What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?

Whatever it takes.

Illegal means against the law.

Close the border. Deport illegals.

You see what I mean folks?

For people like this, it isn't about making our immigration system sensible. It is about keeping the darkies out.

Open borders does not equal "sensible immigration".

Your retreat to the standard statist fall back position of "racism" is comical.
It's a knee-jerk thing. They can't help themselves.
Immigrants are our lifeblood.

In addition to increasing the farm labor quotas, we should be increasing the quotas for the top talent. A great many people come to America for our superior university education and then return to their home countries. While this is a terrific means for increasing goodwill toward America abroad, we should be doing more to encourage that talent to stick around.

Dallas Federal Reserve

Immigrants Become Founding Fathers


As US nears milestone, a rising mix of immigrants - CSMonitor.com

"[T]he more technically educated the group, the more likely immigrants are to be overrepresented in it."

You're purposely trying to muddy up the water. Not one of those links advocated using illegal aliens, did they?

Oh man. You are hilarious! The OP is not about illegals. So who is REALLY muddying the water here? :lol:

sure it doent G.......those "Immigrants" he is talking about are the "Illegals"....maybe he has you fooled,but he doesnt have anyone else fooled.....

I can't speak for the GOP, but off the top of my pointy little head:

1. They are breaking the law
2. They are on the low end of the income strata and therefore consuming public resources
3. They are on the low end of the talent strata and not capable of contributing nearly as much as others who I'd rather see here
4. Any one of them who commit another crime should not have been here in the first place
5. At least some of them ultimately compete for jobs with people who are here legally
6. Many/most of their children add to all of the problems above
7. They are adding to the growing population of people who are here only for goodies, and have not been taught/nor do they have any interest in, what America used to be about before this decay
8. This allows the corrupt thugs who are making Mexico such a shit hole to continue to do so, which is why so many of their people are desperately fleeing
9. Those who defend all of the above are doing so only because they sense political gain, not because they're looking out for the best interest of (what remains of) the country

That's a start, anyway. Or was the OP just a trick question?


when i read some posts here it makes me wonder how many of you actually are around and have known Illegals or Hispanics for that matter....lots of you mis-characterize these people....oh and with Dean it was a supposed trick question.....when he says "immigrant" most people know he means the "illegal" variety....
Seal the border. Deport all illegals. Mechanize agriculture. If ag labor is still needed, bring back the chain gang and have prisoners do it.

Problem solved.

I can't speak for the GOP, but off the top of my pointy little head:

1. They are breaking the law
2. They are on the low end of the income strata and therefore consuming public resources
3. They are on the low end of the talent strata and not capable of contributing nearly as much as others who I'd rather see here
4. Any one of them who commit another crime should not have been here in the first place
5. At least some of them ultimately compete for jobs with people who are here legally
6. Many/most of their children add to all of the problems above
7. They are adding to the growing population of people who are here only for goodies, and have not been taught/nor do they have any interest in, what America used to be about before this decay
8. This allows the corrupt thugs who are making Mexico such a shit hole to continue to do so, which is why so many of their people are desperately fleeing
9. Those who defend all of the above are doing so only because they sense political gain, not because they're looking out for the best interest of (what remains of) the country

That's a start, anyway. Or was the OP just a trick question?


when i read some posts here it makes me wonder how many of you actually are around and have known Illegals or Hispanics for that matter....lots of you mis-characterize these people....oh and with Dean it was a supposed trick question.....when he says "immigrant" most people know he means the "illegal" variety....

Well, my wife's dad is a legal immigrant from Mexico and her sister had a baby by an illegal (his name is Carlos, he split when he found out she was pregnant), so yeah, I do have a bit of exposure to both legals and illegals.

I'm not mis-characterizing them. Some are lovely, some are not, just like anyone else. But if they are illegals, they are indeed here illegally. And I certainly invite you to point out precisely where I was wrong. I made nine fairly specific points there. If, let's say, one million of the 10 or 12 million of them match my description -- and I strongly suspect that's a VERY low number -- then that's far too many.

Do you agree, or not? Should we care, or not?

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Just yesterday there was a thread that 3 million people are without unemployment benefits. If we have so many jobs that need employees there should Not be 3 million without jobs. Anyone here in america without a job should be filling those positions. There is NO JOB below anyone's standard while waiting for a check :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

the United Farm Workers had a program i think in 2010 called..."take our jobs" ...and they invited any legal American out of work to come on down and work the fields.....8600 people applied....many they think lost interest when they found out how much these people get paid and what kind of benefits they dont have....all in all only 7 people came down and actually worked...

