What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?

We are afraid immigrants will take jobs from us now? Funny, I thought the people most worried about that were low income Democrats.
What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?

Republicans are terrified of immigrants. That was the entire reason Cantor was defeated. Cantor was trying to have it both ways. Telling his former constituents that he was against immigration reform but in congress promoting it. He got caught. He made the mistake of thinking they weren't paying attention.

Remember, Republicans couldn't believe that the GOP blocked the investigation into the BP oil spill. They don't believe the GOP cut food stamps for disabled veterans. They don't believe that the GOP blocked health care for first responders.

But this time, the base was paying attention.

There is another difference here.

Survey: GOP executives want immigrant labor, not voters

U.S. Business Needs Immigrants With Degrees

The place where Republicans get the big bucks, "business", wants immigration reform.

So you are a businessman, you go to a Red State, start up a factory, you can pollute, free sewers, water and electricity. Lots of non skilled labor. But you need some skilled labor. What are you going to do? If you can't get skilled labor from Blue States and you can't get immigrants with degrees, you probably won't start a factory there. Now, instead of the low paying minimum wage jobs with no benefits Republicans are afraid of losing, there won't be any jobs at all.

It's not jobs, most on the right are afraid of America "turning brown" and hearing Spanish spoken.
The question asked is: "What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?" There can be no question that they know that many children of immigrants go on to study English, finish school and go on to college or a good university, as many news reports have brought out, to rapidly advance to become teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. so that could be what they consider a threat. Of course not everyone is going to go into the main professions but that is apparently not enough to keep Conservatives from questioning about what will happen in the future. That inherent fear on their part that others could possibly advance over them is what is turning so many off as they see that kind of superiority complex as a detriment to allowing otherwise good people to advance and better themselves. Republicans need to see the overall picture that if immigrants or their children did advance to higher positions in life they could contribute substantially to the overall economy in this country and become productive citizens one day as they deserve to be. The fear that another person whom they feel is inferior to them could possibly achieve their goals and become someone important in life is what is bringing so many Republicans down and why Latinos and Hispanics flock overwhelmingly to the Democratic Party that fully welcomes them and supports them to be all they can be and why they will continue to vote Democratic.

sure they do....thats what they tell them.....but they know they dont want them moving next door.... the Democratic Party looks at the Latino as a hopeful vote....not as a person....and they get that.....they have their reasons why they vote for them....but it isnt because they respect the party....if the Hispanics decided to all leave the Democrats and start their own party....the Democrats would be considered just as lowly to them as the Republicans are......

Hispanics/Latinos "flock" to the D party because the D party supports the middle and working class while the Rs support the ultra wealthy.

We all know that's true so why would any middle/working class American support the R party?
Exactly so! Why would they? They'd only be severely minimizing their chances to be known as the honorable citizens they rightfully deserve to be known as. And they would also be cutting their chances of receiving what they rightfully deserve to receive in benefits that they have *Earned* and have worked so hard for all of their life since Republicans like to Cut benefits the citizenry is so deserving of.
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What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?

Republicans are terrified of immigrants. That was the entire reason Cantor was defeated. Cantor was trying to have it both ways. Telling his former constituents that he was against immigration reform but in congress promoting it. He got caught. He made the mistake of thinking they weren't paying attention.

Remember, Republicans couldn't believe that the GOP blocked the investigation into the BP oil spill. They don't believe the GOP cut food stamps for disabled veterans. They don't believe that the GOP blocked health care for first responders.

But this time, the base was paying attention.

There is another difference here.

Survey: GOP executives want immigrant labor, not voters

U.S. Business Needs Immigrants With Degrees

The place where Republicans get the big bucks, "business", wants immigration reform.

So you are a businessman, you go to a Red State, start up a factory, you can pollute, free sewers, water and electricity. Lots of non skilled labor. But you need some skilled labor. What are you going to do? If you can't get skilled labor from Blue States and you can't get immigrants with degrees, you probably won't start a factory there. Now, instead of the low paying minimum wage jobs with no benefits Republicans are afraid of losing, there won't be any jobs at all.

