What Is "Fair Share of Taxes"?

U want us to live like 1913 ? Whale oil lamps for everyone !

The worlds a little more complicated now a days .

Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.
All that is available to anyone

Anyone can get a patent the military protects all US interests abroad ( it's not supposed to but that's another thread) The legal system works for everyone and people are even provided free attorneys and everyone can use infrastructure to get around not just the "rich"
I didn't say they aren't available....only that they benefit more

Why because they use them and other people don't

Whose fault is that?
The issue is that the wealthy receive more benefit than the poor which was my assertion that the wealthy receive more benefits from our government than the poor do

The issue is that those benefits are available to anyone and everyone if they want to use them

The "rich" do not have exclusive rights to any of the benefits you listed they just use them

It's no different than you complaining that businesses use roads to move goods you can use roads to move goods too you just choose not to it's not anyone's fault but your own

That's a bullshit argument . We are supposed to be talking fairness. hey, you don't HAVE to make $1million a year if you don't want to pay the tax rate for that income !

Ok, that's about the dumbest thing I ever heard. Please tell me you are joking.
U want us to live like 1913 ? Whale oil lamps for everyone !

The worlds a little more complicated now a days .

Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.

A direct tax on labor is immoral.
U want us to live like 1913 ? Whale oil lamps for everyone !

The worlds a little more complicated now a days .

Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.

Who am I spewing hatred at ? Please point out an example .

Can a consumption tax generate enough revenue ?
U want us to live like 1913 ? Whale oil lamps for everyone !

The worlds a little more complicated now a days .

Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.

A direct tax on labor is immoral.

Not all income comes from labor .
U want us to live like 1913 ? Whale oil lamps for everyone !

The worlds a little more complicated now a days .

Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.

A direct tax on labor is immoral.

Not all income comes from labor .
It was never intended that men or women to be taxed by the sweat of their brow and it has been ruled unconstitutional many times. I barter my time and labor in one hour increments in exchange for something of proportional value...why do you think the banking oligarchs are entitled 25 to 30 percent of it? Especially when nearly everything else involving commerce has a consumption tax as well? USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries are sitting on TRILLIONS of dollars in wealth that they try to keep hidden from us. Why are you ducking this?????? Are you so conditioned to believe that income tax is a necessary thing? If I mow someone's lawn for a twelve pack of beer, am I suppose to hold three to give to "da gubermint"??? You really have no clue as to how things actually work...no clue at all.
U want us to live like 1913 ? Whale oil lamps for everyone !

The worlds a little more complicated now a days .

Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.

A direct tax on labor is immoral.

Not all income comes from labor .
It was never intended that men or women to be taxed by the sweat of their brow and it has been ruled unconstitutional many times. I barter my time and labor in one hour increments in exchange for something of proportional value...why do you think the banking oligarchs are entitled 25 to 30 percent of it? Especially when nearly everything else involving commerce has a consumption tax as well? USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries are sitting on TRILLIONS of dollars in wealth that they try to keep hidden from us. Why are you ducking this?????? Are you so conditioned to believe that income tax is a necessary thing? If I mow someone's lawn for a twelve pack of beer, am I suppose to hold three to give to "da gubermint"??? You really have no clue as to how things actually work...no clue at all.

Listen up Francis , you have a feasible plan , fine . Let's hear it. But these threads are chick full of plans that can't get the job done .

The country can't run on smiles n sunshine .
U want us to live like 1913 ? Whale oil lamps for everyone !

The worlds a little more complicated now a days .

Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.

A direct tax on labor is immoral.

Not all income comes from labor .
It was never intended that men or women to be taxed by the sweat of their brow and it has been ruled unconstitutional many times. I barter my time and labor in one hour increments in exchange for something of proportional value...why do you think the banking oligarchs are entitled 25 to 30 percent of it? Especially when nearly everything else involving commerce has a consumption tax as well? USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries are sitting on TRILLIONS of dollars in wealth that they try to keep hidden from us. Why are you ducking this?????? Are you so conditioned to believe that income tax is a necessary thing? If I mow someone's lawn for a twelve pack of beer, am I suppose to hold three to give to "da gubermint"??? You really have no clue as to how things actually work...no clue at all.

Listen up Francis , you have a feasible plan , fine . Let's hear it. But these threads are chick full of plans that can't get the job done .

The country can't run on smiles n sunshine .

Sure, "Francis"...it's not hard.

