What is a MAGA Republican?

Sandy Berger was arrested and fined for it.

Was Sandy Berger the president or former president?
Was he jailed?
Was he caught actually taking documents he had no business handling away from a facility on his person?


This is pathetic.
1) And your side didn’t fall for the two-year Russian conspiracy hoax?

Actually, nobody proved it was a "Hoax". If it was a hoax, Trump wouldn't have had to issue a bunch of pardons for people convicted or indicted for their part in it.

2) A fair election is one in which 1) the media does not suppress news unfavorwble to the Democrats or favorable to the Republicans

Except a lot of stories unfavorable to Trump got a lot less play than the Hunter Laptop Hoax. We've barely heard a peep about the woman who is suing him for rape. Or his tax fraud case in New York. Heck, few Americans knew about the way Trump sold us out in the Doha accords until we were evacuating Kabul.

Trump got a huge benefit from the media, because it was more "entertaining" to let him rant about Mexican Rapists than listen to boring old Jeb Bush talk about Common Core.

2) the government does not collide with social media to hide certain stories,

Um, wait.. Last time I checked, Trump was in charge of the government when the election was going on. At the time of the election, the Hunter Laptop Hoax was questionable at best... (and it still is, really.) If anything, Trump benefited from the FBI talking about Hillary's nothingburger emails for months.

Oh, yeah, final point. Hunter wasn't actually running for anything.

3) there is not a massive mail-in ballot mechanism by which billionnaires can harvest ballots from ignorant and gullible people,

If it weren't for ignorant and gullible people, Republicans would never get elected.

4) Republicans are allowed to observe as election workers “cure,” ballots,

Legitimate poll watchers were part of the process. Angry Trump mobs were not.

5) that six swing states do not halt the counting for hours while they wait for Plan B ballots to be trucked in, and 6) that all mail-in ballots must arrive by close of polls on Election Night.

A couple of points.

First, if Trump's boy in the Post office didn't deliberately sabotage the efficiency of mail delivery, Biden probably would have won by an even wider margin.

Secondly, ALL states call a stop to counting in the middle of the night, and then start up again the next morning. The only reason why it didn't matter in the other 44 states was that one candidate or another had an overwealming edge to call the state.

Here's the real way you solve that problem. Get rid of the Electoral College, elect the president by popular vote like any other office in the country.
Well no. MAGAs are the hard core crazy trump supporters. MAGAs believe the big lie. A MAGA stole a plane and threatened to crash Walmart.
It was a young man with schizophrenia, apparently ---- there's so much of that behind the mass murders these days.
Yep, that's what happens sometimes to Democrats. Mostly you get nothing. For the same thing, a Republican would be arrested and charged and sent to prison because your party is completely fascist and has decided you're tired of having any opposition. Biden has certainly decided he's sick of allowing any opposition to his polices
Plainly, since Biden is explicitly saying we are all enemies of the state, like Hitler did with so much of Germany, right down to the level of non-Nazis. And there were big consequences, though it took Hitler years to get down to the lowest level, and he threw them all out of jobs.

The government threw everyone out of their jobs in 2020 ---- now that they know they can do it, is that what they'll do to Trump voters? I'm trying to figure out what Biden proposes to DO to all of us 74 million MAGA Republicans.
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The response of a fundamentally dishonest person. Sure, you don't notice all the Republicans going to jail.


For someone to be that completely clueless, evidence will never persuade you, so pass
I suppose it could be that simple: just keep sending all the Trump supporters to jail, more and more and more of us, to concentration camps.
Apology to MAGA
We apologize
Apparently we misunderstood when you are flying your F*ck Joe Biden flags and calling us communist groomer baby killers
That you so desperately wanted unity
Was Sandy Berger the president or former president?

Why should that matter? Are some above the law?

Was he jailed?

He was fined $50,000 and sentenced to 100 hours of community service. At time time it was a misdemeanor. Trump made it a felony in 2018. What is your point?

Was he caught actually taking documents he had no business handling away from a facility on his person?

He was caught with a whole lot more, mixed with his personal items, in his personal space that he refused to return and there is considerable evidence of deliberate concealment. Berger is a super simple direct case. Trump is more complicated and extensive.

The difference here? No one made excuses for Berger.


This is pathetic.

Yup. Your excuses and complete lack of concern for our nation’s security is duly noted.
I suppose it could be that simple: just keep sending all the Trump supporters to jail, more and more and more of us, to concentration camps.

What Biden and the Democrats are doing is justifying violence against us. When you dehumanize people, they aren't people and you can do anything to them
Why should that matter? Are some above the law?

He was fined $50,000 and sentenced to 100 hours of community service. At time time it was a misdemeanor. Trump made it a felony in 2018. What is your point?

He was caught with a whole lot more, mixed with his personal items, in his personal space that he refused to return and there is considerable evidence of deliberate concealment. Berger is a super simple direct case. Trump is more complicated and extensive.

The difference here? No one made excuses for Berger.

Yup. Your excuses and complete lack of concern for our nation’s security is duly noted.

Trump is way more simple. He was President and could declassify the documents on the spot. Berger actually didn't have that power. This is the level Democrats are going to. You went after Trump for flagrant hypocrisy (impeachments 1 and 2), a manufactured attack (Hillary made up Russia, Russia, Russia) and now you're attacking him for something that wasn't illegal for him to do.

