What is a MAGA Republican?

A politician, pundit or politico who has sold their soul to the most obvious con man this country has ever seen.
so you support the sold-my-soul to China and whatever other country can give my family big bucks


real smart

If loving America and doing great things for America makes you a con man.. you and anyone who thinks that way is a total retard
He's referring to the Democrat party's insane spending, undercutting the military and law enforcement and your flaming racism. We were a far greater country before the Democrat party decided it was time to be a one party country
Funny that RepubliCONS only seem to care about spending/budget issues when a Democrat is in office.

Undercutting the military?
You mean like dissing Gold Star Families and making fun of POW's.....
like Trump did?

And Law Enforcement?
You mean like declaring war on The FBI?
America's premier and most distinguished law enforcement organization.

Double standard much?
so you support the sold-my-soul to China and whatever other country can give my family big bucks
real smart
If loving America and doing great things for America makes you a con man.. you and anyone who thinks that way is a total retard
I can understand your need to completely change the subject and make ignorant extrapolations and straw man arguments in a feeble attempt to put me on the defensive.

That's about you, not me.
Yep, that's what happens sometimes to Democrats. Mostly you get nothing. For the same thing, a Republican would be arrested and charged and sent to prison because your party is completely fascist and has decided you're tired of having any opposition. Biden has certainly decided he's sick of allowing any opposition to his polices
That’s too funny. And completely baseless.

Any other excuses?
Translation: I'm a dumb as shit magaturd. Please explain the question.

I notice there's a pattern with your "translations." You always make the same point. Seems you aren't actually listening and translating, just saying what you want to hear, LOL. Pussy, LOL
fortunately, there is privacy in the voting booths..

But there are lists of who donates to Republicans, who donates to or is a member of Republican organizations, attend Republican conferences, and so forth. Lois Lerner’s IRS was just practice compared to the 87,000 new IRS agents about to make conservatives’ lives a big hassle.
But Trump DID say that.
It is on record.

Strike one.

nope. He explicitly stated the opposite. Repeatedly.

YOU fail. The media lied and it was the type of lie that could swing and election and encourage division adn violence.
Funny that RepubliCONS only seem to care about spending/budget issues when a Democrat is in office

I agree with this, and it's one of the top reasons I left the Republican Party circa 1990. I came back in Trump's second election (I didn't vote for him in 2016) because you fucking Marxists went completely fucking nuts and you're massive racists.

But this is true, and I hate it. W was the first to control both houses in decades and he went on a spending orgy. If you had stayed normal nuts I'd have stayed voting for Libertarians and other candidates who don't get more than 1%
what is a MAGA Republican supposed to do...badger Trump until he changes his bombastic personality?

it is what it is...but MAGA Republicans support Trump's POLICIES, not his personality...it's not like they're gonna support Biden and Pelosi
Prove it.

The response of a fundamentally dishonest person. Sure, you don't notice all the Republicans going to jail.


For someone to be that completely clueless, evidence will never persuade you, so pass
what is a MAGA Republican supposed to do...badger Trump until he changes his bombastic personality?

it is what it is...but MAGA Republicans support Trump's POLICIES, not his personality...it's not like they're gonna support Biden and Pelosi

I didn't support Trump either in 2016. The left going off the deep end got me to where I can no longer ignore it
You said that your side passed lots of great bills in the last two months, and someone asked you what. You answered “lots of good shit.” I want to know specifically what “good shit” you passed that helps the ordinary working class - the backbone of this country.
The CHIPS bill.
Inflation Reduction Act
That gun bill
Biden is telling the country that “MAGA Republicans” are traitors to the nation and intent on destroying democracy, but exactly which of the American citizens his job is to support is he vilifying - and casting as the enemy?

It seems, G-d forbid, they are Republicans who are strongly opposed to the far-left policies of the Democrat Party - and are engaged politically. Although most do not attend rallies, they have signed petitions, contacted their representative, and/or donated money.

IOW, citizens who are involved in promoting Republicans and Republican policies are now the enemy. Biden’s speech was an attempt to suppress - with a menacing, threatening attitude, complete with Marines in the background - the voice of voters who strongly oppose him. This is NOT how America is supposed to operate.

Just take a peek at the “enemy” MAGAs - signing petitions and donating money to candidates they want in office. How dare they!

An American

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