What would a socialist America look like?

It's what big government leads to.
big government is a good thing

What's good about it? Are you too stupid to figure out how to spend your own money?

A general welfare clause is a section that appeared in many constitutions, as well as in some charters and statutes, which provides that the governing body empowered by the document may enact laws to promote the general welfare of the people, sometimes worded as the public welfare.

The preamble has no legal force.

The Preamble contains no justiciable law; that is, no part of it establishes any legal grant or restriction that can be used to argue for or against the legality of any particular thing.

That said, the Preamble is occasionally cited by courts in support of some contention or another. Perhaps one of the most amusing (from my point of view) is an 1868 case, Texas v. White, 74 U.S. 700 (1868), in which the Court used the Preamble, read in conjunction with the preamble to the Articles of Confederation, to conclude that the United States is a "perpetual union" and thus Texas's attempt to secede was legally impossible.

A bunch of Lincoln appointed hacks decided that. The decision was absurd.
World wars is what nationalism leads to. We still have plenty believing that’s a good idea.
It's what big government leads to.
big government is a good thing

What's good about it? Are you too stupid to figure out how to spend your own money?

A general welfare clause is a section that appeared in many constitutions, as well as in some charters and statutes, which provides that the governing body empowered by the document may enact laws to promote the general welfare of the people, sometimes worded as the public welfare.

The preamble has no legal force.

f by law you mean, according to the Blacks 9th definition, "the regime that orders human activities through systematic application of the force of politically organized society," the answer is a resounding no.

However, the Supreme Court has used the Preamble as a tool for interpretive effect.

Here is an interesting citation for your consideration, "The preamble cannot control the enacting part of the statute, in cases where the enacting part is expressed in clear, unambiguous terms; but in case any doubt arises on the enacting part, the preamble may be resorted to to explain it, and show the intention of the law maker." Den v. Urison, 2 N.J.L. 212 (1807).

2. Canada — 89.49.
For such a huge nation, Canada only has 35 million citizens, and they are some of the best looked after in the world. Canada's healthcare is what stands it above the rest. Education and opportunity in the country are also impressively strong.

Is being "looked after" what we really want from government?
Quite the idiotic brainwashed spin you have on Good Health Care, cheap college and training, good infrastructure, living wage and vacations. It's called good opportunity, and socialism. Just what the United States doesn't have anymore statistically. Now we have the worst upward Mobility and inequality in the developed world. Thanks to the GOP giveaway to the rich and brainwashing the dupes the last 35 years.

That doesn't really answer the question. Do you think the purpose of government is to take care of you?
Until Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable along with Fox Etc, super duper, they used to call that taking care of the unfortunate and damn straight we should take care of the unfortunate like all other developed countries. Hell, we don't even take care of the fortunate no healthcare daycare living wage vacations. What is wrong with you? Enjoy hell at this rate...
What's good about it? Are you too stupid to figure out how to spend your own money?

That's the gist of it. It's the view that people can't be trusted to trade freely amongst themselves. They must follow the wisdom of the majority and heed its mandates.
I think we can all agree that traditional socialism ain't a great thing.

Euro-socialism, on the other hand, is clearly attractive to many.

It now appears that the Right will never, ever see the distinction.

Or maybe they just reject it and want nothing to do with it. Importing your own invaders and genocidal birth rates is what the policies lead to. However, the primary problem is of course that everyone has equal voting rights, which leads to crazy choices.
World wars is what nationalism leads to. We still have plenty believing that’s a good idea.
It's what big government leads to.
big government is a good thing

What's good about it? Are you too stupid to figure out how to spend your own money?

S*** happens pal. They used to call that being unfortunate, before Republicans became brainwashed functional assholes who will do anything for the greedy idiot rich
That doesn't really answer the question. Do you think the purpose of government is to take care of you?
Until Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable along with Fox Etc, super duper, they used to call that taking care of the unfortunate and damn straight we should take care of the unfortunate like all other developed countries. Hell, we don't even take care of the fortunate no healthcare daycare living wage vacations. What is wrong with you? Enjoy hell at this rate...

Which still doesn't answer the question.

Setting government up as your provider is asking for trouble. Our nation used to understand this.
That doesn't really answer the question. Do you think the purpose of government is to take care of you?
Until Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable along with Fox Etc, super duper, they used to call that taking care of the unfortunate and damn straight we should take care of the unfortunate like all other developed countries. Hell, we don't even take care of the fortunate no healthcare daycare living wage vacations. What is wrong with you? Enjoy hell at this rate...

Which still doesn't answer the question.

Setting government up as your provider is asking for trouble. Our nation used to understand this.
Is the answers the question perfectly, you are just brainwashed. Our welfare system is good enough, all we need is Health Care daycare infrastructure living wage good infrastructure and vacations to help the middle class.
That doesn't really answer the question. Do you think the purpose of government is to take care of you?
Until Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable along with Fox Etc, super duper, they used to call that taking care of the unfortunate and damn straight we should take care of the unfortunate like all other developed countries. Hell, we don't even take care of the fortunate no healthcare daycare living wage vacations. What is wrong with you? Enjoy hell at this rate...

