What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?


I can't speak for the GOP, but off the top of my pointy little head:

1. They are breaking the law
2. They are on the low end of the income strata and therefore consuming public resources
3. They are on the low end of the talent strata and not capable of contributing nearly as much as others who I'd rather see here
4. Any one of them who commit another crime should not have been here in the first place
5. At least some of them ultimately compete for jobs with people who are here legally
6. Many/most of their children add to all of the problems above
7. They are adding to the growing population of people who are here only for goodies, and have not been taught/nor do they have any interest in, what America used to be about before this decay
8. This allows the corrupt thugs who are making Mexico such a shit hole to continue to do so, which is why so many of their people are desperately fleeing
9. Those who defend all of the above are doing so only because they sense political gain, not because they're looking out for the best interest of (what remains of) the country

That's a start, anyway. Or was the OP just a trick question?


All of this can be solved by meeting the labor demand with the proper labor supply. People like you are so worried Mexicans are stealing your jobs you can't see they are actually filling jobs no Americans will take!

If a farmer needs 50 lettuce pickers, and we only allow him to use 20 immigrants, and there are no Americans rushing to fill the other 30 slots, he has no choice but to meed his labor demand with an illegal supply.

Make the quotas match the demand, and then we can bring the illegals into the system as taxpaying workers who pay their freight.

The rest of your points are just so much confirmation bias which paints Mexican immigrants as drunken criminals.

Whether they represent confirmation bias or not, they are still issues, and they are relevant to those of us who consider as many issues as possible when looking at a big picture.

And "drunken"? There is no reference to that in my post. Some confirmation bias there, perhaps.

Every prosperous society depends on a large immigrant labor force.

We are a nation of immigrants and every generation of their descendants have spat on those who came after them.

There is always going to be a criminal element in every large immigrant population, but they are not representative of the larger whole. The larger whole came here to work hard and support their families. We should be supporting them by making our immigration system sensible.

Our immigration system is not sensible, and it is the biggest reason why so many of these hard working people are "illegals".

The anti-reform people don't want to fix the problem. They want to keep the darkies out. Just listen to their rhetoric. "If we give them amensty MORE WILL COME".

I can't speak for the GOP, but off the top of my pointy little head:

1. They are breaking the law
2. They are on the low end of the income strata and therefore consuming public resources
3. They are on the low end of the talent strata and not capable of contributing nearly as much as others who I'd rather see here
4. Any one of them who commit another crime should not have been here in the first place
5. At least some of them ultimately compete for jobs with people who are here legally
6. Many/most of their children add to all of the problems above
7. They are adding to the growing population of people who are here only for goodies, and have not been taught/nor do they have any interest in, what America used to be about before this decay
8. This allows the corrupt thugs who are making Mexico such a shit hole to continue to do so, which is why so many of their people are desperately fleeing
9. Those who defend all of the above are doing so only because they sense political gain, not because they're looking out for the best interest of (what remains of) the country

That's a start, anyway. Or was the OP just a trick question?


All of this can be solved by meeting the labor demand with the proper labor supply. People like you are so worried Mexicans are stealing your jobs you can't see they are actually filling jobs no Americans will take!

If a farmer needs 50 lettuce pickers, and we only allow him to use 20 immigrants, and there are no Americans rushing to fill the other 30 slots, he has no choice but to meed his labor demand with an illegal supply.

Make the quotas match the demand, and then we can bring the illegals into the system as taxpaying workers who pay their freight.

The rest of your points are just so much confirmation bias which paints Mexican immigrants as drunken criminals.

Save all that hypothetical nonsense.

You invent an unrealistic scenario peopled with imaginary people performing fantasy acts...and that's the basis of your "support" for not closing the border? That's pretty funny! :lol:

Illegal means against the law.

Close the border and start deporting.
Immigrants are our lifeblood.

In addition to increasing the farm labor quotas, we should be increasing the quotas for the top talent. A great many people come to America for our superior university education and then return to their home countries. While this is a terrific means for increasing goodwill toward America abroad, we should be doing more to encourage that talent to stick around.

“About 40 percent of our Ph.D. scientists and engineers were born in another country,” Orrenius writes. “People tend to focus on illegal or low-skilled immigration when discussing immigrants and often do not recognize the tremendous contribution of high-skilled immigrants.”

Dallas Federal Reserve

A new study, released last week, throws new information into the debate over foreign workers who arrive in the U.S. on such specialty visas.

The report, based on telephone surveys with 2,054 companies and projections by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley and Duke University, says about 25 percent of the technology and engineering companies launched in the U.S. in the past decade had at least one foreign-born founder.

