"What is the Democrats' message?"

Note the quotes in the thread title. It's not a question, it's a quote, it's what Republicans here ask pretty often.

So here's your answer: The Democrats' message is Trump and the Republicans hate you.

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and more people are believing it. It has nothing do to with jobs or incomes or the stock market. This is personal.

So here's a question: What are you going to do about that, specifically? Or do you feel you don't need to do anything?
In off year elections challengers generally focus on issues peculiar to districts.

In some races, Trump or his policies are the issue. In the Midwest, the issue in senate races will be trade. In Mississippi, Trump is so popular that the winner will be the one most Trump.
Note the quotes in the thread title. It's not a question, it's a quote, it's what Republicans here ask pretty often.

So here's your answer: The Democrats' message is Trump and the Republicans hate you.

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and more people are believing it. It has nothing do to with jobs or incomes or the stock market. This is personal.

So here's a question: What are you going to do about that, specifically? Or do you feel you don't need to do anything?

Note the quotes in the thread title. It's not a question, it's a quote, it's what Republicans here ask pretty often.

So here's your answer: The Democrats' message is Trump and the Republicans hate you.

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and more people are believing it. It has nothing do to with jobs or incomes or the stock market. This is personal.

So here's a question: What are you going to do about that, specifically? Or do you feel you don't need to do anything?
it's all pretty jr high schoolyard crap on both sides.

the dems basic message / path is a direct rip off from trump. run a platform to undo what the last guy did.

we'll see how well it works for the dems.
The Dems' advantage is in demographics, and they know it.

The Republicans somehow don't seem to care about this.

The DNC and Mexicrats have rolled the red carpet out for the indecent, the filthy, the illegal, the weird and for unproductive bottom feeders....that’s their thing now. I don’t see the GOP making any attempt to compete for those demos.
Dems 2018: Trump gave you crumbs, we're going to take them back. Fuck you, it's all ours!
Note the quotes in the thread title. It's not a question, it's a quote, it's what Republicans here ask pretty often.

So here's your answer: The Democrats' message is Trump and the Republicans hate you.

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and more people are believing it. It has nothing do to with jobs or incomes or the stock market. This is personal.

So here's a question: What are you going to do about that, specifically? Or do you feel you don't need to do anything?

"Down with the America started by the evil, white slaveowners!"

Our way is better! We have no plan, just resist!
"Heterosexual Sex Is Icky!"
"Down with the America started by the evil, white slaveowners!"
Our way is better! We have no plan, just resist!
Thanks, but the thread is actually about how the GOP is going to counter the issues I laid out in the OP - that the message is "Trump and the GOP hate you", and that as demographics continue to change, more people will believe it.

So far, no answers from the GOP, other than "we're not going to do anything about it".
I'm not sure what you want us to counter? Do you want republicans to pander to minorities? Hot sauce in the purse, ect. Your saying that the issues are irrelevant and that some how we need to brand some kind of a perk for being a minority? I get there needs to be more effective outreach, but I don't see how pandering would help the GOP.
I don't think minorities vote against republicans just because the media and universities tell them the GOP hates them. I think there is a very real what is in it for me. Now people are going to say that that is exactly why minorities hate the GOP, but isn't it the truth? Perks and handouts are part of the problem. I'm not sure some super fuzzy and cute PR campaign can counter this.
Note the quotes in the thread title. It's not a question, it's a quote, it's what Republicans here ask pretty often.

So here's your answer: The Democrats' message is Trump and the Republicans hate you.

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and more people are believing it. It has nothing do to with jobs or incomes or the stock market. This is personal.

So here's a question: What are you going to do about that, specifically? Or do you feel you don't need to do anything?
Well, it's true the pseudocon segment of the modern day GOP hates blacks, gays, Mexicans, Muslims, pretty much anyone who isn't white.

But that isn't the Democratic message.

That's the Republican message.

"We hate you." The pseudocons broadcast their hate daily in their propaganda outlets. Just turn on Fox News or click on Breitbart or any of the other piss outlets. Or just open any topic on this forum started by a pseudocon. Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.

