What is it about Socialism that makes you want it here in the United States?

What is it about Socialism that makes you want it here in the United States?

  • Free healthcare.

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • Free college.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Free housing.

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • Dont have to work and still get paid.

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Can smoke dope and still get paid.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Have the government to take care of me from cradle to grave.

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Socialism has never worked and never will work, it is failure of misery and poverty.

    Votes: 21 72.4%

  • Total voters
Socialism what is so attractive about it, that you would give up your Constitutional Rights to have in implemented?

FREESTUFF !!!! The reversal of science or evolution so that the least fit survive just like the most fit do thus dooming humanity.
Good point. If one can vote themselves free stuff ,freeloaders will always take advantage. That is why there is a Democrat Party.
yes, sadly freeloaders will always take advantage of liberal free stuff but even more sadly liberalism encourages more and more people to become free loaders by diminishing the value of work. This is how Stalin and Mao slowly starved 115 million to death
Socialism what is so attractive about it, that you would give up your Constitutional Rights to have in implemented?

FREESTUFF !!!! The reversal of science or evolution so that the least fit survive just like the most fit do thus dooming humanity.
Good point. If one can vote themselves free stuff ,freeloaders will always take advantage. That is why there is a Democrat Party.
yes, sadly freeloaders will always take advantage of liberal free stuff but even more sadly liberalism encourages more and more people to become free loaders by diminishing the value of work. This is how Stalin and Mao slowly starved 115 million to death
Yes. Spending other peoples money is the Socialist way. Democrats are good at it.
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My hands are too precious to waste them working for the billionaires as no results can be achieved.
Billionaires....How did they become billionaires (and millionaires for that matter)? People like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Henry Ford, et cetera, all were and are "idea-men" that had ambition, some capital and went to the banks and investors to get loans for what investors agreed were good ideas based upon their products pitched. Having secured the loans, and started their businesses, they hired people to make and sell their products so that they could repay the banks and lenders and make a profit.
The billionaires take all the financial risk (i.e., purchase of property and materials, building permits, business licenses, property taxes, insurance on the property, as well as having insurance to cover any damages to any of the public, or workers injuries, utility costs, et cetera, et cetera).
Also, it requires the average consumer to be interested enough in their products to spend their money for the products. No one has a gun pointed to their heads, demanding they buy the billionaires products.
Without those billionaires and millionaires, there would be no innovation, no civilization advancement. We'd all just be stuck back in the Middle Ages.
As for any wages, since the owner/creator came up with the product and must be burdened with the overall risk, the average worker is just an individual who puts a piece in part of the product, or stands behind a counter and gives the product to the buyer after being paid by that consumer. He/she is not responsible for any of the risk, only doing his/her small part in the overall picture. Thus, he/she isn't entitled to any more than he or she is being paid.
People who complain about millionaires and billionaires being just that, are simply....."jealous."
"Oh look, that person has three homes, four cars, a plane and a yacht....how terrible, because I can't have those things."
Under Marxism/Leninism, only the absolute head of the politburo has the best of anything. All others, are poor.
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My hands are too precious to waste them working for the billionaires as no results can be achieved.
Billionaires....How did they become billionaires (and millionaires for that matter)? People like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Henry Ford, et cetera, all were and are "idea-men" that had ambition, some capital and went to the banks and investors to get loans for what investors agreed were good ideas based upon their products pitched. Having secured the loans, and started their businesses, they hired people to make and sell their products so that they could repay the banks and lenders and make a profit.
The billionaires take all the financial risk (i.e., purchase of property and materials, building permits, business licenses, property taxes, insurance on the property, as well as having insurance to cover any damages to any of the public, or workers injuries, utility costs, et cetera, et cetera).
Also, it requires the average consumer to be interested enough in their products to spend their money for the products. No one has a gun pointed to their heads, demanding they buy the billionaires products.
Without those billionaires and millionaires, there would be no innovation, no civilization advancement. We'd all just be stuck back in the Middle Ages.
As for any wages, since the owner/creator came up with the product and must be burdened with the overall risk, the average worker is just an individual who puts a piece in part of the product, or stands behind a counter and gives the product to the buyer after being paid by that consumer. He/she is not responsible for any of the risk, only doing his/her small part in the overall picture. Thus, he/she isn't entitled to any more than he or she is being paid.
People who complain about millionaires and billionaires being just that, are simply....."jealous."
"Oh look, that person has three homes, four cars, a plane and a yacht....how terrible, because I can't have those things."
Under Marxism/Leninism, only the absolute head of the politburo has the best of anything. All others, are poor.
You can cite a few examples of self made billionaires and I don´t criticize them.
The majority of the fat cats, however, became rich by betting on your company´s demise. Not without setting your office ablaze, of course.
They do fraudulent business all over and hoard the money instead of spending it. They are blood suckers.
They do fraudulent business all over and hoard the money instead of spending it. They are blood suckers.

pure 100% liberal ignorance. Nobody hoards money in their mattress, they invest it, to earn more, through banks etc that makes loans for homes car educations businesses etc. Do you understand?
They do fraudulent business all over and hoard the money instead of spending it. They are blood suckers.

pure 100% liberal ignorance. Nobody hoards money in their mattress, they invest it, to earn more, through banks etc that makes loans for homes car educations businesses etc. Do you understand?
They will cause more crises with their speculations. Then you will head to the welfare office again together with millions of others.