Immigrants Become Founding Fathers

These immigrant founders tended to be highly educated—96 percent held bachelor’s degrees and 74 percent held graduate or postgraduate degrees, with 75 percent of these degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics-related fields. The vast majority of these company founders didn’t come to the United States as entrepreneurs 52 percent came to study, 40 percent came to work, and 5.5 percent came for family reasons. Only 1.6 percent came to start companies in America.

Even though these founders immigrated for other purposes initially, they typically started their companies just 13.25 years after arriving in the United States. And, rather than settling in well-established immigrant gateways, such as New York or Los Angeles, they moved to a diverse group of tech centers across the country and helped fuel their growth.


While 23 percent of the nation's cooks and 20 percent of its janitors were immigrants in 2000, 27 percent of new computer-software engineers were also immigrants, according to a recent Migration Policy Institute study.

Indeed, the more technically educated the group, the more likely immigrants are to be overrepresented in it. While the foreign born make up 15 percent of the overall workforce, according to the 2000 census, they constitute approximately 17 percent of those with a bachelor's degree in science and engineering occupations, 29 percent of those with a master's degree, and 39 percent of those with a doctoral degree.

As US nears milestone, a rising mix of immigrants - CSMonitor.com

"[T]he more technically educated the group, the more likely immigrants are to be overrepresented in it."

I can't speak for the GOP, but off the top of my pointy little head:

1. They are breaking the law
2. They are on the low end of the income strata and therefore consuming public resources
3. They are on the low end of the talent strata and not capable of contributing nearly as much as others who I'd rather see here
4. Any one of them who commit another crime should not have been here in the first place
5. At least some of them ultimately compete for jobs with people who are here legally
6. Many/most of their children add to all of the problems above
7. They are adding to the growing population of people who are here only for goodies, and have not been taught/nor do they have any interest in, what America used to be about before this decay
8. This allows the corrupt thugs who are making Mexico such a shit hole to continue to do so, which is why so many of their people are desperately fleeing
9. Those who defend all of the above are doing so only because they sense political gain, not because they're looking out for the best interest of (what remains of) the country

That's a start, anyway. Or was the OP just a trick question?


All of this can be solved by meeting the labor demand with the proper labor supply. People like you are so worried Mexicans are stealing your jobs you can't see they are actually filling jobs no Americans will take!

If a farmer needs 50 lettuce pickers, and we only allow him to use 20 immigrants, and there are no Americans rushing to fill the other 30 slots, he has no choice but to meed his labor demand with an illegal supply.

Make the quotas match the demand, and then we can bring the illegals into the system as taxpaying workers who pay their freight.

The rest of your points are just so much confirmation bias which paints Mexican immigrants as drunken criminals.

Save all that hypothetical nonsense.

It isn't hypothetical at all. There have been plenty of reports of farmers not being able to bring in their crops after immigration crackdowns.
Decline In Workers Worrying Central Valley Farmers

The good news for farm workers is there’s plenty of work in the fields, but the bad news for farmers is there are not enough workers coming around.

There are asparagus crops that are ready to go, but there aren’t enough people to pick them fast enough this year.

“It’s getting worse every year. All my friends in the business are pretty concerned,” said Zukerman’s Farm manager George Biagi.

Biagi thinks tighter immigration crackdowns are keeping workers from trying to get jobs across the border. New farming opportunities in Mexico also have farm hands working closer to home.
Just yesterday there was a thread that 3 million people are without unemployment benefits. If we have so many jobs that need employees there should Not be 3 million without jobs. Anyone here in america without a job should be filling those positions. There is NO JOB below anyone's standard while waiting for a check :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
All of this can be solved by meeting the labor demand with the proper labor supply. People like you are so worried Mexicans are stealing your jobs you can't see they are actually filling jobs no Americans will take!

If a farmer needs 50 lettuce pickers, and we only allow him to use 20 immigrants, and there are no Americans rushing to fill the other 30 slots, he has no choice but to meed his labor demand with an illegal supply.

Make the quotas match the demand, and then we can bring the illegals into the system as taxpaying workers who pay their freight.

The rest of your points are just so much confirmation bias which paints Mexican immigrants as drunken criminals.

Save all that hypothetical nonsense.

It isn't hypothetical at all. There have been plenty of reports of farmers not being able to bring in their crops after immigration crackdowns.

Oh..there have been "plenty of reports"..Well, ok...

That's the best reason for abolishing immigration and opening the borders I ever heard...:lol: :cuckoo: :doubt:
Ala., Ga. farmers adjust planting after immigration crackdown

It's unclear whether farmers in Georgia and Alabama will face a shortage of workers due to tough new laws targeting illegal immigration, but some producers said they have begun changing their plans for planting and harvesting this year's crops.