The Democratic message is "We hate rich people and corporations, and love taxes and big government."
"Heterosexual Sex Is Icky!"
"Down with the America started by the evil, white slaveowners!"
Our way is better! We have no plan, just resist!
Thanks, but the thread is actually about how the GOP is going to counter the issues I laid out in the OP - that the message is "Trump and the GOP hate you", and that as demographics continue to change, more people will believe it.

So far, no answers from the GOP, other than "we're not going to do anything about it".

The GOP really can’t do anything about it Mac....there’s just no middle ground to share anymore as the DNC has sold their asses to far left, low grade regressives......If/as the pendulum swings and the majority of the nation becomes indecent, illegal, unAmerican, unproductive bottom feeding filth...the Mexicrats take over for good....Then it’s a matter of time before we rival Venezuela and good people migrate to Norway. The writing is on the wall. It’s now or never for the GOP.
"Heterosexual Sex Is Icky!"
"Down with the America started by the evil, white slaveowners!"
Our way is better! We have no plan, just resist!
Thanks, but the thread is actually about how the GOP is going to counter the issues I laid out in the OP - that the message is "Trump and the GOP hate you", and that as demographics continue to change, more people will believe it.

So far, no answers from the GOP, other than "we're not going to do anything about it".

The GOP really can’t do anything about it Mac....there’s just no middle ground to share anymore as the DNC has sold their asses to far left, low grade regressives......If/as the pendulum swings and the majority of the nation becomes indecent, illegal, unAmerican, unproductive bottom feeding filth...the Mexicrats take over for good....Then it’s a matter of time before we rival Venezuela and good people migrate to Norway. The writing is on the wall. It’s now or never for the GOP.
That's the answer I most often get from conservatives - "There's nothing we can do, and things are just going to go downhill".

I disagree, I think there are many things that could be done to reach out to minorities, but from what I've seen that's just not something they're willing to consider. Plus, another problem with that is it would take time, and I don't think there's much time left. My guess is that this is over when Texas goes purple.
"Heterosexual Sex Is Icky!"
"Down with the America started by the evil, white slaveowners!"
Our way is better! We have no plan, just resist!
Thanks, but the thread is actually about how the GOP is going to counter the issues I laid out in the OP - that the message is "Trump and the GOP hate you", and that as demographics continue to change, more people will believe it.

So far, no answers from the GOP, other than "we're not going to do anything about it".

The GOP really can’t do anything about it Mac....there’s just no middle ground to share anymore as the DNC has sold their asses to far left, low grade regressives......If/as the pendulum swings and the majority of the nation becomes indecent, illegal, unAmerican, unproductive bottom feeding filth...the Mexicrats take over for good....Then it’s a matter of time before we rival Venezuela and good people migrate to Norway. The writing is on the wall. It’s now or never for the GOP.
That's the answer I most often get from conservatives - "There's nothing we can do, and things are just going to go downhill".

I disagree, I think there are many things that could be done to reach out to minorities, but from what I've seen that's just not something they're willing to consider. Plus, another problem with that is it would take time, and I don't think there's much time left. My guess is that this is over when Texas goes purple.

Make no mistake, there are no concessions being made....the GOP has the nation by the balls right now with literally everything that matters on the up and up. The good people of this country are and will turn against Mexicans and anyone who perpetuates and encourages illegal immigration...namely the DNC. Blacks will soon realize that Mexicans are stealing their welfare and low end job opportunities. Americans whom have barely been exposed to Mexicans are becoming enlightened more and more each day. The DNC has all their eggs in a few baskets....illegals, criminals, gays, weirdos and bottom feeders. Silent, productive Americans want their country back and only the GOP (behind Trump) promises to fight for them.
"What is the Democrats' message?"

the Republicans message is to constantly WHINE LIKE A LITTLE BITCH about irrelevant crap.
"What is the Democrats' message?"

the Republicans message is to constantly WHINE LIKE A LITTLE BITCH about irrelevant crap.
There was speculation by wogs some months back that "running against Trump won't be enough." I thought that was sort of right. But Connor Lamb ran pretty much as a Blue Dog.