Which still doesn't answer the question.

Setting government up as your provider is asking for trouble. Our nation used to understand this.
Is the answers the question perfectly, you are just brainwashed. Our welfare system is good enough, all we need is Health Care daycare infrastructure living wage good infrastructure and vacations to help the middle class.
And cheap college and training, like all successful developed countries who are socialist. We're falling apart under GOP giveaway to the rich.
2. Canada — 89.49.
For such a huge nation, Canada only has 35 million citizens, and they are some of the best looked after in the world. Canada's healthcare is what stands it above the rest. Education and opportunity in the country are also impressively strong.

Is being "looked after" what we really want from government?
Quite the idiotic brainwashed spin you have on Good Health Care, cheap college and training, good infrastructure, living wage and vacations. It's called good opportunity, and socialism. Just what the United States doesn't have anymore statistically. Now we have the worst upward Mobility and inequality in the developed world. Thanks to the GOP giveaway to the rich and brainwashing the dupes the last 35 years.

That doesn't really answer the question. Do you think the purpose of government is to take care of you?
Until Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable along with Fox Etc, super duper, they used to call that taking care of the unfortunate and damn straight we should take care of the unfortunate like all other developed countries. Hell, we don't even take care of the fortunate no healthcare daycare living wage vacations. What is wrong with you? Enjoy hell at this rate...
Blaming them for what? Are you saying someone else is responsible for their lack of cash? Who would that be?
Until Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable along with Fox Etc, super duper, they used to call that taking care of the unfortunate and damn straight we should take care of the unfortunate like all other developed countries. Hell, we don't even take care of the fortunate no healthcare daycare living wage vacations. What is wrong with you? Enjoy hell at this rate...
Most people don't mind taking care of the unfortunate. It's the worthless lazy-ass idiots that milk everyone else that we don't like.

Go to that fictional place called hell on helping developing countries. We don't owe them SHIT!!! Most of their problems are the bastards in charge. Maybe our best help is regime change. Maybe the warhawks have it right.

Either way, we have helped the FUCK out of Mexico. We paid our dues by supporting that shit-hole.

Finally, vacations are a luxury. If you find a job that affords you that luxury, great. It's not necessary and certainly NOT a right. Neither is a living. Do something valuable or STFU.

You're all about what other people owe you. If you need to rely on others for your living, maybe we should be allowed to decide if your life is worth our support. A bullet costs much less.
It is about economics, not selfish points of view.

Higher paid labor pays more in taxes and creates more in demand. Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, solves simple poverty and is more cost effective than any form of means testing for welfare.

We could be lowering our tax burden by increasing the efficiency of our economy.

Why is it selfish to want to keep the money you earn, but choosing to not work while taking money from workers is somehow being magnanimous?

Where is your empathy?

Gamers need to have a roof over their heads and food to fuel their online experience.

Look it as being an artist...

We need a Government funded endowment...

We need to embrace their diversity...
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Higher paid labor, pays more in Taxes and Creates more in Demand.

And increases the cost of whatever they produce. And it is not just those making minimum wage that will cost more. Many years ago, when I was a general manager of a hotel, the minimum wage went up. Our housekeepers started at minimum and received raises after 90 days and then every 6 months if their work was good. Minimum wage went up $0.50 per hour, if I recall. I had around 35 full time housekeepers. They all got a $0.50 raise. Because I could not make the ones who had been there have the same pay as brand new employees. Looking at the numbers now, 35 housekeepers getting half a dollar raise increased payroll by a touch over $3k a month. The annual increase was around $36k.

If the housekeepers are starting at minimum wage now, and are increased to $15 an hour (and the rest get corresponding raises), the monthly payroll will increase by $47k a month. The annual increase in payroll would be $564k. I would have had to raise prices significantly to cover half a million dollars in increases to payroll. And that math does not include anyone but housekeeping. Add in front desk, back office, maintenance, and groundskeepers? YOu are probably looking at between $800k and $1million just for the increase in payroll.
even the dollar menu won't double; nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

So you are saying that a hotel, with an increase of over half a million dollars a year in payroll costs, won't raise prices by a significant margin?
It's what big government leads to.
big government is a good thing

What's good about it? Are you too stupid to figure out how to spend your own money?

A general welfare clause is a section that appeared in many constitutions, as well as in some charters and statutes, which provides that the governing body empowered by the document may enact laws to promote the general welfare of the people, sometimes worded as the public welfare.

The preamble has no legal force.

lol you are so predicable all the more reason to scrap it and write a new one

The fact that a bunch of idiots like you would have a say in writing the new one is why we should stick with the one we have, flawed as it is.
You miss the point, right winger; unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, solves for simple poverty. Capital Must seek gains from Efficiency not Cheap labor in the First World.

I play Left Wing. You miss the point. Take a Finance class. You never answered my question. Uneducated troll.
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment; it is not Only for Labor.

When looking at a manufacturing company what is the most important statistic?
Improve or die?

Not a stat. Is it sales, costs, expenses, etc.?
How about a story. I have an anecdote. Henry Ford doubled Autoworker wages and achieved gains from efficiency; he did not whine about a mere doubling of any Minimum wage.

