What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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A good parent wouldn't subject their child to this.

They know the risks before they try to enter so it's difficult to feel sorry for them.
Do you think the choices they make are lightly made or the situations they are leaving behind good for their kids? I am not arguing against deportation here, I am saying this is a really bad policy to enforce with zero tolerance. It is barbaric imo, and there are better ways of dealing with it than that.

A simple fix is when caught turn them back.

I'm sorry but I've had it up to my eye balls with illegals. The cost is staggering and Americans should come first.

I think asylum seekers have a right to a hearing no matter what. Most end up deported but it is their legal right. As an American I would feel horrible sending some on back to a horrendous situation without even a hearing.

My guess is about 1-5% are actually eligible.

You got me on a bad week on this topic. We had a run in with a group of them over the weekend harassing our daughters. No reason for what was said and happened. None and if you're here illegally you'd be wise to learn some manners.

Did you call the cops because they were grilling in the park? :21:

No shit stain they harrased our 14 year old daughters and they're damn lucky the police were on top of it. Damn lucky.

Now go troll somewhere else, toad
A simple fix is when caught turn them back.

I'm sorry but I've had it up to my eye balls with illegals. The cost is staggering and Americans should come first.

I think asylum seekers have a right to a hearing no matter what. Most end up deported but it is their legal right. As an American I would feel horrible sending some on back to a horrendous situation without even a hearing.
I think asylum seekers have a right to a hearing no matter what. Most end up deported but it is their legal right. As an American I would feel horrible sending some on back to a horrendous situation without even a hearing.

How the hell are we supposed to know if they're telling the truth?
You just magically believe whatever they say
-------------------------------------- thats what i say , they base their actions , thinking and policy on emotion and thats not smart , its emotional .

Hating immigrants is nothing but emotion, retard.

So is hating Americans, but you seem quite comfortable with having that emotion.

Just the dopey, ignorant ones like yourself.
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

What made you think that having a baby was a golden ticket to US citizenship again?
What does that have to do with keeping mothers and children together until their hearing?

Because they are illegal aliens and should be deported immediately. You're just trying to fudge your way into keeping criminals in the US
Ok....I think in this case you way wrong....because a child isn’t a thing or property. It is a person with rights as well. That is why we don’t punish children for what their parents did. Though we used to.

The one thing you're failing to realize is that I'm not wanting the child to be punished. I want the child to be treated like a human being. Apparently the parents seem to think they are "things" or "property" because they have to smuggle them. Yes. What do you do with drugs if your in a drug cartel? You smuggle them. What do you do if you're a thief with stolen property and need to get your filched goods from one place to another, you smuggle them.

You're right, they aren't things or property, but their parents are using them as leverage over another sovereign government in order to get here themselves. That, Coyote, is not acceptable.
What would you do as a parent in that situation TK?

I would obey the friggun law, Coyote. I'd much rather maintain my relationship with my child than to use them as a tool to leverage another government for my illegal presence within their borders. I will have none of it. Children are not tools, they are children. Innocent children who essentially have no control over their situations. Ultimately the onus lies on the parents, they set such a vicious cycle in motion.

Not even in a moment of sheer desperation would I ever dare to subject my child to that. I would have to have gone completely insane to do something so barbarous.
What if your daughter was raped by a gang and your other daughter threatened with the same if you did not pay up? What if the police were bankrolled by that gang? Not fictional, these are the sorts of things recounted. What would you do?

I would get my kids the hell out of Dodge any way I can.

That sure is a whole lotta well ifs.......
No it isn’t. It is a real scenario.
So you’re equating bank robbers to people who want a better life for their children by crossing a border? God you’re fucking stupid.

The bank robber wants the same thing.

Bank robbery is a felony.

Being here illegally is one misdemeanor count. Parents who have completed their sentence should be reunited with their children.

Then I have a solution to our problem. Make coming here illegal a felony and then take away the kids.

That's not a solution, dope. It certainly does nothing to address the current problem.

