What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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This OP appears to try to shift the recent scam on how they showed caged immigrants on to Trump when the article was in 2014 under Obama.

Now it's ....................Your mean people..........and look at the Children Identity politics...............

We don't have the responsibility to take on all the worlds problems...........It's a numbers game and we simply cannot take in all those South of the border........It cost a lot of money after they get here and is causing financial problems in this country.

The governments South of the border are corrupt...........some owned by the drug cartels.......and have caused the problems that make people flee.....That is the problem and not the United States.
No, that scam is a different issue. No one was actually caged, it was from the flood of unaccompanied minors and it was under Obama. Kids weren’t being separated from parents, they came without any parents so there is a good bit of scamming both ways there.

This is about Session’s announced policy of 100% removing children from parents caught entering the country illegally.
John Hawkins - The Top Seven Techniques Liberals Use to Lie About Conservatives

3) The Teary Eyed Spokesman: One of the Left's favorite tactics of late is to pick pathetic figures we're supposed to feel sorry for as spokesmen. That way, if you try to respond to the lies of someone like Cindy Sheehan, you're accused of picking on the mother of a dead soldier. If you try to respond to the lies of Max Cleland, you're accused of picking on a crippled vet. At this point, I'm surprised they haven't found a gaunt, stuttering orphan to serve as Obama's Press Secretary. Worst-case scenario, he couldn't do much worse than Robert Gibbs.
What does that have to do with anything?
Has to do with what you are trying to do here..............

An excuse to bring in more illegals and more amnesty................about 100,000 arrested in the last 2 months............detained may be a more proper word..........

And your side shows the detention centers showing how EVIL WE ARE..................Identity politics..........LOOK AT THE Children.............

Then get off your butts and increase the border agent numbers.........increase the number of beds in detention centers.........and create more immigration courts so our Border Agents aren't overloaded..............

Dems BLOCK IMMIGRATION reform unless it is Amnesty...........DREAMERS..........and so on..........Put your dang money where your mouth is and change the laws and increase the funding to get rid of these problems............Your side didn't fix any of this.............so stop complaining.
John Hawkins - The Top Seven Techniques Liberals Use to Lie About Conservatives

3) The Teary Eyed Spokesman: One of the Left's favorite tactics of late is to pick pathetic figures we're supposed to feel sorry for as spokesmen. That way, if you try to respond to the lies of someone like Cindy Sheehan, you're accused of picking on the mother of a dead soldier. If you try to respond to the lies of Max Cleland, you're accused of picking on a crippled vet. At this point, I'm surprised they haven't found a gaunt, stuttering orphan to serve as Obama's Press Secretary. Worst-case scenario, he couldn't do much worse than Robert Gibbs.
What does that have to do with anything?
Has to do with what you are trying to do here..............

An excuse to bring in more illegals and more amnesty................about 100,000 arrested in the last 2 months............detained may be a more proper word..........

And your side shows the detention centers showing how EVIL WE ARE..................Identity politics..........LOOK AT THE Children.............

Then get off your butts and increase the border agent numbers.........increase the number of beds in detention centers.........and create more immigration courts so our Border Agents aren't overloaded..............

Dems BLOCK IMMIGRATION reform unless it is Amnesty...........DREAMERS..........and so on..........Put your dang money where your mouth is and change the laws and increase the funding to get rid of these problems............Your side didn't fix any of this.............so stop complaining.

Build the wall

You thanked post #523, where the author said and I quote "Trump's policies are dragging us down with the two bit dictators".

Do you think Trump is a "two bit dictator"? Simply for wanting our national sovereignty to be respected?
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

From the OP..............tell me when the children of American criminals join their parents in jail......................well...........If the parents GO TO JAIL..........were not going to throw the children in jail too.............

So........are you spinning that quote???????????????????????
What are your thoughts on the vid I posted, Coyote?

Here it is again in case you missed it.....

How does that relate to forceably removing children from their mothers while awaiting a hearing? I notice she has her children with her and she said nothing about that policy, only that she can’t blame Trump for enforcing the immigration laws that deported her husband. She says nothing about kids.
Ok....I think in this case you way wrong....because a child isn’t a thing or property. It is a person with rights as well. That is why we don’t punish children for what their parents did. Though we used to.

The one thing you're failing to realize is that I'm not wanting the child to be punished. I want the child to be treated like a human being. Apparently the parents seem to think they are "things" or "property" because they have to smuggle them. Yes. What do you do with drugs if your in a drug cartel? You smuggle them. What do you do if you're a thief with stolen property and need to get your filched goods from one place to another, you smuggle them.

You're right, they aren't things or property, but their parents are using them as leverage over another sovereign government in order to get here themselves. That, Coyote, is not acceptable.
What would you do as a parent in that situation TK?

I would obey the friggun law, Coyote. I'd much rather maintain my relationship with my child than to use them as a tool to leverage another government for my illegal presence within their borders. I will have none of it. Children are not tools, they are children. Innocent children who essentially have no control over their situations. Ultimately the onus lies on the parents, they set such a vicious cycle in motion.