#1 Top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve and publicly name the 13 families that are the shareholders. Then we nationalize it, tell the banking oligarchs that the debt belongs to USA.INC and not the people. Then we confiscate the ill-gotten wealth and put it into a trust.
#2 We then open up ALL Comprehension Annual Financial Reports and the hidden holdings of USA.INC and it's 185,000 subsidiaries. What you would find is that they are sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars in assets not just in U.S holdings but overseas corporations as well that pays them a hefty dividend every year. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more wealth in a year than the entire GDP of the private sector. That money is also put into a trust and that is what will finance the nineteen essential services that USA.INC contracted for when they took over the "gubermint" in 1871 in a "for profit" venture.
#3 Then we nullify all the unfair "fair trade agreements" that has allowed a flood of cheap goods into this country made by what is basically slave labor and we place tariffs on it like we did before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This would eliminate any taxation whatsoever and Allodial rights to property could be restored to the people.
#4 There are over 6,000 patents for everything from zero point energy to a better way of creating GOOD food that has been suppressed under the guise of "National Security". We release those and allow a TRUE free market to take them and run with them which would create MILLIONS of jobs without harming the environment at all.
#5 We bring every soldier back that has been working overseas protecting the interests of the multinational corporations and use them to secure our southern border. Only those that came here legally and signed the guest book should benefit from the changes...not those that came over here and flopped and sucked off of the public teat.
#6 We use our influence to bring about these changes in every other country that is under the thumb of the banking oligarchs and return the wealth and resources that were stolen from them back to the people.
#7 We put every globalist on trial for their crimes against humanity and confiscate their wealth. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers come immediately to mind, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrice, Prince Phillip, etc, etc. Everyone that sits on the Committee of 300. It's a very tiny group of powerful elites that have foisted this debt slavery system upon at the expense of 100's of millions of lives and it's way past time that they paid.

BTW, there are millions of people that know the things I do...especially in Europe....America? Not so much but there are some. The tipping point is about to be reached and the point of no return is approaching unless people wake up as to what is being done to them.
U want us to live like 1913 ? Whale oil lamps for everyone !

The worlds a little more complicated now a days .

Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.

A direct tax on labor is immoral.

Not all income comes from labor .
It was never intended that men or women to be taxed by the sweat of their brow and it has been ruled unconstitutional many times. I barter my time and labor in one hour increments in exchange for something of proportional value...why do you think the banking oligarchs are entitled 25 to 30 percent of it? Especially when nearly everything else involving commerce has a consumption tax as well? USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries are sitting on TRILLIONS of dollars in wealth that they try to keep hidden from us. Why are you ducking this?????? Are you so conditioned to believe that income tax is a necessary thing? If I mow someone's lawn for a twelve pack of beer, am I suppose to hold three to give to "da gubermint"??? You really have no clue as to how things actually work...no clue at all.

Listen up Francis , you have a feasible plan , fine . Let's hear it. But these threads are chick full of plans that can't get the job done .

The country can't run on smiles n sunshine .
U want us to live like 1913 ? Whale oil lamps for everyone !

The worlds a little more complicated now a days .

Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.

A direct tax on labor is immoral.

Not all income comes from labor .
It was never intended that men or women to be taxed by the sweat of their brow and it has been ruled unconstitutional many times. I barter my time and labor in one hour increments in exchange for something of proportional value...why do you think the banking oligarchs are entitled 25 to 30 percent of it? Especially when nearly everything else involving commerce has a consumption tax as well? USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries are sitting on TRILLIONS of dollars in wealth that they try to keep hidden from us. Why are you ducking this?????? Are you so conditioned to believe that income tax is a necessary thing? If I mow someone's lawn for a twelve pack of beer, am I suppose to hold three to give to "da gubermint"??? You really have no clue as to how things actually work...no clue at all.

Listen up Francis , you have a feasible plan , fine . Let's hear it. But these threads are chick full of plans that can't get the job done .

The country can't run on smiles n sunshine .
U want us to live like 1913 ? Whale oil lamps for everyone !

The worlds a little more complicated now a days .

Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.

A direct tax on labor is immoral.

Not all income comes from labor .
It was never intended that men or women to be taxed by the sweat of their brow and it has been ruled unconstitutional many times. I barter my time and labor in one hour increments in exchange for something of proportional value...why do you think the banking oligarchs are entitled 25 to 30 percent of it? Especially when nearly everything else involving commerce has a consumption tax as well? USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries are sitting on TRILLIONS of dollars in wealth that they try to keep hidden from us. Why are you ducking this?????? Are you so conditioned to believe that income tax is a necessary thing? If I mow someone's lawn for a twelve pack of beer, am I suppose to hold three to give to "da gubermint"??? You really have no clue as to how things actually work...no clue at all.

