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what will trump do about assad? keep supporting him or not

How was he supporting them to begin with?
We don't even know who did the weapons. They blamed Assad and were wrong before..
What would you have Trump do at this point you have two forces wanting to control Syria Assad and ISIS anything that weakens Assad helps ISIS likewise anything that weakens ISIS helps Assad you have no good options here.
the fucking un said they chemicals were destroyed......how hard is it to restock chemicals fast? who does one purchased these chemicals from?
how hard is it to restock chemicals fast? who does one purchased these chemicals from?
Excellent questions.
ust days ago, Donald Trump announced that the U.S. no longer had any problem with the regime of Syrian president, and Russian ally, Bashar Assad.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said the U.S. approach was being driven by a new "reality" and that Assad's future had to be a decision for the Syrian people. Similar statements were made earlier by U.S. Cabinet members speaking in Ankara, London and at the United Nations.

Yes, Syrian people, like the thousands who died in Aleppo under withering artillery and constant bombing, will just have to vote Assad out at the next completely fair and free elections.

Now Assad has a nice thank you for Trump.

Airstrikes hit the city of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday, giving off a "poisonous gas," according to Anas al-Diab, an activist with the Aleppo Media Center.

The casualties reportedly came as a result of asphyxiation caused by exposure to an unknown gas or chemical agent.

After a poison gas attack in 2013, President Obama went to congress with a request of military action against Syria. In response, Assad supposedly handed control of his chemical arsenal to his Russian allies. With Trump officially taking action against Assad off the table, the Syrian strongman apparently feels free to open up the gas vaults—or Putin did it for him.

The attack is seen as a test to the Trump regime. With Rex Tillerson missing in action, the State Department intentionally gutted, and a series of signals that the United States no longer puts the least value on human rights, authoritarian rulers every where are reading the signals that they are free to use whatever means they want to hold onto power.

Right now, hundreds of people in Syria are choking on an unknown chemical agent as part of Trump's test. And as a bonus question, there's now been an strike on the hospital where the gassing victims are being treated.

Trump announces U.S. won't go after Assad, Assad thanks him by gassing his own people
Republicans are all talk. They talked a lot of shit about Syria North Korea Isis and Russia. Don't blame obama, fix it!
But if Trump does exactly as Obama did then you libtards will be happy! Correct?
Don't know what you are talking about and it doesn't fucking matter. Do you hear yourself? I want trump to do what he said he would do when he was running. Win. He said I'd be sick of winning. He said he knew more than the generals and Obama wasn't doing a good job and he'd do better. Well, we're watching.

You cowards invaded Iraq over WMDs and he didn't have any. Assad does. Go get him. And Kim Jung in too.

PS. Your buddy Putin is helping AL queda. Do something about that too.
So what you just said was that obama knew Assad had WMD and had used them on people and he still did not give a shit! That is absolutely astounding.
Yes, Obama sucked. This is why we elected Trump. Clean up the fucking mess or be a one termer bitch.
What would you have Trump do at this point you have two forces wanting to control Syria Assad and ISIS anything that weakens Assad helps ISIS likewise anything that weakens ISIS helps Assad you have no good options here.

Last year we said

What would you have OBAMA do at this point you have two forces wanting to control Syria Assad and ISIS anything that weakens Assad helps ISIS likewise anything that weakens ISIS helps Assad you have no good options here
How can you tell whether a snowflake posed the Thread question or not?

Because they slip false narratives into the question.

"what will trump do about assad? keep supporting him or not"

This is OBVIOUSLY a snowflake question because the OP suggests President Trump has been supporting Syrian leader al-Assad. This is not true, not that snowflakes care about the truth.

The TRUTH is that the United States has combat troops on the ground in Syria I the middle of civil war in Syria - a civil war between a dictator and terrorists, with the Ex-President having chose to support the terrorists - because Obama issued an ill-advised 'Red Line', backed down from it once it was violated, was laughed at by the entire world for trying to claim it was not HIS 'Red Line' but was 'the worlds'' 'Red Line', then dragged the U.S. into an UN-authorized, UN-Constitutional war.