Not even in a moment of sheer desperation would I ever dare to subject my child to that. I would have to have gone completely insane to do something so barbarous.
What if your daughter was raped by a gang and your other daughter threatened with the same if you did not pay up? What if the police were bankrolled by that gang? Not fictional, these are the sorts of things recounted. What would you do?

I would get my kids the hell out of Dodge any way I can.
An additional response to this post would be:

Seek asylum, don't break our laws.

Don't use asylum as a means to circumvent our immigration laws. If your situation is that severe, our government has a means for you to get here and be safe from your malefactors. Asylum. A-s-y-l-u-m.
This OP appears to try to shift the recent scam on how they showed caged immigrants on to Trump when the article was in 2014 under Obama.

Now it's ....................Your mean people..........and look at the Children Identity politics...............

We don't have the responsibility to take on all the worlds problems...........It's a numbers game and we simply cannot take in all those South of the border........It cost a lot of money after they get here and is causing financial problems in this country.

The governments South of the border are corrupt...........some owned by the drug cartels.......and have caused the problems that make people flee.....That is the problem and not the United States.
No, that scam is a different issue. No one was actually caged, it was from the flood of unaccompanied minors and it was under Obama. Kids weren’t being separated from parents, they came without any parents so there is a good bit of scamming both ways there.

This is about Session’s announced policy of 100% removing children from parents caught entering the country illegally.

OK, so what you're saying is that you agree though that when a child has two criminal parents who say bring their child illegally into the United States have then we should arrest and put their criminal parents in jail and put their kids into foster care, right? That's what you're saying?
This OP appears to try to shift the recent scam on how they showed caged immigrants on to Trump when the article was in 2014 under Obama.

Now it's ....................Your mean people..........and look at the Children Identity politics...............

We don't have the responsibility to take on all the worlds problems...........It's a numbers game and we simply cannot take in all those South of the border........It cost a lot of money after they get here and is causing financial problems in this country.

The governments South of the border are corrupt...........some owned by the drug cartels.......and have caused the problems that make people flee.....That is the problem and not the United States.
No, that scam is a different issue. No one was actually caged, it was from the flood of unaccompanied minors and it was under Obama. Kids weren’t being separated from parents, they came without any parents so there is a good bit of scamming both ways there.

This is about Session’s announced policy of 100% removing children from parents caught entering the country illegally.
Kids being separated from their families is what Trump is trying to prevent.
Democrats are trying to keep it going.
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

From the OP..............tell me when the children of American criminals join their parents in jail......................well...........If the parents GO TO JAIL..........were not going to throw the children in jail too.............

So........are you spinning that quote???????????????????????
Convicted and jailed.

What have these immigrants been convicted of, they haven’t even had their hearing. Who is spinning?
Ok....I think in this case you way wrong....because a child isn’t a thing or property. It is a person with rights as well. That is why we don’t punish children for what their parents did. Though we used to.

The one thing you're failing to realize is that I'm not wanting the child to be punished. I want the child to be treated like a human being. Apparently the parents seem to think they are "things" or "property" because they have to smuggle them. Yes. What do you do with drugs if your in a drug cartel? You smuggle them. What do you do if you're a thief with stolen property and need to get your filched goods from one place to another, you smuggle them.

You're right, they aren't things or property, but their parents are using them as leverage over another sovereign government in order to get here themselves. That, Coyote, is not acceptable.
What would you do as a parent in that situation TK?

I would obey the friggun law, Coyote. I'd much rather maintain my relationship with my child than to use them as a tool to leverage another government for my illegal presence within their borders. I will have none of it. Children are not tools, they are children. Innocent children who essentially have no control over their situations. Ultimately the onus lies on the parents, they set such a vicious cycle in motion.

Not even in a moment of sheer desperation would I ever dare to subject my child to that. I would have to have gone completely insane to do something so barbarous.
What if your daughter was raped by a gang and your other daughter threatened with the same if you did not pay up? What if the police were bankrolled by that gang? Not fictional, these are the sorts of things recounted. What would you do?

I would get my kids the hell out of Dodge any way I can.
An additional response to this post would be:

Seek asylum, don't break our laws.

Don't use asylum as a means to circumvent our immigration laws. If your situation is that severe, our government has a means for you to get here and be safe from your malefactors. Asylum. A-s-y-l-u-m.
Smugglers give them a cheat sheet on what to say when asked questions at the border..........They study it and make sure they answer the questions specifically to seek Asylum.

You thanked post #523, where the author said and I quote "Trump's policies are dragging us down with the two bit dictators".

Do you think Trump is a "two bit dictator"? Simply for wanting our national sovereignty to be respected?
I think policies like this one are dragging us down to that level. You do not need a policy like this in order to successfully maintain law and order at the border.
What are your thoughts on the vid I posted, Coyote?

Here it is again in case you missed it.....

How does that relate to forceably removing children from their mothers while awaiting a hearing? I notice she has her children with her and she said nothing about that policy, only that she can’t blame Trump for enforcing the immigration laws that deported her husband. She says nothing about kids.