Listen up Francis , you have a feasible plan , fine . Let's hear it. But these threads are chick full of plans that can't get the job done .

The country can't run on smiles n sunshine .

U want us to live like 1913 ? Whale oil lamps for everyone !

The worlds a little more complicated now a days .

Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.

A direct tax on labor is immoral.

Not all income comes from labor .
It was never intended that men or women to be taxed by the sweat of their brow and it has been ruled unconstitutional many times. I barter my time and labor in one hour increments in exchange for something of proportional value...why do you think the banking oligarchs are entitled 25 to 30 percent of it? Especially when nearly everything else involving commerce has a consumption tax as well? USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries are sitting on TRILLIONS of dollars in wealth that they try to keep hidden from us. Why are you ducking this?????? Are you so conditioned to believe that income tax is a necessary thing? If I mow someone's lawn for a twelve pack of beer, am I suppose to hold three to give to "da gubermint"??? You really have no clue as to how things actually work...no clue at all.

Listen up Francis , you have a feasible plan , fine . Let's hear it. But these threads are chick full of plans that can't get the job done .

The country can't run on smiles n sunshine .

U want us to live like 1913 ? Whale oil lamps for everyone !

The worlds a little more complicated now a days .

Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.

A direct tax on labor is immoral.

Not all income comes from labor .
It was never intended that men or women to be taxed by the sweat of their brow and it has been ruled unconstitutional many times. I barter my time and labor in one hour increments in exchange for something of proportional value...why do you think the banking oligarchs are entitled 25 to 30 percent of it? Especially when nearly everything else involving commerce has a consumption tax as well? USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries are sitting on TRILLIONS of dollars in wealth that they try to keep hidden from us. Why are you ducking this?????? Are you so conditioned to believe that income tax is a necessary thing? If I mow someone's lawn for a twelve pack of beer, am I suppose to hold three to give to "da gubermint"??? You really have no clue as to how things actually work...no clue at all.

Listen up Francis , you have a feasible plan , fine . Let's hear it. But these threads are chick full of plans that can't get the job done .

The country can't run on smiles n sunshine .

Here are a few more and they are equally important.

#8 We restore the Republic which means a return to Common Law which is the law of the land instead of Admiralty law which is the law of the sea with all it's acts, statutes and codes. Re-trained the administrators that were acting on behalf of the bank under the guise of being a judge that was raising revenue for the corporation.... into administering Common law.
#9 Hire peace officers instead of police that have been nothing but enforcers of acts, statutes and codes that produce revenue while producing no victim of violations of said acts, statutes and codes.
#10 Make the people the trustee of their corporate fiction that was created the day they were born with the birth certificate that was written on bond paper.... as a bond was created in that all caps name that has gained value over the life of that corporate fiction and instead use it to fund the retirement of the real man or woman...thus eliminating the need for any kind of social security tax on both the employee and the employer freeing the employer to pay you more since he/she will not have to figure that cost into what he/she decides to pay you. Only under real time hardship like disability would the funds from this bond be released if it's not at the age of retirement......like the age of 60.
#11. Legalize hemp....it has a 1000 and 1 uses from being a bio-fuel to curing many forms of cancer.

Hope this helps.......
Fair share? A percentage of real income above 30K a year. That means Binky and Chad don't get to hide the trust fund Grandpapa left them overseas. Fairly straightforward.

So you want to tax inheritance?

How many times would you tax the same dollar?

Who earned the dollar? Not Binky and Chad. If you want to pay their share out of your hard-earned salary, that's sweet of you, but don't expect them to thank you while they're sitting around the pool drinking dirty martinis all day.
Who earned the dollar? Not Binky and Chad. If you want to pay their share out of your hard-earned salary, that's sweet of you, but don't expect them to thank you while they're sitting around the pool drinking dirty martinis all day.

Joe sweats all day in a factory. He comes home and gives his children Binky and Chad a dollar to buy an ice cream. Some Arian thug with the government sticks a gun in the childrens face and take the dollar, explaining that they didn't earn it, so he can take it by force...

Communists; they're just fucking scum, any way you look at it.
Who earned the dollar? Not Binky and Chad. If you want to pay their share out of your hard-earned salary, that's sweet of you, but don't expect them to thank you while they're sitting around the pool drinking dirty martinis all day.

Joe sweats all day in a factory. He comes home and gives his children Binky and Chad a dollar to buy an ice cream.

You have absolutely no idea what I was talking about, do you?
Who earned the dollar? Not Binky and Chad. If you want to pay their share out of your hard-earned salary, that's sweet of you, but don't expect them to thank you while they're sitting around the pool drinking dirty martinis all day.