Obama's ego, miscalculations, mis-steps, and Syrian foreign policy failure had the U.S. where we are now. As far as the latest use of chemical weapons by Assad on his people - it could have been prevented if Obama would have had the courage / balls to follow-through with his 'Red Line' BLUFF, acted swiftly and decisively, in dealing with Assad.

That being said, IMO Obama should have kept his mouth shut and never issued his 'false bravado' 'Red Line' to begin with. It was none of our business and not our responsibility to stick our noses in their civil war.

Liberals - when they weren't in charge - loved to declare 'The US is not the world's policeman', but that was before Barry took over. When the Nobel Peace Prize winner dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional war to help ISIS Democrats suddenly had no problem with it. From the start the use of chemical weapons in Syria was a matter for the U.N. to address.

And now the Un-Constitutional Syrian war in which we are engaged thanks to Barry is just another mess Obama left in Trump's lap.

Personally I would love to see Trump pull US troops out of Syria. Assad is going no where - he is Putin's 'toadie'. Putin is protecting Assad the way Obama protected Holder and Hillary. To put it bluntly, al-Assad is 'un-touchable' as long as Putin protects him...unless anyone really wants to pick a fight / start a war with Russia...and NO ONE is going to do that.

The use of chemical weapons in Syria is not a U.S. 'Red Line' problem - it is, as it always has been, a world problem for the U.N.' and it's members to deal with.
How can you tell whether a snowflake posed the Thread question or not?

Because they slip false narratives into the question.

"what will trump do about assad? keep supporting him or not"

This is OBVIOUSLY a snowflake question because the OP suggests President Trump has been supporting Syrian leader al-Assad. This is not true, not that snowflakes care about the truth.

The TRUTH is that the United States has combat troops on the ground in Syria I the middle of civil war in Syria - a civil war between a dictator and terrorists, with the Ex-President having chose to support the terrorists - because Obama issued an ill-advised 'Red Line', backed down from it once it was violated, was laughed at by the entire world for trying to claim it was not HIS 'Red Line' but was 'the worlds'' 'Red Line', then dragged the U.S. into an UN-authorized, UN-Constitutional war.

Obama's ego, miscalculations, mis-steps, and Syrian foreign policy failure had the U.S. where we are now. As far as the latest use of chemical weapons by Assad on his people - it could have been prevented if Obama would have had the courage / balls to follow-through with his 'Red Line' BLUFF, acted swiftly and decisively, in dealing with Assad.

That being said, IMO Obama should have kept his mouth shut and never issued his 'false bravado' 'Red Line' to begin with. It was none of our business and not our responsibility to stick our noses in their civil war.

Liberals - when they weren't in charge - loved to declare 'The US is not the world's policeman', but that was before Barry took over. When the Nobel Peace Prize winner dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional war to help ISIS Democrats suddenly had no problem with it. From the start the use of chemical weapons in Syria was a matter for the U.N. to address.

And now the Un-Constitutional Syrian war in which we are engaged thanks to Barry is just another mess Obama left in Trump's lap.

Personally I would love to see Trump pull US troops out of Syria. Assad is going no where - he is Putin's 'toadie'. Putin is protecting Assad the way Obama protected Holder and Hillary. To put it bluntly, al-Assad is 'un-touchable' as long as Putin protects him...unless anyone really wants to pick a fight / start a war with Russia...and NO ONE is going to do that.

The use of chemical weapons in Syria is not a U.S. 'Red Line' problem - it is, as it always has been, a world problem for the U.N.' and it's members to deal with.

Trump supported Obama not taking action in Syria.
Yes, Obama sucked. This is why we elected Trump. Clean up the fucking mess or be a one termer bitch.

1. Thank you for admitting Obama sucked.

2. Why would you suggest that the length of Trump's stay depends on his ability to fix Barry's F* UP? Barry blamed Bush for everything, blamed 'The WORLD' for his F* Ups, and lasted 8 years making things worse. You funny...
ust days ago, Donald Trump announced that the U.S. no longer had any problem with the regime of Syrian president, and Russian ally, Bashar Assad.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said the U.S. approach was being driven by a new "reality" and that Assad's future had to be a decision for the Syrian people. Similar statements were made earlier by U.S. Cabinet members speaking in Ankara, London and at the United Nations.

