What Republicans Argue When They Have Nothing Left to Say

They don't "argue". They call names.

Please point to a place where you have presented a well constructed argument.

You seem to draw a lot of conclusions without backing them up.

Are you in position to say the leftwingers on this board are any more reasoned than the rightwingers ? If so, how did you get there ?
Robert Reich: What Republicans Argue When They Have Nothing Left to Say

Republicans are desperate. They can't attack Obama on jobs because the jobs picture is improving.

Their attack on the administration's rule requiring insurers to cover contraception has backfired, raising hackles even among many Republican women.

Their attack on Obama for raising gas prices has elicited scorn from economists of all persuasions who know oil prices are set in global markets and that demand in the United States has actually fallen.

Their presidential ambitions are being trampled in a furious fraternal war among Republican candidates.

Their Tea Party wing wants to reopen the budget deal forged with Democrats after Republicans got bloodied by threatening to block an increase in the debt limit.

So what are Republicans to do now? What they always do when they have nothing else to say.

Call for a tax cut, of course.

It doesn't matter that their new "tax reform" plan (leaked to the Wall Street Journal late Monday, to be released Tuesday morning) has as much chance of being enacted as Herman Cain has of being elected president.

It doesn't matter than the plan doesn't detail how they plan to pay for the tax cuts. Or whether an even bigger whack would have to be taken out of Medicare than Paul Ryan's original voucher plan -- which would drowned many elderly under rising medical costs.

It doesn't even matter that the plan would probably raise taxes on many lower-income Americans,

All that matters is the headlines.


What Republicans Argue When They Have Nothing Left to Say: Flaylo is One Dumb MF.
They don't "argue". They call names.

Please point to a place where you have presented a well constructed argument.

You seem to draw a lot of conclusions without backing them up.

Are you in position to say the leftwingers on this board are any more reasoned than the rightwingers ? If so, how did you get there ?

Profile Requirement on the Left is to be Void of Reason. Otherwise the Jello just does not settle. :D
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Robert Reich: What Republicans Argue When They Have Nothing Left to Say

Republicans are desperate. They can't attack Obama on jobs because the jobs picture is improving.

Their attack on the administration's rule requiring insurers to cover contraception has backfired, raising hackles even among many Republican women.

Their attack on Obama for raising gas prices has elicited scorn from economists of all persuasions who know oil prices are set in global markets and that demand in the United States has actually fallen.

Their presidential ambitions are being trampled in a furious fraternal war among Republican candidates.

Their Tea Party wing wants to reopen the budget deal forged with Democrats after Republicans got bloodied by threatening to block an increase in the debt limit.

So what are Republicans to do now? What they always do when they have nothing else to say.

Call for a tax cut, of course.

It doesn't matter that their new "tax reform" plan (leaked to the Wall Street Journal late Monday, to be released Tuesday morning) has as much chance of being enacted as Herman Cain has of being elected president.

It doesn't matter than the plan doesn't detail how they plan to pay for the tax cuts. Or whether an even bigger whack would have to be taken out of Medicare than Paul Ryan's original voucher plan -- which would drowned many elderly under rising medical costs.

It doesn't even matter that the plan would probably raise taxes on many lower-income Americans,

All that matters is the headlines.


What Republicans Argue When They Have Nothing Left to Say: Flaylo is One Dumb MF.

Is that your best shot? Look at this facking thread, show me where right wingers are arguing otherwise.
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They don't "argue". They call names.

Please point to a place where you have presented a well constructed argument.

You seem to draw a lot of conclusions without backing them up.

Are you in position to say the leftwingers on this board are any more reasoned than the rightwingers ? If so, how did you get there ?

You should do the same. You're just a big huge mouth that never stops moving.
Robert Reich: What Republicans Argue When They Have Nothing Left to Say

Republicans are desperate. They can't attack Obama on jobs because the jobs picture is improving.

Their attack on the administration's rule requiring insurers to cover contraception has backfired, raising hackles even among many Republican women.

Their attack on Obama for raising gas prices has elicited scorn from economists of all persuasions who know oil prices are set in global markets and that demand in the United States has actually fallen.

Their presidential ambitions are being trampled in a furious fraternal war among Republican candidates.

Their Tea Party wing wants to reopen the budget deal forged with Democrats after Republicans got bloodied by threatening to block an increase in the debt limit.

So what are Republicans to do now? What they always do when they have nothing else to say.

Call for a tax cut, of course.

It doesn't matter that their new "tax reform" plan (leaked to the Wall Street Journal late Monday, to be released Tuesday morning) has as much chance of being enacted as Herman Cain has of being elected president.