Here's the solution......
C'mon man...
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

Yes, this is terrible. I think I know of a solution though: If you have children, STF away from our borders.

Then it clearly is not so terrible to you. It's a human cost you find WORTH IT.

Um .. no ... someone having a baby in the world doesn't make them a US citizen ... fail ... and badly so ...
Umm...dude...it isn’t about having a kid in order to gain citizenship. Try again.

OMG you're stupid, of course it is!!! Are you seriously so dim witted you actually believe that illegal alien criminals don't know our laws???

Don't take telemarketing calls. I mean seriously ... don't ...
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

What made you think that having a baby was a golden ticket to US citizenship again?
What does that have to do with keeping mothers and children together until their hearing?

Because they are illegal aliens and should be deported immediately. You're just trying to fudge your way into keeping criminals in the US
Nope. I want families kept together unless there is a darn good reason to remove the child.
Do you think the choices they make are lightly made or the situations they are leaving behind good for their kids? I am not arguing against deportation here, I am saying this is a really bad policy to enforce with zero tolerance. It is barbaric imo, and there are better ways of dealing with it than that.

A simple fix is when caught turn them back.

I'm sorry but I've had it up to my eye balls with illegals. The cost is staggering and Americans should come first.

I think asylum seekers have a right to a hearing no matter what. Most end up deported but it is their legal right. As an American I would feel horrible sending some on back to a horrendous situation without even a hearing.

My guess is about 1-5% are actually eligible.

You got me on a bad week on this topic. We had a run in with a group of them over the weekend harassing our daughters. No reason for what was said and happened. None and if you're here illegally you'd be wise to learn some manners.

Did you call the cops because they were grilling in the park? :21:

No shit stain they harrased our 14 year old daughters and they're damn lucky the police were on top of it. Damn lucky.

Now go troll somewhere else, toad


General dirty Messicans?
This OP appears to try to shift the recent scam on how they showed caged immigrants on to Trump when the article was in 2014 under Obama.

Now it's ....................Your mean people..........and look at the Children Identity politics...............

We don't have the responsibility to take on all the worlds problems...........It's a numbers game and we simply cannot take in all those South of the border........It cost a lot of money after they get here and is causing financial problems in this country.

The governments South of the border are corrupt...........some owned by the drug cartels.......and have caused the problems that make people flee.....That is the problem and not the United States.
John Hawkins - The Top Seven Techniques Liberals Use to Lie About Conservatives

3) The Teary Eyed Spokesman: One of the Left's favorite tactics of late is to pick pathetic figures we're supposed to feel sorry for as spokesmen. That way, if you try to respond to the lies of someone like Cindy Sheehan, you're accused of picking on the mother of a dead soldier. If you try to respond to the lies of Max Cleland, you're accused of picking on a crippled vet. At this point, I'm surprised they haven't found a gaunt, stuttering orphan to serve as Obama's Press Secretary. Worst-case scenario, he couldn't do much worse than Robert Gibbs.
What does that have to do with anything?
Nope. I want families kept together unless there is a darn good reason to remove the child.

But what about all the parents sending their children alone across the frontier to be handled by complete strangers in hopes of getting them across the border? Have they not already broken up the family? Did they not already damage that precious bond between parent and child?
What about’s are good for other potential discussions but not really relevant to this, a specific policy.

Not quite sure what you were trying to say here...
Immigration is a huge issue, with a lot of policies, laws, and strong opinions. It is hard to focus on one particular aspect without going off on all kinds of tangents. I don’t care about who is to blame, in fact it is irrelevant. Blame is useless and changes nothing. Is it possible to have enforcement policies that go too far? Does this particular policy go too far?
Why do you have an issue with assigning blame? It pretty simple. You drag your kid into a country illegally it’s your fault. You send your kid alone into another country illegally it’s your fault. None of this falls on us.
What point is there to blame, what does blame resolve except to make you feel self righteous?
It puts the cause of the problem on those that deserve it. Instead of making their failures our problem. Why the hell isnt there a station on the Mexican side of the border we can drop their kids at? They came from there, they are their citizens, how is this our problem? Why do you think we need to take care of them? All we are doing is making Mexico’s problems ours to solve. We don’t have a problem to solve, they do. Make your country less of a shithole that your people are so desperate to leave they drop their fucking kids on our door step.
A simple fix is when caught turn them back.

