What will be the next great entitlement?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
We all know that Progressives are still plotting to create the next great entitlement after Obamacare passed, so what will be the next one?

They are like ravinous locusts. They simply devour and take no thought of the destruction that they leave behind.
The ability to buy your home from the government
The ability to buy your car from the government
The ability to buy your clothes from the government
The ability to buy your food from the government

Pick one or all of the above
It's already here. It's Blue States being soaked by Red States and their failed conservative policies. The Blue States simply have to stop the money transfer to Red States. It's just that simple.
It's already here. It's Blue States being soaked by Red States and their failed conservative policies. The Blue States simply have to stop the money transfer to Red States. It's just that simple.
It will get worse actually. Investment in red states outperforms investment in blue states 3 to 1 since the meltdown. Low taxes attract investment. High taxes promote disinvestment. Soon Chicago, NYC and Boston will go the way of Detroit and if China builds the Nicaragua canal the left coast will go the same way. Shipping across mountains is expensive. Expect an even higher investment differential going forward.
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A new National Holiday will be declared that will fall somewhere between Kwanzaa and MLK Day. The acronym will be RACAD or Rob-A-Creepy-Ass-Cracker-Day. :)

Really, if you think about....it is the most efficient means of wealth redistribution.

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It's already here. It's Blue States being soaked by Red States and their failed conservative policies. The Blue States simply have to stop the money transfer to Red States. It's just that simple.
It will get worse actually. Investment in red states outperforms investment in blue states 3 to 1 since the meltdown. Low taxes attract investment. High taxes promote disinvestment. Soon Chicago, NYC and Boston will go the way of Detroit and if China builds the Nicaragua canal the left coast will go the same way. Shipping across mountains is expensive. Expect an even higher investment differential going forward.

Our centers of finance, commodities trading and insurance/health care all all going away eh?

Where are they going? Alabama? Or Mississippi?

Not happening. No matter how much you wish it.
The ability to buy your home from the government
The ability to buy your car from the government
The ability to buy your clothes from the government
The ability to buy your food from the government

Pick one or all of the above

You can't buy your home from the government today, in a lot of states. Don't pay your real estate taxes and see who owns your home.
A new National Holiday will be declared that will fall somewhere between Kwanzaa and MLK Day. The acronym will be RACAD or Rob-A-Creepy-Ass-Cracker-Day. :)

Really, if you think about....it is the most efficient means of wealth redistribution.


I am a little surprise that they are not keeping score with the "knock out" game by how much loot they can get off the person who is laying unconscious.
The government sponsored minimum income.

Yep, this is it.

It began with "you didn't build that" and continues with the demonization and increased regulation of private business. You're owed a "living wage", you're owed enough of an income to support a family no matter how old you are (so a 19-year old single kid who lives with mom and dad should make enough to support a family), no matter how many bills you've created with your lifestyle, no matter how irresponsible you are.

Private business will be soaked for this, which means we'll all pay for it, and it will attract a massive groundswell of support since most people don't own a business. Why not? As we all know, all business owners are mean and rich and evil. And I'm entitled. This will dis-incentivize new business development, of course, but we're not looking that deep.

Get ready, you evil, rich and greedy business owners, you didn't sacrifice and take the risks to get that thing off the ground because you didn't build that, and here it comes.

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The government sponsored minimum income.

Yep, this is it.

It began with "you didn't build that" and continues with the demonization and increased regulation of private business. You're owed a "living wage", you're owed enough of an income to support a family no matter how old you are (so a 19-year old single kid who lives with mom and dad should make enough to support a family), no matter how many bills you've created with your lifestyle, no matter how irresponsible you are.

Private business will be soaked for this, which means we'll all pay for it, and it will attract a massive groundswell of support since most people don't own a business. Why not? As we all know, all business owners are mean and rich and evil. And I'm entitled. This will dis-incentivize new business development, of course, but we're not looking that deep.

Get ready, you evil, rich and greedy business owners, you didn't sacrifice and take the risks to get that thing off the ground because you didn't build that, and here it comes.

Mac you are ate up with this fear of the "government" forcing those beloved companies to pay more wages. Why is that? Would those wages be coming out of your pocket?

And why do you keep taking that one statement of "you didn't build this" out of context so that you might score some brownie points with right wing nuts on here?

You do know what "context" means. Right? I only ask because so many right wingers on here don't know what "context" means. So I was just checking.
The government sponsored minimum income.

Yep, this is it.

It began with "you didn't build that" and continues with the demonization and increased regulation of private business. You're owed a "living wage", you're owed enough of an income to support a family no matter how old you are (so a 19-year old single kid who lives with mom and dad should make enough to support a family), no matter how many bills you've created with your lifestyle, no matter how irresponsible you are.