I agree with you that we should give illegal aliens an immediate hearing and put her in jail for being a criminal and then we can turn the child over to the Mexican government. Agreed?

You thanked post #523, where the author said and I quote "Trump's policies are dragging us down with the two bit dictators".

Do you think Trump is a "two bit dictator"? Simply for wanting our national sovereignty to be respected?
I think policies like this one are dragging us down to that level. You do not need a policy like this in order to successfully maintain law and order at the border.

Politics? So when we put criminals in jail that's "politics?" Wow, what a stupid post that was
The one thing you're failing to realize is that I'm not wanting the child to be punished. I want the child to be treated like a human being. Apparently the parents seem to think they are "things" or "property" because they have to smuggle them. Yes. What do you do with drugs if your in a drug cartel? You smuggle them. What do you do if you're a thief with stolen property and need to get your filched goods from one place to another, you smuggle them.

You're right, they aren't things or property, but their parents are using them as leverage over another sovereign government in order to get here themselves. That, Coyote, is not acceptable.
What would you do as a parent in that situation TK?

I would obey the friggun law, Coyote. I'd much rather maintain my relationship with my child than to use them as a tool to leverage another government for my illegal presence within their borders. I will have none of it. Children are not tools, they are children. Innocent children who essentially have no control over their situations. Ultimately the onus lies on the parents, they set such a vicious cycle in motion.

Not even in a moment of sheer desperation would I ever dare to subject my child to that. I would have to have gone completely insane to do something so barbarous.
What if your daughter was raped by a gang and your other daughter threatened with the same if you did not pay up? What if the police were bankrolled by that gang? Not fictional, these are the sorts of things recounted. What would you do?

I would get my kids the hell out of Dodge any way I can.
An additional response to this post would be:

Seek asylum, don't break our laws.

Don't use asylum as a means to circumvent our immigration laws. If your situation is that severe, our government has a means for you to get here and be safe from your malefactors. Asylum. A-s-y-l-u-m.
Smugglers give them a cheat sheet on what to say when asked questions at the border..........They study it and make sure they answer the questions specifically to seek Asylum.
Do you think these judges are that stupid? Again...most requests are denied and end in deportation.
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

From the OP..............tell me when the children of American criminals join their parents in jail......................well...........If the parents GO TO JAIL..........were not going to throw the children in jail too.............

So........are you spinning that quote???????????????????????
Convicted and jailed.

What have these immigrants been convicted of, they haven’t even had their hearing. Who is spinning?

Good point. They are criminals, but we haven't convicted them yet. We need to do that faster. I agree with you on that point

You thanked post #523, where the author said and I quote "Trump's policies are dragging us down with the two bit dictators".

Do you think Trump is a "two bit dictator"? Simply for wanting our national sovereignty to be respected?
I think policies like this one are dragging us down to that level. You do not need a policy like this in order to successfully maintain law and order at the border.

Politics? So when we put criminals in jail that's "politics?" Wow, what a stupid post that was
Slow down speedy. Policies.
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

From the OP..............tell me when the children of American criminals join their parents in jail......................well...........If the parents GO TO JAIL..........were not going to throw the children in jail too.............

So........are you spinning that quote???????????????????????
Convicted and jailed.

What have these immigrants been convicted of, they haven’t even had their hearing. Who is spinning?
There is a back log of 350,000 immigration cases because we don't have enough courts...........Tell me the Dems bills to get more immigration courtrooms and staff and building to remedy that............I again say..............put your dang money where your mouth is..............

You said earlier you don't want open borders............but where is your concern for more border agents are more beds and staff at the detention centers..............I haven't seen it...................

Dems BLOCK Border Security measures........and better facilities at the border.
What would you do as a parent in that situation TK?

I would obey the friggun law, Coyote. I'd much rather maintain my relationship with my child than to use them as a tool to leverage another government for my illegal presence within their borders. I will have none of it. Children are not tools, they are children. Innocent children who essentially have no control over their situations. Ultimately the onus lies on the parents, they set such a vicious cycle in motion.

Not even in a moment of sheer desperation would I ever dare to subject my child to that. I would have to have gone completely insane to do something so barbarous.
What if your daughter was raped by a gang and your other daughter threatened with the same if you did not pay up? What if the police were bankrolled by that gang? Not fictional, these are the sorts of things recounted. What would you do?

I would get my kids the hell out of Dodge any way I can.
An additional response to this post would be:

Seek asylum, don't break our laws.

Don't use asylum as a means to circumvent our immigration laws. If your situation is that severe, our government has a means for you to get here and be safe from your malefactors. Asylum. A-s-y-l-u-m.
Smugglers give them a cheat sheet on what to say when asked questions at the border..........They study it and make sure they answer the questions specifically to seek Asylum.
Do you think these judges are that stupid? Again...most requests are denied and end in deportation.

Exactly, which is why your solution of keeping the children of criminals here longer is inhuman. Let's deport them with their criminal parents faster and let Mexico deal with them
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