Joe sweats all day in a factory. He comes home and gives his children Binky and Chad a dollar to buy an ice cream.

You have absolutely no idea what I was talking about, do you?
So you can guarantee that wealth confiscation via the inheritance tax will trickle down to you in some way? I hate to break this to you....but it won't. USA.INC is sitting ojn TRILLIONS of dollars but they only pass off their shortfalls onto us. Fact.
You have absolutely no idea what I was talking about, do you?

You want to tax inheritance, because you are a greedy motherfucker who seeks to take by force what you did not earn.

If a father leaves his money to his children, too fucking bad, you don't get to steal it just because you're greedy. The father paid taxes when he made the money, your greed and envy doesn't entitle you to tax the same dollars again.
Who earned the dollar? Not Binky and Chad. If you want to pay their share out of your hard-earned salary, that's sweet of you, but don't expect them to thank you while they're sitting around the pool drinking dirty martinis all day.

Joe sweats all day in a factory. He comes home and gives his children Binky and Chad a dollar to buy an ice cream.

You have absolutely no idea what I was talking about, do you?
So you can guarantee that wealth confiscation via the inheritance tax will trickle down to you in some way?


The issue is the number of self-styled "conservatives" who have no problem with American money being stashed overseas. None of you has ever adequately explained that. Feel free to try.
I want American dollars to be invested in America,

Money I earn is not your money. Money I earn and give to my children is not your money.

You are simply greedy and think you can steal from the survivors if a person dies.

not stashed in an account in the Caymans. Get back to me when you've figured out why that makes sense.

Son, your greed and envy will never make sense. What you demand is evil, it is theft.
Who earned the dollar? Not Binky and Chad. If you want to pay their share out of your hard-earned salary, that's sweet of you, but don't expect them to thank you while they're sitting around the pool drinking dirty martinis all day.

Joe sweats all day in a factory. He comes home and gives his children Binky and Chad a dollar to buy an ice cream.

You have absolutely no idea what I was talking about, do you?
So you can guarantee that wealth confiscation via the inheritance tax will trickle down to you in some way?


The issue is the number of self-styled "conservatives" who have no problem with American money being stashed overseas. None of you has ever adequately explained that. Feel free to try.
I posted a plan on how to fix what ails us.....did you not read it???

So someone challenged me that if we did not have a graduated income tax, how would we fund "da gubermint"....here is my epic reply....

#1 Top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve and publicly name the 13 families that are the shareholders. Then we nationalize it, tell the banking oligarchs that the debt belongs to USA.INC and not the people. Then we confiscate the ill-gotten wealth and put it into a trust.
#2 We then open up ALL Comprehension Annual Financial Reports and the hidden holdings of USA.INC and it's 185,000 subsidiaries. What you would find is that they are sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars in assets not just in U.S holdings but overseas corporations as well that pays them a hefty dividend every year. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more wealth in a year than the entire GDP of the private sector. That money is also put into a trust and that is what will finance the nineteen essential services that USA.INC contracted for when they took over the "gubermint" in 1871 in a "for profit" venture.
#3 Then we nullify all the unfair "fair trade agreements" that has allowed a flood of cheap goods into this country made by what is basically slave labor and we place tariffs on it like we did before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This would eliminate any taxation whatsoever and Allodial rights to property could be restored to the people.
#4 There are over 6,000 patents for everything from zero point energy to a better way of creating GOOD food that has been suppressed under the guise of "National Security". We release those and allow a TRUE free market to take them and run with them which would create MILLIONS of jobs without harming the environment at all.
#5 We bring every soldier back that has been working overseas protecting the interests of the multinational corporations and use them to secure our southern border. Only those that came here legally and signed the guest book should benefit from the changes...not those that came over here and flopped and sucked off of the public teat.
#6 We use our influence to bring about these changes in every other country that is under the thumb of the banking oligarchs and return the wealth and resources that were stolen from them back to the people.
#7 We put every globalist on trial for their crimes against humanity and confiscate their wealth. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers come immediately to mind, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrice, Prince Phillip, etc, etc. Everyone that sits on the Committee of 300. It's a very tiny group of powerful elites that have foisted this debt slavery system upon at the expense of 100's of millions of lives and it's way past time that they paid.
#8 We restore the Republic which means a return to Common Law which is the law of the land instead of Admiralty law which is the law of the sea with all it's acts, statutes and codes. Re-trained the administrators that were acting on behalf of the bank under the guise of being a judge that was raising revenue for the corporation.... into administering Common law.
#9 Hire peace officers instead of police that have been nothing but enforcers of acts, statutes and codes that produce revenue while producing no victim of violations of said acts, statutes and codes.
#10 Make the people the trustee of their corporate fiction that was created the day they were born with the birth certificate that was written on bond paper.... as a bond was created in that all caps name that has gained value over the life of that corporate fiction and instead use it to fund the retirement of the real man or woman...thus eliminating the need for any kind of social security tax on both the employee and the employer freeing the employer to pay you more since he/she will not have to figure that cost into what he/she decides to pay you. Only under real time hardship like disability would the funds from this bond be released if it's not at the age of retirement......like the age of 60.
#11. Legalize hemp....it has a 1000 and 1 uses from being a bio-fuel to curing many forms of cancer.