Some farmers said they might reduce the number of acres they plant or shift to less labor-intensive crops, while others are bracing for higher labor prices and have turned to new recruiting tools to attract workers.
Just yesterday there was a thread that 3 million people are without unemployment benefits. If we have so many jobs that need employees there should Not be 3 million without jobs. Anyone here in america without a job should be filling those positions. There is NO JOB below anyone's standard while waiting for a check :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Many people do not have the skill set for the high skilled jobs that are available.

As for low skill jobs like farm labor, it is called migrant work for a reason. Your average suburbanite or urban dweller is not able to be a migrant laborer.
Ala., Ga. farmers adjust planting after immigration crackdown

It's unclear whether farmers in Georgia and Alabama will face a shortage of workers due to tough new laws targeting illegal immigration, but some producers said they have begun changing their plans for planting and harvesting this year's crops.

Some farmers said they might reduce the number of acres they plant or shift to less labor-intensive crops, while others are bracing for higher labor prices and have turned to new recruiting tools to attract workers.

Whatever it takes.

Illegal means against the law.

Close the border. Deport illegals.
Save all that hypothetical nonsense.

It isn't hypothetical at all. There have been plenty of reports of farmers not being able to bring in their crops after immigration crackdowns.

Oh..there have been "plenty of reports"..Well, ok...

That's the best reason for abolishing immigration and opening the borders I ever heard...:lol: :cuckoo: :doubt:

Where am I advocating abolishing immigration? You see and hear what you want to hear and block out what you don't. This is textbook confirmation bias.
Ala., Ga. farmers adjust planting after immigration crackdown

It's unclear whether farmers in Georgia and Alabama will face a shortage of workers due to tough new laws targeting illegal immigration, but some producers said they have begun changing their plans for planting and harvesting this year's crops.

Some farmers said they might reduce the number of acres they plant or shift to less labor-intensive crops, while others are bracing for higher labor prices and have turned to new recruiting tools to attract workers.

Whatever it takes.

Illegal means against the law.

Close the border. Deport illegals.

You see what I mean folks?

For people like this, it isn't about making our immigration system sensible. It is about keeping the darkies out.
What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?

Republicans are terrified of immigrants. That was the entire reason Cantor was defeated. Cantor was trying to have it both ways. Telling his former constituents that he was against immigration reform but in congress promoting it. He got caught. He made the mistake of thinking they weren't paying attention.

Remember, Republicans couldn't believe that the GOP blocked the investigation into the BP oil spill. They don't believe the GOP cut food stamps for disabled veterans. They don't believe that the GOP blocked health care for first responders.

But this time, the base was paying attention.

There is another difference here.

Survey: GOP executives want immigrant labor, not voters

U.S. Business Needs Immigrants With Degrees

The place where Republicans get the big bucks, "business", wants immigration reform.

So you are a businessman, you go to a Red State, start up a factory, you can pollute, free sewers, water and electricity. Lots of non skilled labor. But you need some skilled labor. What are you going to do? If you can't get skilled labor from Blue States and you can't get immigrants with degrees, you probably won't start a factory there. Now, instead of the low paying minimum wage jobs with no benefits Republicans are afraid of losing, there won't be any jobs at all.

Republicans are terrified of immigrants.

and yet millions have lived side by side with them out here for decades and even married them and have had ...."gasp" kids!........i got news for you Dean many of your fellow Democrats out here are not fans of the Illegals either.....i know your party told you they just love these folks....but if you would have questioned them you would have found out what most Mexicans out here already know.....they are looked at as just votes not people....

What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?

George Lopez has said ..."if an Illegal takes your job.....it must not have been that great of a job".....
Immigrants are our lifeblood.

In addition to increasing the farm labor quotas, we should be increasing the quotas for the top talent. A great many people come to America for our superior university education and then return to their home countries. While this is a terrific means for increasing goodwill toward America abroad, we should be doing more to encourage that talent to stick around.

“About 40 percent of our Ph.D. scientists and engineers were born in another country,” Orrenius writes. “People tend to focus on illegal or low-skilled immigration when discussing immigrants and often do not recognize the tremendous contribution of high-skilled immigrants.”

Dallas Federal Reserve

A new study, released last week, throws new information into the debate over foreign workers who arrive in the U.S. on such specialty visas.

The report, based on telephone surveys with 2,054 companies and projections by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley and Duke University, says about 25 percent of the technology and engineering companies launched in the U.S. in the past decade had at least one foreign-born founder.

