“What Percentage Of Murders Are Committed With An AR-15?”

Hey, where's Synthaholic go? Taking her antidepressants?
What kind of gun was used in the Las Vegas mass murder?

Google is your friend, and while googling, let us ALL know what guns were used at the Virginia Tech shootings, K?
Answer the question. I have many more after this one.

Oh, I have answered it. I actually did twice. So you go back and look for them like the good lil girly man you are.

And I also did something equally nice for you as well.

I bought you a bumper sticker that says “ support your local rapist - support gun control “.
The ground on which these gun haters want to arbitrarily ban a specific firearm is that the use of the tool sometimes results in death. In essence, the tool is effective at sending a projectile out the end of the barrel at a high rate of speed. The concern is public safety.

The responses is that such logic justifies the banning of another tool (a car or lawnmower) because use of the tool sometimes results in death. In essence, the tool is effective at spinning a blade at a high rate of speed or sending a 4000 lb metal box down the road at a high rate of speed. The concern is public safety.

The gun haters respond alleging that the distinction lies in the intended design of the tool and the irrational choices of those who misuse the tool.

Those distinctions are immaterial at best. The tool of choice of an irrational person should not justify the banning of that tool. The motive of the tool's designer is mischaracterized and pure speculation. The tool is designed to move a tiny piece of metal at a high rate of speed. Assigning additional motives is nothing but speculation and irrelevant.

If Statists are allowed to demand that one tool be banned because its use could result in death, NOTHING will stop Statists from banning ALL such tools, including knives, screw drivers, cars, bats, frying pans, the works.

That is, unless the Statist motive is not to promote public safety, but allow for the uninterrupted communist revolution, which is the real goal.

They have an Agenda, and most who support it are what Lenin called 'Useful Idiots.' It's the Communist Agenda. And disarming the populace is a big part of it. They won't stop attacking until they achieve a final ban and confiscation. They're very patient. They've been at it for almost 100yrs in this country. They're fine advancing in increments. It's a 'Death by a thousand cuts' approach.

I assure you, the Communists aren't gonna stop at banning AR's. Not a chance. Hopefully Gun Owners understand what they're up against. It's gonna be an endless battle to retain our Constitutional Rights. We have to be in it for the long haul. Because the Communists are.
The ground on which these gun haters want to arbitrarily ban a specific firearm is that the use of the tool sometimes results in death. In essence, the tool is effective at sending a projectile out the end of the barrel at a high rate of speed. The concern is public safety.

The responses is that such logic justifies the banning of another tool (a car or lawnmower) because use of the tool sometimes results in death. In essence, the tool is effective at spinning a blade at a high rate of speed or sending a 4000 lb metal box down the road at a high rate of speed. The concern is public safety.

The gun haters respond alleging that the distinction lies in the intended design of the tool and the irrational choices of those who misuse the tool.

Those distinctions are immaterial at best. The tool of choice of an irrational person should not justify the banning of that tool. The motive of the tool's designer is mischaracterized and pure speculation. The tool is designed to move a tiny piece of metal at a high rate of speed. Assigning additional motives is nothing but speculation and irrelevant.

If Statists are allowed to demand that one tool be banned because its use could result in death, NOTHING will stop Statists from banning ALL such tools, including knives, screw drivers, cars, bats, frying pans, the works.

That is, unless the Statist motive is not to promote public safety, but allow for the uninterrupted communist revolution, which is the real goal.

I’m not sure why we argue about the words associated with a gun.

I don’t care what the gun is called that kills my wife’s, daughters or granddaughters rapist, just that the dude is dead.
The thing that amazes me, as I have said before, is the amount of attention focused on the miniscule percentage of gun deaths. Mass shootings account for a tiny portion of those who die in such situations. And yet, they seem to be the ONLY place any attention is focused. Rifles of all types account for around 2% to 3% of the gun murders annually. But, somehow, banning the AR is the answer.
The thing that amazes me, as I have said before, is the amount of attention focused on the miniscule percentage of gun deaths. Mass shootings account for a tiny portion of those who die in such situations. And yet, they seem to be the ONLY place any attention is focused. Rifles of all types account for around 2% to 3% of the gun murders annually. But, somehow, banning the AR is the answer.
Because public safety is not the real agenda.