I can't speak for the GOP, but off the top of my pointy little head:

1. They are breaking the law
2. They are on the low end of the income strata and therefore consuming public resources
3. They are on the low end of the talent strata and not capable of contributing nearly as much as others who I'd rather see here
4. Any one of them who commit another crime should not have been here in the first place
5. At least some of them ultimately compete for jobs with people who are here legally
6. Many/most of their children add to all of the problems above
7. They are adding to the growing population of people who are here only for goodies, and have not been taught/nor do they have any interest in, what America used to be about before this decay
8. This allows the corrupt thugs who are making Mexico such a shit hole to continue to do so, which is why so many of their people are desperately fleeing
9. Those who defend all of the above are doing so only because they sense political gain, not because they're looking out for the best interest of (what remains of) the country

That's a start, anyway. Or was the OP just a trick question?


when i read some posts here it makes me wonder how many of you actually are around and have known Illegals or Hispanics for that matter....lots of you mis-characterize these people....oh and with Dean it was a supposed trick question.....when he says "immigrant" most people know he means the "illegal" variety....

Well, my wife's dad is a legal immigrant from Mexico and her sister had a baby by an illegal (his name is Carlos, he split when he found out she was pregnant), so yeah, I do have a bit of exposure to both legals and illegals.

I'm not mis-characterizing them. Some are lovely, some are not, just like anyone else. But if they are illegals, they are indeed here illegally. And I certainly invite you to point out precisely where I was wrong. I made nine fairly specific points there. If, let's say, one million of the 10 or 12 million of them match my description -- and I strongly suspect that's a VERY low number -- then that's far too many.

Do you agree, or not? Should we care, or not?


I'm not mis-characterizing them.

yea you were....point number 7 especially.....you know 1 guy?....i have been living amongst them for 40 years....my neighborhood is about 70% illegals and yet these guys are working driving decent cars and i dont know any even with kids who are getting aid....and this is info coming from the legal Mexicans who live on the Street who make fun of these folks but yet they told me they have to hand it to these people....they domt know any around here getting aid like it is said they do.....and as far as this point you made....

and have not been taught/nor do they have any interest in, what America used to be about before this decay

i can show you a lot of American kids who dont know anything about that either....
when i read some posts here it makes me wonder how many of you actually are around and have known Illegals or Hispanics for that matter....lots of you mis-characterize these people....oh and with Dean it was a supposed trick question.....when he says "immigrant" most people know he means the "illegal" variety....

Well, my wife's dad is a legal immigrant from Mexico and her sister had a baby by an illegal (his name is Carlos, he split when he found out she was pregnant), so yeah, I do have a bit of exposure to both legals and illegals.

I'm not mis-characterizing them. Some are lovely, some are not, just like anyone else. But if they are illegals, they are indeed here illegally. And I certainly invite you to point out precisely where I was wrong. I made nine fairly specific points there. If, let's say, one million of the 10 or 12 million of them match my description -- and I strongly suspect that's a VERY low number -- then that's far too many.

Do you agree, or not? Should we care, or not?


I'm not mis-characterizing them.

yea you were....point number 7 especially.....you know 1 guy?....i have been living amongst them for 40 years....my neighborhood is about 70% illegals and yet these guys are working driving decent cars and i dont know any even with kids who are getting aid....and this is info coming from the legal Mexicans who live on the Street who make fun of these folks but yet they told me they have to hand it to these people....they domt know any around here getting aid like it is said they do.....and as far as this point you made....

and have not been taught/nor do they have any interest in, what America used to be about before this decay

i can show you a lot of American kids who dont know anything about that either....

So that's it?

Out of the nine specific points I make, that's it?

I rest my case. The concerns about illegals are perfectly valid.

Well, my wife's dad is a legal immigrant from Mexico and her sister had a baby by an illegal (his name is Carlos, he split when he found out she was pregnant), so yeah, I do have a bit of exposure to both legals and illegals.

I'm not mis-characterizing them. Some are lovely, some are not, just like anyone else. But if they are illegals, they are indeed here illegally. And I certainly invite you to point out precisely where I was wrong. I made nine fairly specific points there. If, let's say, one million of the 10 or 12 million of them match my description -- and I strongly suspect that's a VERY low number -- then that's far too many.

Do you agree, or not? Should we care, or not?


I'm not mis-characterizing them.

yea you were....point number 7 especially.....you know 1 guy?....i have been living amongst them for 40 years....my neighborhood is about 70% illegals and yet these guys are working driving decent cars and i dont know any even with kids who are getting aid....and this is info coming from the legal Mexicans who live on the Street who make fun of these folks but yet they told me they have to hand it to these people....they domt know any around here getting aid like it is said they do.....and as far as this point you made....

and have not been taught/nor do they have any interest in, what America used to be about before this decay

i can show you a lot of American kids who dont know anything about that either....

