What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine?

The system has been biased in colleges and jobs for several years due to Affirmative Action and seldom do you hear whites cry about it.
I hear white males cry about it constantly. The funny thing is white females and Asians re the ones benefiting from it more. Not Black people.
Are you saying blacks don't benefit from affirmative action? Go to any local government office and look at all the blacks working there.
I see a lot of white people in government offices where I live. Are they utilizing AA?

AA doesn't apply to whites. We have to earn ours.
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.

Watch him now explain how this is different while destroying his previous bullshit about whites not needing AA
I hear white males cry about it constantly. The funny thing is white females and Asians re the ones benefiting from it more. Not Black people.
Are you saying blacks don't benefit from affirmative action? Go to any local government office and look at all the blacks working there.
I see a lot of white people in government offices where I live. Are they utilizing AA?

AA doesn't apply to whites. We have to earn ours.
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.

That's based on gender not race fool.

I'm 49 not 350. Not one position I've held was received by being white. I know a black boy who got what he has because of skin color can't understand that. When you get what you get for being black it's hard to know what it's like to earn it.
No. Its based on race. Thats why I said "white" women.

I dont care how old you are monkey. If you ever held a position it was because you got white AA. I know a white boy that has what he has because of skin color would deny that. It must be embarrassing to get hired only because you are white.
I hear white males cry about it constantly. The funny thing is white females and Asians re the ones benefiting from it more. Not Black people.
Are you saying blacks don't benefit from affirmative action? Go to any local government office and look at all the blacks working there.
I see a lot of white people in government offices where I live. Are they utilizing AA?

AA doesn't apply to whites. We have to earn ours.
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.

Watch him now explain how this is different while destroying his previous bullshit about whites not needing AA

There is no such thing as white, male AA. I can, however, show you where there is an official AA for you n*ggers.
I hear white males cry about it constantly. The funny thing is white females and Asians re the ones benefiting from it more. Not Black people.
Are you saying blacks don't benefit from affirmative action? Go to any local government office and look at all the blacks working there.
I see a lot of white people in government offices where I live. Are they utilizing AA?

AA doesn't apply to whites. We have to earn ours.
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.
Glad you agree they get jobs and admissions the didn't earn.
I'm glad you agree whites get more jobs and admissions they didnt earn.
Are you saying blacks don't benefit from affirmative action? Go to any local government office and look at all the blacks working there.
I see a lot of white people in government offices where I live. Are they utilizing AA?

AA doesn't apply to whites. We have to earn ours.
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.

Watch him now explain how this is different while destroying his previous bullshit about whites not needing AA

There is no such thing as white, male AA. I can, however, show you where there is an official AA for you n*ggers.
There is a such thing as white male AA. Cave chimps such as yourself use it to get jobs when you dont have the skills.
Are you saying blacks don't benefit from affirmative action? Go to any local government office and look at all the blacks working there.
I see a lot of white people in government offices where I live. Are they utilizing AA?

AA doesn't apply to whites. We have to earn ours.
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.

That's based on gender not race fool.

I'm 49 not 350. Not one position I've held was received by being white. I know a black boy who got what he has because of skin color can't understand that. When you get what you get for being black it's hard to know what it's like to earn it.
No. Its based on race. Thats why I said "white" women.

I dont care how old you are monkey. If you ever held a position it was because you got white AA. I know a white boy that has what he has because of skin color would deny that. It must be embarrassing to get hired only because you are white.

The problem is that it's not based on white but on gender. There are plenty of BLACK women that have received it. Look at the DMV. I have to have a translator when I go in to understand the piss poor communication skills of your people.

Interesting that there is no white AA program.
Are you saying blacks don't benefit from affirmative action? Go to any local government office and look at all the blacks working there.
I see a lot of white people in government offices where I live. Are they utilizing AA?

AA doesn't apply to whites. We have to earn ours.
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.
Glad you agree they get jobs and admissions the didn't earn.
I'm glad you agree whites get more jobs and admissions they didnt earn.

Whites have to earn theirs. There is no AA program for whites.
I see a lot of white people in government offices where I live. Are they utilizing AA?