Immigrants Become Founding Fathers

These immigrant founders tended to be highly educated—96 percent held bachelor’s degrees and 74 percent held graduate or postgraduate degrees, with 75 percent of these degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics-related fields. The vast majority of these company founders didn’t come to the United States as entrepreneurs 52 percent came to study, 40 percent came to work, and 5.5 percent came for family reasons. Only 1.6 percent came to start companies in America.

Even though these founders immigrated for other purposes initially, they typically started their companies just 13.25 years after arriving in the United States. And, rather than settling in well-established immigrant gateways, such as New York or Los Angeles, they moved to a diverse group of tech centers across the country and helped fuel their growth.


While 23 percent of the nation's cooks and 20 percent of its janitors were immigrants in 2000, 27 percent of new computer-software engineers were also immigrants, according to a recent Migration Policy Institute study.

Indeed, the more technically educated the group, the more likely immigrants are to be overrepresented in it. While the foreign born make up 15 percent of the overall workforce, according to the 2000 census, they constitute approximately 17 percent of those with a bachelor's degree in science and engineering occupations, 29 percent of those with a master's degree, and 39 percent of those with a doctoral degree.

As US nears milestone, a rising mix of immigrants - CSMonitor.com

"[T]he more technically educated the group, the more likely immigrants are to be overrepresented in it."

You're purposely trying to muddy up the water. Not one of those links advocated using illegal aliens, did they?
Immigrants are our lifeblood.

In addition to increasing the farm labor quotas, we should be increasing the quotas for the top talent. A great many people come to America for our superior university education and then return to their home countries. While this is a terrific means for increasing goodwill toward America abroad, we should be doing more to encourage that talent to stick around.

“About 40 percent of our Ph.D. scientists and engineers were born in another country,” Orrenius writes. “People tend to focus on illegal or low-skilled immigration when discussing immigrants and often do not recognize the tremendous contribution of high-skilled immigrants.”

Dallas Federal Reserve

Immigrants Become Founding Fathers


While 23 percent of the nation's cooks and 20 percent of its janitors were immigrants in 2000, 27 percent of new computer-software engineers were also immigrants, according to a recent Migration Policy Institute study.

Indeed, the more technically educated the group, the more likely immigrants are to be overrepresented in it. While the foreign born make up 15 percent of the overall workforce, according to the 2000 census, they constitute approximately 17 percent of those with a bachelor's degree in science and engineering occupations, 29 percent of those with a master's degree, and 39 percent of those with a doctoral degree.

As US nears milestone, a rising mix of immigrants - CSMonitor.com

"[T]he more technically educated the group, the more likely immigrants are to be overrepresented in it."

You're purposely trying to muddy up the water. Not one of those links advocated using illegal aliens, did they?

Oh man. You are hilarious! The OP is not about illegals. So who is REALLY muddying the water here? :lol:

Whatever it takes.

Illegal means against the law.

Close the border. Deport illegals.

You see what I mean folks?

For people like this, it isn't about making our immigration system sensible. It is about keeping the darkies out.

Open borders does not equal "sensible immigration".

Your retreat to the standard statist fall back position of "racism" is comical.
Whatever it takes.

Illegal means against the law.

Close the border. Deport illegals.

You see what I mean folks?

For people like this, it isn't about making our immigration system sensible. It is about keeping the darkies out.

Open borders does not equal "sensible immigration".

Your retreat to the standard statist fall back position of "racism" is comical.

Again, you see things that aren't there. I never said we should have open borders.

Jesus, you have some serious problems with the voices in your head shouting down what is actually being said out in the real world.
Just yesterday there was a thread that 3 million people are without unemployment benefits. If we have so many jobs that need employees there should Not be 3 million without jobs. Anyone here in america without a job should be filling those positions. There is NO JOB below anyone's standard while waiting for a check :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Many people do not have the skill set for the high skilled jobs that are available.

As for low skill jobs like farm labor, it is called migrant work for a reason. Your average suburbanite or urban dweller is not able to be a migrant laborer.

Exactly we need better education to fill our own high paying job market. Without a doubt if those unemployed were sent out to do those migrant worker jobs they would find other jobs within a few days :D

So all these new immigrants are simply low wage workers...How do you figure we are going to raise them up to higher standard of living?? Or are you OK with making More low wage workers. Migrant workers used to return Home during the winter. Not so anymore.
We are filling our military bases with illegal immigrants ages 13 - 17. They have zero skills and No education. Where are they going to find jobs when we already have 50% unemployment among the 16-24 age range.

We the People are paying for them...at $252 each per day. And what are we going to do with those that are here already???

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