Good capitalists can, lousy capitalists can't.
Why is it selfish to want to keep the money you earn, but choosing to not work while taking money from workers is somehow being magnanimous?

Where is your empathy?

Gamers need to have a roof over their heads and food to fuel their online experience.

Look it as being an artist...

We need a Government funded endowment...

We need to embrace their diversity...
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Higher paid labor, pays more in Taxes and Creates more in Demand.

And increases the cost of whatever they produce. And it is not just those making minimum wage that will cost more. Many years ago, when I was a general manager of a hotel, the minimum wage went up. Our housekeepers started at minimum and received raises after 90 days and then every 6 months if their work was good. Minimum wage went up $0.50 per hour, if I recall. I had around 35 full time housekeepers. They all got a $0.50 raise. Because I could not make the ones who had been there have the same pay as brand new employees. Looking at the numbers now, 35 housekeepers getting half a dollar raise increased payroll by a touch over $3k a month. The annual increase was around $36k.

If the housekeepers are starting at minimum wage now, and are increased to $15 an hour (and the rest get corresponding raises), the monthly payroll will increase by $47k a month. The annual increase in payroll would be $564k. I would have had to raise prices significantly to cover half a million dollars in increases to payroll. And that math does not include anyone but housekeeping. Add in front desk, back office, maintenance, and groundskeepers? YOu are probably looking at between $800k and $1million just for the increase in payroll.
even the dollar menu won't double; nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

So you are saying that a hotel, with an increase of over half a million dollars a year in payroll costs, won't raise prices by a significant margin?

Only an idiot who cannot do math would say that.
I play Left Wing. You miss the point. Take a Finance class. You never answered my question. Uneducated troll.
Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment; it is not Only for Labor.

When looking at a manufacturing company what is the most important statistic?
Improve or die?

Not a stat. Is it sales, costs, expenses, etc.?
How about a story. I have an anecdote. Henry Ford doubled Autoworker wages and achieved gains from efficiency; he did not whine about a mere doubling of any Minimum wage.

Good capitalists can, lousy capitalists can't.

So you have to go back 70 years? The workers were already severely underpaid. His product was new and fresh. He had to do that to keep the best workers as his competitors were going to start doing the same thing. You never answered my question. You don't understand basic business and finance. You are a typical Leftist bullshit artist.
2. Canada — 89.49.
For such a huge nation, Canada only has 35 million citizens, and they are some of the best looked after in the world. Canada's healthcare is what stands it ab
These countries have the highest quality of life
2. Canada — 89.49.
For such a huge nation, Canada only has 35 million citizens, and they are some of the best looked after in the world. Canada's healthcare is what stands it above the rest. Education and opportunity in the country are also impressively strong.

Is being "looked after" what we really want from government?
Providing for the General welfare is not the major, specific, or common welfare.
2. Canada — 89.49.
For such a huge nation, Canada only has 35 million citizens, and they are some of the best looked after in the world. Canada's healthcare is what stands it ab
These countries have the highest quality of life
2. Canada — 89.49.
For such a huge nation, Canada only has 35 million citizens, and they are some of the best looked after in the world. Canada's healthcare is what stands it above the rest. Education and opportunity in the country are also impressively strong.

Is being "looked after" what we really want from government?
Providing for the General welfare is not the major, specific, or common welfare.
Official poVERty. AT wiLL>
2. Canada — 89.49.
For such a huge nation, Canada only has 35 million citizens, and they are some of the best looked after in the world. Canada's healthcare is what stands it ab
These countries have the highest quality of life
2. Canada — 89.49.
For such a huge nation, Canada only has 35 million citizens, and they are some of the best looked after in the world. Canada's healthcare is what stands it above the rest. Education and opportunity in the country are also impressively strong.

Is being "looked after" what we really want from government?
Providing for the General welfare is not the major, specific, or common welfare.
Official poVERty. AT wiLL>
yes, words have meaning.
2. Canada — 89.49.
For such a huge nation, Canada only has 35 million citizens, and they are some of the best looked after in the world. Canada's healthcare is what stands it ab
These countries have the highest quality of life
2. Canada — 89.49.
For such a huge nation, Canada only has 35 million citizens, and they are some of the best looked after in the world. Canada's healthcare is what stands it above the rest. Education and opportunity in the country are also impressively strong.

Is being "looked after" what we really want from government?
Providing for the General welfare is not the major, specific, or common welfare.
Official poVERty. AT wiLL>
yes, words have meaning.

I haven't noticed that so much in your posts. Your fixation on odd, home-spun terminology just makes your attempts at communication pointless.
2. Canada — 89.49.
For such a huge nation, Canada only has 35 million citizens, and they are some of the best looked after in the world. Canada's healthcare is what stands it above the rest. Education and opportunity in the country are also impressively strong.

Is being "looked after" what we really want from government?
Providing for the General welfare is not the major, specific, or common welfare.
Official poVERty. AT wiLL>
yes, words have meaning.

I haven't noticed that so much in your posts. Your fixation on odd, home-spun terminology just makes your attempts at communication pointless.
spammer. you need a valid argument, not just right wing gossip and propaganda.

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