So that's it?

Out of the nine specific points I make, that's it?

I rest my case. The concerns about illegals are perfectly valid.

ok lets take a couple more.....

8. This allows the corrupt thugs who are making Mexico such a shit hole to continue to do so, which is why so many of their people are desperately fleeing

how the hell are those people coming here allowing the drug cartels to keep on being the basterds that they are?....if the Mexican Military and the Cops cant beat these guys how is it the peoples leaving fault?....you say this but then say they are the reason they are leaving......you will have to elaborate on this one.....

9. Those who defend all of the above are doing so only because they sense political gain, not because they're looking out for the best interest of (what remains of) the country

thats true of the 2 parties.....but they (the powers that be) are not going to kick all of them out so they are going to have to come up with something for the long timers here,long timers being people here for an amount of time agreed upon .....as far as i am concerned anyone here under 5 years should get the boot.....they haven't had time to sink in yet....and there should be no more anchor babies,to many have taken advantage of that....

i will still say that many comments about the Illegals here are not true about the great majority of them as a people ....i can compare it to the way Dean categorizes ALL Republicans because of what one or a few or a group do...
They aren't worried about them taking jobs. They are worried about having to pay for their healthcare, food, rent, cigarettes, mortgage, education.

That or they take away the jobs from low educated Americans then we have to pay
for their healthcare, food, rent, cigarettes, mortgage...

Either way the working people who are barely getting by have to pay...
The question asked is: "What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?" There can be no question that they know that many children of immigrants go on to study English, finish school and go on to college or a good university, as many news reports have brought out, to rapidly advance to become teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. so that could be what they consider a threat. Of course not everyone is going to go into the main professions but that is apparently not enough to keep Conservatives from questioning about what will happen in the future. That inherent fear on their part that others could possibly advance over them is what is turning so many off as they see that kind of superiority complex as a detriment to allowing otherwise good people to advance and better themselves. Republicans need to see the overall picture that if immigrants or their children did advance to higher positions in life they could contribute substantially to the overall economy in this country and become productive citizens one day as they deserve to be. The fear that another person whom they feel is inferior to them could possibly achieve their goals and become someone important in life is what is bringing so many Republicans down and why Latinos and Hispanics flock overwhelmingly to the Democratic Party that fully welcomes them and supports them to be all they can be and why they will continue to vote Democratic.
Asswipe, illegals aren't going to take my job but they will take jobs from poor blacks, white, Hispanics, Asians, etc and most of them will just go on welfare instead of taking a job.

Last time I checked there are millions of AMERICANS out of work, so where are the fucking jobs for these illegals you stupid fuck pile of shit?

What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?

Republicans are terrified of immigrants. That was the entire reason Cantor was defeated. Cantor was trying to have it both ways. Telling his former constituents that he was against immigration reform but in congress promoting it. He got caught. He made the mistake of thinking they weren't paying attention.

Remember, Republicans couldn't believe that the GOP blocked the investigation into the BP oil spill. They don't believe the GOP cut food stamps for disabled veterans. They don't believe that the GOP blocked health care for first responders.

But this time, the base was paying attention.

There is another difference here.

Survey: GOP executives want immigrant labor, not voters

U.S. Business Needs Immigrants With Degrees

The place where Republicans get the big bucks, "business", wants immigration reform.

So you are a businessman, you go to a Red State, start up a factory, you can pollute, free sewers, water and electricity. Lots of non skilled labor. But you need some skilled labor. What are you going to do? If you can't get skilled labor from Blue States and you can't get immigrants with degrees, you probably won't start a factory there. Now, instead of the low paying minimum wage jobs with no benefits Republicans are afraid of losing, there won't be any jobs at all.
The question asked is: "What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?" There can be no question that they know that many children of immigrants go on to study English, finish school and go on to college or a good university, as many news reports have brought out, to rapidly advance to become teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. so that could be what they consider a threat. Of course not everyone is going to go into the main professions but that is apparently not enough to keep Conservatives from questioning about what will happen in the future. That inherent fear on their part that others could possibly advance over them is what is turning so many off as they see that kind of superiority complex as a detriment to allowing otherwise good people to advance and better themselves. Republicans need to see the overall picture that if immigrants or their children did advance to higher positions in life they could contribute substantially to the overall economy in this country and become productive citizens one day as they deserve to be. The fear that another person whom they feel is inferior to them could possibly achieve their goals and become someone important in life is what is bringing so many Republicans down and why Latinos and Hispanics flock overwhelmingly to the Democratic Party that fully welcomes them and supports them to be all they can be and why they will continue to vote Democratic.

sure they do....thats what they tell them.....but they know they dont want them moving next door.... the Democratic Party looks at the Latino as a hopeful vote....not as a person....and they get that.....they have their reasons why they vote for them....but it isnt because they respect the party....if the Hispanics decided to all leave the Democrats and start their own party....the Democrats would be considered just as lowly to them as the Republicans are......
We had full employment in 'Merka just before Bush ran the car into a ditch, and that was with just as many wetbacks as we have now, if not more.

