue then. It's a humanitarian crisis under Trump, though.
Because they kept children with their mothers while awaiting their hearing. That is new.

I believe you are wrong. There were no mothers in the 2014 photos I saw. Do you have a link?

Do you mean the photos currently being circulated again of huge numbers of children in crowded conditions? 2014 saw a flood of unaccompanied minors Surge in unaccompanied child immigrants spurs White House reaction

The children traveled unaccompanied by parents.

Do you have a link proving children were detained with their parents under the previous administration? I don't think they were, as it is against our law and has been long before Trump. I think you are referring to "catch and release," where everyone is just let go with a court date. That clearly didn't work, so now we are going to try enforcing our laws. There's this thing we need to fix, though. Trump doesn't like it, you don't like it, much of America doesn't like it. Congress should address this issue, as Trump is suggesting/whining/calling for, as it is their job.

U.S. is separating immigrant parents and children to discourage others, activists say
They haven't housed children with adults for a long time. This isn't something Trump implemented. He was complaining about it, in fact, and drawing attention to the fact that, due to the law, that's what happens.

Trump criticizes separating families at the border, despite his administration's support for policy that could lead to separation - CNNPolitics

It was happening under Obama, but it wasn't an issue then. It's a humanitarian crisis under Trump, though.
Because they kept children with their mothers while awaiting their hearing. That is new.

I believe you are wrong. There were no mothers in the 2014 photos I saw. Do you have a link?

Do you mean the photos currently being circulated again of huge numbers of children in crowded conditions? 2014 saw a flood of unaccompanied minors Surge in unaccompanied child immigrants spurs White House reaction

The children traveled unaccompanied by parents.

Do you have a link proving children were detained with their parents under the previous administration? I don't think they were, as it is against our law and has been long before Trump. I think you are referring to "catch and release," where everyone is just let go with a court date. That clearly didn't work, so now we are going to try enforcing our laws. There's this thing we need to fix, though. Trump doesn't like it, you don't like it, much of America doesn't like it. Congress should address this issue, as Trump is suggesting/whining/calling for, as it is their job.

U.S. is separating immigrant parents and children to discourage others, activists say

Your link was enough to ignore your link.
Activist say?
What are your thoughts on the vid I posted, Coyote?

Here it is again in case you missed it.....

How does that relate to forceably removing children from their mothers while awaiting a hearing? I notice she has her children with her and she said nothing about that policy, only that she can’t blame Trump for enforcing the immigration laws that deported her husband. She says nothing about kids.

It highlights the problems democrats create when they make stupid decisions.

I know you’re an honest person who’ll eventually appreciate President Trump for addressing the problems democrats created. You and I both hate the trail of death and pain they’ve paved.
It’s why I’m glad we finally have a president willing to fix this problem.

As much as I screw with Coyote I still think she's a thinking dem.

I like coyote. I don’t know why.. I just do. :)

There is no accounting for taste :dunno:
I am not registered with any party though.
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