Illegal or legal immigrants?
What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?

Republicans are terrified of immigrants. That was the entire reason Cantor was defeated. Cantor was trying to have it both ways. Telling his former constituents that he was against immigration reform but in congress promoting it. He got caught. He made the mistake of thinking they weren't paying attention.

Remember, Republicans couldn't believe that the GOP blocked the investigation into the BP oil spill. They don't believe the GOP cut food stamps for disabled veterans. They don't believe that the GOP blocked health care for first responders.

But this time, the base was paying attention.

There is another difference here.

Survey: GOP executives want immigrant labor, not voters

U.S. Business Needs Immigrants With Degrees

The place where Republicans get the big bucks, "business", wants immigration reform.

So you are a businessman, you go to a Red State, start up a factory, you can pollute, free sewers, water and electricity. Lots of non skilled labor. But you need some skilled labor. What are you going to do? If you can't get skilled labor from Blue States and you can't get immigrants with degrees, you probably won't start a factory there. Now, instead of the low paying minimum wage jobs with no benefits Republicans are afraid of losing, there won't be any jobs at all.

God you an idiot,red state blue state moron.

EPA laws are applied to all states. Big money flowes into both parties pockets from the same sources,but morons like yourself can't see past your own pointed little partisan nose,you are the problem,not part of the solutions.
What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?

Republicans are terrified of immigrants. That was the entire reason Cantor was defeated. Cantor was trying to have it both ways. Telling his former constituents that he was against immigration reform but in congress promoting it. He got caught. He made the mistake of thinking they weren't paying attention.

Remember, Republicans couldn't believe that the GOP blocked the investigation into the BP oil spill. They don't believe the GOP cut food stamps for disabled veterans. They don't believe that the GOP blocked health care for first responders.

But this time, the base was paying attention.

There is another difference here.

Survey: GOP executives want immigrant labor, not voters

U.S. Business Needs Immigrants With Degrees

The place where Republicans get the big bucks, "business", wants immigration reform.

So you are a businessman, you go to a Red State, start up a factory, you can pollute, free sewers, water and electricity. Lots of non skilled labor. But you need some skilled labor. What are you going to do? If you can't get skilled labor from Blue States and you can't get immigrants with degrees, you probably won't start a factory there. Now, instead of the low paying minimum wage jobs with no benefits Republicans are afraid of losing, there won't be any jobs at all.
Good title, good post, but gets a little whacky in the end where you start talking about the blue states: just stick to criticism of the other side and it will look professional (That is what politicians do)
What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?

Republicans are terrified of immigrants. That was the entire reason Cantor was defeated. Cantor was trying to have it both ways. Telling his former constituents that he was against immigration reform but in congress promoting it. He got caught. He made the mistake of thinking they weren't paying attention.

Remember, Republicans couldn't believe that the GOP blocked the investigation into the BP oil spill. They don't believe the GOP cut food stamps for disabled veterans. They don't believe that the GOP blocked health care for first responders.

But this time, the base was paying attention.

There is another difference here.

Survey: GOP executives want immigrant labor, not voters

U.S. Business Needs Immigrants With Degrees

The place where Republicans get the big bucks, "business", wants immigration reform.

So you are a businessman, you go to a Red State, start up a factory, you can pollute, free sewers, water and electricity. Lots of non skilled labor. But you need some skilled labor. What are you going to do? If you can't get skilled labor from Blue States and you can't get immigrants with degrees, you probably won't start a factory there. Now, instead of the low paying minimum wage jobs with no benefits Republicans are afraid of losing, there won't be any jobs at all.

It's not jobs, most on the right are afraid of America "turning brown" and hearing Spanish spoken.