It ain't the Mexcans fault the economy broke and there is no jobs. That's Obamao's fault. He gave free houses to negroes back in the 90s and that made the Irish and Icelandic and German and Spanish and Eyetalian and Brit and 'Merkan economies go into the dumper and that's why you can't get a 15 dollar an hour job at Mickey Dees no more.

Besides, Mexcans can't do real jobs. They are crooks and drunk all the time and lazy, so how the hell are they going to steal my job? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Thought so.

You cannot be serious.

Obama is the one who has been creating jobs while the Rs sit on their butts and filibuster.

My bet is you've never known a Mexican, never watched them work.

You're also wrong if you think Mexicans only do unskilled labor.

Gawd, I just hate seeing the ignorance about illegals.
The question asked is: "What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?" There can be no question that they know that many children of immigrants go on to study English, finish school and go on to college or a good university, as many news reports have brought out, to rapidly advance to become teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. so that could be what they consider a threat. Of course not everyone is going to go into the main professions but that is apparently not enough to keep Conservatives from questioning about what will happen in the future. That inherent fear on their part that others could possibly advance over them is what is turning so many off as they see that kind of superiority complex as a detriment to allowing otherwise good people to advance and better themselves. Republicans need to see the overall picture that if immigrants or their children did advance to higher positions in life they could contribute substantially to the overall economy in this country and become productive citizens one day as they deserve to be. The fear that another person whom they feel is inferior to them could possibly achieve their goals and become someone important in life is what is bringing so many Republicans down and why Latinos and Hispanics flock overwhelmingly to the Democratic Party that fully welcomes them and supports them to be all they can be and why they will continue to vote Democratic.

sure they do....thats what they tell them.....but they know they dont want them moving next door.... the Democratic Party looks at the Latino as a hopeful vote....not as a person....and they get that.....they have their reasons why they vote for them....but it isnt because they respect the party....if the Hispanics decided to all leave the Democrats and start their own party....the Democrats would be considered just as lowly to them as the Republicans are......

Hispanics/Latinos "flock" to the D party because the D party supports the middle and working class while the Rs support the ultra wealthy.

We all know that's true so why would any middle/working class American support the R party?
The question asked is: "What kinds of jobs are Republicans afraid immigrants will take from them?" There can be no question that they know that many children of immigrants go on to study English, finish school and go on to college or a good university, as many news reports have brought out, to rapidly advance to become teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. so that could be what they consider a threat. Of course not everyone is going to go into the main professions but that is apparently not enough to keep Conservatives from questioning about what will happen in the future. That inherent fear on their part that others could possibly advance over them is what is turning so many off as they see that kind of superiority complex as a detriment to allowing otherwise good people to advance and better themselves. Republicans need to see the overall picture that if immigrants or their children did advance to higher positions in life they could contribute substantially to the overall economy in this country and become productive citizens one day as they deserve to be. The fear that another person whom they feel is inferior to them could possibly achieve their goals and become someone important in life is what is bringing so many Republicans down and why Latinos and Hispanics flock overwhelmingly to the Democratic Party that fully welcomes them and supports them to be all they can be and why they will continue to vote Democratic.

sure they do....thats what they tell them.....but they know they dont want them moving next door.... the Democratic Party looks at the Latino as a hopeful vote....not as a person....and they get that.....they have their reasons why they vote for them....but it isnt because they respect the party....if the Hispanics decided to all leave the Democrats and start their own party....the Democrats would be considered just as lowly to them as the Republicans are......

Hispanics/Latinos "flock" to the D party because the D party supports the middle and working class while the Rs support the ultra wealthy.

We all know that's true so why would any middle/working class American support the R party?

that aint why they "flock" to them....do you think they buy all that bullshit they get fed by your precious little party?..do you think they are that gullible?......your party is considered the "lessor of 2 evils" by the great majority of them....there is a reason they look at it like that.....does that make you feel proud of your party?.....someday in the next 10 years when they take over your party and make it theirs....you watch how many of the wealthy whites decide they are no longer Democrats.....

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