You fucking Nazis have lost it
The difference here? No one made excuses for Berger.

Right, they didn't make excuses for Trump because it was LEGAL. As a business owner, I could take money out of my cash register and my employees couldn't. Do you know why? You just said you don't, it's just stupid at this point your going after Trump. Next you'll go after him for combing his hair, you're fucking nuts
Trump is way more simple. He was President and could declassify the documents on the spot. Berger actually didn't have that power. This is the level Democrats are going to. You went after Trump for flagrant hypocrisy (impeachments 1 and 2), a manufactured attack (Hillary made up Russia, Russia, Russia) and now you're attacking him for something that wasn't illegal for him to do.

You fucking Nazis have lost it
No. He is not “way more simple”.

Your arguments point out the major flaw in our system: our rules, procedures and norms were designed for people who have a respect for the institutions they serve.

The fact that Trump has been allowed to run amuck illustrates what happens when a person who has no common decency, serves only himself, and thinks he has unlimited power, even AFTER leaving office.

You really are damned either way. Either Trump illegally retained and failed to return highly classified material that has national security repercussions OR he did “declassify“ it, leaving it open to the public domain where even non-friendly countries like China, Russia or Iran can access it.

Neither option looks attractive.
Right, they didn't make excuses for Trump because it was LEGAL. As a business owner, I could take money out of my cash register and my employees couldn't. Do you know why? You just said you don't, it's just stupid at this point your going after Trump. Next you'll go after him for combing his hair, you're fucking nuts
This isn’t combing his hair and the President does not have unlimited power.
What Biden and the Democrats are doing is justifying violence against us. When you dehumanize people, they aren't people and you can do anything to them
Well, thank you very much. I've been BEGGING posters here for some analysis of this Biden speech accusing us of being internal enemies of the state, with a blood-red background and soldiers lined up. Because I honestly don't understand what he meant to achieve. I think I had one other good comment of analysis, Ray of Cleveland saying that all Trump voters would assume we are all included, of course.

This is good, too. Worrying, but yeah --- is he going to sic the black rioters on us? And then not calling out the military, after having deleted the police already? That would be one approach to destroying his opposition.
To an idiot liberal, a "MAGA Republican" is anyone who doesn't believe as they do.

MAGA Republicans believe we should have lower taxes and a secure southern border. It's someone who believes that the American Flag isn't a racist symbol. It's someone who believes that the only sexual education little boys need is to know that little girls have cooties. It's someone who's proud to do the right thing even when it's the unpopular thing.

In short, if you're not out to destroy the very fabric of this once great country, you're a MAGA Republican...
What Biden and the Democrats are doing is justifying violence against us. When you dehumanize people, they aren't people and you can do anything to them
Indeed, as you have systemically done to leftists, Muslims, Mexicans, immigrants, homosexuals and transgenders.

Holding a former President accountable to the law is not justifying violence against you.

The only political violence I’ve seen so far has been from the Trumplicans and the threats have been from the extreme right of Trump’s base: civil war, bullet in the head, drop from helicopters, over turn an election.
Biden is telling the country that “MAGA Republicans” are traitors to the nation and intent on destroying democracy, but exactly which of the American citizens his job is to support is he vilifying - and casting as the enemy?

It seems, G-d forbid, they are Republicans who are strongly opposed to the far-left policies of the Democrat Party - and are engaged politically. Although most do not attend rallies, they have signed petitions, contacted their representative, and/or donated money.

IOW, citizens who are involved in promoting Republicans and Republican policies are now the enemy. Biden’s speech was an attempt to suppress - with a menacing, threatening attitude, complete with Marines in the background - the voice of voters who strongly oppose him. This is NOT how America is supposed to operate.

Just take a peek at the “enemy” MAGAs - signing petitions and donating money to candidates they want in office. How dare they!

Let me help you out governor

No. He is not “way more simple”.

That taking them was not illegal is yes, way more simple. I'm not going to continue stupid conversations, and your arging that something Trump did that was legal doesn't protect him is exactly at this point why calling you people Nazis isn't a game.

Repeat the words, it was LEGAL. It was LEGAL. It was LEGAL.

If you don't like the current system, change it. This is EXACTLY why I started voting Republican in 2020 again after three decades of throwing away my vote on third parties.

Well, your stupid shit that your Get Trump campaign isn't limited to his doing anything illegal at least has me cancelling out your vote now
Indeed, as you have systemically done to leftists, Muslims, Mexicans, immigrants, homosexuals and transgenders.

Holding a former President accountable to the law is not justifying violence against you.

The only political violence I’ve seen so far has been from the Trumplicans and the threats have been from the extreme right of Trump’s base: civil war, bullet in the head, drop from helicopters, over turn an election.

Pass, you're an idiot. Republicans haven't demonized any of those groups. Get psychiatric help and stop watching MSNBC for all your "news"
MAGA Republicans believe
A MAGA Republicon is someone who believes that the only sexual education little boys need is to know that little girls have cooties. It's someone who's proud to do the right thing like lie and steal even when it's the unpopular thing not to do.
A MAGA Republicon is known to be a liar, theft and one who believes adultery is a MAGA thing to do.

Should you pass by one, spit at their feet then watch them lick it up. lol


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