Fix the ACA don't repeal it.
Fix student debt
Protect Social Security and Medicae
and in his district ... unions are UUUUUGe.

Aside from unions, which is pretty local, all three of those issues are direct repudiation of Gop proposals, and Trump's on board with all but the third, and I'd think the dems would be saying Trump is not reliable.

And there's the tax cuts where most goes to the 1%
how'z about :

this is what happens when the 'GOP' becomes completely complicit in the slow demise & attempted treasonous takeover of the united states of america by a foreign power & their whitehouse puppet as long as they get their tax cuts, de-regs, & SC.
Note the quotes in the thread title. It's not a question, it's a quote, it's what Republicans here ask pretty often.

So here's your answer: The Democrats' message is Trump and the Republicans hate you.

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and more people are believing it. It has nothing do to with jobs or incomes or the stock market. This is personal.

So here's a question: What are you going to do about that, specifically? Or do you feel you don't need to do anything?

The answer is simple; the solution is not. As Democrats we cannot instill empathy into the hearts and minds of people like you.

We do not know what created the current social pathology, though one can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers who made money using the BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted.

What I hope the DNC does not do, and that is too overreach, and not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens.

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to the people, something alien to the RNC and their current leadership. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES; D's cannot get into a pissing contest on guns, gays, God and taxes.

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts;

D's doing so can do the same since the metrics of GOP leadership's impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story, i.e. the GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, while holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for debate.

No more "ain't it awful" from the pols or the people. Most rational voters understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, and they can be informed of who, how and why this is so, without whining.

This begins by braining all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters. That is the mission, and my vision, and I know it is not an easy one.
That is not the message. Here is the message.


The fact that these values align with those groups who seek equality under the law and equality of opportunity doesn't mean that the message is not valid.

Having a guy like Trump there to amplify the voices of those who don't believe in those ideals is just a happy circumstance.

And....how many times are you going to post this same thread? What makes you think THIS time will end differently?

That’s not what they’re parroting all the time. The Democratic Party message is the Republican Party hates blacks, women, Latinos, gays, etc.. and the people aren’t buying it, which is why you’ve had a tough time winning elections
Note the quotes in the thread title. It's not a question, it's a quote, it's what Republicans here ask pretty often.

So here's your answer: The Democrats' message is Trump and the Republicans hate you.

Okay, now you now. The message is, if you're young, old, female, agnostic, gay, black, brown, or poor, Trump and the Republicans hate you. So, Republicans, you don't have to like it or agree with it or think that it's fair. And since many of those groups are quickly increasing in number, more and more people are believing it. It has nothing do to with jobs or incomes or the stock market. This is personal.

So here's a question: What are you going to do about that, specifically? Or do you feel you don't need to do anything?

The answer is simple; the solution is not. As Democrats we cannot instill empathy into the hearts and minds of people like you.

We do not know what created the current social pathology, though one can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers who made money using the BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted.

What I hope the DNC does not do, and that is too overreach, and not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens.

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to the people, something alien to the RNC and their current leadership. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES; D's cannot get into a pissing contest on guns, gays, God and taxes.

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts;

D's doing so can do the same since the metrics of GOP leadership's impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story, i.e. the GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, while holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for debate.

No more "ain't it awful" from the pols or the people. Most rational voters understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, and they can be informed of who, how and why this is so, without whining.

This begins by braining all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters. That is the mission, and my vision, and I know it is not an easy one.
I think taxes is an issue. It's an issue for the dems if they show the gop is playing class warfare with taxes. It's not just the tax cut that went mostly to the 1%, but they cut taxes on doctors, med equip, insurors ... all of which went to pay for Obamacare, and they didn't end the Medicaid expansion. The dems lose when the issue is them taxing voters to pay for stuff for other people. But not so much when you're taxing a hospital that has increased the number bills and charged you more too.

The gop bet the midterms on the tax cut. I don't think the dems can afford to let them off that hook

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