I'm sorry but I've had it up to my eye balls with illegals. The cost is staggering and Americans should come first.

I think asylum seekers have a right to a hearing no matter what. Most end up deported but it is their legal right. As an American I would feel horrible sending some on back to a horrendous situation without even a hearing.

My guess is about 1-5% are actually eligible.

You got me on a bad week on this topic. We had a run in with a group of them over the weekend harassing our daughters. No reason for what was said and happened. None and if you're here illegally you'd be wise to learn some manners.

Did you call the cops because they were grilling in the park? :21:

No shit stain they harrased our 14 year old daughters and they're damn lucky the police were on top of it. Damn lucky.

Now go troll somewhere else, toad


General dirty Messicans?

Detained for no ID...think hard now
Do you think the choices they make are lightly made or the situations they are leaving behind good for their kids? I am not arguing against deportation here, I am saying this is a really bad policy to enforce with zero tolerance. It is barbaric imo, and there are better ways of dealing with it than that.

A simple fix is when caught turn them back.

I'm sorry but I've had it up to my eye balls with illegals. The cost is staggering and Americans should come first.

I think asylum seekers have a right to a hearing no matter what. Most end up deported but it is their legal right. As an American I would feel horrible sending some on back to a horrendous situation without even a hearing.
A simple fix is when caught turn them back.

I'm sorry but I've had it up to my eye balls with illegals. The cost is staggering and Americans should come first.

I think asylum seekers have a right to a hearing no matter what. Most end up deported but it is their legal right. As an American I would feel horrible sending some on back to a horrendous situation without even a hearing.

How the hell are we supposed to know if they're telling the truth?
You just magically believe whatever they say
-------------------------------------- thats what i say , they base their actions , thinking and policy on emotion and thats not smart , its emotional .

Hating immigrants is nothing but emotion, retard.

And saying "but this is for the children!" isn't?
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

Yes, this is terrible. I think I know of a solution though: If you have children, STF away from our borders.

Then it clearly is not so terrible to you. It's a human cost you find WORTH IT.

Um .. no ... someone having a baby in the world doesn't make them a US citizen ... fail ... and badly so ...
Umm...dude...it isn’t about having a kid in order to gain citizenship. Try again.

Cool, so you're in favor of deporting pregnant criminal illegal aliens? You should have said so
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

What made you think that having a baby was a golden ticket to US citizenship again?
What does that have to do with keeping mothers and children together until their hearing?

Because they are illegal aliens and should be deported immediately. You're just trying to fudge your way into keeping criminals in the US
Nope. I want families kept together unless there is a darn good reason to remove the child.

Agreed. Their parents being illegal aliens is a damned good reason, isn't it?
No. To avoid the cost, don't commit to the transaction. I am flummoxed by how hard this is for some people to understand.

Cause and effect. Don't like the effect? Don't be the cause.
Fine. But the kids pay. What did the kids do wrong?
The kids pay because their parents violated our laws. Why are these parents violating our laws? Because democrats keep telling them they can!
Except that doesn’t make sense since deportations were way up under a Democrat president...

Should the kids have to pay?

LA Times

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years

“While Mr. Obama has deported more foreigners than any other president, the pace of deportations has recently declined.”

So have people who crossed our borders. Remember that GW changed our definition of deportation. Before, you were considered deported if you snuck into the country and we kicked you out. After the change, anybody being refused to cross the border was considered a deportation.

Immigration statistics show largest increase in arrests in three years

Number of immigrants caught at Mexican border plunges 40% under Trump

Arrests Of Undocumented Immigrants Climbing In North Texas

WINNING: 30% More Illegals Going Home in 2017 | Breitbart
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