Hope this helps.......

BTW, there are millions of people that know the things I do...especially in Europe....America? Not so much but there are some. The tipping point is about to be reached and the point of no return is approaching unless people wake up as to what is being done to them.
I want American dollars to be invested in America,

Money I earn is not your money. Money I earn and give to my children is not your money.

You are simply greedy and think you can steal from the survivors if a person dies.

not stashed in an account in the Caymans. Get back to me when you've figured out why that makes sense.

Son, your greed and envy will never make sense. What you demand is evil, it is theft.

Wanting American dollars to be invested in America is "evil"? Why do you hate America?
Even for you, that was incredibly lame.

This nation did fine without income taxes for over half of it's existence.

We certainly can survive without taxing the income of people. A consumption tax is far more fair, the rich whom you are conditioned to spew hatred at would pay far more, as they buy more.

A direct tax on labor is immoral.

Not all income comes from labor .
It was never intended that men or women to be taxed by the sweat of their brow and it has been ruled unconstitutional many times. I barter my time and labor in one hour increments in exchange for something of proportional value...why do you think the banking oligarchs are entitled 25 to 30 percent of it? Especially when nearly everything else involving commerce has a consumption tax as well? USA.INC and all it's subsidiaries are sitting on TRILLIONS of dollars in wealth that they try to keep hidden from us. Why are you ducking this?????? Are you so conditioned to believe that income tax is a necessary thing? If I mow someone's lawn for a twelve pack of beer, am I suppose to hold three to give to "da gubermint"??? You really have no clue as to how things actually work...no clue at all.

Listen up Francis , you have a feasible plan , fine . Let's hear it. But these threads are chick full of plans that can't get the job done .

The country can't run on smiles n sunshine .

Sure, "Francis"...it's not hard.

#1 Top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve and publicly name the 13 families that are the shareholders. Then we nationalize it, tell the banking oligarchs that the debt belongs to USA.INC and not the people. Then we confiscate the ill-gotten wealth and put it into a trust.
#2 We then open up ALL Comprehension Annual Financial Reports and the hidden holdings of USA.INC and it's 185,000 subsidiaries. What you would find is that they are sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars in assets not just in U.S holdings but overseas corporations as well that pays them a hefty dividend every year. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more wealth in a year than the entire GDP of the private sector. That money is also put into a trust and that is what will finance the nineteen essential services that USA.INC contracted for when they took over the "gubermint" in 1871 in a "for profit" venture.
#3 Then we nullify all the unfair "fair trade agreements" that has allowed a flood of cheap goods into this country made by what is basically slave labor and we place tariffs on it like we did before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This would eliminate any taxation whatsoever and Allodial rights to property could be restored to the people.
#4 There are over 6,000 patents for everything from zero point energy to a better way of creating GOOD food that has been suppressed under the guise of "National Security". We release those and allow a TRUE free market to take them and run with them which would create MILLIONS of jobs without harming the environment at all.
#5 We bring every soldier back that has been working overseas protecting the interests of the multinational corporations and use them to secure our southern border. Only those that came here legally and signed the guest book should benefit from the changes...not those that came over here and flopped and sucked off of the public teat.
#6 We use our influence to bring about these changes in every other country that is under the thumb of the banking oligarchs and return the wealth and resources that were stolen from them back to the people.
#7 We put every globalist on trial for their crimes against humanity and confiscate their wealth. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers come immediately to mind, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrice, Prince Phillip, etc, etc. Everyone that sits on the Committee of 300. It's a very tiny group of powerful elites that have foisted this debt slavery system upon at the expense of 100's of millions of lives and it's way past time that they paid.

BTW, there are millions of people that know the things I do...especially in Europe....America? Not so much but there are some. The tipping point is about to be reached and the point of no return is approaching unless people wake up as to what is being done to them.

You be crazy ! Thou I can see a couple of those .

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