Yes, Syrian people, like the thousands who died in Aleppo under withering artillery and constant bombing, will just have to vote Assad out at the next completely fair and free elections.

Now Assad has a nice thank you for Trump.

Airstrikes hit the city of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday, giving off a "poisonous gas," according to Anas al-Diab, an activist with the Aleppo Media Center.

The casualties reportedly came as a result of asphyxiation caused by exposure to an unknown gas or chemical agent.

After a poison gas attack in 2013, President Obama went to congress with a request of military action against Syria. In response, Assad supposedly handed control of his chemical arsenal to his Russian allies. With Trump officially taking action against Assad off the table, the Syrian strongman apparently feels free to open up the gas vaults—or Putin did it for him.

The attack is seen as a test to the Trump regime. With Rex Tillerson missing in action, the State Department intentionally gutted, and a series of signals that the United States no longer puts the least value on human rights, authoritarian rulers every where are reading the signals that they are free to use whatever means they want to hold onto power.

Right now, hundreds of people in Syria are choking on an unknown chemical agent as part of Trump's test. And as a bonus question, there's now been an strike on the hospital where the gassing victims are being treated.

Trump announces U.S. won't go after Assad, Assad thanks him by gassing his own people

The timing of Trump's declaration followed by the chemical attack is well beyond coincidence.
Yes, Obama sucked. This is why we elected Trump. Clean up the fucking mess or be a one termer bitch.

1. Thank you for admitting Obama sucked.

2. Why would you suggest that the length of Trump's stay depends on his ability to fix Barry's F* UP? Barry blamed Bush for everything, blamed 'The WORLD' for his F* Ups, and lasted 8 years making things worse. You funny...

Whose fault was the Iraq War?
Trump supported Obama not taking action in Syria.
Yes, Trump supported taking NO ACTION in Syria, but Obama DID take action in Syria:

1. He stuck his nose in the middle of their civil war and issued his dumbass 'Red Line'....after cowardly backing down, proving he would not follow through with idle threats while emboldening our enemies, he tried to blame 'the world' for HIS 'Red line'

2. He dragged the U.S. into the middle of a civil war between terrorists (terrorists he supplied, funded, armed, trained, defended, and protected) and a dictator, placing combat boots on the ground IN SYRIA where they have no business being.

Trump DID support TAKING NO ACTION, but Barry F*ed that one up.
Whose fault was the Iraq War?
Turning to Iraq because you're getting your ass handed to you regarding the topic at hand. We are discussing Syria, snowflake. If you can't handle the discussion just drop out - don't try to change the subject!
What would you have Trump do at this point you have two forces wanting to control Syria Assad and ISIS anything that weakens Assad helps ISIS likewise anything that weakens ISIS helps Assad you have no good options here.

Last year we said

What would you have OBAMA do at this point you have two forces wanting to control Syria Assad and ISIS anything that weakens Assad helps ISIS likewise anything that weakens ISIS helps Assad you have no good options here
I said that last year as well don't forget though that some of the Obama decisions played a role in why there are no good options.
Yes, Obama sucked. This is why we elected Trump. Clean up the fucking mess or be a one termer bitch.

1. Thank you for admitting Obama sucked.

2. Why would you suggest that the length of Trump's stay depends on his ability to fix Barry's F* UP? Barry blamed Bush for everything, blamed 'The WORLD' for his F* Ups, and lasted 8 years making things worse. You funny...

Because Obama didn't talk shit. Trump was pretty bold with his comments. If he's full of shit he's out in 3 years. Read my lips.

1) Renewables

"I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth." — April 2016

2) Social media

"I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?" — November 2015

3) Debt

"Nobody knows more about debt. I'm like the king. I love debt." — May 2016

4) Taxes, again

"I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world. Nobody knows more about taxes." — May 2016

5) Banking

"Nobody knows banking better than I do" — February 2016

6) Wall Street bankers

MATT LAUER: You're a guy who said you know the Wall Street bankers better than anyone.