AA doesn't apply to whites. We have to earn ours.
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.
Glad you agree they get jobs and admissions the didn't earn.
I'm glad you agree whites get more jobs and admissions they didnt earn.

Whites have to earn theirs. There is no AA program for whites.
Whites dont have to earn theirs. I knew a bunch of shiftless, untalented white boys that had jobs simply because their fathers got them in. That is the biggest AA program going.
What is it about Blacks that think they can assault a policeman and all will be fine? Repeatedly we see threads that yet another BLACK teen is shot. Of course, it's hidden in the article that the police officer was assaulted.

Just what's the deal? I get they have no respect for cops, but no brains, either? What do they expect to happen? The police officer to wither to a puddle of weakness? Their going to go by the manual. IF under attack, respond with force and if that means a shooting, it means a shooting.

Why aren't their threads WHITE teen shot by cops after assaulting said police officer? They caught in to the secret. They value their lives.

Attack a cop, you will lose. Learn it early. It has nothing to do with color.

Usually the cop who does the shooting always says it was for a reason. Never ever ever will you hear someone incriminate themselves and just say "I over reacted"

So, you take the word of someone looking to avoid jail and compare that to the words of a dead man...who cant speak.

So I'm learning that cops are a rare breed of person who does not have feelings or biases which prevents them from having bad days or being ticked off.
Non sequitur....Discuss the issue at hand or be silent.
Deflection will not be permitted
I see a lot of white people in government offices where I live. Are they utilizing AA?

AA doesn't apply to whites. We have to earn ours.
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.

Watch him now explain how this is different while destroying his previous bullshit about whites not needing AA

There is no such thing as white, male AA. I can, however, show you where there is an official AA for you n*ggers.
There is a such thing as white male AA. Cave chimps such as yourself use it to get jobs when you dont have the skills.
I don't get jobs unless I have skills. You wouldn't get one if it wasn't for your skin color.

I can show where AA for your people exists. Please show that for white poeple.
I see a lot of white people in government offices where I live. Are they utilizing AA?

AA doesn't apply to whites. We have to earn ours.
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.

That's based on gender not race fool.

I'm 49 not 350. Not one position I've held was received by being white. I know a black boy who got what he has because of skin color can't understand that. When you get what you get for being black it's hard to know what it's like to earn it.
No. Its based on race. Thats why I said "white" women.

I dont care how old you are monkey. If you ever held a position it was because you got white AA. I know a white boy that has what he has because of skin color would deny that. It must be embarrassing to get hired only because you are white.

The problem is that it's not based on white but on gender. There are plenty of BLACK women that have received it. Look at the DMV. I have to have a translator when I go in to understand the piss poor communication skills of your people.

Interesting that there is no white AA program.
Yeah it is based on race. Thats why I said "white" women. If it was just based on gender the term would be "women". You are one of those dumb white boys I see.
AA doesn't apply to whites. We have to earn ours.
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.

Watch him now explain how this is different while destroying his previous bullshit about whites not needing AA

There is no such thing as white, male AA. I can, however, show you where there is an official AA for you n*ggers.
There is a such thing as white male AA. Cave chimps such as yourself use it to get jobs when you dont have the skills.
I don't get jobs unless I have skills. You wouldn't get one if it wasn't for your skin color.

I can show where AA for your people exists. Please show that for white poeple.
Youve never gotten a job based on your skills. Me on the other hand I got recruited. Now as a business owner people seek me out to do implementations for them.
AA doesn't apply to whites. We have to earn ours.
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.
Glad you agree they get jobs and admissions the didn't earn.
I'm glad you agree whites get more jobs and admissions they didnt earn.

Whites have to earn theirs. There is no AA program for whites.
Whites dont have to earn theirs. I knew a bunch of shiftless, untalented white boys that had jobs simply because their fathers got them in. That is the biggest AA program going.

I could say I knew a bunch of untalented black boys whose fathers got them jobs but most black don't don't know of their baby daddy is.