It doesn't matter than the plan doesn't detail how they plan to pay for the tax cuts. Or whether an even bigger whack would have to be taken out of Medicare than Paul Ryan's original voucher plan -- which would drowned many elderly under rising medical costs.

It doesn't even matter that the plan would probably raise taxes on many lower-income Americans,

All that matters is the headlines.

50 million Americans are on food stamps !! ...just killed your thread !!:doubt:
Robert Reich: What Republicans Argue When They Have Nothing Left to Say

Republicans are desperate. They can't attack Obama on jobs because the jobs picture is improving.

Their attack on the administration's rule requiring insurers to cover contraception has backfired, raising hackles even among many Republican women.

Their attack on Obama for raising gas prices has elicited scorn from economists of all persuasions who know oil prices are set in global markets and that demand in the United States has actually fallen.

Their presidential ambitions are being trampled in a furious fraternal war among Republican candidates.

Their Tea Party wing wants to reopen the budget deal forged with Democrats after Republicans got bloodied by threatening to block an increase in the debt limit.

So what are Republicans to do now? What they always do when they have nothing else to say.

Call for a tax cut, of course.

It doesn't matter that their new "tax reform" plan (leaked to the Wall Street Journal late Monday, to be released Tuesday morning) has as much chance of being enacted as Herman Cain has of being elected president.

It doesn't matter than the plan doesn't detail how they plan to pay for the tax cuts. Or whether an even bigger whack would have to be taken out of Medicare than Paul Ryan's original voucher plan -- which would drowned many elderly under rising medical costs.

It doesn't even matter that the plan would probably raise taxes on many lower-income Americans,

All that matters is the headlines.

50 million Americans are on food stamps !! ...just killed your thread !!:doubt:

This has nothing to do with the thread dumbass.
You are something else!!! Please don't flatter yourself, Dave. There is no way anything you say hurts me. And I'll put you on ignore if I want to and not because you tell me to. You think you're really hot stuff, don't you??? Poor thing!!
No. But then, I'm not telling anyone to shut up because I can't deal with what they say.

And I didn't tell you to do anything -- I made a suggestion. I really don't care if you take it or not. And I really don't care if you tell me to shut up. I'm not going to.

It is automatic for me to tell people to shut up when they talk stupid. As I grow older, patience is no longer one of my virtues. It makes me feel good to say it. What you do with it is not important to me. I know nothing can stop you from all of the nonsense you utter.

Well, as long as you feel better. That's all that matters to people who operate solely on emotion.
If i was Romney I would make the argument about the 17 trillion dollar elephant in the room , he could lay out a hell of a case and it would be a proactive message not just a reactive negative one

We are still suffering the results of Bush's Great Recession

Guess what?

Bush IS to blame
We are still suffering the results of Bush's Great Recession

Guess what?

Bush IS to blame

What a whiner. Bush was responsible for a recession that started six months before he took office, Obama's not responsible for a recession three years after he took office. Liberals are never to blame for anything, are you?
We are still suffering the results of Bush's Great Recession

Guess what?

Bush IS to blame

What a whiner. Bush was responsible for a recession that started six months before he took office, Obama's not responsible for a recession three years after he took office. Liberals are never to blame for anything, are you?

Bush was handed a surplus when he took office

The Bush Great Recession started in the third quarter of 2007. Bush's "Deer in the Headlights" response turned a recession into a complete economic collapse. The Bush economy was bleeding 750,000 jobs a month when he left......we are still trying to recover
Bush was handed a surplus when he took office

Was he? Do you know what the phrase "unfunded liabilities" means? And why did the deficit go UP every year Clinton was in office if he was running a "surplus."

I'll clue you in Virginia, politicians...lie... Stop whining and learn something before you keep posting more ignorant drivel.
Bush was handed a surplus when he took office

Was he? Do you know what the phrase "unfunded liabilities" means? And why did the deficit go UP every year Clinton was in office if he was running a "surplus."

I'll clue you in Virginia, politicians...lie... Stop whining and learn something before you keep posting more ignorant drivel.

Bush claimed he had a surplus

President Bush's 2001 Address to Congress | Feb. 27, 2001 (washingtonpost.com)
I hope you'll join me in standing firmly on the side of the people. You see, the growing surplus exists because taxes are too high, and government is charging more than it needs. The people of America have been overcharged, and, on their behalf, I'm here asking for a refund.

Bush used the fact that he was given a surplus as justification for his first tax cut

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