Private business will be soaked for this, which means we'll all pay for it, and it will attract a massive groundswell of support since most people don't own a business. Why not? As we all know, all business owners are mean and rich and evil. And I'm entitled. This will dis-incentivize new business development, of course, but we're not looking that deep.

Get ready, you evil, rich and greedy business owners, you didn't sacrifice and take the risks to get that thing off the ground because you didn't build that, and here it comes.

Mac you are ate up with this fear of the "government" forcing those beloved companies to pay more wages. Why is that? Would those wages be coming out of your pocket?

And why do you keep taking that one statement of "you didn't build this" out of context so that you might score some brownie points with right wing nuts on here?

You do know what "context" means. Right? I only ask because so many right wingers on here don't know what "context" means. So I was just checking.

Sure, the specific context was Obama speaking off the cuff to a live audience that screamed in delight at those words. I remember it quite well. They were freakin' delirious, finally a President who realizes how mean business owners are. Then the Democrats ran with it, especially Elizabeth Warren, who eloquently voiced the Democrats' collectivist perspective and agenda ("you drive on roads", holy crap, what an astonishingly simplistic and shallow diversion from the effort it takes to create and grow a business, but you folks definitely ate it up). When she brought the Dems out of the closet on this, I knew it was over.

Gosh, I hope that's a good enough answer for you. No doubt you're far more intelligent than I, but I think that's what you asked.

And good grief, calm down. You're going to get your way.

Can't you at least be a gracious winner?

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The ability to buy your home from the government
The ability to buy your car from the government
The ability to buy your clothes from the government
The ability to buy your food from the government

Pick one or all of the above

they all sound great to me ... I pick them all .. after all I am a liberal .... I send the list to Hillary ... I know she and Harry Reid along with Nancy Pelosi will get it done ... thanks for the list info ... if there's anymore that bothers you. post them too !!!!:lol::lol::lol:
Yep, this is it.

It began with "you didn't build that" and continues with the demonization and increased regulation of private business. You're owed a "living wage", you're owed enough of an income to support a family no matter how old you are (so a 19-year old single kid who lives with mom and dad should make enough to support a family), no matter how many bills you've created with your lifestyle, no matter how irresponsible you are.

Private business will be soaked for this, which means we'll all pay for it, and it will attract a massive groundswell of support since most people don't own a business. Why not? As we all know, all business owners are mean and rich and evil. And I'm entitled. This will dis-incentivize new business development, of course, but we're not looking that deep.

Get ready, you evil, rich and greedy business owners, you didn't sacrifice and take the risks to get that thing off the ground because you didn't build that, and here it comes.

Mac you are ate up with this fear of the "government" forcing those beloved companies to pay more wages. Why is that? Would those wages be coming out of your pocket?

And why do you keep taking that one statement of "you didn't build this" out of context so that you might score some brownie points with right wing nuts on here?

You do know what "context" means. Right? I only ask because so many right wingers on here don't know what "context" means. So I was just checking.

Sure, the specific context was Obama speaking off the cuff to a live audience that screamed in delight at those words. I remember it quite well. Then the Democrats ran with it, especially Elizabeth Warren, who eloquently voiced the Democrats' collectivist perspective and agenda ("you drove on roads", holy crap, what an astonishingly simplistic and shallow diversion from the effort it takes to create and grow a business, but you folks definitely ate it up).

Gosh, I hope that's a good enough answer for you. No doubt you're far more intelligent than I, but I think that's what you asked.

And good grief, calm down. You're going to get your way.

Can't you at least be a gracious winner?


There you go again. Getting all butt hurt because someone didn't agree with your brilliance? LMAO.

Post up the entire quote and lets see what was said. If you want to and that wouldn't hurt your feelings and such. I know I am mean to you and everything. And of course you and your kind know EVERYTHING about the business world and such. And are able to see far into the future. Me, I am just a doubting Thomas with failing vision.

btw Mac, the only thing I've ever "won" was the military draft lottery. Number 308. Cause I was all ready to report when the draft was suspended for the lottery. And I won. Lucky me eh?

Everything else I have in life I earned. By hard work and perseverance. How about you?
It's already here. It's Blue States being soaked by Red States and their failed conservative policies. The Blue States simply have to stop the money transfer to Red States. It's just that simple.
that's it Blue states get Single payer and all the things we love and thew red state can remove all the things that they don't like use in the blue states having ... the down side of this, the red states will start getting a population implosion ... meaning a flood of red state people will flood our blue state borders
after all conservatives are moochers:lol::lol::lol:

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