Communist Revolution is the agenda.

They may succeed on paper, but they will NEVER succeed in practice, at least not while they briefly remain alive.
There are already 8 million AR-15s out there, and wanna be super soldier psychos love buying and using them in mass murders, so let's stop selling them and let's have really Universal background checks lyke everyone but real gun nuts want to have. Gun corporations run the NRA and the GOP. Great job...

And the worst mass school shooting was done with 2 pistols, Virginia Tech, and 32 people were murdered......making your point about banning AR-15s stupid.

Universal background checks are also stupid...

Mass public shooters can pass current federal background checks, dumb ass, which means, dumb ass....that they can pass a universal background check....making your point really stupid....

criminals use straw buyers to get their guns.....straw buyers can pass current federally mandated background checks which means they can also pass any universal background check........

The only reason the anti gun movement wants universal background checks is so they can demand universal gun registration.....their golden ticket to banning and confiscating guns when they finally get the power...
I I am worried about the psychos who love buying AR-15s. Nobody wants to ban all all guns, super duper...
Actually all progressives want to ban all firearms and live in the Utopia of a Marxist village
This guy not only has no clue about assault weapons , he thinks there are Marxist around every corner , I've never met one, they only exist by the hand full or behind every bush that these lame brains live in. If one of us joined they still could be counted by both hands.
Progressive/Marxist same diff... stupid in the head
Marxists want a dictatorship that owns all business and Industry. Nonexistent in the western world.
The fastest way to go from a republican form of government to a communist dictatorship is to remove the ability of the people to resist.

The defense rests.
I haven't read this much about communism since 1962! I am beginning to think that we would be safer living in Vietnam producing shirts to be sold at Walmart!
I haven't read this much about communism since 1962! I am beginning to think that we would be safer living in Vietnam producing shirts to be sold at Walmart!
Ya, the chances of being killed by someone using an ar15 is so tiny it is basically nonexistent... bathtubs kill far more people.
The anti-gun nutters need to get their priorities strait if anyone is going to listen to them.
2018 Real Time Death Statistics in America
As Winterborn said much earlier on this thread, the issue is not AR-15s. The issue is that in this country any idiot, insane person, nut job, and vigilante can get hold of any gun they want without it even being illegal to sell to them without a background check, especially handguns, and blow away their estranged wife, bully on the playground, teacher, boss at the postal service, road rage object, x-girlfriend, judge or someone who is of the opposite political persuasion. All this talk about fighting off communist dictators is amusing, and nostalgic, but that isn't fooling anyone.
As Winterborn said much earlier on this thread, the issue is not AR-15s. The issue is that in this country any idiot, insane person, nut job, and vigilante can get hold of any gun they want without it even being illegal to sell to them without a background check, especially handguns, and blow away their estranged wife, bully on the playground, teacher, boss at the postal service, road rage object, x-girlfriend, judge or someone who is of the opposite political persuasion. All this talk about fighting off communist dictators is amusing, and nostalgic, but that isn't fooling anyone.
For you, the issue is not the AR15, but for others it is. And, they ignore all the other public-safety concerns that are actually present and not less likely to happen than being struck by lightening 3 different times.

Such unreasonable outrage can mean only one thing. The real motive is control and subjugation of other humans. And commies never go away until you smoke their Bolshevik asses. The only good commie is a dead commie.
As Winterborn said much earlier on this thread, the issue is not AR-15s. The issue is that in this country any idiot, insane person, nut job, and vigilante can get hold of any gun they want without it even being illegal to sell to them without a background check, especially handguns, and blow away their estranged wife, bully on the playground, teacher, boss at the postal service, road rage object, x-girlfriend, judge or someone who is of the opposite political persuasion. All this talk about fighting off communist dictators is amusing, and nostalgic, but that isn't fooling anyone.
As Winterborn said much earlier on this thread, the issue is not AR-15s. The issue is that in this country any idiot, insane person, nut job, and vigilante can get hold of any gun they want without it even being illegal to sell to them without a background check, especially handguns, and blow away their estranged wife, bully on the playground, teacher, boss at the postal service, road rage object, x-girlfriend, judge or someone who is of the opposite political persuasion. All this talk about fighting off communist dictators is amusing, and nostalgic, but that isn't fooling anyone.