Funny how you call one person hiring the child of someone they know AA. That's not AA.
Are you saying blacks don't benefit from affirmative action? Go to any local government office and look at all the blacks working there.
I see a lot of white people in government offices where I live. Are they utilizing AA?

AA doesn't apply to whites. We have to earn ours.
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.

Watch him now explain how this is different while destroying his previous bullshit about whites not needing AA

There is no such thing as white, male AA. I can, however, show you where there is an official AA for you n*ggers.

Changing the subject huh? You said whites didnt need AA they earn what they have...NOW you are saying either white women are lazy and dont earn their shit either or its different for white women because they need the assistance and blacks dont.

Which one is it?
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.
Glad you agree they get jobs and admissions the didn't earn.
I'm glad you agree whites get more jobs and admissions they didnt earn.

Whites have to earn theirs. There is no AA program for whites.
Whites dont have to earn theirs. I knew a bunch of shiftless, untalented white boys that had jobs simply because their fathers got them in. That is the biggest AA program going.

I could say I knew a bunch of untalented black boys whose fathers got them jobs but most black don't don't know of their baby daddy is.

Funny how you call one person hiring the child of someone they know AA. That's not AA.
You could say alot of things but like everything you say it turns out to be more idiotic rhetoric. Funny how you think getting hired without skills because of your pops "earning it". Thats not earning it. Thats a handout. At least with partial AA you have to be qualified.
I see a lot of white people in government offices where I live. Are they utilizing AA?

AA doesn't apply to whites. We have to earn ours.
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.

Watch him now explain how this is different while destroying his previous bullshit about whites not needing AA

There is no such thing as white, male AA. I can, however, show you where there is an official AA for you n*ggers.

Changing the subject huh? You said whites didnt need AA they earn what they have...NOW you are saying either white women are lazy and dont earn their shit either or its different for white women because they need the assistance and blacks dont.

Which one is it?
White boys like Conservative are frustrated they dont have quite the free pass they use to have. Now they actually have to compete a little and it makes white boys like him bitter. They crack me up with their pouting and tantrums. :laugh:
White women are the largest group that benefits from AA. Thats not earning anything if Blacks using AA are not earning it. Face it. You had white AA for 350 years and didnt earn it. Now you still have AA and crying about your failure because Blacks get partial AA. Jackson here is another white male crybaby regarding AA.

Watch him now explain how this is different while destroying his previous bullshit about whites not needing AA

There is no such thing as white, male AA. I can, however, show you where there is an official AA for you n*ggers.
There is a such thing as white male AA. Cave chimps such as yourself use it to get jobs when you dont have the skills.
I don't get jobs unless I have skills. You wouldn't get one if it wasn't for your skin color.

I can show where AA for your people exists. Please show that for white poeple.
Youve never gotten a job based on your skills. Me on the other hand I got recruited. Now as a business owner people seek me out to do implementations for them.

You didn't get recruited. It was to meet a quota.
Yep.....we have a black problem and its definitely going to get worse.

Its a fucking jungle out there in the real world.......NOT brought to you by the local media of course!!!

Stuff Black People Don t Like - SBPDL

Holder isn't about to tell us that the genesis of Ferguson was Section 8 vouchers for blacks. Click on link above s0ns..............:2up: Since the mid-60's, its always been the same.......you start giving shit to blacks and the next thing you know, they are threatening to burn down the city.
Watch him now explain how this is different while destroying his previous bullshit about whites not needing AA

There is no such thing as white, male AA. I can, however, show you where there is an official AA for you n*ggers.
There is a such thing as white male AA. Cave chimps such as yourself use it to get jobs when you dont have the skills.
I don't get jobs unless I have skills. You wouldn't get one if it wasn't for your skin color.

I can show where AA for your people exists. Please show that for white poeple.
Youve never gotten a job based on your skills. Me on the other hand I got recruited. Now as a business owner people seek me out to do implementations for them.

You didn't get recruited. It was to meet a quota.
We dont have quotas in my line of work. You have to know what you are doing before you even get considered. Thats how I know you are a failure. Such a funny little monkey you are.

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