Zone1 What is a person?

Of course some changes are not subtle and are easily seen in the fossil record. Of course you have to judge the evidence before you to learn the truth and not start with an answer and only accept evidence that supports that answer. It also helps to believe the vast majority of the scientific community is part of a multi-century, global conspiracy to fool you if you want to ignore the evidence.
all the fossil record shows is something died and got buried,,
Persons are distinct human beings. It seems you are struggling with supporting killing people.
You can define 'person' however you choose, as can I. We all struggle with killing people or are you 100% OK with capital punishment or dropping bombs on people?
by definition yes it does,,,

a person is an individual human being distinguishable from anyone else,,

and since a child at conception has their own unique DNA distinguishable from anyone else that makes them a person,,
I don't believe that is how our legal system has traditionally defined 'person'.
thats why we intend to change it,,

just because you lack morals and think murdering innocent children is OK doesnt mean its right,,
Just because you think a microscopic bit of DNA should have more rights than an adult female doesn't mean you're right. Good luck changing it, Biden thanks you for your support.
why are you deflecting??
we arent talking about the bible,,

cant your position stand on its own merits??
No we were talking about your ignorance when it came to fossils and science. The Bible was just an analogy. You can substitute Hamlet if you prefer.

your constant deflections are showing you know youre full of shit,,
Sorry you don't like my points but that says more about you than it does about me.
No we were talking about your ignorance when it came to fossils and science. The Bible was just an analogy. You can substitute Hamlet if you prefer.

Sorry you don't like my points but that says more about you than it does about me.
how can I be ignorant about something that doesnt exist??

your points lack actual reality and youve resorted to throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks,,
You can define 'person' however you choose, as can I. We all struggle with killing people or are you 100% OK with capital punishment or dropping bombs on people?
I already did define it. It stands unrefuted.

You are just proving my point now. Can't wait for that day when you say fuck fairness. But we both know that won't happen. It's hardwired into you.
how can I be ignorant about something that doesnt exist??
And yet you still manage. If you didn't come from the starting point of it "doesn't exist" maybe you'd learn what you don't know.

Fossils have been studied seriously for centuries, they reveal a wealth of information for those willing to learn from them.

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