They do fraudulent business all over and hoard the money instead of spending it. They are blood suckers.

pure 100% liberal ignorance. Nobody hoards money in their mattress, they invest it, to earn more, through banks etc that makes loans for homes car educations businesses etc. Do you understand?
They will cause more crises with their speculations. Then you will head to the welfare office again together with millions of others.

Actually, we can all post 1000's of links proving we are right thanks to Google but can you personally defend anything you wrote?? What does that teach you about liberalism? See why we say it is based in pure ignorance?
They do fraudulent business all over and hoard the money instead of spending it. They are blood suckers.

pure 100% liberal ignorance. Nobody hoards money in their mattress, they invest it, to earn more, through banks etc that makes loans for homes car educations businesses etc. Do you understand?
They will cause more crises with their speculations. Then you will head to the welfare office again together with millions of others.

Actually, we can all post 1000's of links proving we are right thanks to Google but can you personally defend anything you wrote?? What does that teach you about liberalism? See why we say it is based in pure ignorance?
No. Look, I am talking about the economy. How fat fucks mess it up. And all you do is doing some random attacks against mysterious "liberals" as response.
Socialism what is so attractive about it, that you would give up your Constitutional Rights to have in implemented?
Which Constitutional Rights would I have to give up?
Dear andaronjim If you can imagine the difference between choosing how you want to run a Christian organization yourself vs. voting a Christian program into national policy mandatory for all citizens to fund with their taxes (while Congress votes on how to run the actual program instead of you having that choice), that's the difference between retaining your own rights to exercise your Socialist beliefs or Social programs through your own member run organization vs. giving up that right by granting authority to central Govt to mandate Social policies for all citizens nationally across all 50 states.
We only have to look at the damage Social Security has done to this nation to realize how right the conservatives were, that warned us that we were on the road to communism with that program. Why didn't we listen?
Socialism what is so attractive about it, that you would give up your Constitutional Rights to have in implemented?
Which Constitutional Rights would I have to give up?
Dear andaronjim If you can imagine the difference between choosing how you want to run a Christian organization yourself vs. voting a Christian program into national policy mandatory for all citizens to fund with their taxes (while Congress votes on how to run the actual program instead of you having that choice), that's the difference between retaining your own rights to exercise your Socialist beliefs or Social programs through your own member run organization vs. giving up that right by granting authority to central Govt to mandate Social policies for all citizens nationally across all 50 states.
Well if i want to have a CHOICE to give to a Christian organization or not, isnt that was CHOICE is. But to have a worthless bloated government TAKE , or else i have my wages garnished or thrown in jail, so some liberal fuck can have what he never fucking earned, just kinda rubs me wrong. I never voted for any worthless Demoncrap to enact a Ponzi Scheme upon the United States, but have found ways not to pay into the system like the uber rich do, because i use their technics of tax loopholes, while i can still bring in more wealth than you make in 10 years. If tax loopholes are wrong, why are they still legal? Because Nancy Pelosi and her uber rich liberals , will never go with a flat tax, because they will have to pay more...
We only have to look at the damage Social Security has done to this nation to realize how right the conservatives were, that warned us that we were on the road to communism with that program. Why didn't we listen?

Why? Because people will always vote for free money taken from other people!! Now its free health care and education, and onward from there. Do you understand?
We only have to look at the damage Social Security has done to this nation to realize how right the conservatives were, that warned us that we were on the road to communism with that program. Why didn't we listen?
Here's the issue with Social Security. President Theodore Roosevelt, a progressive republican, first proposed it and it was shot down by his conservative republicans. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed it into law in 1935. The problem came when people started drawing into it too early. The second problem came when, despite the fact that Social Security had its own Trust Fund, the federal government began siphoning from it for other projects, which they shouldn't have. Over time they just siphoned away the Trust Fund. Both are the blame of the government wanting more and more money for the growing government and its projects.
The fault doesn't fall on the people. The idea is sound. No one wants to see the elderly lying out in the streets, hungry and cold. To think otherwise is cruel and those people should be ashamed. How we treat the most vulnerable of our society, reflects on a nation. So how our government treats its youngest and oldest citizens, to me, reflects on how proud a nation can be.
There are elements, no doubt yourself, that think that people should just put their earnings in the bank and save and invest in stocks and bonds. Well, the crash of 1929 and subsequent stocks and bonds reversals show the failing in that system. Most people can't save much by putting their money in the bank, because most people live paycheck to paycheck. Groceries, rent, utilities and your day to day life, adds up and costs are always rising, especially rent costs. There are people who work in silicone valley, but can't live there. They ride and sleep on buses.

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