What the hell is up with FNC?

There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
Ruppert Murdock has done what he thinks will benefit a neocon globalist like himself the most. He is following the establishment pack toward a more controllable world populist through totalitarian government. In other words, he gave up on the pretense of pretending to care about the people or the country. This is his declaration that he's in it for himself. That's why all these greedy globalist bastards hate Trump so much. It's not personality. It's not social policies or healthcare. It's not his COVID response which happened to be magnificent. It's greed.
The Harvard study about bias in the news networks had FXN as the most fair at about 50/50.
Compared to the rest of the MSM at 95% negative toward Trump even FXN's 50% fair looks biased.
The MSM is nothing more than propaganda, no debate, just propaganda of the commie party's talking points.
It’s in the title....We had one of three cable outlets, now it seems they have sold us out.
They have embraced reality

Just because they are not spouting Trumps wild fabrication does not mean they turned against you.

You still have Hannity, Carlson and Ingraham spouting Trump propaganda as gospel
Some idiot at Fox decided it was a good business model to turn successful Conservative Fox into CNN Lite. It won't work. Fox is losing viewers to Newsmax and OANN.

My wife and I were Fox viewers for a couple of decades. We will never watch it again.
Trump treated Fox News as if they were his personal propaganda outlet.

Just because they hold him accountable to the truth does not mean they turned against him
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
/——/ You will be assimilated into MSM. Resistance is futile.
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
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You've perfectly described the people who've exodus'd en masse to Newsmax and OAN.
Hungry for those lies and conspiracy theories.

Hey fun fact, like goats, sheep will consume just about anything.
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
The kids took over went lib and now the ratings are going down with Newsmax moving up to take over Fox News once held title of leader.
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
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Thats funny. You are witnessing RW nutbags flocking to Newsmax and Parler and you post an image like that.
There's your problem right there. The words "We had". The whole them vs us mentality. That's how it starts and descends. Fox was founded in 1996 as a conservative outlet because Murdoch felt that those people were being underserved. But FNC wasn't always the whack-a-doodle farm it turned into. Now, Murdoch's sons have largely taken over and they saw the writing on the wall and they pulled back from the crazy. Newsmax and OAN are up and comers so they gobbled up the crazy. It won't last. There are always true believers who will live in a bended reality because that's where they are comfortable. But most people will either get bored or disgusted.
View attachment 415527

You've perfectly described the people who've exodus'd en masse to Newsmax and OAN.
Hungry for those lies and conspiracy theories.

Hey fun fact, like goats, sheep will consume just about anything.
Oh yeah?
I have never watched newsmax and certainly not OAN.
But thanks for agreeing that CNN is equal to OAN

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