Thats pretty stupid and shocking coming from someone who tries to come off so sophisticated and shit. First off, Republicans want amnesty and open borders as much as the Democrats. And that would be Democrats and Republicans in Washington riding the gravy train. Ill give an excample here. When I lived in Colorado, a state that is surprisingly tough on wet backs, Imax $17.00 an hour as a painter in town and when I went to Wyoming that went up to about $22.00 pr hour roughly and that was paint in and finish in new construction and commercial buildings. Since moving bad to Houston and the surrounding area where there is a glut of illegals that salary drops to about $9.00 pr hour and $11.00 if your lucky. So remove the political ruling class who could care less, what you have opposing illegal immigrants are the guys who work in the building trades, framers, painters, concrete guys, roofers and such who are fed lies mostly by Republicans, and are so disenfranchised that they dont vote or are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils . Pull your he a outta your ass man. That was just stupid what you said.
What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?

Republicans are terrified of immigrants. That was the entire reason Cantor was defeated. Cantor was trying to have it both ways. Telling his former constituents that he was against immigration reform but in congress promoting it. He got caught. He made the mistake of thinking they weren't paying attention.

Remember, Republicans couldn't believe that the GOP blocked the investigation into the BP oil spill. They don't believe the GOP cut food stamps for disabled veterans. They don't believe that the GOP blocked health care for first responders.

But this time, the base was paying attention.

There is another difference here.

Survey: GOP executives want immigrant labor, not voters

U.S. Business Needs Immigrants With Degrees

The place where Republicans get the big bucks, "business", wants immigration reform.

So you are a businessman, you go to a Red State, start up a factory, you can pollute, free sewers, water and electricity. Lots of non skilled labor. But you need some skilled labor. What are you going to do? If you can't get skilled labor from Blue States and you can't get immigrants with degrees, you probably won't start a factory there. Now, instead of the low paying minimum wage jobs with no benefits Republicans are afraid of losing, there won't be any jobs at all.

It's not jobs, most on the right are afraid of America "turning brown" and hearing Spanish spoken.

yea they are.....thats why so many righties live here among a sea of "brownies" and have for decades.....why dont you shut the fuck up Jones....if you are not going to respond to questions asked of you.....what the fuck are you here for?...
sure they do....thats what they tell them.....but they know they dont want them moving next door.... the Democratic Party looks at the Latino as a hopeful vote....not as a person....and they get that.....they have their reasons why they vote for them....but it isnt because they respect the party....if the Hispanics decided to all leave the Democrats and start their own party....the Democrats would be considered just as lowly to them as the Republicans are......

Hispanics/Latinos "flock" to the D party because the D party supports the middle and working class while the Rs support the ultra wealthy.

We all know that's true so why would any middle/working class American support the R party?
Exactly so! Why would they? They'd only be severely minimizing their chances to be known as the honorable citizens they rightfully deserve to be known as. And they would also be cutting their chances of receiving what they rightfully deserve to receive in benefits that they have *Earned* and have worked so hard for all of their life since Republicans like to Cut benefits the citizenry is so deserving of.

take your head out of your ass.....like the Democrats look at them like that....
What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?

Republicans are terrified of immigrants. That was the entire reason Cantor was defeated. Cantor was trying to have it both ways. Telling his former constituents that he was against immigration reform but in congress promoting it. He got caught. He made the mistake of thinking they weren't paying attention.

Remember, Republicans couldn't believe that the GOP blocked the investigation into the BP oil spill. They don't believe the GOP cut food stamps for disabled veterans. They don't believe that the GOP blocked health care for first responders.

But this time, the base was paying attention.

There is another difference here.

Survey: GOP executives want immigrant labor, not voters

U.S. Business Needs Immigrants With Degrees

The place where Republicans get the big bucks, "business", wants immigration reform.

So you are a businessman, you go to a Red State, start up a factory, you can pollute, free sewers, water and electricity. Lots of non skilled labor. But you need some skilled labor. What are you going to do? If you can't get skilled labor from Blue States and you can't get immigrants with degrees, you probably won't start a factory there. Now, instead of the low paying minimum wage jobs with no benefits Republicans are afraid of losing, there won't be any jobs at all.

Illegal or legal immigrants?

he means illegal but he said immigrants so he can say....."i did not say illegal,you did"....but Dean aint fooling anyone except those as far left as he is....

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