Gee, you forgot that rapists, gang members, meth heads and dealers can as well?

Why leave them out?

Seems strange.

Tell you what. Get them to agree to give up their guns and their behaviors, then we can chat about how I choose to defend my family.
As Winterborn said much earlier on this thread, the issue is not AR-15s. The issue is that in this country any idiot, insane person, nut job, and vigilante can get hold of any gun they want without it even being illegal to sell to them without a background check, especially handguns, and blow away their estranged wife, bully on the playground, teacher, boss at the postal service, road rage object, x-girlfriend, judge or someone who is of the opposite political persuasion. All this talk about fighting off communist dictators is amusing, and nostalgic, but that isn't fooling anyone.

Gee, you forgot that rapists, gang members, meth heads and dealers can as well?

Why leave them out?

Seems strange.

Tell you what. Get them to agree to give up their guns and their behaviors, then we can chat about how I choose to defend my family.

you forgot the government

when the government gives up their guns and behaviors then we can chat about it

until then no deal
As Winterborn said much earlier on this thread, the issue is not AR-15s. The issue is that in this country any idiot, insane person, nut job, and vigilante can get hold of any gun they want without it even being illegal to sell to them without a background check, especially handguns, and blow away their estranged wife, bully on the playground, teacher, boss at the postal service, road rage object, x-girlfriend, judge or someone who is of the opposite political persuasion. All this talk about fighting off communist dictators is amusing, and nostalgic, but that isn't fooling anyone.

Gee, you forgot that rapists, gang members, meth heads and dealers can as well?

Why leave them out?

Seems strange.

Tell you what. Get them to agree to give up their guns and their behaviors, then we can chat about how I choose to defend my family.

Sine you obviously believe that more guns make America safer, then America should be the safest country in the world, since we have more guns than any nation on earth.

Not that it matters. nobody is going to take away you toy. We just want to require that O.J. Simpson undergo a background check before he buys a gun.
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As Winterborn said much earlier on this thread, the issue is not AR-15s. The issue is that in this country any idiot, insane person, nut job, and vigilante can get hold of any gun they want without it even being illegal to sell to them without a background check, especially handguns, and blow away their estranged wife, bully on the playground, teacher, boss at the postal service, road rage object, x-girlfriend, judge or someone who is of the opposite political persuasion. All this talk about fighting off communist dictators is amusing, and nostalgic, but that isn't fooling anyone.
For you, the issue is not the AR15, but for others it is. And, they ignore all the other public-safety concerns that are actually present and not less likely to happen than being struck by lightening 3 different times.

Such unreasonable outrage can mean only one thing. The real motive is control and subjugation of other humans. And commies never go away until you smoke their Bolshevik asses. The only good commie is a dead commie.

I think that you did not get the memo. Khrushchev is dead. So is Mao Tse Dong. We won.
As Winterborn said much earlier on this thread, the issue is not AR-15s. The issue is that in this country any idiot, insane person, nut job, and vigilante can get hold of any gun they want without it even being illegal to sell to them without a background check, especially handguns, and blow away their estranged wife, bully on the playground, teacher, boss at the postal service, road rage object, x-girlfriend, judge or someone who is of the opposite political persuasion. All this talk about fighting off communist dictators is amusing, and nostalgic, but that isn't fooling anyone.

Gee, you forgot that rapists, gang members, meth heads and dealers can as well?

Why leave them out?

Seems strange.

Tell you what. Get them to agree to give up their guns and their behaviors, then we can chat about how I choose to defend my family.

Sine you obviously believe that more guns make America safer, then America should be the safest country in the world, since we have more guns than any nation on earth.

Not that it matters. nobody is going to take away you toy. We just want to require that O.J. Simpson undergo a background check before he buys a gun.

Since we already do, then your mind is already at ease, right?

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