What is the essential difference between right and left ?

The Right respects the Constitution as written, and realizes this is what makes people come here legally, and is what made our country great.

The Left wants to dismantle the Constitution or illegally "interpret" it for Social Engineering purposes.
Left and right is how you define it. While there are vague standards, those too, are subject to change.


The essential differences are that the Left like the following policies, the Right like better ones
1. open borders
2. Sanctuary cities
3. Free college
4. Free Healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE
6. Globalism
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and delivery systems
11. Tax corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Max food stamps instead of good paying jobs
13. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
14. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
15. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
16. No new pipelines
17. No offshore drilling
18. No privacy as tech giants like google and facebook work with dems to promote liberalism
19. Colleges deny any speakers except liberals and indoctrinate kids to be lifelong liberals or flunk out
20. The dems allow only super-delegates to vote and deny regular people to vote in primaries (exaggeration)
21. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
22. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
23. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
24. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump and published the Steele Dossier
25. Sell US secrets like Wen Ho Lee sold nuke secrets to China, and Hillary sold uranium to the Russians via the UraniumOne scam
26. Have the Black Panthers or antifa guard urban polling stations with clubs to keep conservative voters away, guarantee those 300,000 to 0 results
27. Do not allow conservative blacks on TV, keep those urban plantations 100% democrat.
28. Allow the ACLU, and BLM to protect criminals and put blue lives in danger. Stop and frisk saved lives, democrat Chicago is a war zone
29. Smear GOP candidates because you can't defend the above, hire bimbos to claim they've been sexually assaulted

nice drugs.....
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

I think George Will nailed it. Outside their superficial ideological fronts, the right wants government to "punish the wicked", and the left wants government to "protect the weak". I'm referring to the desires of voters here, not the ambitions of politicians. Near as I can tell, the ambition of the politicians, right and left, is sheer power.

There are also leftists who don't vote and engage in revolutionary struggle. For example, communists and anarchists don't usually participate in electoral politics.

They also—for the most part—want to abolish the existence of the government because they see it as an instrument of capital.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.
"Progressive" LoL. In other words "If you disagree with us you are against Progress". They of course have their own definition of what progress is. Let's dumb down our schools. PROGRESS! Let's increase taxes to create new government agencies and programs. PROGRESS! Let's create 40 new gender definitions that don't make sense to anyone. PROGRESS!
Compare and contrast Democrats and Republicans

Democrats: Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, racist Aztlán Nationalist, racist BLM separatist, Brown Berets, race riots, anti-American bigots, anti-Christian bigots, deranged men in the women’s restrooms, anti-wasp bigots, poverty, failed schools, cop killers, Mexican drug cartel, human traffickers, high school drop-outs, crime, corruption, drive-by shootings, mass voter fraud, MS-13, Crips, Bloods, terrorist sympathizers, Sanctuary Cities for criminals....…

Republicans: Chamber of Commerce, PTA, Rotary Club, American Legion, 4H Club, Lion’s Club, Boy Scouts, Little League, VFW, great neighborhoods, good schools, pro-business, National Honor Society, Junior League, American Legion, Patriots, law and order…………… juuuuust grilling and chilling…..
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

I did not know I lived in fear, but thank you Tommy for allowing me to say I am positive I am not like you fearing the other side...
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.
I drink your tears with glee.
The Left are busybodies who want to tell everyone else how to live.

The Right mostly just want to be left alone.
The right wants to tell me who I can fuck and who I can marry.

Not really....the Right just thinks you’re disgusting and all fucked up in the head if you prefer a mans shit hole over a beautiful vagina.
Animals in the wild know that shit is disgusting.
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Progressive politics are positve is the best model of an oxymoron I have seen in years.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.
Plus the left has about 30 IQ points on the right on average.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.
I prefer using both left and right...but length is a factor for most...ain't it Tommy Teeny?
Lefties never have a good day. They thrive on unrest and unhappiness. The geological solar climate might be coming out of a mini ice age and they whine because it's getting too warm. When the economy is great they (wish for?) imagine the scenario of a collapse. Foreign policy might be putting America on top for a change and they imagine( wish for?) a freaking war. The left can't get votes unless people are unhappy and angry so democrats try to keep their constituents crazy and angry.
The left live in hope and the right live in fear.

I have always felt that things can always get better but my right wing friends think that things can only get worse.

Progressive is a positive. If it wasnt we would still be living in caves.

Trump is a Nazi.
Trump will crash the economy.
Trump is a Russian spy.
Trump is racist.
Trump is misogynist.
Trump is stupid.
Trump is xenophobic
Trump is transphobic

No fear mongering among liberals?

Give me a break.

The hope is on the right.

Be an individual and work hard and have innovative ideas and you can accomplish anything.

To answer OP, the difference between the left and right is that the left wants government to control everything and the true right wants government to control as little as possible to uphold the ideals set forth in the Constitution.
If blacks want the Dimms to give them a fish everyday, vote Dimms.

If blacks want to learn how to fish, and use the fish to feed their families s day then sell the extra fish they catch to build their own future, then vote for conservatives.


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