What is a MAGA Republican?

No one cares about the mud you sling anymore, leftard.

You dumb fucking assholes are one trick ponies, that's all you've got. Mud.

Ain't got no plan, ain't got no policy, ain't got no morals anyone wants any part of...

You're nothing but a blowhard
We just passed a half dozen policies in the last two months. Back to you, Mugwump!
One thing I have noticed is that every time I call the left out for their hypocrisy, they start yelling I'm using whataboutism. Well, yeah, that's what hypocrisy is all about.
Exactly. It goes like this:

Leftist: Trump has no morals! He had an affair with a stripper! how could you vote for such an immoral man?

Normal person: Well, Clinton sexually assaulted women - even had to pay off Paula Jones nearly a $1 million for her to drop her criminal case - and you voted for HIM.

Leftist: Stop the whataboutism! We are talking about Trump!
Exactly. It goes like this:

Leftist: Trump has no morals! He had an affair with a stripper! how could you vote for such an immoral man?

Normal person: Well, Clinton sexually assaulted women - even had to pay off Paula Jones nearly a $1 million for her to drop her criminal case - and you voted for HIM.

Leftist: Stop the whataboutism! We are talking about Trump!
Trump’s indiscretions are pointed out to show your hypocrisy.

YOU fuckers freaked out over a consensual affair between adults and totally ignore Trump’s assaults on women
Trump’s indiscretions are pointed out to show your hypocrisy.

YOU fuckers freaked out over a consensual affair between adults and totally ignore Trump’s assaults on women




You tried that one on Kavanaugh too, and when it didn't work you decided to camp out there on his front lawn. And harassed him at dinner. And then you even sent someone after him to kill him.

Lefties are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
Let’s focus: While leftists try to downplay Biden’s Hitler-like speech saying in which he now claims he he was just threatening extremists on the right (no mention of the dangerous extremists on the left of course), he - the President of the United States! - is demonizing every American who donates money to a Republican candidate, goes to a political meeting (I belong to the local Republican Women‘s club), or signs a petition that disapproves of a policy he is promoting.

This is not America. This is moving closer to the early 1930s in Germany.
Oh, it's the same. I read a lot about that period in Germany. Hitler started with the Jews and Communists and quickly moved on to the Social Democrats and then the non-Nazis. We are all MAGA Republicans, of course --- the few who aren't were trounced in the recent elections.

I wish I could figure out what Biden is trying to accomplish by hardening the divide to the point of actually threatening all 74 million of us; I don't get what good it's supposed to do the Democrats.

I realize he just openly threw us all away: he knows (or supposes) he can't change our minds. But why would formalizing the split into talking about us as enemies of the state work for Dems? Get them more votes, secure the elections? I'm not getting it.
1) And your side didn’t fall for the two-year Russian conspiracy hoax?
What "hoax"?

Fact: Russia was actively trying to influence our elections. That is confirmed through multiple intelligence sources

Fact: Trump and associates had multiple meetings with Russian sources that they lied about.

That is enough to warrent an investigation.
2) A fair election is one in which 1) the media does not suppress news unfavorwble to the Democrats or favorable to the Republicans,

The media, in a country with hundreds of free media sources, it is not one entity and people can choose where to get their information.

If something is suppressed by, it is picked up by another, not to mention there sources that completely favricate things or spread conspiracy theories unchecked. We have a lot to choose from and based on that, I can't think of any sory supressed by one that wasn't picked up by another. A free and fair election is helped by a free and independent media, and that is not an issue here.

2) the government does not collide with social media to hide certain stories,
The government, in 2020 was the Trump Administration. How did they collude?

How about collusion with foreign countries?
- asking Russia for Clintons hacked emails?
- the incumbent using his power to extort Ukraine into announcing a fictional investigation on a personal political rival?

3) there is not a massive mail-in ballot mechanism by which billionnaires can harvest ballots from ignorant and gullible people,
Fortunately that hasn't occurred.

4) Republicans are allowed to observe as election workers “cure,” ballots,
Republicans and Democrats were allowed to both watch the same processes.

5) that six swing states do not halt the counting for hours while they wait for Plan B ballots to be trucked in,
Debunked conspiracy theory.

and 6) that all mail-in ballots must arrive by close of polls on Election Night.

That is up to each state. As long as they have a set deadline, allied to all mail in ballots, what bearing does that have on an election being free and fair?

So, to summarize, for the next election to be fair, we need to:

1) have an objective media that reports the news, regardless of whether or not it hurts Democrats

So you you want some sort of state controlled media, that some, presumably Republicans get determine if it is objective. Brilliant. You nay not have said so, but it is effectively what you want.

2) social media does not block stories that would hurt the Democrats
Social media is privately owned.

Wanna bet Truth Social blocks stories that hurt Republicans?

3) mail-in ballots are, like all elections prior, limited to the disabled, elderly, those on active military, and those temporarily located out of state due to work or school. Everyone else must show up.
Except your claim "all elections prior" is false. States lime Utah for exame, have long had universal mail in ballots, and more and more states have been turning to that prior to Covid. The mail in process had no more problems in person. Clearly Republicans LIKED it until their candidate lost. As long as the process is run competently and with the right checks, it has no bearing on whether an election is free and fair and might actually expand voting access.

4) Republican observers are allowed to sit next to Democrats as ballots are cured

What's stopping them?

5) All mail-in ballots must arrive by close of polls on Election Night.

This is a repeat, see above.
6) No midnight halts unless a true emergency, and no, election officials being tired or a toilet leaking on the other side of the building are not emergencies.
What bearing does that have on an election being free and fair as long as everything is properly secured and supervised. I believe most districts now video the entire process (which is why we know the claim about suitcases of ballots brought in is fraudelent.)

THIS is a fair election. Anything less throws election integrity into question.
Disagree, it is just a one sided wishlist of Republican grievances that are largely nasrd on debunked conspiracies or have nothing to do with whether an election is free and fair.

What DOES have an effect on it, however, are attempts to intimidate or threaten election workers, for example:

It doesn't matter if he's guilty. It would be paperwork not warranting an arrest. You know it and I know it. Everyone does.

And these are not threats. It's natural consequences. Read history.
Sandy Berger was arrested and fined for it.
What were we talking about?
You said that your side passed lots of great bills in the last two months, and someone asked you what. You answered “lots of good shit.” I want to know specifically what “good shit” you passed that helps the ordinary working class - the backbone of this country.
Please define what you view as American traditions.

If America needs to be great "again" how is it no longer great?

He's referring to the Democrat party's insane spending, undercutting the military and law enforcement and your flaming racism. We were a far greater country before the Democrat party decided it was time to be a one party country
Sandy Berger was arrested and fined for it.

Yep, that's what happens sometimes to Democrats. Mostly you get nothing. For the same thing, a Republican would be arrested and charged and sent to prison because your party is completely fascist and has decided you're tired of having any opposition. Biden has certainly decided he's sick of allowing any opposition to his polices
IOW, citizens who are involved in promoting Republicans and Republican policies are now the enemy. Biden’s speech was an attempt to suppress - with a menacing, threatening attitude, complete with Marines in the background - the voice of voters who strongly oppose him. This is NOT how America is supposed to operate.
fortunately, there is privacy in the voting booths..


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