What is a MAGA Republican?

Biden is telling the country that “MAGA Republicans” are traitors to the nation and intent on destroying democracy, but exactly which of the American citizens his job is to support is he vilifying - and casting as the enemy?

It seems, G-d forbid, they are Republicans who are strongly opposed to the far-left policies of the Democrat Party - and are engaged politically. Although most do not attend rallies, they have signed petitions, contacted their representative, and/or donated money.

IOW, citizens who are involved in promoting Republicans and Republican policies are now the enemy. Biden’s speech was an attempt to suppress - with a menacing, threatening attitude, complete with Marines in the background - the voice of voters who strongly oppose him. This is NOT how America is supposed to operate.

Just take a peek at the “enemy” MAGAs - signing petitions and donating money to candidates they want in office. How dare they!

Did you vote for trump?
Did you support the thugs on Jan 6th, 2021?
Do you believe in The Big Lie?
Are you talking civil war?
Are you excusing trump's theft of classified documents?
Biden is telling the country that “MAGA Republicans” are traitors to the nation and intent on destroying democracy, but exactly which of the American citizens his job is to support is he vilifying - and casting as the enemy?

It seems, G-d forbid, they are Republicans who are strongly opposed to the far-left policies of the Democrat Party - and are engaged politically. Although most do not attend rallies, they have signed petitions, contacted their representative, and/or donated money.

IOW, citizens who are involved in promoting Republicans and Republican policies are now the enemy. Biden’s speech was an attempt to suppress - with a menacing, threatening attitude, complete with Marines in the background - the voice of voters who strongly oppose him. This is NOT how America is supposed to operate.

Just take a peek at the “enemy” MAGAs - signing petitions and donating money to candidates they want in office. How dare they!

Remember when Trump called people who didn't agree with him "Enemies of the People" over and over and over and over and over and over again?

It is indeed frightening: the Biden regime has casted patriotic citizens who want to prevent the destruction of our country as the enemy.

The country is in a massive downhill spiral, thanks to the Democrats efforts.
Those who deflect and project....saying that they are trying to prevent the destruction of our country while they support the thuggish attack on our Capitol.
Remember when Trump called people who didn't agree with him "Enemies of the People" over and over and over and over and over and over again?

Nope. i remember him saying it about the media a few times. But that is a very different thing. And completely justified.

The MSM, as it exists in this era, is the enemy of the people.

What does that have to do with who MAGA republicans are?
Bleach Bit ~ Hammer time; like with a cloth.
Yes, THAT!
Based in REALITY.
No subverted prosecutor would ever something something fucking unbelievable miscarriage of justice!
Hillary was proven innocent.

The evidence suggests Trump is guilty. Then again he may be innocent.
But it's kinda hard to tell....the way he fights to subvert justice, block testimony, and keep everything out of court.

In other words he behaves like a guilty person.
Hillary was proven innocent.

The evidence suggests Trump is guilty. Then again he may be innocent.
But it's kinda hard to tell....the way he fights to subvert justice, block testimony, and keep everything out of court.

In other words he behaves like a guilty person.

Hillary was given a pass, by a paritsan agent.
Nope. i remember him saying it about the media a few times. But that is a very different thing. And completely justified.

The MSM, as it exists in this era, is the enemy of the people.

What does that have to do with who MAGA republicans are?
No, the media is not the enemy of "the people."
The TRUTH is Trump's enemy, so naturally any media that reports honestly Trump considers the "enemy."

As fir "of the people," Trump does not speak for the majority of the people.
Those people (the majority) voted to toss him out on his ass in 2020.
And he STILL hasn't been able to cone to terms with that.
Biden is telling the country that “MAGA Republicans” are traitors to the nation and intent on destroying democracy, but exactly which of the American citizens his job is to support is he vilifying - and casting as the enemy?

It seems, G-d forbid, they are Republicans who are strongly opposed to the far-left policies of the Democrat Party - and are engaged politically. Although most do not attend rallies, they have signed petitions, contacted their representative, and/or donated money.

IOW, citizens who are involved in promoting Republicans and Republican policies are now the enemy. Biden’s speech was an attempt to suppress - with a menacing, threatening attitude, complete with Marines in the background - the voice of voters who strongly oppose him. This is NOT how America is supposed to operate.

Just take a peek at the “enemy” MAGAs - signing petitions and donating money to candidates they want in office. How dare they!

I was just watching a Sunday news show today and some democratic guy was defending Biden, claiming that Biden was only going after "MAGA Republicans", whatever the hell they are. He went on to say that MAGA Republicans now ran the Supreme Court and then continued to complain about MAGA Republicans assault on the justice system. I guess he forgot that the Supreme Court is the highest level of the justice system, which he had just attacked himself.
You have essentially stated that you voted for Biden over Trump because Trump wasn’t nice enough and spoke too harshly. Don’t lecture us about not knowing any better. That is as childish and intellectually void as it gets. Your vote for Biden was no more intellectually based than my son’s vote for the “cool” kid running for class president with no plans other than free pizza on Fridays and no way to pay for it.
And Trump was the 'cool kid' for magaturds. You're just a hypocrite. It's expected.
Look folks…this is the backwards as fuck twilight zone Left…it’s “un-American” to be America First, to respect and expect our right to sovereignty, to live by a traditional moral standard….hahaha
These dumbmotherfuckers!
No one is buying your snake oil bullshit. Yet, like most magaturds, you continue trying to sell it.

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