TRUMP: Better than anyone.

— April 2016 on NBC's "Today" show

7) Money

"I understand money better than anybody. I understand it far better than Hillary, and I'm way up on the economy when it comes to questions on the economy." — June 2016

8) The U.S. system of government

"I think nobody knows the system better than I do." — August 2016

"I am a person that used to be establishment when I'd give them hundreds of thousands of dollars. But when I decided to run, I became very anti-establishment, because I understand the system than anybody else." — July 2016

"Nobody knows the system better than I do." — April 2016

9) Campaign contributions

"I used to be, George, the fair-haired boy — you know, when I was a contributor. I know more about contributions than anybody." — November 2015

10) Politicians

"Nobody knows politicians better than Donald Trump." — February 2016 rally

12) Trade

"Nobody knows more about trade than me." — March 2016

13) Jobs
14) Infrastructure

"Nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump." — July 2016

15) The military

"There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am." — June 2015 Fox News interview

16) ISIS

"I know more about ISIS [the Islamic State militant group] than the generals do. Believe me." — November 2015

17) Defense — and offense

18) The 'horror of nuclear'

"There is nobody who understands the horror of nuclear more than me." -- June 2016

19) The visa system

"Because nobody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. Nobody knows it better than me." -- March 2016

Yes, Obama sucked. This is why we elected Trump. Clean up the fucking mess or be a one termer bitch.

1. Thank you for admitting Obama sucked.

2. Why would you suggest that the length of Trump's stay depends on his ability to fix Barry's F* UP? Barry blamed Bush for everything, blamed 'The WORLD' for his F* Ups, and lasted 8 years making things worse. You funny...

If the "real unemployment" number doesn't go up he won't be re elected. What is the real unemployment number now?

If blue collar wages don't go up. If jobs don't come home. If coal miners aren't any better off. If you don't build a wall or repeal obamacare you are fucked. All you will accomplish are deregulations, cutting the EPA and other government agencies and tax cuts to the rich. I don't see Trump being a 2 termer
What would you have Trump do at this point you have two forces wanting to control Syria Assad and ISIS anything that weakens Assad helps ISIS likewise anything that weakens ISIS helps Assad you have no good options here.

Last year we said

What would you have OBAMA do at this point you have two forces wanting to control Syria Assad and ISIS anything that weakens Assad helps ISIS likewise anything that weakens ISIS helps Assad you have no good options here
I said that last year as well don't forget though that some of the Obama decisions played a role in why there are no good options.
Really? What should Obama have done?
Because Obama didn't talk shit.


I ignored everything you said after this, as your credibility was shot to hell....

'The ACA will not cost a dime'

'The ACA will pay for itself'

'If you like your doctor / plan you can keep your doctor / plan'

'I will have the most transparent administration evuh'

'It was a protest over a video'

'I didn't know about Hillary's e-mail until I found about it from the news'

'Syrian Red Line'

'Nuff said!
as this country falls apart with trump at the helm.....smh....n korea and assad test trump and his ability to lead the world....

Lol, obama was starting wars everywhere in the middle East and supporting terrorists and now you have consternation over some third world dictator who shoots off missiles that fizz out twenty feet off the pad.
Whose fault was the Iraq War?
Turning to Iraq because you're getting your ass handed to you regarding the topic at hand. We are discussing Syria, snowflake. If you can't handle the discussion just drop out - don't try to change the subject!

In 2013, the Obama administration concluded that Syria had used chemical weapons in an attack that killed hundreds of people on the outskirts of Damascus. At the time, critics noted that Mr. Obama was stepping back from his own “red line” threat to punish Mr. Assad for deploying chemical weapons.

Mr. Trump also mentioned the red line threat, but to counsel restraint.

Donald J. Trump


The only reason President Obama wants to attack Syria is to save face over his very dumb RED LINE statement. Do NOT attack Syria,fix U.S.A.
as this country falls apart with trump at the helm.....smh....n korea and assad test trump and his ability to lead the world....

North Korea and their nuclear threat - another problem Democrats created and dumped into the laps of others to deal with. Thanks, Slick Willy!


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