What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

It's not fair when everyone in the country is paying 20-30% of income, 95% of new wealth goes to the richest, and CEOs see no reason not to earn 300x as much as regular workers, and the middle class is going to hell.
It's not fair when everyone in the country is paying 20-30% of income, 95% of new wealth goes to the richest, and CEOs see no reason not to earn 300x as much as regular workers, and the middle class is going to hell.

What privately owned companies pay their CEOs is none of your business.
If you don't like what your bosses get paid you can quit and work for someone else
After 30 years of voodoo, we HAVE a flat tax- and the economy is collapsing...
Taxation has nothing to do with the collapsing of our economy. USA.INC doesn't need one thin dime of income tax and it's a good thing because they don't get it anyway. Ever heard of the Grace Commission?
It's not fair when everyone in the country is paying 20-30% of income, 95% of new wealth goes to the richest, and CEOs see no reason not to earn 300x as much as regular workers, and the middle class is going to hell.


You're such a fucking retard, franco hater dupe bot.
No it's not

A dollar is a dollar one is not worth more than another

But let's assume your answer applies to all taxes. Isn't the gallon of gas you use to get to work more important than the one used to drive to a strip club? So why not tax that gallon more?
When looking at a poor person. The first dollars they earn go to support their family. Right now that first dollar is tax free. You want that first dollar to only be 85 cents

It was like that before Obama care. Now you have to py Health insurance before you eat or put a roof over your head.
Why do you make shit up
Are you trying to say that buying health insurance is not mandated by law?
Medicaid was expanded for lower income workers. Except in red states
They turned it down to fix that Obama

How dare you help our poor people

How dare you and your kind keep creating them.
Trade tariffs, tax incentives, military protections of markets, patent protections, legal system, infrastructure

All that is available to anyone

Anyone can get a patent the military protects all US interests abroad ( it's not supposed to but that's another thread) The legal system works for everyone and people are even provided free attorneys and everyone can use infrastructure to get around not just the "rich"
I didn't say they aren't available....only that they benefit more

Why because they use them and other people don't

Whose fault is that?
The issue is that the wealthy receive more benefit than the poor which was my assertion that the wealthy receive more benefits from our government than the poor do

The issue is that those benefits are available to anyone and everyone if they want to use them

The "rich" do not have exclusive rights to any of the benefits you listed they just use them

It's no different than you complaining that businesses use roads to move goods you can use roads to move goods too you just choose not to it's not anyone's fault but your own

That's a bullshit argument . We are supposed to be talking fairness. hey, you don't HAVE to make $1million a year if you don't want to pay the tax rate for that income !
All that is available to anyone

Anyone can get a patent the military protects all US interests abroad ( it's not supposed to but that's another thread) The legal system works for everyone and people are even provided free attorneys and everyone can use infrastructure to get around not just the "rich"
I didn't say they aren't available....only that they benefit more

Why because they use them and other people don't

Whose fault is that?
The issue is that the wealthy receive more benefit than the poor which was my assertion that the wealthy receive more benefits from our government than the poor do

The issue is that those benefits are available to anyone and everyone if they want to use them

The "rich" do not have exclusive rights to any of the benefits you listed they just use them

It's no different than you complaining that businesses use roads to move goods you can use roads to move goods too you just choose not to it's not anyone's fault but your own

That's a bullshit argument . We are supposed to be talking fairness. hey, you don't HAVE to make $1million a year if you don't want to pay the tax rate for that income !
Do you think that it's fair that your beloved "gubermint" is sitting on 100 plus TRILLION dollars in wealth that they have been hiding from us? Is that fair??

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